HERE AND THERE. President Alderman spoke in Dur ham last Thursday, night. Professor M. C. S. Noble Kit Saturday for Raleigh where lie ap peared before the Committee, on Education in the interest of the new school law. Dr. R. H, Whitehead spent a few days in Raleigh last week ini the interest of the Medical School. Miss Margaret McCaull is visit ing friends on the Hill. Mr. W. D. Carmichael, '97, spent Saturday and Sunday on the Hill. Mr. J. A. Caldwell, '99, left Mon day for Plymouth where he will en gage in work with the Slate Botan ist, Mr. W. W. Ashe. The student body as well as the community is glad to know that Professor Charles Baskerville hasi recovered enough from his severe case of sickness to be out arain. No doubt he will soon be well enough to take charge of his classes in the chemical department lu re. J. J f HEADQUAR E F 5 MERCHANT TAILOR, - - RALEIGH, N. C Agent for Oehra & Company, Baltimore. FOR Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Un- dewear, etc. AT POPULAR PRICES. M. D. KING, D.D.S., Dental Surgeon. Office Over Yearby's Drug Store. Clothing Shoes: See our Fall and Winter Styles of Suits OVER COATS and TROUSERS Royal Tailors'; Mark's Arnheim's and other Agencies Sole agents for the REGAL the best Shoe on the market All Styles $3.75 Call attd sec SAMPLES E. H. EUBANKS & BKO. Who have opened up a New Furniture Store UNIVERSITY Livery & Feed S table W. J. HUNTER, AlAsaaer. Chapel Hill, N. C. Good Teams,Nice Vehicles, Careful Drivers. PRICES REASONABLE. A. A. Kluttz, JS.HEADQUA15TERS F(); nil ine-Books used in me uitaiiy oi; PLAY TENNIS? If o write for our aide Special attention of the Seniors is called to sections 45 50 of Reg-- I Cases, Carpets, etc. illations Regarding" Students. It is of great importance. In Chapel Hill, have. BEDROOM SUITS, all oak, from $9.00, up. Centre Tables, Writing Desks, Book Student's Supply Store. Next to Yearby's Drug Store. Mr. Paul R. McFadven, who Was L Prints Confections, pilars Cigarettes, here in 94- will study Medicine. kin:' and Chcwitiir Tobacco. Cakes. '95, has returned and I Crackers, Potted Ham, Tongue, Beef, Olives, Pickles, Nuts, Cheese, Sardines, etc. When you yet hungry, call in. Freshmen M 13 m o , J i r 1 i j. I enjoy the same welcome as Seniors or the r. hs. 1 . Cow per who tailed to J - T, . t, 1 I Far.ultv. S. M. RARREE. return in the fall has registered for the spring term. Hon. J. W. Nichols, '97, repre sentative from Pitt County, spent Sunday on the Hill, as guest of Mr. I'arwick. Mr. Nichols is a member of the important committee on Education and the committee on Towus, Cities and Counties. 1HTRQUBLE? ycur wl eel iapea noese Dding?re Do cti iH-edn i t v 1 .'!. i c c't . I ; n p, Cyclometter, or anything in the way of Oil Graphite, Cham, Locks, Cement, or anytime in this line? If so let your troubles be known to us and we will remedy them. Punctures 25c. Work Guaranteed. N. C. Long &Bko. Also Stationery and Students' Supplies I have a full line of Blair's Tablets and Note Books, Wirt's Fountain Pens and Perfection Student's Lamps, Pratt's Astral Oil. A COMPLETE LINE OF Men's Furnishing Goods, Fancy Goods and Toilet Articles. Confectioneries, Fruits, Cigars and Tobacco, Potted Meats and Pickles Fine Hats and Hand-made Shoes- TA Specialty. Having- served "The Govs" anri v, tjki; for a number of years, I am prepared to offer a line of goods unsurpassed in onalitv an,i nVf 4 , tlie tlmes- Mv Motto "The Best Goods Jor the Lowest Cash Prices. Kespectfully, A. A. KLUTTZ Comnlele fiatal Embracing all kinds of Vtliletio Goodn, And o-et reduced prices. College Monogram-Caps a specialty. SPALDING BRANCH HOUSE. N. C. Long & Bko., Southern Admits. ;r,i.AHS!;s properly htied. W. B. SORRELL. DEALER IN Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Optical Goods and Noveltie. James Parker: President Alperman left for Ral- Of 20 years experience has opened a eig-honMonday morning. Photo-Studio in Chapel Hill, on If vou want to secure bareains Henderson St., three doors below in "Clothincr" "Furnishino--Goods" Dr. Kluttz's Book store. Good "Hats" and "Shoes" call on Kluttz work at a low price. Developing- at the Book Store. o '4.;,,,' ,1.., tnr. a rM.,4.-OC! The University Librarian is pre- Instruction in Photography. 8 - - I I pared to order any and all kinds ot Give me a call. I books. Those desiring- to pay the lowest prices for their text books, CO'OP yiu oooks, etc., win uo weu r.o see him. Articles ordered will be re- What Is It? ceived in four days. It is the place where you can buy prompt attention- CALL ON THE University Press For the Printing- of Postrs, Dodgrs Lettr Heads, Bill Heads Receipts, Envelopes etc, SCRATCHPAD S 6 for 25 Cents. PICKARD'S Livery, Feed and Sale Stables THE FINEST, GENTLEST, AND FLEETEST HOUSES. o The newest, neatest and handsomest sehicles. Everything im t rintp H.H.Patterson, DEALER IN Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats, ' ckery, Leather, Hardware. FKESH OKOICKIlCvS of all kinds. Monarch Flour fresh from the Mills, SHIP. STUFF AND BRAN. AGENTS FOB NEW LEE, AND OTHER COOK STOVES Heating- Stoves, Grates and all kinds of Stove Fixtures keept in stock, Agent for the celebrated Old Hickory Wagons. Polite and Experienced Hostlers. Orders of old and new students recieve hooks and all kinds of stqlionprv A -.1. "IX7VUU 1 A. r,.i. I ' . J zi.s,k wcuu duum Liictt vxeoiogy the cheapest. trip he took Saturday evening-. We keep exactly what you want, and always please our customers. Dr. Alderman returned from Ral- Books sold at publishers prices. eig-h Tuesday. He went down to Some books below. Look over our ! attend the joint session of the Edu- stock aml make vour choice. You . cational Committee of the General can et it at low prices. Assembly. Books, Stationery, Shoes, Hats, Clothes, Shirts, etc. Mr. George G, Stephens ' was In Old West Building- next Chapel. M. D. KING'S NEW GR0CERY-aaaESS A fresh, clean stock of heavy and fancy groceries. The patronage of old and new students solicited. W. M. YEARBY, Druggist and Seedsman, DURHAM, N. C. & CHAPEL HILL. N. C Prescriptions, a. Specialty GEORGE C. PICK" AftT & ni?n Proprietors j SELLING AGENT FOR Huyler's Candies. on the hill Monday. The following men hare been ap pointed as picture commit lee for the Senior Class: Messrs. II. McG. Wagstaff, E. P. Hartly, T. C. Bowie and Iv. H. Davis. J. S. Carr, Jr., Pres. Hours: 8.15 to 8.45 a.m., 2 to 4 and 6 30 to 7.30 p.m. The University of North Carolina, Offers thorough instruction in four regular eourses of study, .six brief courses, optional courses to suit individual needs, and profes sional courses in law medicine and pharmacy. Tuition $60 a year; total expense $200, 407 students, 30 teachers, 40,000 volumes, PT- ' ... 1 1 A i 1 NOW ie tlio ti'mp .rrWa ' "cienxiuo "Clones ana museums, , . , , , I gymnasium, athletic grounds, bath rooms tor Christmas bmts, Overcoats and ! (free to au) REGAL Shoes. Call and see samples, j Discipline manly, without espionage. WlLSON & Buoadhur.ST, j Scholarships and loans to the needy. 25 Old West I IuitJon free to son8 a11 ministers, can didates for the ministry, public school teach- : . I I r