The Tar Heel. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. BOARD OP EDITORS Brent S. Drane, ,- - - - - Editor-in-Chief. R. R. Williams, -"- - - - - - - Man. Editor. B. Skinner, - - - - - Business Manager, j E. D. Sallenger, Ass't Business Manager But b all means, enian be a ntinued. stands for a great deal. The soon er an organization is effected, the better. It would be well for the Editors to be elected at once, and for them to organize, and togetthe work under way as soon as pos sible. 1 : " ' let the Hell- a larJe delegation from the faculty PARKER FOUNTAIN As it is, it ana tne aiirereni. classes raei ai -tuc, "PFNs ASSOCIATE EDITORS. Ivey Lewis, ; J. C. B. Ehringhaus, J. K. Hall. Benj. Bell Jr. Published every Wednesday by the General Athletic Association. Subscription Price. $1.50 per Year. Payable in advance or during- first term. ' ' Single Copies, S Cents. : All communications for this paper should be in the hands of the Editor-in-Chief by Monday at noon to insure publication the same week. We shall be glad to publish pertinent discussions of college topics. The Tar Heel will -welcome news items, and hopes the whole college will aid it along this line. Now that the Spring- sess'on has begunthe matter of the Annual the Hellenian, comes up for consid eration. A few words may not be amiss. The Hellenian came into exist ence about years ago the Frat ernities starting- the organization for its publication. The design was to publish an Annual thorough ly representative of our whole Univ ersity life.and td attain this end, the cooperation' of the whole studen j r . . . Doay was sougnt. j. or vansous reasons, these attempts wereunsuc cessful, still they attempted for many years to represent the Univ ersity in ail respects to make i true Colleg-e Annual. The '99 Hellenian was the last of the above type. Owing to the time and labor the Editors g-ave it, , it compared very favorably with the annuals of our sister colleg-es here-abont, not withstanding that it had not the support of the whole University. .bast year the Editors of the '00 Hellenian decided that all that could be reasonably attempted by them was the-publication by them of a really good Fraternity Handbook, and not of a College Annual which would be doubtfully creditable to the University, and for whose im perfections the University at large would assume no responsibility Their decision, it seems to us, was a fair and reasonable one. That they met with entire success, we think all will agree. It took the place of the former Hellenian in es sential rospects, at the same time doing g -eater Justice to the Ed itors. This seems to be the best that can be done under the circum stances, and it seems to us, it is a very good best at that. The cir cumstances are what are to be re gretted. It is to be hoped that the University will, in time awake to a realization of the desirability of a true College Annual, and will de vise some means by which an entire cooperation may be brought about to this end. There has been in the past no such spirit and all attempts heretofore by the exeistent man agement of the Hellenian to bring about such a spirit have failed. Tar Heel Editor Elected. Friday afternoon a meeting of the Tar Heel board was called for the purpose of electing an editor to fill the vacancy made by Mr. Kluttz's resignation and Mr.Drane's promotion. Mr. J. C. B. Ehring haus, '01 was unanimously elected and assigned to the Exchange Department. Tom Tackle. Tom Tackle was a footba 11 man, Who never thought of fear, A quarter back came rushing by And tore from him an ear. A full back stopped him in a spurt, Before he could dodge by, And ere they separated there Poor Tom had lost an eye. And after one more sprint he was Of his left arm bereft, But cheerfully he murmured: "Now, My good right arm is left." A centre rush approached him with: "Your pardon, sir, I beg," And in the tussle for the ball He pulled off Tom's right leg. 'Twas then his sweetheart said to him: "With sorrow do I scan The remnants of your handsome self You are but half a man. "And though I pity you indeed," The charming creature said, "I fear that we must say farewell, For we can never wed." Now, Tackle was a wise young man, "Though I have lost an ear,', He said: "Twill have a double charm When your sweet voice I hear, "And though my left eye's gone to rest, Yet it is veiy nice, For where I looked at you but once, I'll now look at you twice. "And though one arm is in its grave, The other's strong as two. Then, since one leg is gone I can Ne'er run away from you." So, they were wed, and Tackle thanked What he called lucky fates, For when he paid the marriage fee Its cost him but half rates. His wife declared: "I'll take no chance, There's none of you to spare." To keep him from more, She cut off his hair. Tom Tackle is a happy man, Yet sometimes says: "'Twould be Much better had my hair been lost Before the rest of me. V Baltimore American. Death of Mr. Shaw. The saddest event which has oc curred here this session was the un expected death of Mr. R. Newton Shaw, who died Tuesday morning at about half past eight o'clock :n the Infirmary. His illness was a very brier one, only tour days. The University at larg-e was totally unaware of the serious nature of his illness until Monday evening, when it was known that he had pneumonia. His parents, at E Ik on Bladen Co., were repeatedly elegraghed for, but owing- to im perfect lines of communication, no reply had been received up to the ltne of his death. Out of respect to his memory, no classes, were held between the hours' of eleven thirty-five and twelve thirty. At twelve o'oclock i Infirmary and attended a brief but very impressive and appropriate service of prayer held by Dr. Hume. The body was then taken through the country to Durham, Mr. Moore, from the Freshman class, and Mr. McDiarmidd, from the Philantrop ic Society, of which the deceased was a member, accompanying it as escort. Mr. Shaw was twenty one years of age, and was a first year optional student. The Secretary of the Treasury at the instance of Senator Pritch ard, has appointed President F. P Venable, of the University of North Carolina, a member or the assay f-x commission, which meets at irhua- delphia Feb. 13 next. GUARANTEED. Pleasant thoughts and good friends beong- to those who use Parker Pens. No joint to leak. No Screw to break. No od-fashioned nozzle. Perfection in all respects. SKINNER, Agent. WAR! WAR! Read what H. R. Guthrie has to say to the University students. Five hundred men wanted as soldiers for China and five hundred men wanted to shave at H. R. Guth rie's Shaving Parlor, opposite Chapel Hill Hotel. The Central Barber bhop. bore necks caused by rough shaving and scalp diseases are cured at Guthrie's Shaving Parlor. $10.00 reward deposited in any bank for any case of dandruff that can't be cured at Guthrie's Barber Shop. Satisfac tion always guaranteed. I am just from Charlotte and have the latest in everything, Special prices by the month. Yours to please. For disposal of second-hand clothes, see me, H. R. GUTHRIE. GO TO HUNTER'S LIVERY STABLE For service of Students and Gen eral Public. Carriages to meet all trains. Saddle and driving horses. Stable on Columbus Street. GEORGE TRICE, Opposite Pickard's Hotel. The oldest Shoemaker in Chapel Hill, begs to solicit your patronage. Satis faction guaranteed. Give me a trial. MEDICAL COLLEGE OF VA. (established 1838.) Medical graded course, four years, $65 per session. Dental graded course, three years, $65 per session. Pharma ceutical course, two years, $60 per ses sion. Graduation fees in medicine and dentistry, $30: in pharmacy, $15. No extras, Address, Christopher Tompkins, M. D. Deans, Richmond, Va. International Bureau of Academic Costumes. COTRELL & LEONARD, 472-4-6-8 Broadway, Albany, N.Y. Makers of the CAPS, GOWNS and HOODS to the American Colleges and Universities. Illustrated bulletin, samples, etc. upon application. Class contracts for senior rental a specialty. LAMBE & LIN. DURHAM, N. C. Dealers in . GENTS FURNISHINGS, HATS, TIES AND WAT.Tf-flVl?P QOfiPQ . -I..X4X..J VJJ..I. WJ. Sam pes kept at N. C. Long & Bro's Stand. LONG & GRAHAM, Agents H.H. Patterson, DEALER IN Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats Crockery, Leather, Hardware, FRESH GROCERIES of all kinds. The best kerosene. Monarch Flour fresh from tbc Mills SHIP STUFF AND BRAN. NEW LEE, AND OTHER COOK STOVES Heating Stoves, Grates and all kinds oi Stove Fixtures kept in stock. Agent for the celebrated Old Hickory Wagons. HO Look around before yon buy, In order to get the best goods for the lowest prices. ALL STYLES, Varying from Slippers to Patent Leathers. See samples at No. 9 Old West. Give us a share of your patronage. BURCH GORMAN CO., DURHAM, N. C. B. S. Skinner, Agent. CHARLOTTE STEAM LAUNDRY. BEST LAUNDRY IN THE STATE All Work Guaranteed. Brown & Matheson, Agents, Best House. THE TAR HEEL, PUBLISHED REGULARLY EVERY WEDNESDAY. Every student should subscribe. We especially ask the support of the Alumni, as the Tar Heel will be filled only with college newf, what hhs happened weekly in the University, and should be of especial in terest to the Alumni. Show your love for your Alma Mater and send in your subscription. $1.50 PER YEAR. Address, B. S. Skinner, Business Manager, B. S. Drane. Ed.-in-Chiaf