UNIVERSITY DIRECTORY. GENERAL ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION. J. K. Hall, President. T. R. Brem, Vice-President. T. C. Worth, Sec'y. and Treas. UNIVERSITY FOOT-BALL TEAM. W. W. Council, Temporary Captain. J. M. Whitehead, Manager. Robin Brem, Assistant Manager. UNIVERSITY BASE-BALL TEAM. E. P. Holt, Captair G. W. Graham, Manager. TRACK TEAM. J. B. Ramsey, Captain. J. B. Tharp, Manager. UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE. I. F. Lewis, Editor-in-Chief. Dorman Toinpson, Business Manager. ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC CIETY. SO- The Yackety-Yack. The Editors of the Yackety-Yack met at 7:30 last Monday evening1 for organization. A copy of last years agreement tor its publication was brought out and discussed. It was finally amended to read as, follows I. There shall be a University Annual, its' name to be "Yackety Yack." : II. The board of editors shal consist of one representative from each Fraternity and four from each Society. The editors from each So ciety shall have two votes each Provided however, that in case o change in the number of fraternities represented, this ratio of two to one be preserved in voting power of the Society representation. The meth od of changing this voting power o the Society representation to be de cided by the Society representatives. III. The managing board shal consist ot two business managers and an editor-in-chief. IV. One member of the above board shall be elected bv the tra ternity representatives Irom among their number, and one by each So ciety. V. The non-fraternity element shall be given a cut to be paid for bv them, and reasonable space for a write up free of cost. VI. All expenditures and dis philological CLUB. bursements shall be borne one-third i Thomas Hume. D.D.. L.L.D. President each by the fraternities as a body, H. F. Linscott, Ph. D Vice-President, and the two Societies. All expend- Meets on last Tuesday night of each month a a-.u..,- -4- be ratined by the board or editors: j (Signed:) B. S. Drane, Editor-in-Chief, S. J. Everett, H. B. Short, Jr., H. P. Stevens Philanthropic Society. Dialectic Society: J. A. McRae, Delta Kappa Epsuon, Zeta Psi, Siema D. nr , u 1 tth i Nu, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Alpha Tau "Uhinesh xvxctuci , udci j-iuiictuu, Omega, Sigma Chi, Phi Delta Theta S. S. Robbins. G. L. Jones. All Fraternities: J. R. Rountree, R. H. Whitehead, A. B., M. D., President. UJ. V. Howell, A. B., Ph. G., Vice Pres. F. P. Venable, Ph. D., Permanent Sec. Chas. Baskerville, Ph. D., Rec. Sec. Meets in Person Hall the second Tuesday night of each month. Journals issued twice a year. HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Kemp P. Battle, LL. D., President. M. C. S. Noble, Vice-President. E. D. Sallenger, Secretary . SHAKESPEARE CLUB. Thomas Hume, D. D. LL.D., President. E. K. Graham, Ph.B., Vice President. Dorman Thompson, Secretary. J. C. B. Ehringhaus, Treasurer. A.,. $. Dorman Thompson, President. J. K. Hall, Secretary. FRATERNITIES (Secret). Kappa Sigma, Kappa Alpha, Pi Kappa Al pha, Beta Theta Pi. Sigma Nu, Business Manager; W, H. Lee, Phi Delta Theta; Wm. Dunn, Jr., Delta Kappa Epsilon; J. R. Giles, Alpha, Tau Omega; J. H. Winston, Zeta Psi; J. H. McAden, Jr., Sigma Alpha Epsilon; G. G. ptSHewMtBnlf!lt ta Galloway, Beta Theta Pi; Chas. C. Dialectic (Literary, Secret). Established Urr, f 1 Kappa Alpha. .1- A- - -- 11. - T - I Committees were then appointed SOCIETIES. Theta Nu Epsilon (Secret). Pi Sigma (Secret). Order of Gimerhouls (Junior, Secret). Ban uet Thursday night of Commencement. The Gorgon's Head. Philanthropic (Literary, Secret). Estab Secret) 1795. Meets every Saturday night in the Di Hall, .New West Building UNIVERSITY GERMAN CLUB A. M. Carr,President. Vice-President. , Jr., Secretary. J. L. Morehead, Treasurer. Meets at call of President, ed for each german. Y. M. C. A, 3. E. Latta, President. C. E. MaJdry, Vice-President. G. W. Stevens, Rec. Sec. T. J. Hill, Cor. Sec. J. M. Justice, Treasurer. MOOT COURT. , Judge. C. W. Sapp, Solicitor. L. Goodman, Clerk. H. S. Harris, Sheriff. The Moot Court will convene everv Satur day night. Church Directory. Pkksbytekian Chuhch. Rev. D. J. Cur rie. Services every Sunday morning and night except the first Sunday in each month. Prayer meeting every Wednesday night. Episcopal Church. Rev. M. H. Meade, D. D., Reetor. Services every Sunday morn ing1 and night. Methodist Church. Rev. J. W. Watson, Services every Sunday morning and night. Baptist Church. Rev. J. Wm. Jones. D. D. Services every Sunday morning and night. ' Prayer meeting every Wednesday nisrht. by the editof-in-chief as follows: On Design, Size and Price: Mc Rae, Rountree, Robins, Holland, Giles. On Subscriptions: McAden, Ev- Leader select- erettt peace On Art and Literature: Short, Winston, Gile?, Holland, Robins. On the Faculty: Lee. On Acedemic Classes: Jones, Dunn, Stevens. On Professional .Classes: Orr, Jones. On Athletics: Galloway, Jones, Winston, McAden, Everett, Orr. On College Periodicals: Everett, Lee. , On the Y. M. C. A. : Peace, Dunn. On College Societies: Robins, Lee. On Social Organizations: Hol land, Galloway. FURNITURE- Hall Suits in Oak and Mahogany; Bed Room Suits Oak, Birds Eye, and Mahog-any. Dining tiitfe in Very L,ateet Styles. Library Suits, Mahogany Full Leather Uphol- . stered. Parlor Suits, from the cheapest to the hand somest. Gold Leaf, Carpets, Rugs, Mattings, Pic tures, Trunks, Stoves. Photos, specifications, estimates, furnished on application. In writing mention the Tar Heel, and get goods delivered. THE ROYAL AND BORDEN COMPANY, Dttrham, N. C. CHISHOLM, STROUD, CRAWFORD& REES, GREENSBORO, N. C. Up-to-date Clothiers and Gents' Furnishers, Will exhibit their fall stock befoie the University students this season and asks an examination of same. Satisfaction guaranteed, both in fit and quality. A. D. Ivie, Agt The Johnston Furnishing Co. 105 EAST MAIN STREET, DURHAM, N. C. Our store is new and full of the latest productions in men's and boy's Fall styles of Neckwear, Collars, Shirts, Hats, Caps and Underwear, in fact, everything- that men and boys wear, at prices that cannot be beat. Come in to see us. We will gladly welcome you. Tailor-made suits to order. Orders Promptly filled. B. F. JOHNSTON, Manager. Gent's Furnishings, W. A. SLATER CO. The leading- Clothiers and Furnishers of Durham. Sell the finest line of Suits, Ties, Hats, Shoes and Shirts In the State for the WLotn&y Samples kept at Chapel Hill the year rouud. Call on DRANE and MOSS, Agents. CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELKY. Photographic goods of all kinds. Devel oping and printing done for Amateurs. OPTICAL GOODS, ETC. Eyes examined and fitted with glasses. Repairing done in all its complications. All work warranted. W. B. SORRELL, Chapel Hill, N. C. S. L. HERNDON Superintendent of Carpentry work in the University of North Carolina. Framing Pictures a Specialty. Get your lap boards from him. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA THE HEAD Of the State's Educational System. Academic Department, Law, Medicine, Pharmacy. Eighty-five scholarships. Free tui tion to teachers and ministers' sons. Loans for the needy. 527 STUDENTS 43 INSTRUCTORS New Dormitories, Water Works, Cen tral Heating1 System. $120,000 spent in improvements in 1900 and 1901. Fall term begins September 9, 1901. Address, F. P. VENABLE, President, , Chapel Hill, N. C. CHARLES PEARSON .... ARCHITECT Mobile, Ala. Raleigh, N. C. Churches, Public Buildings, and fine resi dences a specialty! Correspondence solicited. Land's Resignation. The Board of Editors of the Tar Heel met Monday afternoon to act on the resignation or Mr. ivi. Land, who has completed his law course and left college. Mr. R. W. Herring-, '03, was elected to fill his place on the Board. POPULAR PRICES; RELIABLE GOODS. Dealers in Men and Boy's Clothing, Shoes; TRUNKS, HATS AND FURNISHING GOODS. 10 E. Market Street.. Our Prices are rights call and see un. I Spauldino's Football Goods Baseball goods, Tenuis Supplies Jer seys, Gym. Shoes. Sweaters, and every thing in the athletic line. TAILORS Agents for best Tailors in the country. Let us take your measure for a suit. Marks, Arnhein and others represented. Headquarters for fine Shoes, Cigars, To bacco and Pipes. First Class Goods at a Moderate Price Is our Motto. N. C. LONG 6c BR0. R. S. McRae, STUDENTS' SUPPLIES. StationeryAll Kinds, Fan cy Groceries. Candies, Cigars. urniture. SPECIAL TO STUDENTS. Why be bothered by negro washerwomen when the Chapel Hill Steam Laundry Will do your washing for $1.00 to $1.25 per month. All work sterilized and satisfaction guaranteed. Give ua a trial and be convinced. Gloss or Domestic Finish. COLE & HOLLADAY UNIVERSITY PHOTOCRAPHERS FOR THREE YEARS. When you want groups made, phone or write and your wants will be looked after. Send your Kodak work to us you press the button, we do the rest. DURHAM, N C. All kinds of Books,Typewriters First and second-hand for sale or exchange. Iaw books a specialty. Southern Book Exchange, Raleigh, N. C.