Locals. Royal, '05, has returned to the Hill after a brief illness. Mr. H. R. McPadyen has been elected by the Senior class to pre sent the class gift at commencement. McCauley, '06, won the declar er's prize in the Di. society on Fri day night. Graham Andrews has been elect ed toast master of the society ban quet at commencement. Dr. Howard Rondthaler, of Salem, University preacher, preached in the Chapel on Sunday night. His subject was the constraining influ ence of Christ's love. Dr. Rond thaler is an earnest talker and knowns how to reach his hearers On last Saturday the Med team won their first game of the season This time they met the Sophomores and won from them by a score of 10 to 6. Several men on both teams were away, and their places had to be filled by men who had not played on the teams before. On account of this the game was slow and uninter esting. Berkeley, for the Meds, played the star game of the day. Six hits were made by each side. The errors were, Meds 5, Sophs 6. Dr. Bruner will speak at theWest End Chapel Sunday morning. Next week he will deliver a literary address before the teachers and pupils of the Burlington graded schools. At the thirteenth regular meeting of the Chicago Section of the Amer ican Mathematical Society, held in Armour Institute, Chicago, April 11, Dr. Archibald Henderson read two papers both of which are soon to be published in the mathematical journ als of the North. These are en titled "On the construction of a double-six" and "On the graphic representation of the straight lines upon the the twenty-one different types of the cubic surface." Dr. Henderson has published a number of articles in the mathematical journ als since he has been at the Univer sity of Chicago. It is indeed a pleasure to his Alma Mater and to us all to know that his ability has received due recognition in theNorth. May continued success be his. Invitations are out announcing the marriage of Mr. Paul Jones, Law '88, to Miss Rose Adams, of Tarboro, on April 29th. Messrs. Kugimiya and Hinohara, of Japan, students at Trinity Col lege, led the Y. M. C. A. Tuesday night. They had a very large crowd out to hear them who greatly eujoy ed their interestiug trlks. The Freshman baseball team de feated the Mebane team last Satur day by the score of 7 to 4. Dr. Venable has been in Richmond this week attnding the meeting of the Southern Educational Board. The Senior baseball team defeat ed the Sophomores last week by the score of 8 to 0. The Seniors played an errorless game. Inscription on the wall of Andrew Carnegie's library: "He that cannot think is a fool; "He that will not is a bigot; "He that dare not is a slave." Ex. (Continued from 1st Page.) Miss Flora with Mr. Sheep, Miss McPheeters with Mr. Fisher. Miss Poole with Mr. Turner. Chaperones. Mrs. Gore, Dr. and Mrs. Mangum. Mrs Pratt. Stags: Cox. A. L., Galloway, Ramsey, Long, Cox, F. A.. McNi der, Smathers, Pritchard, Fuller, Greene, Holt, Murphy, Moses, Tomlinson, Smith, Dr. Howell. G. W. Graham, S. A.lrinn, Latta. B. Bell. ' Query About Authors 1 Winf dors Antlv-nv Ho;..? To Marietta HolK-v. 2. What happ ns uhrii J( hn Kendrick Bangs? Samuel Smiles. 3. When is Marian Evans Cross? When William Dean How ells. 4. When did Thomas Buchanan Read? Just after Winthrop Mack worth Praed. 5. Why was Rider Haggard? Because he let Rose Terry Cooke. 6. WThy is Sarah Grand? To make Andrew Marvel. 7. How long will Samuel Lover? Until Justin Winsor. 8. What gives John Howard Payne? When John Burns Augustus Hare? 9. When did Mary Ma pes Dodge? When George W. Cutter. 10. Where did Henry Cabot Lodge? In Mungo Park, on Thomas Hill. 11. Why did Lewis Carroll? To put a stop to Francis Quarles. 12. Why is George Canning? To teach Julia Ward Howe. 13. What ailed Harriet Beecher Stowe? Bunyan. 14 What does Charles Reade? The Cosmos. Ex. KLUTT5 is receiving his Spring Stock, up-to-date Shoes, Hats, Shirts, &c. Save money of trading with the old reliable. All kinds of candies, cake, fruits, cigars cigar etts and tobaccos. THE UNIVERSITY PHARMACY. Just opened with a Fresh Stock of Pure Drugs. PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY. Compounded by Registered Phar macists ONLY. Choice Line of Smokers' Goods. NEW FOUNTAIN. REFRESHING DRINKS. We especially solicit the students' trade. Perfect Fit, First-Olass Workmanship. Always Guaranteed. Graduate of the Jno. T. Mitchell Garment Cutting School, N. Y. Raleigh, N. O. The MERCHANT TAILOR We flit the hard-to-fit. Suits: 125.00 to $00.00. LEMMERTs THE COLLEGE TAYLOR BALTIMORE. Ou.jt Specialty its PRESCRIPTION WORK. Eubanks Drug Comp'y Nl. SNIDER, JEWELER, Durhami N. O. Time inspector Seaboard Air Line and Nor folk & Western Railways. R. S. McRae, STUDENTS' SUPPLIES We are making a specialty of Dressing Col lege MEN, and garments produced by us have a style and expression that are only found in high class tailoring. Our garments are all cut after individual measures and guaranteed to fit. We are makers of moderate priced garments. 14 E. Fayette St. LEMMERT. We Will Be pleased to submit SAMPLES and ESTI MATES, on any class of SCHOOL PRINTING. Annuals and Catalogues ARE OUR STRONG POINT. THE STONE PRINTING k M'F'G CO. ROANOKE, VA. ML Intercollegiate Bureau rnrnni o rrAvinn win DLL X LLUMH1J, Arm Art A Ana irro MmmW Broadway, Albany, N.Y. riHiml Makers of Caps & Gowns to the American Colleges and Universities Class contracts a specialty. Illustrated bulle tin, samples, etc., upon application. Stationary All Kinds, Fancy Groceries. Fruits, Candies, Cigars. f-T CJT isi I T U R E. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA THE HEAD Of the State's EJucational System. Academic Department, Law, Medicine, Pharmacy. Eighty-five scholarships. Free tui tion to teachers and ministers' sons. Loans for the needy. 535 STUDENTS 58 INSTRUCTORS New Dormitories, Water Works, Cen tral Heating System. Fall term began September 8, 1902. Address, P. P. VENABLE, President, Chapel Hill, N. C. WHITE and BLUE Pressing Clut One Dollar per month in advance. Altering and repairing- done at small cost. Ward & Pindle. Brock well's Building-, 2d Floor. Thompson Dental Parlors! DURHM, N. C. SH0ES Allen and Latta will represent Perry and Rosenthal, of Raleigh, N. C, dur ing the entire winter and spring. Orders filled promptly and to the en tire satisfaction of customers. Nettleton's Shoes a Specialty. Board at Oommons Hall. $8-00 per month. Laundry DO NOT SUFFER When you can have teeth extracted one or twenty: without pain, by using our anasthetic. It is safe and easy. We are glad to give con sultation free. Our best sets of teeth are $8, and our work in bridging is regarded as marvelous. CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELRY. Photoerraohic coods of all UtnAa tpvp1- oping and printing done for Amateurs. UFIltAL UUUDS, ETC. Eyes examined and fitted with glasses. Repairing done in all its complications. All work warranted. W. B. SORRELL, Chapel Hill, N. C. The Charlotte Steam Laundry, Biggest Best and Busiest, will do your work best finish with least wear and tear of linen. Represented in Chapel Hill by Farthing-. LIVERY STABLE. Look out for new liverymen, located on ROSEMARY STREET, near 'Phone Offi.-e. We have the nicest turnouts in town. V.'e meet all trains, and will carry you to or fro u Chapel Hill Hotel, Patterson's Hotel or a; y where else In town. Fine driving horses. Give us a Trial. POWLKR 8c CO.

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