DIRECTORY. GENERAL ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION. J. V. Howard, President. J. R. Moore, Vice-President. Holt Haywood, Secretary and Treas. UNIVERSITY FOOT-HALL TEAM. Foye Roberson, Captain. A. II. Bahnson, Manager. UNIVERSITY BASE-BALL TEAM. Freddie Stem, Captain. Grier Miller, Manager. UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE. J. K. Wilson. Editor-in-Chief. W. B. Love Business Manager. i;:.ISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SO CIETY. Wm, Cain, C.E., President. J. E. .Mills, Ph.D., Vice-President. F. P. Venable, PhD., Corresponding Sec retary A. S. Wheeler, Ph.D., Recording Secretary. Meets in Person Hall the second Tuesday night of each month. . Journal issued quar terly. HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Kemp P. Battle, LL.D., President. C. L. Raper, Ph.D., Vice-President. J. K. Wil-on, Secretary. M. C. S. Noble, Treasurer. ECONOMICS SOCIETY. 0. L. Raper, Ph.D., President. J. W. Haynes, Secretary. Meets semi-monthly, on Tuesday t veilings at 8:00 o'clock. FRATERNITIES (Secret). Delta Kappa Epsilon, Zeta Psi, Sienna Nu, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Alpha Tau Omega, Phi Delta Theta, Kappa Sigma, Kappa Alpha, Pi Kappa Alpha, Beta Theta Pi. THE MODERN LITERATURE CLUB. C. A. Smith, Ph.D., President. .1. K. Wilson, Vice-President. V. It. Stephenson', Stscrvtury.- SOCIETIES. Dialectic (Literary, Secret). Established 1795. Meets every Saturday night in the Di Hall, New West building. Philanthropic (Literary, Secret). Estab lished 1795. Meets every Saturday night in the Phi Hall, New East Building. Order of The Golden Fleece (Senior). Theta Nu Epsilon (Secret). The Order of Sphinx (Secret). Omega (Secret). Pi Sigma (Secret). Order of Gimghouls (Junior, Secret). The Gorgon's Head. UNIVERSITY GERMAN CLUB. L. Rountree, President. J. R. Moore, Vice-President. T. P. Cheshire, Secretary. W. D. James, Treasurer. Meets at call of President. Leader selected for each German. PHILOLOGICAL CLUB. E. K. Grahan, President. .). D. Bruner Ph.D., Vice-President. 'L. R. Wilson, Ph.D., Secy, and Treas. The Philological Club meets the first Tuesday in each month, at 7.80 P. M., in Room No. 7, Alumni Building. THE UNIVERSITY PRESS ASSOCIATION. J. A. Parker, President. R. R. Reynolds, Vice-President. Benuette Perry, Secretary. S. H. Farabee, Treasurer. Y. M. C. A. W. B. Love, President. N. R. Olaytor, Vice President. W. S. Hunter, Secretary. W. H. L Mann, Treasurer. THE SHAKESPEARE CLUB. Dr. Thomas Hume, President. N. R. Clay tor, Vice-President. R. M. Brown, Secretary. UNIVERSITY MUSICAL ASSOCIATION. Chas. T. Woollen, President. J. B. Goslen, Secretary. most daring- piece of robbery ever seen in daylight. It has been re ported that the University paid him not to lot us win the game. I cannot vouch for the truth of this statement, but we all have strong reasons for believing it. The Car olina team played good, clean ball, and our team just walked all over them, but we couldn't defeat them and one of the officials too. Another instance of what money can do. All of this would have been said last week, but it would have been im possible to have been impossible to have kept from saying too much at that time. Ivery student here was as mad as blue blazes, and not with out a cause, either. Carolina can't feel good over this game. She knows that we deserve the game, and her conscience is bound to hurt her.' ' ' ' . A Morning Tonic A. and M. Correspondence Wadesboro Mes senger. Just a few more words should be said about the game between A. & M. and University of North Caro lina. The game was really won by A. & M. by the score of twelve to nothing, but one of the officials just simply cheated us out of it. It could be clearly seen from the be ginning of the game that he was determined that A. & M. should pot have the gamef It was the The Tar Heel has never en gaged in and does not now propose to enter into a newspaper controver sy. It believes that the instances in which good is accomplished by them are rare and that invariably they leave a bad taste in one's mouth.::' It departs from its custom long enough to call attention to the above because it believes that the bounds of 'propriety have been far overstepped and that silence in this case would be no virtue. We shall not debase ourselves by entering into any denial of the char ge made against this institution above, one which if true is sufficient to damn it forever in the minds of all right thinking people. But as the authorized spokesman for six hundred and fifty student who re sent an attack upon the honor of this institution as an attack upon their own honor we do that which under the circumstances the digni ty of the management of the Univer sity will not permit it to do, in call ing the attention of the Agricultural and Mechanical College to the above clipping, copies of which have been appearing in many State papers, in order that that institution may put itself right before the public. We should regret very much to, and we shall not, believe until we are forced to do so, that the senti ments expressed above have the sanction and the approval of the faculty of A. and M, It is in al probability a mere childish outburst from a thoughtless, irresponsible youngster. But until a statement is made to the contrary the people of the State will regard the quoted utterance as an accurate represen tation of the feeling of the institu tion from which they emanate. In the view of the public the A. and M. College has spoken. Mrs. E. Ross, of Charlotte, spent a few days with her sons, Messrs. O. B. and F. H. Ross, last week. Mr. Lindo Brigman is. on the Hill straightening up matters con cerning last year's Tackety lack. THE W. A. SLATER CO., OF DURHAM, N. C, The Gents' Clothiers and Furnishers, invite the Faculty and Student Body to make their store headquarters while in Durham. MOORE and SPRUILL, Agents. PICKARD'S LIVERY STABLE (Near the Episcopal Church) Iiubber Tire Carriages and Buggies. Everything New ar i oi.yiihh. 'Phones No. 67 and 6 ST. W. PICKARD, Owner ircJ Manager. "The Hoiladay Studio? SUCCESSORS TO "COLE AND HOLLADAY." Gallery will be open every Wednesday of each week, beginning-Wednesday, October 19th. HIGH GRADE WORK ONLY. Prices reasonable. A fine set of views of campus and buildings on sale at all times. GALLERIES TIT BOTH -DURHAM AND eilAPEL HILL. The University OF North Carolina. ..,1789, HEAD OF THE STATE SYSTEM EDUCATION. OF ; ...1905... The University stands for thovougiiuo:ss and all that is best in education and the moulding of character. It is equipped with 15 buildings, new water works, central heating, electric lights. Eleven Scientific Laboratories, equip ped for good work. The Faculty numbers 0 . Students 667. Library of 42,000 volumes. One librarian and four assistants. Fine Lit erary Societies. There is an active Y. M. O . A. conducted by the students, scholarships and loans for the needy and deserving. For information, address F. P. VENABLE, President, Chapel Hill, N. C. Cotrell & Leonard, ALBANY, N. Y. Makers of Caps and Gowdh to the American Colleges and Universities. Class contracts a spooialty, Reasonable prices. Roses, Carnations, Violets, Handsome Floral Designs a Specialty. Bridal Bouquets, and Flowers for all occasions. Palms, Ferns, and all kinds of plants. Bulbs for fall planting: Hyacinths, Tulips, Narcissus, Lilies, etc. H. STEINMETZ, Florist, Phone 113. RALEIGH, N. O How is Your Time? If it is not satisfactory, send your watches to JONES & FRASIER, DURHAM, N. C, and get them repaired. They are making1 a spec ialty of student trade and are prepared to give satis faction; or if you wish anything in the jewelry line, see before buying. FRANK P. DRANE, Agt., Ohem. Lab. and D, K. E, House. R S. McRAE, Students' &3it joplit2t- STATIONERY, FANCY GROCERIES, CANDIES, FRUITS AND CJGARS. TJT F 1ST I T IJ Ft EC UNIVERSITY BARBER SHOP First CIohh Work by First CIiish Burbera Dunston & Son, Prop, From Maker Direct to Consumer urk's Peerless Clothing Equal to Custom-Tailored at half the Cost. Uncommon Appearance, Correctness of Fashion and Excellence of Work manship are Characteristics of the Burk Tailored Apparel, and Features in which it leads all other Ready-to-wear Clothing. n Norfolk, Va., Richmond, Va., Nashville, Tenn., Memphis, Teim., Dallas, Tex., and Baltimore, Md., in which cities the lending stores are the Burk stores, the best and most fashionable dresseri are adopting this 8uprtor clot hint; not alono in preference to all other ready-to-wear, but also to the expensive merchant tailor kind, invariably obtaining better all around satisfaction and saving handsomely in expenditures besides. It is our purpose to introduce this superior clothing to every student at University. We have the most exten sive and handsomest line of the sea son. Orders left with our agents will receive prompt attention. Call to see us when in Norfolk THANKSGIV ING. nth & Company, Norfolk, Va. Foy Roberson & Houck, Agents. Burch-Gorman Co. Durham N. C. MEN'S FINE FOOTWEAR PICKARD BROS. Live i- -y Stable, Near the 'Phone Exchange. The best Livery in town. Splendid horses and car riages. Quick attention. G. C. & J. F. PICKARD, - Props. THE COLLEGE One dollar per mon th. Altering and repairing at small extra cost. Satis faction guaranteed. M. & T. SNIPES, Props. BOYS! Remember the Charlotte Steam Laundry. Oldast, Largest, Bust, W. A. JENKINS, Agent,