Carolina 8, Bingham 1. Carolina let down the boys from Bingham School, of Asheville, yes terday afternoon by the score of 8 to 1. The o-ame was one-sided and rather uninteresting. Capt. Stem did the twirling for Carolina and did it to the Queen's taste, allowing only four hits and two of these be ing scratches. He Was well sup ported, the team making only two errors. Bingham' single run was made in the seventh inning on a run in from third after the catch of an outfield fly. Harris, Bingham's slab artist, was touched up for thir teen hits, among them a three bag jret; eacli by Patterson and James, and two-baggers by Thompson- and Story. Stem struck out ( men, and gave no free-passes. Earned runs, Carolina 5, Bing ham 0. Stolen bases, Carolina 8. Left on bases, Carolina 10, Bing ham 6. Bases on balls off Harris, 1. Umpire, Meade. Batteries, Stem and Rogers; Harris and Car away. The Track Athletes. The preliminary trial for the an nual dual track and field meet with Virginia was held Tuesday after noon and the team that will repre sent Carolina Saturday in Char lottesville was selected. The suc cessful candidates with their time and events are as follows: . 100 yard, McNeil. 10, Davis. 10.4 220 yard, Davis, 25; McNeil, 25.4 440 yard, Winborne, S., 58.8, Pittman, 9. 880 yard, Bridgers. 2-23.2. Mile, Hampden Hill, 5-20. High hurdles, Phillips, 17.6. Low hurdles, Phillips, 31. Shot Put, Pittman, 36 ft. 8 in. Hammer Throw, Dickson, 95 ft. Broad jump, Dunlap, 20 ft. 1 in. The pole vaulting will be done by Crawrord. and the Hig-h Jump ing by McNeil, unless Singletary is in condition. With the exception of the hundred yard dash there was no exceptionally good time made, the majority of the men not coming up to previous records. The team is weaker than that of last year, owing to a number of losses. Vir ginia, however, is also weaker, by the loss of Council, Pollard, and Murphy. Notice- We wish to call attention to the advertisement of the Southern Life Trust Company of Greensboro. This company has formulated a splendid plan wi tch requires the services of a number of first class young men who will be paid a reg ular salary, and the advertisement in this issue invites our good men to drop them a line. This company is endorsed by the best men of the State and a num ber of Quiversity men are connected with it in profitable positions.' It would be well to write at once and make your arrangements for the future. T. J. Lamb Sons & Co., DURHAM, N. C, have oil hand at all times a well selected line of Clothing, Shoes, lliits, and Fur nishing1 Goods. Call to see them when in Durham. . Winborne & Higdon, Apis! White and Blue PRESSING CLUB. ONE DOLLAR PER MO. IN ADVANCE. We also do altering and repairing at Miiiall extra cost. Oive us a trial and be . All ' work U tfuaranteed. I'bone ii R. a. PINDLE, Nearly opposite University Pharmacy Young Men's Suits The young- men are somewhat stirred up over our handsome Spring Suits. Well, it's true, they are CERTAINLY "IT" We know what young- men want in clothes, and we make it our business to have the proper things. Our Suits have the. swagger look, so dear to the heart of all young, dress ers. We've the very newest and the ideas are different. Sneed-Markham-Taylor Co., STEM MILUiti. Aieuts CENTRAL HOTEL Charlotte, N. Q. The Leading Hotel. Headquarters for College Students. CENT ALLY LOCATED Well equipped and liberally conducted. C. E. HOOPER & CO Proprietors. ( College Caps, Gowns. Thebest workmanship at lowest prices. Silk Fac ulty Oowns and Hood. Cox Sons & Vlning. 262 Fourth Avenue, New York PICKARD BROS. Livery Stable. Near the 'Phone Exchange. The best Livery in town. Splendid horses and car riages. Quick attention. G. C. & J. F. PICKARD, Props. Vanderbilt University. Medical Department. Reqirements for admission High' School diploma or equiv alent. Literary ' graduates from recognized institutions given advanced standing-. The course, which is strictly graded, consists of four ses sions of seven months each. Special attention given to clin ics, bed side work and labora tories. For further particu lars address L. E BURCH, M. D. Secy., 150 Eighth Avenue, North, Na-shville. Tenn. Cotrell & Leonard, Albany, N. Y., Makers of CAPS and GOWNS to the University of North Carolina, Uuiv of Tunn., Harvard, Yale, Prince ton and the others. (JIhkh contracts a Hpootalty. ltenHowible Prices. Cor rect Hoods for all Degree. : : : : THE W. A, SLATER CO., OF DURHAM, N. C, The Gents' Clothiers and Furnishers, invite the Faculty and Student Body to make their store headquarters while in Durham. BRYANT and SPRUILL, Agents. PICKARD'S LIVERY STABLE (Near the Episcopal Church) Rubber Tire Carriages and Buggies. Everything New ar i oiyii&h. 'Phones No. G7 and til W. .Vy. FICKAlD, Owner and Manager. "The Holladay Studio." SUCCESSORS TO "COLE AND HOLLA DAY." Oallerv will be open every Wednesday of each week, beginning- Wednesday, October 19th. HIGH GRADE WORK ONLY. Prices reasonable. A line set of views of campus and buildings on sale at all times. GALLERIES ftT BOTH - DURHAM - AND HAPEL HILL. 'Doctor William Lynch, DENTIST, . Office in Kluttz Block. CHAPEL HILL. ODELL HARDWARE COMPANY Hardware, Mill Supplies, Unns and Sporting Uoods, Pipes and Plpn Fitting. GREENSBORO. N. C BOARD AT COMMONS HALL $8.00 PER MONTH, BOYS! Remember the Charlotte Steam Laundry. Oldest, Largest, Pst. W. A JENKINS, Agent. The University OF North Carolina. How is Your Time? If it is not satisfactory, send your watches to JONES & FRASIER, DURHAM, N. C. and get them repaired. They are making- a spec ialty of student trade and are prepared to give satis faction; or if you wish anything in the jewelry N line, see before buying. FRANK P. DRANE, Agt., Chem. Lab. and D. K. E, House. Don 't Forget the Place HALL & IIUTCIIENS, Barbers HEAD OF ,,.1789,.. THE 8TATE SYSTEM EDUCATION. OF ...1905... The University stands for thoroughness and all that is best iu education and the moulding of character. It is equipped with lfl buildings', new water works, central heating, electric lights. Eleven Scientific Laboratories, equip ped for good work. The Faculty numbers 67. Students 667. Library of 42,000 volumes. One librarian and four assistants. Fine Lit orary Societies. There is an active Y. M. O. A. conducted by the students. Scholarships and loans for the needy and deserving. For information, address F. P. VENABUi, President, Chapel Hill, N. C. Roses, Carnations, Violets. Handsome Floral Designs a Specialty. Bridal Bouquets, and Flowers for all occasions. Palms, Ferns, and all kinds of plants. Rnlhs for fall planting: Hyacinths, Tulips, Narcissus, Lilies, etc. H. STEINMETZ, Florist, Phone 113. RALEIGH, N. 0. From Maker Direct to Consumer Burk's Peerless C Equal to Custom-Tailored at half the Cost. ot in Uncommon Appearance, Correctness of Fashion and Excellence of Work manship are Characteristics of the Burk Tailored Apparel, and Features in which it leads all other Ready-to- TIIE COLL Eli E One dollar per month. Altering and repairing at email extra cost. Satis faction gdH ran teed. M. i T. SNIPES. Pkops. wear Clothinir. In Norfolk, Vs., Richmond, Va., Nashville, lVnn., Mem phis, 'J'onn., Dallas, Tox., and Baltimore, Md., i" which eitiuB the leading Htores are the Burk stores, tlw best, and most fashionable, dressers are adopting thin superior cloiUiiiK not alone in preference to all other ready-to wear, but also to the expensive merchant t Hi lor kind, invariably obtaining better all around satisfaction and savintr handsomely in expenditures besides. It is our purpose to introduce this superior clothing- to every student at University. We have the most exten sive and handsomest line of the sea son. Orders left with our agents will receive prompt attention. Call to see us when in Norfolk. Burk & Company , Norfolk, Va. Fey Robersoti & tlouck, Agents. UNIVERSITY BARBER SHOP First CIuhh Work by First CIuhs Barbers DutiHtoti & Son, Prop.