DIRECTORY. GENERAL ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION Foye Robinaon, President. V F. B. Stem, Vice-President. 13. 0. Herring, Secretary and Treas. UNIVERSITY FOOT-BALL TEAM. Homy Story, Captain. J. M. Robinson, Manager. UNIVERSITY BASE-BALITEAM. J. M. Thompson, Captain. W. S. O'B. Robinson, Manager. UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE. H. H. Hughes, Editor-in-Chief. ' E. 0. Herring Business Manager. ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SO CIETY. O. II. Herty, Ph.D., President. W. O. Cnker. Ph.D., Vice-President. F. P. Venable, PhD., Corresponding bee- A S. Wheeler, Ph.D., Recording Secretary. HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Kemp P. Battle, LL.D., President. O. L. Raper, Ph.D., Vice-President. J. G. DeR Hamilton, Secretary. t M. O. S. Noble, Treasurer. Meets monthly, ou the first Monday nigl.t, at 7.80. ECONOMICS SOCIETY. O. L. Raper, Ph.D., President. .T. J. Parker. Secretary. Meets monthly, on second Tuesday night, at 7:30. THE MODERN LITERATURE CLUB. Archibald Henderson. Ph.D., President. H. H. Hughes, Vice-President. Q. S. Mills, Secretary. ODD NUMBER CLUB. E. K. Graham, President. Q. S. Mills, Vice-President. S. R. Logan, Secretary and Treasurer. Program Committee. Q. S. Mills, H. B. Gunter, S. R. Logan. UNIVERSITY GERMAN CLUB. Hampden Hill, President. Carol Wiggins, Vice-President. F. D. Whitaker, Seoretary. M. Orr, Treasurer. . Meets at call of President. Leader selected for each German. PHILOLOGICAL CLUB. J. D. Brnner Ph.D., President. W. S. Bernard, Vice-President. t. r xxmann Pb D . Seov. and Treas. The Philological Club meets the first Room No. 7, Alumni ouiiaing. THE UNIVERSITY PRESS ASSOCIATION. S. H. Farabee, President. J. R. Shull, Vice-President. , J. A. Gray, Jr., Secretary. W. D. McLean, Treasurer. Y. M. C. A. G. F. Leonard, President. E. O. Herring, Vice President. E. O. Judd, Recording Secretary. J. A. Gray, Jr., Treasurer. F. B. Rankin, General Secretary. THE SHAKESPEARE CLUB. Dr. Thomas Hume, President. N. R. Claytor, Vice-President. R. M. Brown, Secretary. UNIVERSITY MUSICAL ASSOCIATION. Chas. T. Woollen, President. J. B. Goslen, Secretary. SOCIETIES. Dialectic (Literary, Secret). Established 1795. Meets every Saturday night in the Di Hall, New West Building. v Philanthropic (Literary, Secret) . Estab lished 1795. Meets every Saturday night in the Phi Hall, New East Building. Order of The Golden Fleece (Senior). Order of Gimghouls (Junior, Secret). Order of The Gorgon's Head(Junior, Secret) FRATERNITIES (fcret). Delta Kappa Epsilon, Zeta Psi, Sigma Nu, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Alpha Tau Omega, Phi Delta Theta, Kappa Sigma. Kappa Alpha, Pi Kappa Alpha, Beta Theta Pi. I SCRUBS, 56; BINGHAM, 0 (Continued from First Page ) Manning", Beldoti and Wiggins went in for the Scrubs, and touch downs soon began to come too fast to be counted. At the end of the half the score stood: Scrubs 56, Binarhara 0; 40 points being- scored in the last 20 minutes of the play, The line up of the teams was as follows. Scrubs Bingham Gaddy 1. e. Cocke Garrett 1. t. Osborne Carter 1. e, Moore Bray c. Hogan Franks r. g. Rivenbark Morgan r. t. Wray Webster r. e. Watkms Eames, Beldon q. Cooper Wiggins, Cox 1. h. Dupree Groorae r. h. Thomas Hanes, Manning f. b. ' McLoud Economic Investigation. The Carnegie Institution of Washington has recently made a grant for the purpose of pursuing investigation along the line ot the economic future of the negro. Dr. C. L. Raper, of the University of North Carolina has been requested to direct this work. This makes the third grant that the Institution has proffered Dr. Raper. Geological Seminary. The Geological Seminary met a 7 p. m. Tuesday. Mr. P. B. Stem read a paper on "Geological and Chemical Theories of the Origin o Petroleum." Mr. E. P. Randolph reviewed the Bulletin No. 2 of the N. C. Geological Survey on Build ing Stones. Mr. Hubert Hill read an account of "The Tin Deposits of the Carolinas." Mr, J. T. McAden reviewed an interesting paper on "The Grand Canyon of the Colo PICKARD'S LIVERY STTABI-E; (Near the Episcopal Church) . , Rubber Tire Carriages and Buggies. Everything New as J Stylish. 'Phones No. 67 and 6 XV. WV PICKARD, Owner earicd Manager. 1765 University of Pennsylvania DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE J 906 Undergraduate Department. The One Hundred and Forty-first Session will begin September U 8 16- 'f he course, which covers a period of four years, of . eight and one-half months ear.h, is eminently practical, and properly graded, beginning with laboratory instruction in the fundamental subjects, and concluding with a comprehensive system of clinical instruction, terminating in the Fourth Year with the assignment of students as clinical clerks in the Hospital. ' . , - , -.. A large proportion (at least 80 per cent.) of the graduating classes secure positions as Resident Physicians in Hospitals. Summer School for Graduates. The clinics and laboratories of this Department are open throughout the year for the benefit of those who wish to engage m graduate work. Fnr thnsri whose time is more limited, a comprehensive course is given, beginning this year May 14, and continuing for a period of six weeks. 'Ihis com the needs or tne practioner. For further information, apply to the , i course is designed to meet Dean of the Medical Department. Unfbersity of TennsvlvinU, ThiUdelphU. . SPALDING-S Mm nrnniAi FOOTBMKUIDE CONTAINING THE NEW RULES with full page explanatory pictures. Edited by Walter Camp. The largest Football Guide ever published. Full of football information; reviews; forecast; schedules; captains; records; scores; pictures oi over a.uuu piayers. Price 10 cents. fl. G. SPHLDING & BROS. New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Minneapolis, Denver, Buffalo, Syracuse, Pitts burg, Philadelphia, Boston, Washiugton, Cin cinnati, Baltimore, Kansas City, New Orleans Montreal, Can., London, Eng., Hamburg, Germany. Send your name and get a free copy of the new Spaulding Fall and Winter Sports Cata logue, containing pictures and prices of all the new seasonable athletic goods. White and Blue , PRESSING, CLUB. ONE DOLLAR PER MO. IN ADVANCE. . We also do altering and-epairing at small extra cost. U-ivo us a trial and be oonvinoed. All work is guaranteed, j R. a. PINOLE, Phone as. Nearly opposite University Pharmacy The University OF North Carolina. .,.1789,,. HEAD; OFJTHE X STATE SYSTEM OF EDUCATION. ..J906... All-Class Teams. Pickard and Strowd's "University Club Cigar" is made especially for the University students. The4 coramitte which was request ed to select the All-Class football team ; has picked out the following first and second elevens: 1st Eleven 2nd Eleven. McLean, '07 (C) I. e. Raney, '08. Williams, R, '08-1. 1. Williams, DM '10. Grier, '09 1. g. Ferguson, '10. Eagle's, '08 c. , Hardin, '07. Britt, '08 r. g. Leonard, '07. McManus, '09 r. t. ;' Stacy, '08. Gardner," '08 r. e. Wadsworth, '09. Tillett, '07 q. (C) Fountain, V '08. Davenport, '10 1. h. Montgomery, c ... '09. Rawlings, '10 r. h. Pinnix, '10. Stem, '07 f. b. Blalock, '09. Board, $12.00 per month at Cafe pposite Pickard's Hotel. Some things you get to eat: Oysters, Birds, Chick ens,. Eggs. Try this Board one tionthj. you will he satisfied. Football at Columbia. Although football has been abol ished at Columbia in fact, the spirit is far from being dead. 1,000 students held a grand demonstration on the Columbia campus the other day in favor of the game. So high did the feeling run that some desired to burn President Butler in effigy, and one luckless instructor, who was known to be in sympathy with the President, suffered the misfor tune of having pies shied at him in the mess hall. Doubtless Columbia will be in the game again before loop;. Drs. W. II. & Linus M. Edwards, SURGEON DENTISTS, Durham, N. G. Office over Thomas Pharmacy Co. Phone 657. Eubanks Drug Company, Prescription Specialists, CHAPEL HILL. NORTH CAROLINA Pictures Framed TO ORDER AT Heritdoti's Hardware Store. BOYS! Remember the Charlotte Steam . Laundry. Oldest, Largest, P8t. W. A. JENKINS, Ascent. WEBSTER'S''' DICT1CMARY Sf andard- for U twi A LI. ETATK SCHOOL SUPERrf- Tj-nr.:i?2 i.JDOKSB IT. Tha SCIIO0X.BOOK3 cf do country sre hanfld noon it. ALL BTATB PUJi- C'ilA3E3 for ccooM Ime been mads m uo DTTNTft,' NOBTVIAL SOHOOL PRIN Cir'AL3. CITY ftnd COUNTY SCHOOL stTrerMTEAfDriNTa indorse aid com:.ieml it Editor in Clilof , wm. T. Horris, U. 3. Cotuiaiuuloner of Ed'n rp to i A'l a 'a'fii::. i.l aijli:. 2rj.iO Pacva. r.OCOiiluBtrationa A woD'erru1.'. compict Btorehouae . ot accurate Juiormatton. v i, u I.,Oi...Iji i. 1) lWHUJ H The nn' f " r 'ri.lm n'. Un' lHr -J.'l i in P.'pu.- eii.t tim. Uuurpu,iu for if u.':iimi "I 't fiivi ?iir'iox. lllfl pgr V'iHi 1 :;r " nictloiifry Habit "-Free. 0.ftO.MEURAMCO., t'i.iu. as, I.M3., u.s. a. The University stands for thoroughness and all that is best in education and the moulding of character. It is equipped with 15 buildings, new water works, central heating, electric lights. Eleven Scientific Laboratories, equip ped for good work. The Faculty numbers 67. Students 667. Library of 42,000 volumes. One librarian and four assistants. Fine Lit erary Societies. There is an active Y. M. O. A. conducted by the students. Scholarships and loans for the needy and deserving. For information, address P. P. VENABLE, President, Chapel Hill, N. C. NEW YORK RESTAURANT AND LUNCH ROOM: Open Day and Nig-ht. For Ladies and Gentlemen. 207 Main St. Oppo site (Jourt House, liUKliAM, N. C. Jim Falls,. John Popas, Proprietors. ECZEMA AND PILE OtTEE R R V V Knowing what it is to suffer, I will give I 11 Ci Ei VRf.s Off I HARGE, to any afflicted, a pos itive cure for Eczema, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Piles and Skin 1 iseases. Instant relief. Don't suffer longer. Write F. W. WILLIAMS, 400 Manhattan Avenue, Few York. Enclose stamp. UNEXCELLED is our line of To'baccos and Cigars. NEW line of Hurler's Candies, just received. COUNT on us to fill your pre scriOtions promptly. UNCDrug Co. ODE LL, HARDWARE CO., Hardware and Milt Supplies GREENSBORO - - - N. O. UNIVERSITY JEWELRY W.V B. SORRELL, Jeweler - and - optician, Chapel Hill, N. o". SEE M ARSE JESSE ABOUT YOUR " CATERING Estimates given on class banquets.