DIRECTORY. GENERAL ATHLETIC '.ASSOCIATION Foye Robinson, President. K. 1J. Stem, Vice-President. K. U. Herring, Secretary and freas. UNIVEI1SITY FOOT- HALL TRAM. Romy Story, Captain. J. M. Robinson, Manager. UNIVERSITY HASE-BALL TEAM J. M. Thompson, Captam. W. S. O'B. Robinson, Manager. UNIVEKSITY MAGAZINE. It. H. Hughes, Editor-in-Chief. E. O. Herring lousiness Manager. EMSIIA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC CIETY. SO- C. H. Herty, Ph.D., President. VV O. C.ker. Ph.D., Vice-President. F. P. Venable, PhD., Corresponding Sec retary. A. S. Wheeler, Ph.D., Recording Secretary.' HISTORICAL SOCIETY.- Kemp P. a'vttle, LL.D., President. C. L. Raper, Ph.D., Vice-President. J, G. DuR Hamilton, Secretary. J M. 0. S. Noble, Treasurer, - " Meets monthly, on the first Monday 'night, at 7 30. ECONOMICS SOCIETY. O. L. Raper, Ph.D., President. J. J. Parker, Secretary. Meets monthly, on second Tuesday night, at 7:80. THe'mODERN LITERATURE CLUB. Archibald Henderson. Ph.D., President. H. H. Hughes, Vice-President. Q. S. Mills, Secretary. ODD NUMBER CLUB. i "" " E. K. Graham, President. Q. S. Mills, Vice-President. S. R. Logan, Secretary and Treasurer.. Program Committee. Q. S. Mills, " H. B. Gunter, S. R. Logan. UNIVERSITY GERMAN' CLUB. Hampden Hill, President. Carol Wiggins, Vice-President. F. D. Whitaker, Secretary. M. Orr. Treasurer. Meets at call of President. Leader selected for each German. PHILOLOGICAL CLUB. J. D. Bruuer Ph.D., President. W. S. Bernard, Vice-President. L. R. Wilson, Ph.D., Secy, and Treas. The Philological . Club meets the first Tuesday in each month, at 7.30 P. M., in Room No. 7, Alumni Building. THE UNIVERSITY PRESS ASSOCIATION. S. H. Farabee, President. J. R. Shull, Vice-President. .1. A. Gray, Jr., Secretary. W. D. McLean, Treasurer. Y. M. C. A. (J. F. Leonard, President-! K. C. Herring, Vice President. E. C. .1 add, Recording Secretary. J. A Gray, Jr., Treasurer. ' F. B. Rankin, General Secret ary .J THE SHAKESPEARE CLUB. - Dr. Thomas Hume, President S. It. Logan, Vice-President. .1. II. D'Alemberte, Secretary. UNIVERSITY MUSICAL ASSOCIATION Chas. T. Woollen, President. .1 . B. Goslen, Secretary. SOCIETIES. Dialectic (Literary, Secret). Established 1795. Meets every Saturday night in the Di Hall, New West Building. Philanthropic (Literary, Secret). Estab lished 1795. Meets every Saturday night in the Phi Hall, New East Building. Order of The Golden Fleece (Senior). Order of Gimghouls (Junior, Secret). Order of The Gorgon's Head(Juuior, Secret) FRATERNITIES (P cret). Delta Kappa Epsilon, Zeta Pni, Sicrma Nu. Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Alpha Tau Omega, Phi Delta I beta, Kappa bigma. Kappa Alpha, Pi Kappa Alpha, Beta Theta Pi. The Oldest Colleges. A recent publication of college statistics shows the following twelve to be the oldest of the 453 American institutions of learing re ferred to in the list: 1036 Harvard University, Cam bridge, Mass 1693 William and Mary College, Williamsburg, Va. 1701 Yale University, New Ha ven, Conn. 1740 University of Pennsylva nia, Philadelphia, Pa. 1746 Princeton University, Princeton, N.J. 1749 Washington and Lee Uni versity, Lexington, Va. 1754 Columbia University, New York City. 1764 Brown University, Provi dence, R. I. 1766 Rutgers College, Brunswick, N. J. 1769 Dartmouth College, over, N. II. 1782 Washington College, Ches tertovvn, Md. 1783 Dickinson College, Car lisle, Pa. New Han- The Infant Class. The members of the Youthful and Unsophisticated Order of the In for 1905-6 met recently and elected fants new members and officers for the vear 1906-7. The offi cers are: Hyman, Exalted Ruler. Lasley, Right Honorable Assis tant Ruler. "Pug" Taylor, Secretary and Treasurer. J. A. Gray, Jr., Permanent Busi ness Manager. The new and active members are R. L. Davis, Montague, T. P Nash, B. L. Wilson, Strauss, the Shell twins, and the Venable twins. Geological Seminary. The Geological Seminary met in the geology lecture room Tues day night. The following program was rendered: "The Occurrence and Uses . of Peat," W. J. Barker. "The Geology of the Century J. B. James "The Geology or Cape Fear River," J. E. Pogue, Jr. "The Hyc.raulic Method of Miti C uiir oa A. Vogler. Pickard and Strowri's "University Club Cigar" is made especially for the Uinversity students. Peoples Bank of Chapel Mill We Solicit Your Business. H H. Williams, President. Herbert Lloyd, Cashier. Heron Is Much Fatigued. Mr. J. Heron D'Alemberte, of the firm of Pittman & D'Alemberte, financiers of the Yackety Yack, re turned to the Hill Friday after sev eral days' devojtion to business in Greensboro. PICKARD'S LIVERY STABLE (Near the Episcopal Church) Rubber Tire Carriages and Buggies. Everything New ar i 3tylif,h. 'Phones No. C7 and 0 W. . PICKARD, Owner- r-ici Manager, 1765 University of Pennsylvania 1906 DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE Undergraduate Department. The Oue Huudred and Forty-first Session will begin September 28, 1900. The course, which covers a period of four years, of eight and one-half mouths each, is eminently practical, and properly graded, beginning witli laboratory instruction in the fundamental subjects, and concluding witli a comprehensive system of clinical instruction, terminating in the Fourth Year with the assignment of students as clinical clerks iu the Hospital. A large proportion (at least 80 per cent.) of , the graduating classes secure positions ; as Resident Physicians in Hospital ' Summer School for Graduates. The clinics and laboratories of this Department are open throughout the year for the behefit of those who wish to engage in graduate work. For those whose time is more limited, a comprehensive course is given, beginning this year May 14, and continuing for a period of six weeks. This course is designed to meet the needs of the practioner. . .." For further information, apply to the Dean of the Medical Department, Unfbersih of Tennsvlv&nU, 'Philadelphia. Spalding Athletic Goods Too it ad! Two hussy athletes got the loan of Two smokes, as sports to be kuown of, The cigars were not weak Of the result we'll not speak But Pittman and Dunlap have sworn off. Hard On the Boys. We print the following- clipping- from the Oak Leaf: There seems to be increased interest in the library recently. Pro fessor Sea gle spends part of his time there, directing the reading of the boys, selecting books for them, and directing them in investiga tions. ' Always pass because they are kept up to the mark and never fall below the official standard. Recognized univer sally as best for athletes. SEND FOR THESE BOOKS NOW TEN CENTS PER COPY. No. 538. Group XVI Muscle Building. By L. H. Gnlisk, Director of Physical Train ing, N. Y. Public Schools. No. 27. Group XII College Athletics. By M. C. Murphy, the well-known Athlectic Trainer, now with Univ. of Penn. No. 246. Group XII Athletic Training for Schooldoys. By Geo. W. Orton, of the Univ. of Penn., and a famous athlete himself. A copy of our complete catalogue of athletic goods will be mailed upon request. MAIL ORDER DEPT., . 71. G. SPALDING & BROS. Lost or Misplaced A Full Dress Suit, belonging to Professor E. V. Howell. Any information leading recovery of same will be gladly received at the shop of i'hone 'i. R. 21. PINOLE, Nearly oppoMite University Pharmacy The University 126 Nassau St., New York. 149 Wabash Ave., Chicago. Drs. W. H. & Linus M. Edwards, SURGEON DENTISTS, Durham, JN. G. Office over Thomas Pharmacy Co. Phono 057. Eubanks Drug Company, Prescription Specialists, CHAPEL HILL. - - NORTH CAROLINA Picture's' Framed TO ORDER AT Herttdort's Hardware Store, BOYS! Remember the Charlotte Steam Laundry. Oldest, Largest, Best. W. A. JENKINS, Agent. OF North Carolina. ,..1739,.. HEAD OP THE STATE SYSTEM EDUCATION. ...1907... The University stands for thoroughness and all that is best in education and the moulding of character. It is equipped with 15 buildings, new water works, central heating, electric lights. Eleven Scientific Laboratories, equip ml for good work. . The Faculty numbers (57. Students G7. Library of 42,000 volumes. One librarian and four assistants. Fine Lit erary Societies." There is an active Y.--M. C. A. conducted by the students. Scholarships and loans for the needy and deserving. For information, address F. P. VENABLE, President, Chapel Hill, N. C. NEW YORK RESTAURANT. AND LUNCH ROOM. Open Day and Night. For Ladies and Gentlemen. 207 Main St. Oppo site Court House, DURHAM, N. C. Jim Fau.s, John Popas, Proprietors. UNIVERSITY JEWELRY W. B. SORUELL, Jeweler - and - optician, Chapel Hill, N. O. SEE MARSE JESSE ABOUT YOUR CATERING Estimates given on class banquets. Hotel Huffitie, GREENSBORO, N. 0. Location Southern Paisencer Denot. Newlv Refitted and Modern. Special arrangements made for Traveling men. GRESHAM & CO., Proprietors Hotel Clegg, GREENSBORO, N. 0. Opposite depot. Cafe open all night. Special attention to all students. W. F. CLEGG, : : : Proprietor. ECZEMA AND PILE CUKE P D V V Knowing what It is to suffer, 1 will give 11 u u Fit.- K OF HAHUK, to any afllictwl, a pos itive pure for Ke.eina. 8lt lihtmra, BryHtpulas, P1Im and 8kin I Aliases. Inntant rwliof. 'Don't suffer loninr. Write F. W. WILLIAMS, 400 Manhattan Avenue, Few York. Enclose Btamp. UNEXCELLED is our line of Tobaccos and Cigars. NEW line of Huyler's CandiesO , just received. COUNT on us to fill your pre scriOtions promptly. U.N.C.DrugCo. ODE LL HARDWARE CO., Hardware and Mill Supplies s GREENSBORO ' - ... N O. SERVED - The bent and most wholesome food obtainable on the market. Birds at leant three times a week. $13. CO at BREWER and FREEMAN'S Opposite Piokard'B Hotel. y