T HE E Vol. 15, UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA, CHAPEL HILL, N. C, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1907. No. 17 OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION. THE MUSICAL ASSOCIATION. THE UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE. ON COLLEGE JOURNALISM. THE JOURNALISTS BANQUET. WORK OF THE ORCHESTRA AND GLEE CLUB. Preparations for the Easter Trip Candidates Needed The Direc tor of the Assoc! at ion. The University Glee Club and Ochestra, under the able direction of Mr. C. T. Woollen, promises to be especially good this year. All of the members of the orchestra are back on the Hill except Mr J. B. Goslen, who has played the solo cornet parts for the last four years. Mr. Goslen's playing- excited favor able comment wherever the orches tra went last year and his loss is one that will be felt. However his successor, Mr. C. S. Rights, promises to make a worthy susces sor to Mr. Goslen. The other places in the orchestra are filled by men who have had several years' training1 under Mr. Woollen. Several members of last year's glee club are candidates again this spring and a number of new men have presented themselves. On the whole, though, the glee club is much weaker than the or chestra, as has been the case for several years past. Mr. Woollen needs men who can sing- and extends a cordial invitation to all the men in college who have any talent .in that line to come out and try ' for a place on the glee club. The man who can sing- owes it to the University to go out and help make the glee club a good one. It is also to his own advantage to do so, as two trips are being planned for the orchestra and glee club during1 the spring. The Musical Associaton has been working- hard for some time preparing- for these and is getting- into good shape. The man who waits much longer about entering the race will be too late. - . anager Foye Robcrscm is al ready making- elaborate prepara tion for a tour of the eastern part of the state to commence the week after Easter. He has already ar ranged dates for Washington, Greenville, Wilson, New Bern. Goldsboro, and Rocky Mount. Other dates will be arranged later. In the person of Mr. Woollen the Musical Association has a director whose merits and ability have been sufficiently well tested in the past few years to prove their worth He is loyal and enthusiastic to a high degree and devotes much of his time and energy to the training of this branch of University life, receiving little or no compensation for his trouble. In view of this he deserves the highest commendation for the zeal with which he works in the Musical Association. With such a man behind it the Associa tion is bound to go forward and be a credit to the University. THE JANUARY ISSUE AN TERESTING ONE. IN Should Be of Value to Any Unl versity Man iiiography of Noted Alumnus. The January issue of the Univer sity Magazine, although somewhat belated in making its appearance, atones for its tardiness by the sat isfactory nature of its contents, on account of which it should be of in terest to the alumni as well as the students of the University. The leading article, a biograph ical sketch of the life of Colonel William L. Saunders, by Professor Collier Cobb, makes' the current is sue of the Magazine well worth while. The sketch is reprinted through the courtesy of Charles L. Van Noppen from the "Biograph ical History of North Carolina" and gives a graphic outline of the life of one of the -University 's most illustrious alumni. Colonel Saun ders graduated at the University in 1854. During- the Civil War he was noted for his bravery .as a sol dier through which he won the rank of lieutenant-colonel. r or some time after 'the war he was a resi dent of Chapel Hill, later becoming prominent in the editorial and po litical fields of the State. In Re construction days Colonel Saunders was suspected of being at the head of the Ku KluV Klan and on this account was taken to Washington for trial. His bravery in keeping silence in spite of every threat marks him as a man of whom North Car olina, and especially the University, may- justly be proud. For a num ber of years prior to his death in 1891 Colonel Saunders was a trus tee of the University. Another article which should be of interest to every patriotic North Carolinian is "Two Public Needs of North Carolina," by R. D. W. Connor, an. alumnus. These two needs Mr. Connor shows to be (1) greater care in preserving his torical records of the State and (2) a suitable State library building. In faction the Magazine is very fortunate. Two of its three stories are of a humorous nature. These, "A Triumph of Science," by D. M. Phillips, aud "Sanders, Amateur Motor Expert," by P. H. Royster, are redolent of the personalities of their authors. The third story, "The Old Captain's Story," re lates an incident of the Civil War. All three of these pieces of fiction are short and well done. The Magazine offers only one es say "The Innate Depravity of Inan imate Nature," an amusing skit in lighter vein. Three poems appear in tins issue, ,iue aici mdiu s Song," "Our Passing Heroes," and "Cupid's Sentence." The Mer maid's Song" is a fragment found by Professor Collier Cobb on Hat- INTERESTING DATA AND CRITI CISM ON THE SUBJECT. (Continued on paje 4, ) Ex-College Journalist Expresses His Views as a Citizen of Larger Journalistic World. In a recent issue of The Journal ist, a magazine for those who read and write, Mr. Warwick James Price gives an amount of interest ing data in regard to American un dergraduate journalism and a deal of friendly criticism which is well worth while as coming from one who is himself an ex-college journalist. Probably few of" those connected with the college journalism of today know that the founder of the first American undergraduate publica tion, jl ne uartmoutn gazette, was Daniel Webster. That paper, founded in 1801 stands today "the legitimate father of 1500 children Of these 16 are daily and 350 weekly newspapers, which exert a large innuence in tneir Joca worlds. The Harvard Echo, founded in 189, was the first col lege daily. It has been succeeded by the Crimson, a daily of sixteen pages. The tendency of all college newspapers, according to , Mr. Price, is toward ultra-conservatism, a policy which he does not approve, but which is indicative of good, considering the tendency towards yellow journalism in the world of today. Besides paying financially these college newspapers do much toward developing the moral oreth ical point of view in their editors. It is ot especial interest, in con sidering the comic publications of the colleges, to learn that the Har vard Lampoon was the prototype of Life, the latter publication being founded and first issued by old Lampoon editors. The college monthlies, or literary magazines, publish much verse that shows a nice appreciation of the beautiful, a light touch, and, often, most pleasingly finished workman ship, thus atoning largely for the lack of originality which is to be expected in those whose personal experience has been necessarily lim ited. In speaking of undergraduate fiction Mr. Price calls attention to three characteristics: (1) it is often cleverly imitative but lacking in spontaneity, (2) it neglects the humorous story, (3) the young ladies ofVassar and Wellesley, usually tell better stories than do the young mes of institutions de voted entirely to masculine needs. On the whole, though, Mr. Price concludes that undergraduate jour nalism is something genuinely cred- table to all concerned. It trains the student to think and to express that thought, thus giving him. val-j uable help toward preparing to en- UNIVERSITY PRESS ASSOCIA TION'S PLEASANT EVENING. Professor Graham Makes Address of Occasion Twenty Papers Represented. The Press Association ' of the University held a pleasant and in formal banquet in the reading room of the Y. M. C. A. building . Fri day .'"night. Sixteen of the press representatives of the college were present. Professor E. K. Graham was the guest of the association. President Venable, who had also been invited, was unable to attend. Mr. S. H. Farabee, president of the Press Association, called the assemblage to order and called the toastmaster, Professor J. E. Latta, to the chair. After a few intro ductory remarks the toastmaster called upon Professor Graham, who made a short but interesting ad dress. : "The man who sees every side of life in this country," said he, "and the man who has the most power in the nation today is the newspaper man. This is especially true in North Carolina, and the be ginning of journalism is just com ing, in the South. For rapid ad vancement and attainment of power and fame no calling offers such op portunities as does journalism in this State." Professor Graham then turned to the consideration of college jour nalism. "Prior to five years ago," he continued, "there was no inter est in the journalism of the college. Since then each year has seen a number of young men interested in college journalism, and the number is steadily growing. These men have seen the opportunity that col lege journalistic work offers for preparing to make good in life and for developing individual culture.'' "This last," concluded Professor Graham, "is the most important. Do not allow yourself to get in the habit of working too much by rou tine. Express yourself in college journalism it is the expression oi your individuality that counts." Mr. H. B. Gu nter responded. Impromptu talks were then made by Messrs. E. L. Stewart, W. D. McLean, O. S. Mills, and other members of the association. The approach of midnight brought the festivities to a close before all of those present could be heard from. The students present were, Messrs. W. D. McLean, J. A. Gray, Jr., R. P. Burns, J. W. Urn- stead, Jr., H. E. Crossvvell, L. VV. Parker. E. B. Jeffress, S. H. Far abee, D. P. Tillett, H. B. Gunter, J. B. Coghill, E. L. Stewart, D. M. Phillips, T. L. Simmons, and Q. S. Mills, representing twentv papers. splendid working foundation on wrViJti fr hull i-l T- lace tin, sA ter the wider journalistic field after ;000 of the world's citizens of to- i-nlnn f Inn Tf C -M i r ocj ti A vii rc 4- 1 " il i k 4ui""iuu' xi ".-. i. morrow are availing inemseives of this opportunity it gives him of a this opportunity now,