LOCAL NOTES The Modern Literature Club will meet in No. 16 Alumni at 7:00 this evening-. The Biological Journal Club ) met Saturday night at the resi . dence of Dr. I. H. Manning-. Dr. H. F. LaFlamme, secre tary of the national committee of the Y. M. C. A., will address the stu dents in Gerrard Hall next Tues day evening-. -Rev. LeRoy Gresham, pastor of the Presbyterian church of the village, entertained those members of the class of 1910 who are connect ed with his church at the Presby terian rectory Friday evening. Messrs. Hunter and Banks, the "Cops" of Commons, are vigorous ly enforcing the "Anti-Roug-h-House Law" recently passed by that august body. Beware! ye flingers of biscuits and hurlers of plates! Mr. Thomas O'Berry -entertained the young ladies of the vil lage and the members of the D. K. E. fraternity last Friday night at the D. K. E. house in honor of his sister, Miss Estelle O'Berry, of Goldsboro, and Miss Annie Land, of Kinston. The new schedule on the main line between Greensboro and Raleigh docs not materially, ..affect the schedule of the Chapel Hill Limited, the only difference being that the Limited now arrives at 6 o'clock in the afternoon instead of at 5:05, as it has been scheduled lately. ' An Announcement. The Tar HEEr, has suggested in a previous issue that the material for the announcements on the Uni versity Bulletin is sometimes vo fully lacking. The committee having- charge of the publi cation of the weekly Bulletin, has requested The Tar Heei, to state further in this connection that the Bulletin is in every respect a Uni versity publication, and will be glad to make announcement of the meetings of county club's or any other organizations in the college provided that those announcements be handed in by the Saturday morn ing preceding ' the meeting of which they give notice. The per sons to whom all material for the Bulletin should be given are Pro fessors J. Latta and M. H. Stacy, and Mr. Frank McLean. V Co-Eds Form Club. ; The co-eds of the University find the ex-co-eds resident in the village met last week in the "Co-Eds Coxy Corner" in the New East building and decided to form an association to be known as the "Women's Uni versity Club." Officers will be elected at the next meeting and the club will have its picture in the Yackety Yack. Early in the spring the co-eds were assigned a room in the New East building which has been fitted up as a loafing place between classes and which they have named "The Cozy Corner." This is the first time that the co-eds have re ceived any recognition at the hands of the University authorities. They should have had such a club room long ag-o. TRADE WITH Elisha Mitchell Society. The Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society met in Chemistry Hall Tuesday evening. Professor Collier Cobb presented a paper on "Some Human Habita tions" and Dr. J. H. Pratt read a discussion of "The Fishing Indus tries of North Carolina." Y. M. C. A. Officers. The Young Men's Christian As sociation has recently elected the following officers for the coming college year: J. A. Fore, Jr., president. J. A. Gray, Jr., vice-president. H. P. Osborne, recording secre tary. . C. W. Tillett, treasurer. Di and Phi. The members of the Dialectic so ciety debated Saturday night the query: Resolved, That the owner ship and operation of interstate railways by the general govern ment would subserve, the best inter ests of the people of the United -States. This query has been de bated several times at the Univer sity lately and is the query for the Georgia-Carolina debate. The af firmative won and Mr. R. C. Day made the best speech. The Phi society had for discus sion the question: Resolved, That corporations are justifiable in mak ing1 campaign contributions. The negative won and Mr. James Ev eret made the best speech. Danger Ahead. The co-eds have been much wrought up over the fact that it was decided in one of the literary societies of late that they were not eligible for membership. To show that they do not care a rap. the co-eds have issued a declaration of independence stating that they have never desired to joijj the said society. They are right. Some facetious member merely wanted an argument and he would yet get it could the co-eds discover his name. Chemical Journal Club. At the meeting of the Chemical Journal Club Monday night the following reviews of recent publi cations were read: Some Recent Determinations of the Atomic Weight of Tellurium F. B. Stem. Molecular Weight Determina tions by Means of Quinoline F, P. Drane. Electrolytic Corrosion of Struc tural Steel R. P. Burns. Wiley Is Recuperating;. Mr. Wiley H. M. Pittman, one of the wide-awake business man agers of the Yackety Yack, is now recovering- from the effects of the strenuosity of a business trip to Raleigh early in the week. Fresh oysters received daily at Pickard and Strowd's Cafe. Pickard . (incorporated) Strowd, DEALERS IN ' Stationery, Fancy Groceries, Cigars, Tobacco, Elc, Up-to-date Cafe in Connection OPPOSITE THE CAMPUS . - - - CHAPEL HILL, N. C. WHITK ROULvS Cigarettes ARE ALL QUALITY. Manufactured toy The Ware-Kramer Tobacco Oo.'t WilMon, N. C, U. . A. Guilford-Benbow Hotels. Automatic Fire Alarm in--Every Room. Telephone in Bed Rooms, of which one hundred have Private Baths attached. European and American Plans. OORPENING & FRY, Proprietors. Gkeensboko, N. 0. Good Taste in Home Furnish ings whether in a log cabin or a mansion. We are al ways prepared to do such furnishings as any inquiry may demand. Good FURNITURE is becoming more generally recognized as a factor of supreme im portance, and furniture manufacturers are exerting the utmost activity to provide satisfactory designs and new styles. In this respect the lines shown at Huntley-Stockton-Hill Company's excel 1 i anything before shown. Our patronsfwill have au opportunity of making selection from the moat ele gant stock of FURNITURE ever brought to our city. Cuts and prices upon application. Mail orders given prompt attention. To Colleges and Societies we make special prices on anything in our line. Huntley-Stockton-Hill Co., 110-12-14-16 South Elm St.. GREENSBORO, - N. C. BireLiin and HOW EYE-STRAIN RETARDS STUDY. Many students possessing superior minds oftimes fancy themselves dull because they fail in their studies. The reason is simply this: They are afflicted with so much eye strain that it requires nearly all the nervous force they possess to fix the eye upon their books, thereby exhausting the energy of the brain. Many students unwisely sacrifice their health in attaining an education, because of the large amount of brain-strain sustained in the close use of their eyes, though their vision seems excellent. This form of brain-strain is easily detected by an expert and most always remedied by glasses properly adjusted. . If you break your glasses don't send them away for repair, taking tho chances of delay and mistakes. Just briug the pieces to the office and I will do the rest. Connultation Free! .DR. ROSENSTEIN, (Office Over Whitemore's Bakery.) COR. MAIN AND CHURCH STS. DURHAM, N. ( Will be in Pickard's Hotel every second Wednesday. Cottrell & Leonard Albany, N. Y., Intercollegiate Bureau, Established 1832. BOARD AT COMMONS HALL $8.00 PER MONTH. (incorporated ) Capital Mock 030,000.00. niVIVTCC When yon think of roIuk off to mhool, DUOlJLiJOi write for New CntttloKuu and Hpecinl Offer of the .twHnir HuhIiuw and Hliorihmul Hulioo). AdrlrMw liiug'a Aiuttiue College, UalHirli. N. (.'., or Charlotte, N. C. (We hJho tem-li bookkeeping, Shorthand, PeumauHhlp, eto., by mall.) Peoples Bank of Chapel Hill We Solicit Your Business. H. H. Williams, Freaideut. Herbert Lloyd, Cashier. Caps, and Gowns, Hoods Official Makers to American Colleges from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Reliable Materials, Superior Workmauship, Reasonable Prices. Class contracts a specialty. Bul letin and samples College Caps Gowns. The best workmanship at lowest prices. Silk Fac ulty Gowns and Hoods. Cox Sons & Viulng, 22 Fourth Ave., New York, ECZEMA ATD PILE CUBE V W V V KnowluR what it Is to suffer, I will (five r ft C li fnn oK CHARGE, to any afflietwl. a pos itive cure for Eczema, Salt Khutn. Ery-ipela, Piles and Skin I 'tsennes. Instant rulief. Don't Buffer longer. Write F. W. WILLIAMS, 400 Manhattan Avenue, Fow Yprk, pnolowe stamp,