New Dance Regulations, r The: coniniittee. consisting, of Messrs: S. Rae Lo-an. M. Robins and M. Orr, appointed some time aro bv Jf resident Kand ot t lie cjen- ior class to consider ways ant means whereby the Commencement festivities migfjit be made more open and democratic, met with a commit tee from the faculty and from the German Clubhand drew up reso lutions that are substantially as follows: -' 1. That the Senior c las elec three numbers of the faculty to ap point a nominating committee o four Seniors and three Juniors. 2. That these seven men shal select not more than ten Seniors and six Juniors to stand for election as ball managers; that five Seniors and two Juniors be elected by the Senior class and by those who pay a stipulated fee. 3. That the seven men thus elected shall out of their own num ber elect a Senior as chief manager 4. That the election shall be officered by the Senior class, and that the money shall be paid to the Bursar. -5. That a member of the faculty committee shall call the nominating' committee' together and preside, but not vote. 6. That the surplus left after the expenses have been paid shall be left in possession of the Bursar. At a meeting of the Senior class Monday: afternoon the resolutions were adopted with the added pro visions that Freshmen should not be allowed to vote, and that the nominating committee should ap point in every case the full number of ten Seniors and six Juniors. Again the Freshmen and Sophs Tie. For the second time this season the Freshmen and Sophomores tried td see who had the better football team. The game showed that they were pretty evenly matched. Neither side scored nor was either goal in danger more than once dur ing the, game The game was slow and was not marked by any sensational plays. The game was a surprise to those who had seen the two teams play before, not so much in that there was no score, but because the play ing was not so hard as is usual be tween the Sophomore and Freshman classes. Avery, Williams, McLeod and McCoy played good bal 1 for the Sophomores, while for the Fresh men, Long; Tillett, and Belk did well. The line-up: Freshmen Kutzlcr , Oliver "Wetzel 1 Waynick McLean,. 14. McJ'Jui, E. Cocke Tillett Belk Rhodes Long , Umpire Simmons; r. e. r. t. . ' .. : c. 1. g. . .. 1. t. ', 1. e. q. 1. h. 1). f. b. r. h. b. Ha nes; referee, head' linesman, head; time keepers, Gray and Daniels. Time of halves, 20 min utes each. Sophomores Mclx'od Teague Rodriguez Nixon Hackney Hart ' Struthers Joyner Avery Williams McKoy Coach More- x I I II i' II I I III II '"' 1 ' Jh "JOJISDLACCi Loaded Black Powder Shells Shoot i Strong and Evenly, Are Sure Fire, Will Stand Reloading. They Always Get The Game. For Sale Everywhere. aid's Hotel by that master caterer Marse Jessie. It was a great suc cess The meuu was excellent; the speeches of both the professors and the students were a happy com bination of the serious and the num erous. Toastmaster W. L. .Long kept. things going with a zest.- All the speeches were a source of helpfulness as well as pleasure. Dr. Herty spoke on "Shiftiness;" Mr. K. D. Battle responded for the class on , "The call of the South for Men. " Prof, H. H, Williams spoke on "The Need of a great In dividual"; Mr. Monroe Gaddy res ponded with a talk on "Athletics." Prof.. Vermont spoke on "Kind heartediness;" Mr. O, J. Coffin responded on "Class Athletics. Prof. Noble spoke on "Old North Carolina;" Mr. J. W. Umstead replied with, a; talk on, "Narrow Mindedness in College Life," Im promptus were made by Messrs. S W. Hodge,, J. T. Johnston, M. J. Tones, C. B. Spicer, T. J. McManis, J. H. Allen, and others. After the close of the banquet the Class gathered around, the College well and with: songs and yells, gave ex pression to their loyalty, to '09. . The Junior Banquet. -On Wednesday night, the 20th of November from nine to one, the class of 1909 held its anual banquet. The banquet was served in Pick- program that, will be composed en- Y. M. C A. Show Monday NlKht The first entertainment' this year under the auspices of the Y. M. C. A. will be given in Gerra rd Hall Monday night, when The Charles Edward Clarke Concert Conpany will appear. This com pany has an enviable reputation as as a dispenser of a high grade class of vocal audf instrumental1 music that delights all classes of people. The Y. M. C. A. last year estab ished an exceedingly high standard for the shows given under; its- aus- . t . T- , i pices, ana secretary ixanKin anu Mr: Jas. A. Gray, Jr., of the enter tainment committee, are making strong. efforts to maintain this high standard. There seems to belittle question about the fact that they tave not failed in this instance. The company is headed byChas. Edward Clarke, ar baritone of wide experience, and ability, surpassed by no baritone on the concert stage. The other members of the com pan v are all experienced artists of the highest order. Miss Edith Adams, violoncellist, known' not only throughout America, but also abroad as a finished musician and charm ing girl. Mrs. Mai me Holmes Thompson, a soprano with a won derfully sweet voice and comanding stage presence. Mr. Wm. Erhart Snyder, pianist, who has had long experience, both as a teacher and as a. successful concert performer. These four artists will present a tirely of music, but such music as will be. within the reach of all to en joy. Mr. Clarke will give for one number "The Spanish Dual Scene, a reading, for which Max Hetnrich has written an accompaniment for the piano, which will be played by Mr. Snyder, together with a 'cello obligo which has been especially written' for Miss Adams by Mr. Heinrich. Fresh oysters every day at Pickard & btroud s. Thanksgiving services were held at the various churches in the village yesterday. " : See Pickard & Stroud for fancy groceries and fruits. Large, fresh oysters received every day at Pickard & Stroud's Cafe. COLLEGE PRESSING CLUB Merritt and Snipes Cleaning and ' Pressing promptly and nicelydone. We do altering of all kinds. Oall and see us op posite Pickard 'a Hotel. $1.00 per month in advance. . The University OF North Carolina. ...1789... HEAD OF THE STATE SYSTEM OF EDUCATION. ..J 9 07... The University stands for thoroughness and all that is best in education and the moulding of character. It is equipped with 15 buildings, new water ; works, central heating, electric lights. Eleven Scientific laboratories, emup- ped for good work. The Faculty numbers 74. Students 780. Library of 45,000 volumes. One librarian and four assistants. Fine Lit erary Societies. There is an active Y. M. O. A. conducted by the students. Scholarships and loans for the needy and deserving. tor information, address F. P; VENABLE, President, Chapel Hill, N. C. BOYS! See "Long" Bill Jones, for Pressing and Cleaning work guaran teed. $1.00 per month i advance. Shop in rear Kluttz Building. SEE MARSE: JESSE ABOUT YOUR CATERING Estimates given on class banquets Spalding Athletic m Goods m Always pass because they are kept up to the mark and never fall below the official standard. Recognized univer sally as best for athletes. SEND FOR THESE BOOKS NOW TEN CENTS PER COPY. No. o'db. Group XVI Muscle Building. By L. II. Uulisk, Director of Physical Train ing, N. Y. Public Schools. No. 37. liroup XII College Athletics. By M O. .Murphy, the well-known Athlectic Trainer, now with Univ. of Penu. No 34: Group XII Athletio Training for ncutmkioys.' liy lieo. W, Urtou, of. the Univ. ot Penn , and a famous athlete himself. ! A o ipy of our complete catalogue of athletic goods will be mailed upon request. MAIL ORDER DEPT., fl. 6. SPALDING & BROS. 126 Nassau St., j New York. : 149 Wabash Ave., Chicago. ODE LL HARDWARE CO., Hardware and Mill Supplies GREENSBORO . . - - N. C Eubanks Drug Company, Prescription Specialists, CHAPEL HILL. NORTH CAROLINA u N C U.N.C.Drug Co. NEXCELLED is our line of Tobaccos and Cigars. EW line of Huyler's Candies just received. OUNT on us to fill your pre- scriOtions promptly. CALL AT H. H. PATTERSON'S OPPOSITE THE CAMPUS, whore yon will find Mon's Furnishings, Trunks, Dress Suit Oases, Carpets, Bugs, ready-made Sheets, Pillow Cases, Towels, Bowls and Pitohers, Kerosene Oils Heaters, Hardware of all kinds and everything that Is good to eat. k All (roods dlivertd promptly. CHAPKfi HIM.. NOllTH CAROLINA White and Blue PRESSING CLUB. ONE DOLLAR PER MO. IN ADVANCE. We also do altering and repairing at ' small extra cost; Give us a trial antfbe nonvlnced. All work is guaranteed. SUITS MADE TO ORDER. R. Hi PINDLE. I'liomi 2't. Nearly oouositoIUnlversUT!Pharma!' People s Bank of Chapel Hill is the Students favorite, siders their ii. teres! s. It con- Hr H.1 Williams, President. Herbert Lloyd Cashier. Hotel Huffine, GREENSBORO, N. O. Location Southern Passenger Depot. Newly Refitted and Modern. Special arrangements made for Traveling men. (JKEMHAM & CO., Proprietors Q. C. PICKARD & CO., L i ve ry Stable Near the 'Phone Exohange. The best Livery m town Splendid horses and car riages. Quick attention. G. C. PICKARD, & Co. - Props Doctor William Lynch, DENTIST, Office in Kluttz Block. - CHAPELH1LL. DON'T forget Hall the barber. He can stop ihe hair from falling' out.