LOCAL NOTES. Mr: S. T. Staticill was on the Hill Saturday. Mr. Hal Worth, '05, of Aslie boro, was here last week. Prof. Edwin Mims, of Trinity College, was here the first of the " week. '" Mr. P. H. Royster, alias "Coon," spent a few days in Raleigh this week, Mr. Clyde'tBarl)ee, who has been very ill with pneumonia, is reported to be improving-. Rev. J. W. Wildman made a very interesting- talk Tuesday night be fore the Y. M. C. A. Mr. Hampden Hill, '07, who has a government position at Raleigh, was on the Hill this week. Mr. L. W. Parker was called home Monday on account of the serious illness of his father. Coach Floyd Simmons left Tues day for Charlotte where he will open a law office in the New Law Building. Mr. Wayne Archer, ex-'07, who has a position wit li the First Na tional Bank of Durham, was on the Hill this week. Prof. Collier Cobb gave an illus trated lecture at Peace Institute Friday night on "Sand Reefs of the Carolina Coast." A goodly number of students went to Durham last week t see "The Lion and the Mouse" and "Buster Brown." Mr. R. S. McNeill, of Fayet.te ville, who last fall was so danger ously ill with pneumonia, has re turned to college. Work has again been begun on the tennis park back of the gym, and will be pushed to completion as rapidly as possible. Messrs B, G. Muse and L. P. Matthews spent Monday and Tues day this week in Durham and Ral eigh on Yackety Yack business. Dr. and Mrs. R. O. E- Davis en tertained a party of students and young ladies at supper at their home on Franklin Street Saturday night. The regular monthly meeting of the Odd Number Chapter of Sigma Upsilon was held Friday night, and an interesting program was pre sented. Rev. W. E. Cox, of Wilmington, an alumnus of the University, preached a most :nstructive sermon at the Episcopal church Sunday morning. Messrs. J. J. Parker and Stan ley Winborne were elected Satur day night as Washington's Birth day orators by the Di and Phi So cieties, respectively. Last week we were misinformed as to the presence of Hon. J. Bryan Grimes here in the law school. Our informant was mistaken in the name. The gentleman is Mr. Wil liam Grimes. . The fraternities decided last night to give an afternoon german on Friday, February 21, to the Junior and Senior classes. A de tailed account will be given next week, KT f t V " i i "NOJBILACK Loaded Black Powder Shells Shoot Strong and Evenly, Are Sure Fire, Will Stand Reloading. They Always Get The Game For Sale Everywhere? Tailors From Charlotte. CENTRAL HOTEL, THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, Jan. 23, 24, 25 Come in and examine our line ORR & JACOCKS, Agents. TRAYMORE TAILORING Stands for nothing- less than tailoring perfection. We guarantee Style, Fit, and Workmanship. Our Representative will be at CENTRAL. HOTEL, February, 6. 7, 8. Traymur.e Tailoring Company, of Philadelphia GUNTER AND ROBINS, AGENTS. Mr. C. L. Weill, '07, who held the position of Professor of Ro mance Lanuagfes at the North Carolina Military Academy, Red Springs, last fall, is now in the in surance business at Durham. Dr. J. G. de R. Hamilton, nobly assisted by .the members of the class in History 12, succeeded last Fri day, after a long- and dangerous fight, in annihilating a large rat that was behaving in an unseemly manner. The Carolina debaters have chosen the negative side of the question submitted hy Virginia. The query is "Resolved, That National Banks be permitted to is sue notes subject to taxation and government regulation, on their general assets. " Those who intend to enter the contest should notify Mr. J. W. Umstead, Jr., at an early date. Hare and Hounds. The first hare and hound run was held last ' Saturday afternoon, some two doz:n hounds following Bridgers and Jordan. The trail was about one and three quarter miles, from the Gym to the Meeting of the Waters ana back around the cemetery. The time was not par ticularly fast, this being the first run. The actual time being as follows: Davis 10,05; Ruffin 10.05 and 2-5; Bridgers 10.22; Williams 10.24; Webb 10.32, Klonts 11.00 The next run will be Saturday at 4.30 prompt and will be about two miles. Davis and Ruffin will be the Hounds. Lost Last fall a gray striped cravanet raincoat. Liberal reward. Finder please notify Risden Allen, over Pickard & Stroud's store. Cabaniss & Co. from Charlotte are at Central Hotel this week. Seniors, N tice. For typewriting Theses and other work see H. B. Gunter or C. L. Williams. Tar Heel office or 17 M. A. S. Give Pickard & Stroud your orders for candy for the dance. They will get you Wiley's, fresh. Mr. Mark Williams, of Cabaniss & Co. is at the Central Hotel this week with a full line of Spring Samples. He is represented by Messrs. Orr and Jacocks. Lost--A pearl handled, doubled bladed knife. Finder please return to Tar Heel office and receive reward. See Cabaniss's line at the Central Hotel. Mr. College Man. We are already lineing up our cli ents for next Spring. With our Na tional Organization of 12 offices we'will need over 3,000 college men for tech nical, office, sales and teaching posi tions throughout the United States. We can also use at any time col lege men who are in the market for a position. Let us explain to you NOW. Write for the "College Man's Oppor tunityw" It tells how Hapgoods, a great organization built up by college men has placed many thousand young men, has raised the standard of col lege men as a business factor through out the world. State age, education, location desired. HAPGOODS (The National Organization Brain Brokers.) Commonwealth Trunt Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. A STUDENT PASSING TH HOUGH GKEENSBORO AVill find HOTEL OLEGG tl mont i-on-wniont and in evary way the mont de mrable place to utop. Service excellent I Utiles acaHonablc. Opposite Passenr Station. Med., Law, and all Class pen nants. All kinds of College goods. See , . DAVIS & LEITCH, No. 2 M. A. S. W F. CLEGG, Proprietor. I" NT.2IN.BACk TTOllill From Maker Direct to Consumer Burk's Peerless Clothing Equal to Custom-Tall- , ored at half the Cost. Uncommon Appearance, Correctness of Fashion and, Excellence of Work manship are Characteristics of the Bark Tailored Apparel, and Features in which it leads all other Ready to- wear Clothing, It is our purpose to introduce this superior clothing to every student at University. We have the most exten sive and handsomest line of the sea son. Orders left with our agents will receive prompt attention. I- Burk & Company Norfolk, Va. Poor Will" & Don Ray, Agts SEE H. B. BREWER for shoemaking- and repairing of all kinds. Located under Central Hotel. Insist Upon Gettting This Red Woven Label ) BEST RETAIL TRADER .... On Your Coat Cut Undershirts and Knee Length Drawers It means Satisfaction and Com fort to You ACCEPT NO IMITATIONS Erlanger Bros., N. Y. Fresh lot Wiley's box candy at Pickard & Stroud's. BOARD AT COMMONS HALL $9.00 PER MONTH.