TRAYMORE TAILORING Stands for nothing less than tailoring-perfection. We guarantee Style, Fit, and Workmanship. Our Representative will be at CENTRAL HOTEL, February, 6. 7, 8. Traymore Tailoring Company, of Philadelphia GUNTER AND ROBINS, AGENTS. Whiting Bros. Coming ! Mr. Horton representing Whiting Bros, will be at CENTRAL HOTEL, FEB. 11-13 with one of the swellest lines ever shown in Chapel Hill. He will have a swell line of Stetson Hats, in both straw and soft " styles. His tailoring is as good as any in the country. Klee & Co., of New York, whom he represents, is one of the best tailoring establishments in the country. He will also have a swell line of gent's furnishings. Save your orders for him! HILL, SLOAN & KERR, Agts. GREAT REDUCTION SALE ! . , :. From now till the 15th of Feb. we will sell fall and winter suits formerly costing .$30.00 for $23.00 $25.00 for $19.00 26.50 " 20.00 20.00 " 16.00 $15.00 for $12.50 The Globe Will Make Them To Fit Stacy and Matthews, Agents. No. 30 South Building. From the Correspondence of Raoul de Siard. Chapel Hill 3 Jan. 1908. Mademoiselle Louise Elmer, Blowed-ori-Rock N. C. Deer: I am glad to learn you are the friend of Monsieur Smith, mon ami John. He is very curious, that man; and I think I shall do pleasure to you in telling you, he has acted strange this last time. Ypu see, all the winter, he has come on the table with the long- face. He no eat and she no drink. I think he is very sick: I say John, is it on the liver, you suffer? He say: no. Then I reduplicate and I say: is the pain in your long? He smile and he gives a response: no, it is not in the long. I see that.' he is triste, and I no care to. ask it again. So he get very thin and he has the air very miserable. The week lately, he come on the table with the most beautiful sourire on its lips, and she eats like one famished wolf. I see the ex change: I say: John, you have the air very good, mon ami. You have eaten like four; what has arrived? Then he smile mysteriously: You see, Raoul, he say, last week I no had the good news, this week I have the good news. Voila tout. I say no more and I eat my supper. After one little time, he take out his watch, and she say to me: You know what time it is? I say: no, whatfor you of me ask that? I do not inquiete myself of the time. Then he does very strange, he pull out his watch and he hold it under the table; I look up and when she sees that I regard him, he smile and he say: it is now six hours thirty. I astonish myself, and five minutes after, it pulls out the watch again, and it say: it is now six hours thirty five. I cannot sup port it more longer, and I say: Sacre nom de ton nere, what is the material with you? You continue to tell me the hour. I no care to know for the hour. You have lost the head. He laugh, and he did not give me one response, i Then he puts the watch back but you see ten minutes after, he pulls it out again and I remark, that he no look at the hands, but on the back of the watch: Do you know he say to me, what time I intrupt him, Allez au diable, I say, you has lost the head. I say no more to him. cependant I am astonished, to see him do so funny. Do you know Mademoiselle Louise, what is the trouble with him? He say to me: Miss Louise it is the finest demoi selle in the whole world. I am sure you know all the secrets of his malady. I would tell you to write to John, and to find ont whv she is so disorderly on the brain. Next week I write you one other lettre, and I shall recount you how John does this week. Excuse my imperfection in the english speech, I no can spell so good as Shake speare, the great American poete. You have to remember that it is my interest in John, who is my internal friend, and in the same time de votedly yours, that makes me in voice this word to you. Kindly agree, Mademoiselle, to the expresion the most sincere of my sentiments the most respectful. I shake rapidly a hasty farewell on your hands. Your' servant entirely devovted, Raoul de Siard. Large, fresh oysters received every day at Pickard & Stroud's Cafe." Fresh lot of National Biscuit Com pany's cakes and crackers at Pickard & Stroud's. Fresh oysters every day at Pickard & Stroud's. U IT I THE YOUNG MAN The young fellow is the faithful follower of fashion. He is always the first to notice a change and the first to adopt it. Our Smart Suits are accepted by young men as interpreting their ideas of style.' . One of the Toppy Styles for the Coming Season is a Crat medium form fitting coat, a trifle long with a 9 or 10 inch Center vent. Either S. B. or D. B. For hats and furnishings see are headquarters. We sell the finest toggery of any store in town, so people say. Sneed-Markham-Taylor Co., Durhamr. COGHILL AND MUSt. University Agents. "1, Loaded ; Black Powder Shells 'Wlk Shoot Strong and Evenly, Are Sure Fire, Will Stand Reloading. Wm Tbey Always Get The Game. Fo' Sale Everywhere, v. - , The University OF North Carolina. ,.tt789;t HEAD OF THE STATE SYSTEM OF EDUCATION. 0 .J907... The University stands for thoroughness and all that is best in education and the moulding of character. It is equipped with 15 buildings, new water works, central heating, electric lights. Eleven Scientific Laboratories, equip ped for good work. The Faculty numbers 74. Students 780. Library of 45,000 volumes. One librarian and four assistants. Fine Lit erary Societies. There is an active Y. M. O. A. conducted by the students. Scholarships and loans for the needy and deserving. For information, address F. P. VEN ABLE, President, Chapel Hill, N. C. G. C. PICKARD & CO., Livery Stable Near the 'Phone Exchange. The best Livery in town Splendid horses and car riages. Quick attention. G. C. PICKARD, & Co. - Props People's Bank of Chapel Hill is the Students favorite, siders their interests. It con- H. H. "Williams, President. Herbert Lloyd, Cashier. Hotel Huff ine, GREENSBORO, N. O. Location Southern Passenger Depot. Newly Refitted and Modern, i Special arrangements made for Traveling men. GRESHAM & CO., Proprietors CALL AT H. H. PATTERSON'S OPPOSITE THE CAMPUS, where you will find Men's Furnishings, Trunks, Dress Suit Cases, Carpets, Bugs, ready-made Sheets, Pillow Oases, Towels, Bowls and Pitchers, Kerosene Oils Heaters, Hardware of all kinds and everything that 1b good to eat. ' ' ' -' All goods delivered promptly. CHAPEL H1U,. . - NORTH CAROLINA Spalding Athletic Goods fvPW Aiwajs pass because they are kept up to the mark and never fall below the official standard. Recognized univer sally as best for athletes. SEND FOR THESE BOOKS NOW TEN CENTS PER COPY. - No. 538. Group XVI Muscle Building. By L. H. Gulisk, Director of Physical Train ing, N. Y. Publio Schools. No. 27. Group XII College Athletics. By M. O. Murphy, the well-known Athleotio Trainer, now with Univ. of Penn. No. 246. Group XII Athletio Training for Schooldoys. By Geo. W. Orton, of the Univ. of Penn., and a famous athlete himself . A oopy of our complete catalogue of athletio goods will be mailed upon request. MAIL ORDER, DEPT., H. G. SPALDING & BROS. 126 Nassau St., 149 Wabash Ave., New York. Chicago. White and Blue PRESSING CLUB. ONE DOLLAR PER MO. IN ADVANCE. We also do altering and repairing at 'small extra oost. Give us a trial and be oonvinoed. All work is guaranteed. SUITS MADE TO ORDER. R. H. PINOLE, Phone 23. ' Nearly opposite University Pha maoy ODE LL HARDWARE CO., , Hardware and Mill Supplies GREENSBORO - - - N. O Eubanks Drug Company, Prescription Specialists, C UAPEL HILL. - - NORTH CAROLINA Doctor William Lynch, DENTIST, Office in KluttM Block. - CHAPEL BILL. 7 A