V.P.I. DEFEATS CAROLINA 1 (Continued trom first page) ' ' "" " other linesmen did their duty. Wig-gins came into prominence occa sionally. Thomas, as usual, was a star performer, and Belden's work on defense was of g-ilt-edgfe order. V. P. I.'s ends came in for a share of the bouquets. While we do rot intend to detract from the playing of the other Tech men the man who was responsible for V, P. I.'s vic tory and Carolina's defeat was E. R. Hodgson, the husky guard and star punter of the Blacksburg- elev en. On every exchange of punts he gained from eight to ten yards, and in the end this would have spelled defeat for the Tar Heels. Coach Greene is quoted by The Richmond Times Dispatch as fol lows: "We were beaten fairly, though luck was against us throughout the game. I think our team is as strong as Blackskurjr's and I think this was clearly demon strated this afternoon." Coach Brown, of V. P. I., said: "We were confident of winning, but had hoped for a larger score. The men did not play their best game." Ham mond Johnson, who coached Vir ginia last year, was on the side lines, and his opinion as given was, "The best team won, though it did not measure up to its usual stan dard of excellence. The Carolina eleven is powerfully strong, and it will g-ive Virginia a hard tussle on Thanksgiving Day." Detailed play: First half Caro lina won the toss and chose to defend the west goal. Captain Thomas kicked to V. B. Hodg-son on the 10 yard line, who ran it back 10 yards. Billups gained 1 yard. Hodgson punted 25 yards, and Carolina heeled the kick, Ruffin lost 3 yards. Carolina hit the Tech line for 8 yards. On an on sidekick V. P. I. got the ball. V. P. I. penalised 15 yards for holding. Hicks gained 4 yards. Hodgson tore off 3 yards. Hodgson's kicked is blocked, but Huffard recovers the ball, Connel- ly gained r yards on an end run Carolina penalized 5 yards for being offside. Hodgson tore off 5 yards. V. P. I,'s onside kick was corralled by Thomas. V. P. I. penalized 5 yards for offside play. Ruffin rip ped off seveu yards. Wiggins romped round the end for. 20 yards. Thomas lost 2 yards. Belden fumbled, but regained the ball after losing 4 yards. An attempt to work the forward pass failed, and the ball was given to V. P. I. Luttrell gained 5 yards. Luttrell failed to gain. Hodgson punted 45 yards. Ruffin gained 3 yards, and Thomas gained 10 more. Thomas punted 35 yards to Luttrell who was thrown in his tracks. V. P. I. failed to gain in two downs. Hodgson punted 50 yards to Tillett who ran back 15 yards. Belden gained 5 yards. A line plunge netted 2 more. Thomas kicked ; to V. P. I.'s 40 yard line. Luttrell ripped off 9 yards. Billings added 5 more. Luttrell failed to gain. V. P. I. but he fumbled and Connelly got the ball. Hodgson punted 40 yards. Carolina failed to gain, so Thomas punted 40 yards. On fake kick Hodgson gained 2 yards. Hodgson punted 30 yards. Thomas gained 4 yards, and Wiggins ad vanced 1 more. Thomas kicked 35 yards. Carolina penalized 5 yards for being offside. On fake kick Hodgson failed to gain. Hodg son punted 45 yards. Carolina gains 4 yards on a line plunge; but fake kick fails to gain. Thomas punted 40 yards to Connelly who ran it back ten. On delayed pass Hodgson gains 4 1-2 yards. Hodg son purits across the goal line. The ball is brought out to the 25 yard line. Thomas punted to midfield. Luttrell gained 5 yards. V. P. I. no gain on next rush. Garrett rushed through ' and blocked Hodgson's kick. Hodgson recovers ball after loosing 30 yards. Hodgson looses 10 yards on a fumble. Hodgson punted to Tillett, who ran back 5 yards. Carolina gained 5 yards. First half over. Ball in Carolina's possession on V- f. 1. s oU yard line. Second half Davis was substitu ted for Billups by V. P. I. Hodgson kicked to Captain Thomas, who ran the oval back 2d yards before he was downed. On a fake kick Thomas lost 5 yards. Carolina penalized 15 yards. Thomas punted 35 yards to Connelly. Davis circles left end for 25 yards. Davis no gain Luttreli lost 1U yards on end run Hodgson fails in an attempt to kick field goal. Thomas punted out from the zo yard line. Luttrell was thrown for a loss by Wiggins Hodgson punted 45 yards to Ruf fin, who fumbled, and the bal rolled to Carolina's 5 yard line Thomas punted. Carolina penalized 5 yards for being offside. Davis gained 2 yards. On a fake place kick Hodgson made a forward pass to Luttrell, who with a sple ndid interference, ran 4U yards tor a touchdown. Hodgson kicked goal Score, V. P.I. 6, North Carolina 0 Thomas kicked to V. B. Hodgson who ran the ball back 10 yards. Luttrell loses 5 yards. Hodgson punted 50 yards to Williams who brought it back 15 yards. Tillett gained 5 yards. On a fumble Caro lina regained the ball on V. P. I.'s 50 yard line. Wiggins gained 15 yards on a forward pass. On-side kick failed, V. P. I. got the ball. V. P. I. lost 2 yards on a fumble. On a fake kick Hodgson gained 5 yards. Hodgson punted 40 yards and Carolina brought the ball back 10 yards. On a fake kick Thomas lost 10 yards: Thomas punted 30 yards. V. P.. I peualized 15 yards for holding. Hodgson punted to Tillett. Wiggins gained 8 yards on an end run. Williams plunged through the line for 5 yards, Bel den no gain. Thomas hit the line for 9 yards. Thomas punted. Da vis dashed round left end for a 40 yard gain. Luttrell no gain. On fake pass V. P. I. lost 4 yards. An onside kick gave the ball to V. P. I yard line by V. P. I, Tillett ran back the ball 15 yards. On forward pass Lester gained 40 yards. Wig- gained 3 yards. A forward failed. Thomas punted 35 yards. Luttrell lost 10 yards. Time up. Ball on V. P. I's. 10 yard line in her possession. Line-up. gins pass Carolina Manning, Lester Norwood Howell Deans Rogers r e c Iff 1 t 1 e qb r h 1 h V. P.I. Hicks J. R. Jones E.R. Hodgson Gibbs Walker H. G. Jones Huffard Connelly Billups, Davis Luttrell Garrett Wiggins . Tillett Thomas, Ruffin. Williams Belden f b V.B. Hodgson Referee. Jack Gass, of Lehigh; um pire, Pope, of Harvard. Head lines man, Simmons, of Washington and Jefferson. Time of halves, 25 and 20 minutes, The University OF North Carolina. ...J 789... HEAD OF OF rfnn 1 ivprl 1 vnrrlvi f nr tmlrlit-wr Hodgson punted 50 yards to Tillett, ,on Carolina's 25 yard line. V. P. I. l r A. i. ' I 1! i ie....j. r.-i.i.iii i wnu was idiu uui xur two minutes. He was garner and Thomas trained 9 resumed play yards. Ruffin penalized 15 yards. Luttrell gained 7 yards. Hodgson kicked a beauti ful place-kick Irom the 30 yard line. gained 2 yards- Belden gained 3 Score, V. P. L 10, North Carolina yards off tackle. On fake kick Ruffin gained 25 yards, advancing the ball to V. P. I's 25 yard line, 0. Thomas kicked off over the goal posts. Ball punted out from the 25 I THE MARK OF THE BEST SHIRT CI.UETT, PEABOOY A CO. ; maker or CLUETT AND ARROW COLLARS I L- mi ... . nil III I The Royal & Borden Fur. Co. DURHAM. 'N. C. 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PATTERSON'S OPPOSITE THE CAMPUS, where you will find Men's Furnishings, Trunks, Dres Suit Cases, Carpets. Bum. readv-mmlH fihta pniw Cnses, Towels, Bowls and Pitchers, Kerosene Oils Heaters, Hardware of all kinds and everything that is good to eat. All goods delivered promptly. CHAPEL HILL, . . NORTH CAROLINA J. E. Gooch & Co. CAFE Meals at All Hours WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE Charlotte Steam Laundry Oldest. Largest, Best SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Dyeing suits and sweaters a specialty Give us a trial T. H. PARTRICK, L. N. TAYLOR, and J. L. EASON, Agents 26 N. E., 23 and 22 South Eubanks Drag Company, Prescription Specialists, CHAPEL HILL. NORTH CAROLINA

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