. ... . ...... LI . . m . ... HIE Vol. 17. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA, CHAPEL HILL, N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 1909. No. 13. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION. lTSJ fx irsN II i! A ANNIVERSARY OF LEE IS FIT TINGLY CELEBRATED Dr. Woodrow Wilson of Princeton Delivers an Address on Lee as a Model for Present Day People The anniversary exercises began at seven o'clock Tuesday evening Gerrard Hall had in it the largest number of people it has held any time recently. Not even decent standing- room could be found, and many were listening ' through windows. The exercises brief prayer by Then Dr visitors. were opened by a Bishop Cheshire Venable welcomed the The Legislators,.,' were told that they were welcome to any thing- that they could find here, or anvthintr that could be found for them. , ,....-. " After a few tributes to Lee, Dr. Venable introduced the speaker pf the occasion, Dr. Woodrow Wilson, Priefly, as is his custom, Dr. Vena ble came to the point at once. He stated the opinion of the University in regard to Princeton and its - President. He mentioned the num erous calls that Carolina has made upon Princeton and her readiness to respond. Then Dr. Venable g-ave a synop sis of the general estimate of Dr. Wilson. What he said of him was to the effect that he was not only a scholar, but a student. More than this Dr. Venable also designated him as a statesman. These last Words are suggestive of the reception of Dr. Wilson and his address. The audience expect ed much from him, and that was what wasg-iven. The address was a sympathetic attempt to estimate something- of Lee's greatness and its effect. It was more than sym pathetic, it was powerful. Something- that resembles its substance will be given. V ' , f Dr. Wilson attempted no eulogy of Lee since he said, that although pleasant, such would be useless. He gave an estimate of what Lee means to a new generation. The greatest need of this new genera tion is life according to great prin ciples. On this account , Lee's life means a great deal to us. Dr. Wilson's address was sustan tially: Lee is no longer regarded as a sectional character, but as a great American. The feeling is now that he was a great American general in the Confederate Army. His genius is appreciated by the nation. , .' The South does not want to keep Lee to herself, but she still looks upon him as the leader of her knew him best. The affection of the South for him is still uppermost in her estimate of him. An eulogy of Lee would be pleas ant, but unnecessary. The object of anniversary services is no longer to praise him, but rather to talk ofwha he means to a new generation Rather than give unnecessary praise thethingtodo is to estimate his worth as an example of the princi pies which should be followed by us. His traits and personality are to be used as a stimulus to duties of our own times, and not to the memo ry or immagination of warlike deeds Lee's t-nect should be felt upon the individual conscience rather than upon sectional or national pride. ; 1 he Civil War had force which excite us today. Such are yet in our blood, and as such can not be calm ly estimated. But perhaps the most dramatic thing of the struggle is the ' a C T T . quiet sincerity or ivee. it seems that all his attempts made to keep himself out of public sight, only rendered him more prominent. T r i" 1 it i-ee was iorceiui as au great men but not on the surface- Men usually conceal poorly those things which move them, Lee had himself under control. The out breaks that are thought to be com mon to great men were not indulged in by him. Only at great emergen cies did the latent fire in Lee make itself visible. For this reason he illustrates real power since great ardor under control stands for power and force. Lee is thus the model of leaders of men. The force in Lee can only be rea- nzeu as a principle at worK in a man. He served this principle and lived by it. His power was not used for self-gratification, but to do his duty. This makes him the model he is, for having the power to gain thing-s for himself he used it for society. The characters of men grow through unselfishness and in pro portion to it. Lee as a model of dis interestedness in self is at the side of Washington. The principle at work in the man is greater than the man himself. Lee means to us personality ex pressed iu service to society His leadership in war is to be looked upon as the leadership of a man determined to submit himself to a general end. The motives of today are unlike Lee's. The national policies are LEGISLATURE VISITS US armies. Remembrances of his private being tormed by minute calculations characterand gentlemanly qualities j of compounded interests. Thepolicy are held dear in the section which (Concluded on third page) 150 M EMBERS SPENT THE EVEN ING WITH US. LARGE NUM BER RECEIVED INTO SOCIETIES. The legislature to the number of one hundred and fifty visited us Tuesday afternoon. They arrived at four o'clock and bi ought wth them about fifty of their friends and, friends of the University. The delegation was received with open arms, metaphorically, and open throats literally. The fact that there were ladies in the party may have augmented the feeling of grati fication of the student body which was gathered in front of the South Building to receive them. Yells for the Legislature were given and for a long while. Then gradually the members of the Legislature dispersed in groups, with and without ladies, to inspect the campus. The inspection was done leisurely, though thcrougly and lasted until four thirty when dinner was served in Commons Hall. Just after dinner the two societies held meetings for the purpose of electing the members of the Legis lature Honorary Members of the So cieties. The western men went to the Di Hall and the Eastern to the Phi. Into the Di came a goodly number of the delegation among tbom seve ral old members who have become prominent in the State since leaying the University. The new members were initiated, and then speeches called for from' them and the old members. The first speaker to respond was Judge Graham, Speaker of the House. He spoke as the old mem bers usually does of his pleasure at being back in the society, but also as one having a right to speak. He referred to the close connection that his family and the Battles have had With the University for several generations. He paid a tribute to his class, '68, aud to the society then and now, and closed with an appeal to the present members to make use of their splendid opportunities. Senator Paul B. Means, of Caba rrus, came next, tie took a snot at Judge Graham, aud gave the society some good suggestions, at the same time praising it for its past work. Mr. Whitehead Ktuttz, of Rowan. added to his already widespread ame as a impromptu speaker. He opened humorously, and spoke very entertainingly in a light vein, until he became serious and his audience with him. Mr. Shipman, Commissioner of Labor and Printing, when called upon did his part easily and sensibly. The meeting ended before the socie- y was ready, just after a short talk by Mr. Brown, of Rale'gh, and a real speech by oue of Caroli na's old Georgia debaters, Mr. Buie, '98. ; (Concluded on second page.) UNIVERSITY SERMON SUNDAY REVEREND MILTON A. BARBER ; OF RALEIGH OUTLINES QUAL ITIES OF A CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS. The University sermon for Janaury was delivered in Gerrard Hall last Sunday night by Rev. Milton A. Barber of Christ Church Raleigh. Mr. Barbers text was: "Thou, therefore, endure hardships as a good soldier of Jesus 1 Christ." His sermon was an excellent example of those of the leading ministers in the state today. In brief, it was as follows. "Thou, therefore, shall endure hardships as a good soldier ot Jesus Christ. The religion of Christ calls for warfare and every Christian must be a warrior enduring hardships. We are to remember that we fight with spiritual not phy sical weapons ! and not against flesh and blood but against moral evils. There are three requirements must lose or absorb his will in that ' of his commander. He must not en tangle himself in the affairs of life. Second, he must have courage, moral courage. "Bravery lies in the blood, courage in the reason." The Christ ian soldier may be brave, he must be courageous. Third, the soldier must be willing to endure hardships. We have men of this type today, such men as Bishop Rowe of Alaska, Bishop Brent of the Phillipine Islands and Bishop Knight in the the mines of Colorado. Mr. Barber closed his serman by calling on the young- men to be Chistian soldiers. Flossies Win Out In Gerrard Hall Monday night at eight o'clock there was a debate between the Kappa Tauand Smith literary societies of the Chapel Hill High School. The Smith society was represented by two young men, Wills and Craig; the Kappa Tau by two young ladies, Misses Lynch, and McAulay. These debaters defended and attacked the proposi tion of compulsory education. The Smith Society had the affir- ' mative of the query which ran like the formula, Resolved, That North Carolina should enact a com - pulsory school law for all children ' between the ages of six and thirteen years. It was brought out that law was impartial and had no preference ' for white children over pickaninnies. Much Shakespeare, more of the : State Constitution, some of the Bible were quoted and, applied. Jokes were told and the question threshed thoroughly. When the com mittee retired to render a decision it was reached only after great labor and much discussion. But being actuated, as Professor Cobb said, more by a sense of fairness than any thing else, the debate was decided in favor of we nearly said the girls the negative. s , i ":'',,''