TTf-iis Tar t-lEfcci UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. BOAKD OF EDITORS 0. 0. J. Coffin, W. Hyman, Editor-in-Chief. Assistant Editor-in-Chief ASSOCIATE EDITORS t. r. C. 0. Nash rohinson C. B. Rlffin, A. II. Wolfe, W. M. Gaddy Cykus Thompson - - - Business Manager Assistant Business Manager Published once a week by the General Ath letic Association. . Entered in the Postoffice at Chapel Hill, N. C, as second class matter. . . Printed by The University Press, Chapel Hill Subscription Price. $1.50 per Year Payable in advance or during first term. Single Copies. 5 Cents We are congratulating" ourselves upon having had Dr. Wilson with us. We will sot cease to congra tulate ourselves soon, but we can not comment upon his address. Being sorry for those who could not hear it we do not mind say ing so, but it was too splendid for us to stand off and paste price values on. Since we feel that any words of ours would be empty to those who heard Dr. Wilson, and misleading to those who did not, the next thing I to do is to remain silent. The visit of the Legislature was indeed enjoyable to us . It is fit ting that the State should know what we are doing, and such a visit, although it could hardly be called an inspection, will scarcely fail to make our aims seen more clearly bv those members wno nad never a . . . 1 1 been to see us. It helps us to trot ourselves out to be looked over. It seemed to please the visitors to look at us. The initiation of the members in to the societies was in every way oleasant. It was an honor that we were glad to show them; one which they appreciated. The old mem bers of the societies, when called upon for talks, came across like the good old boys that they are. The new members responded appre ciatively. None seemed glad to hear the bell which cut short the meeting. As a visit it has given us plea sure. As an inspection it has help ed us both. We didn't know the Legislature as well as we do since hey paid us a call. They have seen us face to face as we like to, look at folks. We hope that this J is not the last visit from them, but only a begining of a fair under standing of a State institution, by the legislators of the State. In our last: issue we tried to put into words the sentiment of a large number of the student body in re gard to a physical trainer for the football squad. If we succeeded in voicing the sentiment we hope to see it grow stronger. When we need a thing it is never too earlv to begin trying to bring it about. Let's tret to work to see how we may in- p, THERE have been about ten dras Wilson, of Princeton, after beine- r-, - I , - handed in for the '"Yackety Yack.'' made welcome officially by Dr. Ven ATM. J (i 1-1 J i i i, m j.nis uot-sen i iook gooa to anyone aoie. xne exercises were over in who is interested in our annual, time to allow them just sufficient Kerr and Battle are able to take on time to catch their train which left those that are offered, and would be at nine o'clock. glad of the chance to see some drags. it looks as though we ought all to get behind this department of the annual and cover these folks up with the best we have or can find. And there is no time for delay if the drags are put in on time. Don t be afraid that someone else has handed in your drag. Hand in something any way! Dramatic Club Deccldes on Play. The Dramatic Club met Friday afternoon for the purpose of select ing a play for this spring. The meeting was more poorly attended than it bhould have been but those present settled down to business. It was decided to put on the Hero op the Gridiron, and to give the first performance during Junior Week. Work on the play will begin as soon as it is possible to ob tain copies or it. All men wanting to go in for th uramatic L,iub snouia begin com peting for places at ouce. The Legislature Visits us (Continued from first page) In the Phi there was about the same number of initiations as in the Di. The first man called on was Mr. Josephus Daniels, who responded Parts of the Play are Petl to a11 who in a manner very agreable to those care to try for them- The Club is present. What he said was well not essentially a club, but represents saiH a wpII wll thrmtrht a phase ot student activity.. lne , " . - - Mr. C. W. Bickett next expressed members ot the club do try to re himself as being rejuvenated by his serve the Plays .to,-themselves bu (' i " ' I 1 J I. . J - C I. -1 i I. .. A v r Hp pi no-i7.pri )r Mntm no- wouiu uei iotu ui any neiu mai - " . . . . . . under whom he studied law. might be given by the students Mr. Alex Field and Mr. Blow 1 ne iacl ot mterest nas 'm posed a are next called upon, and responded handicap heretofore. It is hoped in a humorous vein. that there will be good stiff compe Mr. Brooks praised both the socie- tition for a11 the P,aces. The char ties and the University highly' and peters in this play are thirteen in I 1 At" number, nine masculine and tour u,:Du:c-t.:; leminine. tut x iii uuciciy Mr. riand thauked the society in Baseball Men are Getting Out. ucuan ui me icisiauuic lur mc ie- As otten as the weather permits ception given and the honor ot Cantain Hamilton has the canidates membership. Mr. Connor proposed for the baseball team out for light practice on the old diamond, back BOY Now is the time, Kluttz's is the place to buy your new Fall Hats, Shoes, Shirts, Neckwear tne change or making the active members speak to the honorary Messrs u ray ami isascom were humorously incluivU, Mr. ,Gray wanting to send ten children to the of the gymnasium. Four of the regular members of the 1908 'Var 1 14 i , . sity ana three substitutes nave re turned to college. They are: uuiDersity. Alter tnese two gen- Stewart, pitcher and outfielder. tlemen came an able talk from the paf Rn;n fircf KaCO Trtf ain. Instruction, J. 1 . Joyner. Mr. Duls, substitute pitcher. Wads Joyner asserts that he is still an worth, substitute infielder, and artivp tripmhpr nf the sndpt.v. Tillett, substitute outfielder. 1 -T AT r: i jr"-" v-.-s Kw cv,. .u... UUU1CS tuc u.u mcu.uci a mono- them mav be mentioned attending. He praised the society MoQr catcher. Duncan, second and alluded to it as a great factor base, Armstrong, third base, Winn, in shaping the destiny of the State, short stop, Hedgpeth, and Hendrix, Then Mr. Manning admitted that pitcher and outfielder he had done his duty BOARD AT COMMONS HALL $9.00 PER MONTH. by the society by sending two sons to the Uni versity. He also gave some enter taining reminisciences of the re opening days at the University. The new members, Messrs. Idely, Prugue, Peele and Godwin express ed themselves as being in sympathy with our work here. Mr. Albert Cox being on the committee of ap propiations would not say much but what he did say was to the point and appreciative. The new members in both socie ties showed themselves to be appre ciative of the honor of membership. Those called upon acquited them selves with Credit, as though they hade spoken before. This time, how ever, it was not a controversy so thev aereedt The meetings were a successeverv wav. and all seemed to AH samples, stationery, and art cata :n,T logue free. We want one permanent i After the initiations the Legis latcrs inspected the Library. six until seven o'clock there was SHIRTS On and off like a coat. In fast colors and ex clusive styles. $1.50 up. CLUETT, PBAB0DT & CO., Makers SALES AGENTS WANTED $36.00 per Week or 400 per cent Profit agent in this locality for the largest nirfiirp anrl frntne house in Amprir.a. TiV.. r . - " Jl' 1 UU1 I T- Tn .t,M a vou how to sell our troods and furnish reception given there. They were the capital. If you want a permanent, met by the faculty and such of the honorable, and profitable position sure the installation of the trainer students as felt no need for supper, write us today for particnlars, cata- next fall. The Tar Heel would ber At seven o'clock the aniversy ex- logue and samples glad of any suggestions from any of , ercises began in Gerrard Hall. The FRANK W. WILLIAMS COMPANY ts friends as to the best way to do visitors were addressed by Dr. 2114 W. Taylor St., Chicago, Illinosi and everything nishings. Big sale on. New goods. Prices in men's Fur cash reduction and up-to-date that cannot be beat. Call early to avoid rush. FR Musical Concerts New selections 8 to 9 p.m. Respectfully, A. A. KLUTTZ Doctor William DENTIST, Lynch, Office in Kluttz Block CHAPEL HILL Dr. G S. BOYETTE DENTIST Office in Brockwell Building The Athletic Store Invites the students to give it the same iberal support in the future as they have in the past. We carry a complete line of GYMNASIUM GOODS Give our manager your order for a pair of Regal shoes. J. M. Neville. Mannaer BOYS! See "Long" Bill Jones or Pressing and Cleaning. Work guaranteed. $1.00 per month. . Shop in rear of Kluttz Building. The Royal & Borden Fur. Co. DURHAM. IS: C. Dealers in HIGH GRADE FURNITURE. GIVE US A TRIAL B. C. Pickard & Co. LIVERY STABLE ocated on Rosemarv St.. near Tele phone Exchange. Stylish turnouts always on hand.i WANT A TEAM, CALL 30. this.