m HEEL. ... " . V : ' ". . "' " Vol. 17. U5ITERSITY OF 50RTH CAR0U5A, (APEL HIU, N. C, THURSDAY-, FEBRUAKTf 11, 1909. No. 16. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE UNIVERSITY eJNORTH CAROLINA ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION. S0PH0M0RE-JUM0R DEBATE ALASKA - YUKON - PAG EXPOSITION MESSRS. WHITAKER AND MON TAGUE IMPROVING. FRENCH DRAMATIC CLUB. The query, Resolved, that the Athletics. ELISHA MITCHELL SOCIETY FRED EMERSON BROOKS TO BE HERE SOON. ANNOUNCEMENTS OF COMMIT TEE ON TENNIS ASSOCIATION COURTS. The Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society held its regular meeting in Chemistry Hall Tuesday night. In the absence of the president the vice presiden t, Professor A. H. Patterson presided. Dr. W. C. Goker, assisted by Dr. with lantern slides. The views shown were taken by Dr. Coker last summer when he visited the famous botanist Luther Burbank at Banta Rosa, California. The lecture Was intensely interesting and was 1 i ' it j i i " j ; ' rreatiy enjoyea Dy me large auui nce present. After the lecture was ever severa specimens of the fruit grown at Burbank's farm were shown. The committee in charge of co U mted btates should establish post- Wiate athletics at the Alaska-Y al saving banks,, was debated J? ri- kon-Pacific Exposition wishes day night by the Di and Phi Socie- hear from college athletes who ma ties, ine fm upneia tney amrma- possibly enter the meets. The Ex tive and the Di-the negative. The rep- position opens in Seattle, Washing resentatives of the Phi were J. A. too, on ' June 1st and close; McKay and S. F. Teague, of the on October 16th. The main exhibii Di Austin and Hdnionds. btnldino-s are now furnisher! th The debaters were fit and went several state buildings, the grounds R' ' Davis' avea kcture ,f. k,f on., t a At ..n... Oi.i A lTiD to tsuroanK, laustraxeu ' ai ll bub uv. ua t& tuiuLaLiVf' a. n. i hum iiJiitrt'siiiMs(iM i . r 1 1- ihv vith r speeches were-good, and well deliv- will be ready in every detail on the ered. The rejoinders were spirti: opening day. Alaska, Yukon Terri- ed and pointed. The decision was tory, the Oriental countries and tlfc was in favor of the negative, but, various states will have very novd the committee vote was two to one. and attractive exhibits. F. C. Whitaker Improving The athletic contest already art P. C. Whitaker who was hurt in rauea mciuae a variety ol specia a runaway a little more than a week events. such as army, navy, militia! ago is improving. He has been in and Y' M- C- A- sports, Marathon Watts Hospital. Durham, since race equestrian events, tennis, 8- and for sometime his injuries were oared' 4"oared and single-scull row- thought fatal. But there has been ,n' swimming, canoeing, jumoer- a decided improvement in the last men s- sports ana tug or-war. few days. It is reported that he The railroads have already au-- will be taken to his home at Enfield nounced extremely low rates to Se- next Monday by his mother, who is attle, giving a choice of routes both with him. News of his condition going and returning. Special rates has been hard to obtain, and many wiU prevail from Seatle to Alaska, of the reports were unfounded, the liawian xslandsand the Orient. This, however, we think is on good The cool, bracing summer climate authoritv. and pure mountain water ot the - Montague Meets With Accident Fu"e bound re5,on are considered very tavorabie tor training. Viewed from all standpoints the coming summer offers the best opportunity "that will be available for many years for athletes to see the Pacific coast and Alaska and at the same time to enjoy competition under the most favorable conditions. Correspondence should be addres sed to Dean Milnor Roberts, Univer sity of Washington, Seattle, Washington. A national meet open only to col lege men will scheduled early in the summer 'at a time most convenient Mr. P. M. Montague, '10, is now ill at the infirmary, as the result of an accident. He was seated on the operating table having an abrasion on his knee dressed when he fainted and fell to the floor. The occipital-nerve was jarred by the fall, causing mild paralysis for several hours. Mr. Montague, at present, is doing well andwill soon be at liberty. The French Dramatic Club This club has another name.but it's French so let it go. But this is getting busy. Every French stu v. .-w w....jr - tof a majority of the competitors, the play which the club will present The committee iacharire desire to later. The play is Mollier's UnMe dicin Malgre Lai and is said to be funny. Perhaps the club will be fitted to present such an uproarious farce, Undents at least that seems to be the opinion Mr. Vermont and Monsieur Tom my Parker are behind the play. Fred Emerson Brooks Here Soon The Y. M. C. A. Lyceum Commit tee has succeeded in securing Fred Emerson Brooks, Poet-Orator, for au early entertainment. Mr. Chaun- tey M. Depew has said of him, "Be patiMr gxatlcmen, we are to have more of Brooks later on. Most streams are1 larger at their mouth ihan at their source. It is not so wth Brooks." We are glad the committee has secured this popular entertainer. Association Courts hear as soon as possible from all those interested, in order to arrange dates which shall interfere the least with the proposed summer plans of The individual medals and team cups to be offered will be of such character as- to add considerably tn .xney win pericct tae biuucnu. in tfae honor of winnjng. place forone's pronunciation of French (if they can) colIeffe in a national meet. and will stage it. .,A ' At is no umounueu ueiiei i.ua.L ine student bodv has in the outcome, events.relay races and cross-country The students are acquainted with ruus wil1 take PIace at tlie raeet- Ia f,aui, f., connection with it there will be a of habit. Great interest is beine- senes of baseball, basketball, and shown in the latest' examole. Un tenn,s maicnes, oesiaes boxing, Medicin Malgne Ltd is said to mean wrestling and other special features 'A doctor in spite of himself.' There Kela7 races may be arranged be- a.re a lot of examoles of that state- tween tHe Atlantic states, the Mid- ment. so this homely truth will be d,e states ocky Mountain states, trtfonmpri in its French dress on the Pacific Coast. Canada and the ;n-kf Anrir 1fifh western Indians. I The committee appointed to con sider some regulations as to the use of the courts have drawn up the following; 1. These tenuis courts shall be used only by members of the Tennis Association. 2. It is required that all those who play on these courts shall use tennis, or some form of soft-bottomed, shoes. 3. Lime and a marker are pro vided in the engine room of the gymnasium. These must be used exclusively in marking, off the courts. . The committee further add the drobably unnecessary remark that courtesy will suggest to those using the courts that at the end of two or at least three sets they turn over the courts to those who may be waiting. The association does not wish to place any time restrictions upon those using the courts, but it is manifestly unfair for four nfen to hold a court from 2:00 until 6:00 to the exclusion of others. The ceurts when finally altogether prepared will furnish room for sixty-four men to play two hours every after noon. Students, then, should not hold back from joining the associa tion because they are afraid they will not get a chance to play. THE ACTORS ARE READY "HERO OF THE GRIDIRON' TO BE GIVEN THE EIGHTEENTH. NEWS FROM SOCIETIES. The members of the Dramatic Club are hard at work on the "Hero of the Gridiron," which they will prsent Thursday night Feb. 18th. The play represents college life. The characters are of various types from the popular football player to the measly freshman, including co-eds. The men are under a good system of coaching and by the eighteenth they will be in good trim to imitate col lege life. Tickets will be on sale at Eubank's Drug Store next week. The Phi last Saturday night debated the query: Resolved That postmasters should be elected by direct vote of the people, like other public officials. The affirmative won and Mr. D. B. Teague made the best speech. At the recently inaugurated Fri day night meeting of the Di the query was: Resolved, that the merg ing of all the cotton mills inter one corporation would be beneficial to the South. The affirmative won. Mr- C C. Garrett made the best speech and Mr. J. R. Nixon was given honorable mention. At the regular Saturday night meeting of the society the same question was debated, the negative won. Mr. C. h. Cates was the best speaker. I AM IT When a man has been a mueker, Let's himself be played for a sucker, Then it stings; And the rotten rainy weather Causes to drop many a feather From love's wings. Oh, the hopeless self-excusing-, And the dreary sordid musing Of his brain. For him there's no glad tomorrow, His is self-inflicted sorrow, Tormenting pain. . If he had only loved her less, He'd feel better; we confess He's a fool; But experience's dear-bought teachings Are worth a lot of hard dry preachings,, As a rule. In fact there's only one poor creature To whom experience is not teacher, And a school, That's a man whose heart's so simple That it throbs at one faint . dimple - A damn fool.

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