LOCAL NOTES .:-'.;-r ' V. ' Mr. J. , H. .Boushall, Jr. and Mr. Alex. Field spent Saturday arid Sunday at their homes in Raleigh. - Professor H. H. Williams will de liver his address, which was post poned on account of illness, before the Y. M. C. A. next Tuesday evening" on "Principles which should guide one in his choice of a life work." Le Cercle Dramatique Francais met. in Chapel at 7:45 o'clock on Monday and Wednesday night. The "Wearers of the N. C." held their regular Wednesday night meeting in the Y. M. C. A. House at 7:15 P. M. , The Biological Journal Club will meet with Dr. W. C. Coker at 8:00 o'clock Saturday night. "Mike" Hudson, ex'10, who is now at the Naval Acadamy, was on the Hill Tuesday. Mr. Grady Rankin will lead the discussion at the Y. M. C. A. praver meeting tonight at 7:15 o'clock. New officers of the Y. M. C. A. have been elected as follows aad will take their offices "at once and serve through the ensuing year: President, Mr. Hoke Ramsaur; Vice-president, J. H. Boushall, Jr.; Recording Sec ratary, L. N, Taylor;. and Treas urer, J. H. Johnston. The "I Tappa Keg" has failed to float it's stock and has gone bank rupt. Frank McLean has continued to to improve since his operation for appendicitis. It is hoped that he will soon be able to return to college. Dr, J, B Royster addressed the Y. M. C. A. Tuesday night. His subject will not be placed in quota tion marks, but it was something to the effect that a sheep-thief should not deliver lectures on morals. Hereafter the "Wearers of the N. C." will meet on Monday night in stead of Wednesday night. All members will please remember. The Season-tickets do not seem to be selling fast. This ought not to be the case. - If we want to see games here we ought to support the management in arranging them on the local diamond. The management needs the money, you need the tick ets. It's cheaper to buy eighteen games for $5.50 than to pay fifty cents per game. You are going to attend most of the games, why not save40 per-cent. It looks" like a good investment from our point of view. Hal Merton, magician, entertain ed Tuesday night. His perform ance was clever and enjoyed by all. A really good sleigh-of-hand per former seldom wearies, and Mr. Merton is a good one; al 1 rigb 1 . In addition to his feats; of magic he gave a few of ventriloquism, but the large aud better part of the evening he gave over to his magic. Mr. Lee F. Hanmer, Secretary of the National Playground . . Associa tion, who is making a tour of the South, gave an instructive stereop tican lecture in Gerrard Hall Wed nesday night. Mr. Hanmer interest ingly showed the urgent need of play -grounds in all the large cities and outlined the great work that is being accomplished through the Association. The University OF North Carolina. ,..1789.,, HEAD OF THE STATE SYSTEM OF EDUCATION. ..1909... The University stands for thoroughness and all that is best in education and the moulding of character. It is equipped with 16 buildings, new water works, cen tral heating, electric lights. Eleven Sci entific Laboratories, equipped for good work. The Faculty numbers 74. Stu dents 780. Library of 45,000 volumes. One librarian and four assistants. Fine Literary Societies. There is an active Y. M. C. A. conducted by the students. Scholarships and loans for the needy and deserving. For information, address F. P. VENABLE, President, Chapel Hill, N. C. BOYS ! "The Old Reliable Adam" is still at the old stand, ready to serve you as usual. Everything for the student, from a shoe string to a dress suit. Anything not in stock will be ordered promptly, Books at cash. Bargains in college stationery, pennants and sou venirs. Up-to-date Hats, Shoes and Furnishings. Be sure to trade with the "Old Reliable" and save money. The University Book Store, next to Bank of Chapel Hill. Respectfully, A. A. KLUTTZ. BOARD AT COMMONS HALL $9.00 PER MONTH. The Royal & Borden Fur. Co. DURHAM. N. C. Dealers in HIGH GRADE FURNITURE. GIVE US A TRIAL G. C. Pickard & Co. LIVERY STABLE Located on Rosemary St., near Tele phone Exchange. Stylish turnouts always on hand. W A N T A T E AM, CALL 30. WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE Charlotte Steam Laundry Oldest. Largest, Best SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Dyeing- suits and sweaters a specialty Give us a trial T. H. PARTRICK, and J. L. EASON, Agents : 26 N. E., and 22 South Wheel in need of echoes call on Perry H or ton Co. MAIN STREET, DURHAM, N. C. Or see t heir representatives ' on the Hill ... We can fit in any stvle on a days notice. Jordan. Belden 6t Manning, Agents. 765 University of 'Pennsylvania DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE 1909 Undergraduate Department. The One Hundred and Forty-fourth Session will begin September 24,1909. The course, which covers a period of four ' years, of eight and one-half months each, is eminently practical, and properly graded., beginning with laboratory instruction in the fundamental subjects, and concluding with a comprehensive system of bedside instruction, terminating in the Fourth Year with the assignment of students as clinical clerks in the University Hospital. 90 per cent, of the graduating classes secure positionsas Resident Physicians m Hospitals. The applications for graduates from this school are so great that every student could be placed. Requirements tor Admission. For the sessions beginning 1909 and 1910 respectively, the re quirements for admission will pe briefly as follows : For 1909 the successful completion of work equivalent to that prescribed for the Freshman class in a recognized literary college, which must include work in physics, chemistry and biology as specified in ourcatalogue, and at least two foreign languages, one of which must be either French or German. In 1910 the successful completion of work equivalent to that prescribed for the Fresh man and Sophomore classes in a recognized literary college, which must include work in physics, chemistry and biology, as specified in our catalogue, and at least two foreign languages, one of which must be either French or German. Graduate Department The laboratories and clinics of this Department are open throughout the year for the benefit of those who wish to engage in post-graduate work. For further information, send for catalogue. Dean of the Medical Department, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.. HOW A WOMAN IN N. C. STARTED IN BUSINESS WITH ONLY ONE DOLLAR She is mow independent and cares not how bad times are. Can be done by others A woman in North Carolina started in business with only one dollar and now has an income of of more than 200 dollars a week. One day she saw an advertisements in a . monthly story paper of " WICKE'S SWISS. HERB TEA" stating that it wts the BEST REMEDY ON THE MARKET for all Kidney, Liver, and Stomach Troubles and while she had been troubled with all thesb complaints foi more than 7 years, she wrote to the Manufacturer for a 25 cent package, which she used carefully according to the directions. After one weeks use she found that all her complaints had left her and she told the people, who had known her as a very sick lady, what she had used. All who saw the wonderful change in her condition, asked her to get them a package, and she sent one dollar to the manufacturer of the tea and asked him to send her as many packages as he could afford for the one dollar. She got 8 packages which she sold at 25 cents each, which gave her a profit of one dollar on her investment, and 25 sample packages, which she distributed to other people and asked them to try tins wonderful Herb Tea. A week later she went to all these people again and asked them if they had tried the Tea and what they thought sf it, and to her surprise she got an order for a package from every one of these, they all said "the Tea is wonderful." She at once sent for 100 packagese and kept on distribting samples and sold them all in a weeks time. Then she sent for 500 packages and now she had .59 other ladies and men working for her, selling "Wicke's Swiss Herb Tea" from house to house, and North Carolina has never been in so healthy condition as she is now; the call for a Doctor is only in rare cases or accident. A Druggist offered her the other day $10,000 dollars for her Agency, but she declined his offer. , Any one, who has a little push and energy can do as well as she and while there are a few Agencies still open, we advise all who want to build up an independent business, to write to II . FELDSTEIN, 1375 Myrtle avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y., and send him a Monev Order for one or more dollars to secure the Agencv of their town. Write todav and build up a business and be independent. The Holl a d a y Studio SUCCESSORS TO "COLE AND HOLLADAY" Gallery will be open every Wednesday of each week, beginning Wednesday, October 28th. HIGHGRADE WORK ONLY. Prices reasonable. A fine set of views of the campus and buildings on sale at all times GALLERIES AT BOTH DURHAM AND 6HAPEL HILL Your Cotton Crop Can Be Increased It costs no more to cultivate an acre that produces two bales of cotton than an acre which produces only one-quarter of a bale. Why not see what ou can do with . Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers Other men have been able to double and more than double their yield per acre with a liberal application of Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers. Messrs. Lucas & Jackson of Kelsey County, Tenn., used Virginia-Carolina Fertilizer on about 55 acres planted with cotton, and Bay: "We have the finest crop of cotton we ever saw, and all the people around here think the Bame. We actually counted 447 bolls on one stalk. Another stalk had by actual count 409 bolls, forms, squares and blossoms. On about 8 acres we expect to make about 2 bales to the acre, and an estimate of adjoining farms not so fer tilized and under other cultural methods, will yield only 1 bale to Ave acres." An interesting picture of the cotton plants referred to will be found in the new 1909 Virginia-Carolina Farmers' Year Book, copy of which may be had from your fertilizer dealer, or will be sent free, if you write our nearest sales office. Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co. Salts Offices Richmond, Va. Norfolk, Va. Columbia, S. C Atlanta, Ga. Savannah, Ga. Memphis, Tenn. CVIrginla-Oarollna) CnempdO Sales Offices Durham, N. C. Charleston, S. C Baltimore, Md. Columbus, Ga. Montgomery, Ala. Shreveport, La.

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