Occasion of the Occasion. (Concluded from first page) ' ' to make the short stay of the club as pleasant as possible. The boys left with ' great reluc tanVe and with a hooe that they might'be again allowed to return to tVioIt- cicfr ii-icti flit inn Trulv it was a red letter day. The following is the cast of cha- Harry Randolph, a Freshman from Uo WVi'ttP Hnnse Kanch. liv J? . bUV v .v - w Morrison. Af r- W.v rx PnMhall Coach. P. C Xf A 1 A- t. I A t.. v ' -. - , Members of the Bouncer Squad and Eata Bita fie rank oarnes, Fred Whteler. Walter French, John Taylcr. , D. Stowe Crouse, R. D." Eanies,; L. de'K. Belden, J. B- Farrior. T. L. Tintype, a Photo Agent, J. P. Watters. Ruben Rustic, from Haystack Ranch R. E. Tucker. Mr. Randolph, Harry's father, A R. Deans. Maud Davis, the Most Popular TT TT tt'irl of theCamous. Hi. ri. leiver ton. Ruth Randolph, Harry's Sister, Henrv C. Smith. Miss Prue, an Antiquated Chape rnn J. B. Reeves. TWe Doctor. R. R. Banks Football team, etc. Tennis has gotten to be worth watchingV and much more interest is now being taken in it, than any time before. SUMMER WORK. Students make big money . handling Srnrhoroneh MaD during .vacations. Many make all their school money tnat way. Our new Road Map of JN ortb ana South Carolina is proving, a winner The 1909 edition now ready. Big com . 1 1 missions; Free held training at tne t.imp. nf atHrtine.' Exclusive territory. Best proposition out for students ana teachers. Write S. A. Wiggins, Asne ville, N. C for particulars. J. E. Gooch & Co- cafe Meals at All Hours Eubanks Drug Company, Prescription Specialists, CHAPEL HILL. NORTH CAROLINA Durham Cigar Store Company 209 WEST MAIN ST. Cigars, cigarettes, tobaccos, and o 7 - pipes. Make our sxore ucauuai when in Durham. SCATTERED! SCATTER ATION ! ; A Tennis Game "Ntpvpr' was such a game as was Slaved back of the Carr Barn Mou- dav afternoon. Never did such di- vet Well-matched adver Maries' farce each other on the field of battle. The Tar Heel against "the Y. M." C. A. - The -Tar Heel "would not reauire italics except ' that the Y.'M. C. A. must perforce Via ve larp-e caos. Thedetails of this game are too ..JO!. L. .(!'" J".. ' - nianv totrv to out i all ot tnem in nrint. The principal features were the drives'of the newspaper "man he learned to drive by driving stakes, "jar heads",' and cows- And the iu',vf u0 V M C. A. were ' a thing not to be compared with any v any ever seen. As the Y. M. Cv A. put it. "l am the finest lobster ever seen on the campus 'or else where." Neither adversary could accept points as fast as the other gave them to him- ' Thejief was in the way of ' both, but there' wa never yet a backstop that could keep the balls in bounds. It is the boast of each paiy that no one ran hit a tennis ball lurtner man he can. . I TVip score was a draw, a set be Vi ; TKp tnwerim? of lug; Wvu y v-ti". - - ' . . ' the shades of night put a stop , to this most grand exhibit of tennis. The 'space is about filled ' for "the week, so the reader will be sparet other harrowing details. 'Scatteration isn't a good word, but that's what happens to all kinds of inflammation and congestion it u u vv A'K'S PNEUMONIA PREPARA TTON is annlied. Croup, . pneumon ia, colds, coughs, "i pains and soreness - in throat and - chest . are eurea oy this wonderful remedy. External and quickly absorbed. All druggists from 25c. to-$1.00. Three Reauiremeiits For All ; 3tdets ; You need reliable, original and complete 't.lr work. You also need books ana B"'"lihe.be8t openinffs, ment position, which you shouiapm -it a minimum of effort., and are filled. Here is the way to get all three at a mimmui . expense. .. , "We are Dealers in iacts. .. . i cnhiprt in school, col- We furnish the best information ooa legeor club, in business andub . ,arranged,ui;, and to the point, carefully typewritten, PoinP ?" Lferences - r ri.ui- rfL j.v, ips. iMblioo-raphies and full reteiences. . v , , suuauxc .1.U, w x r:. hiirhlY-trained investigators ana spec- expert advice. :fArmaiinnnn hand and on our means of ob- Added to our 5' Xh efficient system of sifting,, tXS TfVt y -ets individua,. -ouiremen and public problems and ZSfJ 'charges for new andorigi-' The cost is less than might be PJ1 oraucVthouand words furnished, nal material are at the rte. ' "''af 'rd5 Methods,' references and Quality, of work "lli upon request. (We have ,roT subject to prior sale, at $1.50 per thousand words. Send for price list.) A Desireable Position for You. TP iea , arp already planning about a summer or permanent f you are wise you re a ready P or indepetldent business.. lTo position or aooui an vg 6 "e will ffive vou advice, information , and real introduce our JlZl$l irtJrom now up to the time you se- dSirpS6 i. e. 2,500 words or over -at $2 ! per fhUh boards of trade, chambers of In our omciai capa uy, -;e,a organizations of employers, as well as commerce and other V.r .Serns. educational and other institutions, larwxorrauon departments. We are thusina ana mumcipa., - ... everywhere as well as opportuni- V9lZl XeSSS professionallines, t- ties ior siaiviug n ctrin"-s are attached to this oiler, it is No red tape,no commissions no ? about positionS is simply free and unconditional Jhte "formation we g i . to 5SSS psT fusions, and incur no other obligations. Books and magazines r ree. UNIVERSITY DRUG GO. nrt-iPH a. full line of the best Qigars, r.rvM,P.: and Tobacco. Agent for Huyler's Candy . Count on us to nn youi prescriptions promptly. 26 years in the drug -business. E. S. MERR1TT, Manager a fi,oV Wl,,r ement with every live dollar order for information we nS tvpUff 2 i StiS to tie Lpfoyment privilege, any book or ayear of will give free, in i addiUE it ox V , . f which is not over one dol- cucLrtrdpr s" worth: witn a?MU oraer, ?t wviiu, " - or magazines; w!th a15 order .more men may club together with sev- W3 oruci, rAax. ava& the orivilesres among tnem. eral subiects to mane such an , - v ,. Jxow to uruoi 1 Estimate Just think up one or more suDieco i - "h" Ihouskiid words the number of . you want it, desired, give us exact. limet the books or magazines you ton you would like and your qualification for xnr ...:n a 4V,p rPQt Address at once: II, YY C YV 111 ' NATIONAL CLEARING HOUSE OF INFORM A iiUi , Arthur Everett Small (Late Special Investigator, U.S. Gov't.) Director, Arthur Ev erett bm CAPITOL ST., WASHINGTON, D. C. Free Trip TO DURHAM Boys if you want an ..up-to-dat e sui .v , of clothes from Dave Levy CALL AT HPH. PATTERSON'S ''OPPOSITE TH&OAMruS. : ...in a..A iwJi'o Hhrirnifthliiars. Trunkx. Dres w h eve. vou win .i.- - Stilt cases, y" js'i j .. Z. . ..... -u..ria atirl -Pitchers. Keroxenn , Oil I U4tjK X UW VJIOf " ' - - HiteM, mr'dv.nr5oHU kind8 andeverytW"K ," good fo eat. ') All uoOdH delivered promptly. dHAPtil. H1U.. - .O....NOBTH.CABOWN 'Tennis Tournamerit on T?r he !rast " week ' the tennis - V " i ntirnament has been beintr conduct ted. - The Association ' menber's are fighting- hard for first place. 5 The matches are well contested. The courts allow two or three matches to be played at the same time' The Athletic Store Invites the students to give it; the same liberal support in the future as they have in the past. We carry a complete line of - GYMNASIUM m GOODS Give1 our manager.. your order for a pair of Regal shoes. J r.M,- Neville,-Manager One college man after another has learned that Q CIGARETTEnS V are just the kind he likes, and has told his friends about them. Thus their popularity grew un til today "Fatimas" are very popular among college men everywhere. 20 for 15c