THE HEEL Vol.18 UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA, CHAPEL HILL, N. CM THURSDAY, SEPT. NO. 2 OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION TENNIS TAKES NEW START TENNIS ASSOCIATION MEETS AND ELECTS NEW OFFICERS Rules for use of courts. ; Varsity Tournament begins Monday The University Tennis Association held its first meeting- this year , in Chemistry Hall Thursday afternoon There was a good number of tennis players and men interested in the game present. However, there is noticeable gap between the number of men who use the courts of the associ ation and the number of men who take an active part in building new courts and keeping the old in repair. At 2:15 the meeting was called to order by C. S. Venable, president. After hearing- the report of last year's treasurer the association was ready for the election of officers for the coming year. For president, .LW. Lasley, Jr., was nominated and there being no further nominations Mr. Lasley was unani mously elected president of the tennis association. S. R. Carrington was next elected to the position of secreta ry and treasurer. Both of the new officers are well fitted to hold their positions. Mr. Lasley has been vitally interested in tennis and an active par ticipant in the game for three years and two weeks. Mr. Carrington also has been active in helping the cause of tennis at the University. After discussing- what is to be-the . aim of , the association this year and making plans for the accomplishment of this aim the meeting was adjourned. The tennis association has found it necessary to formulate the following simple rules for the preservation of its courts. First.' No one is allowed the use of these courts except the members of the University Tennis Association. This is simply doing justice. The members of the tennis association pay for the building of its courts and also the repairing- done on them. As the mem bership fee is one dollar and a . half a year everyone who wishes to use the courts may easily join the association. Second. No one is allowed to play on these courts without rubber bottom shoes. This rule is primarily impor tant. Any form of shoe with hard soles will so cut up the courts as to ruin the bound of the ball. Third. Lime and a marker are pro vided in the boiler room of the gym nasium. If your court is not marked off you may get these. Lime must al ways be used in marking off the courts. This rule is necessary for the same reason that number two is. Using such a thing as a stick to mark off the courts causes ruts to be formed in them and these are a great hindrance to the uniform bound of the ball. The Association hopes that it will not be necessary to make any rule regulating the time any one set shall use a court. . If one set has been play ing for some time courtesy will sug gest that they surrender the court to any that may be waiting. It is up to a University student to obey such a suggestion as this. Under the auspices of the association the tournament to determine this year's 'varsity tennis team will start Mon day. Two days will be allowed for the completion of each round and if the match is not played off in this BIBLE STUDY RALLY OFFICIAL OPENING OF Y. M. C. A. BIBLE STUDY CLASSES. Mr. Rowe, of AshevlUe, Speaker of the Occasion Delivers a Power ful Address to a Packed House. The Young Men's" Christian Asso ciation officially opened their Bible study rally last Sunday afternoon at 3:30 in the Methodist church. The church was packed to overflowing when W. H. Ramsaur arose to an nounce the speaker of the occasion In introducing the speaker Mr, Ramsaur made use of the following re' marks: "There is no need for me to in troduce. Mr. Rowe to this audience Those of us who were here last year re member the strong, thoughtful sermons he delivered during a series of meet ings in tnis cnurcn. ine old men know him by experience, the new men by reputation. Some men come to us to entertain us. They go away and are forgotten. Others come to lift us up and inspire us to nobler ideals. These go and are forgotten gener ally but one will forever be fresh in our memories, Mr. Gilbert Rowe, of Asheville, preacher, teacher, scholar." Mr. Rowe then took the rostrum and delivered the following address which needs no eulogy from us. . In this age of divided interests there is more need of discrimination and selection than' ever before. There is more effort necessary in deciding one's manner of living. A person needs now to be more careful than ever as to what he shall hear and observe, because in the midst of the many voices of the present day, there is a great chance for one to mistake, the right for the wrong. This is especial ly true of reading, for "Of the making of books there is no end." There is danger that in reading many good books, ,one may neglect the best book. Every man needs suggestions about, and interpretations of, life and these may be found in many books, the Bible included. But the outcroppingsof our natures indicate that there is a strati fication not of time but eternity; and since every one must come to the great transition sooner or later, it is most necessary to be acquainted with the manner of landing in the proper place on the other side. While many books say much about the other side and all books of real (Concluded on sixth page) time it will go by default to one of the contestants. No dela' will be granted under any circumstances save one. That is that the courts be in such condition on both the days assigned that they may not be played upon. A plan of the tournament will be posted in the window of the Athletic Store and the winners noted every other day. In addition to this tournament for the tennis team the association also intends to have a prize tournament this fall. To enter this tournament one must have paid his dues, so pay up at once, Dont wait till you go broke and then get cut out of a chance for a prize. The membership fee for one year is only one dollar and a half. See J. W. Lasley, Jr., orS. R, Carring ton, if you wish to become a member. THE WORK OF THE Y; M C. A. MORE MEN IN Y. M. C. A. AND ITS BIBLE CLASSES THAN EVER The work of the Information Bureau has done much good. The game . room and reading room soon to be replenished The Y. M. C. A. of the University is just now entering upon what promi ses to be its most successful year. There have been more men enrolled in its-Bible Study groups than ever before. The ranks of its members have been swelled bythe largest enroll ment in its history. When . we speak of this as the most successful year of the Y. M. C. A., we mean that this year ihe organization will do more in the service of the University and reli gion, i The Y. M. C. A. cabinet this year is composed of men of whom we never hear anything sensational but who, as a set of unselfish workers, we could not equal in the University. They spend a great part of their time doing the work of of the Y. M. C. A. and yet for this work they get absolu tely no pecuniary reward and, we are ashamed to note, very meagre thanks. The success of the Y. M. C. A. is in part shown by the number of men who have joined the organization. . So far there have been more than three hun dred men who have' signed the "mem bership blanks of the Young Men's Christian Association. This. is an in crease over the total enrollment of last year of more than forty men and last year there were some fifty or sixty men who joined after the Christmas recess. In the matter of Bible Study classes, too, the institution has been well rewarded for its efforts. Last year ' the Bible Study enrollment mounted up to three hundred and fif ty , one of the largest enrollments in Southern colleges. This year even at this early stage there are three hun dred and fifty-six men enrolled, and this has caused one of the Internation al Committee of the Y. M. C. A. to place the University of North Caroli na Young Men's Christian Association among the best in America. The sue. cess of the organization in this direc tion is well "deserved indeed and we most heartily congratulate the men who have brought it about. It is also a matter of gratification to the Y. M. C. A. officials to notice how many of its members are new men. If a man starts, in the beginning of his college life, to take active part in Y. M. C. A. activities he is liable to be of greatest service to the Universi ty and the community later. It is but natural that these new, men should wish to become connected with , the Young Men's Christian Association. At University station they were met by Y. M. C. A. men and introduced to the University life. Some men, who had, in their ignorance of conditions here, come up to the college without securing either room or board ing place, were lodged by the Y. M. C. A. men and helped in finding a room and a place to board. A vast number of new men and many old stu dents, found it necessary to consult the Information Bureaus, conducted by the Y. M. C. A., when they had become so entangled in their efforts to get registered that they began (Concluded on fourth page) FOOTBALL TEAM IMPROVING COACH BRIDES AND "FARMER" MOORE FAST DRILLING THE MEN INTO SHAPE Some of.the New Men are Begin ning to Show up and the Old Men are Getting Down to Work Since our last issue football has materially progressed. Under the effi cient coaching of Arthur Brides and the helpful assistance of ' 'Farmer" Moore, Yale tactics have been steadily drilled into the men. The training has been going on constantly from evening to evening, and the men have responded faithfully, coming- out re gularly and working their hardest. The efficiency of the squad as a whole has been largely increased by the past week's practice. The 'nature of the practice has been almost .exclusively field work. Up to this week there has been no scrim mage "whatever. The men meet at the Gymnasium at four o'clock, dress, and march in a squad to the field. Circling the entire field twice at a steady gait serves to limber them up, and in a large measure takes ouf the soreness of the day before. Coach Brides then divides the squad into three or four 'circles and gives the men constant practice in handling- and passing the ball. The practice is then repeated with the circles running1 first to the right, then to the left. The circles then straighten and the men are given exercise in falling on the ball. The form of starting and get ting into play from position as Coach Brides has introduced it will aid a great deal, we think, in developing more speed in both linesmen and backs. To start at the snap of the ball, ' neither too soon nor too late, is an art which is of vast importance on the gridiron, and one which our coach 'is fast instilling into our men. The practice of receiving and running up punts was at first difficult for the fellows in general, but through re peated trials theyare learning to handle them more easily. Crosswell, Williams, D. M., Belk, Hedgepeth, Belden and Capt. Garrett are doing the best punting. In re ceiving and running up punts, Foun tain, Van Every, Winston, Tillet, J., Elder, Ruffin and Lapinski are show ing best form. There are some fast men out for ends, and their work on getting down under punts and tack ling receivers has been noticeable. They are, Winston, Fleet Williams, Wood, Elder, Rodriguez and Porter. Bob Winston's speed is making- him classed with the best material. His track record and class football fame are remembered by all. Porter, Capt. of William and Mary's team last year, is out for an end. He is well built and fast but a little diffident in receiving punts. Van Every, of High Point, might be classed in the same rank. Deans, at center, is showing his usual form, and seems to have better speed than formerly. Capt. Garrett, at guard, is managing- his men well. His punting shows marked improve ment. Ruffin, Williams, D. M., Bel den, Tillett and Crosswell, our last years backs are, showing better form both in receiving and running up (Concluded on third page.)