Tkis Tar HbbL UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA- ly. They consist chiefly of petitions a few minutes in the first half, .were tion for mercy, we believe that most for the condemnation of the power be- as impregnable as a line could be. of the students stand pat for the coun- hind the lighting system, the said pe- The team played star ball and it all cil. Breaches of the honor system, such BOARD OF EDITORS 0. W. Hyman, titions being fine examples of brevity goes down to the credit of the Univer and emphasis in discourse tho they sity. may contain colloquial expressions ro-cr f Kn tnie f ov,Qv,- I Last baturdav's game is now a Tl . - ... . J Editor-in-Chief, and unity the unity as a rule how- tning ot the past, a matter or nistory. The men recognize that tact ana no ASSOCIATE EDITORS J. W. Laslky Jr. L. N. Taylor N. S. Pmimmer F. A.. H. Wolfe, Cy. Thompson W. T. JOYNER R. T. Webb L. A. Brown as the defendants were manifestly guilty of, have become a little too fre quent. When any one cheats on exam ination no one wishes him to remain in college. He has shown a disregard for the honor system and he deserves no mercy. When a man gets druuk, he also is not acting in accord with the honor system. Why should we P. Barker. Published once a week by the General Ath- etic Association. Entered in the Postoffice at Chapel Hill, N. 0., as second class matter. Printed by The University Press, Chapel Hill. ers in the room and break none of them. s0 their strength will increase with Still aftpr thp first mVii the. riarAo nn each victory, tfut we .want to win as 0 r iua Mn-uto longer are thev thinking- of it. Next eworai imtir mo nr,A ia,,ra iUorr, oaturdav we are to piay a came in to g-et to bed as best they may in the Knoxville, Tenn., no practice game dark, for one night or maybe two. toward that game now we are to Dena critkise the council for expelling such Generally, tho, the men fail to see the a11 our energy. To that game we are a man? We elect to have a COUncil to - Business Manaffer Pint after two trials- The first night to confine our attention. Playing a run our honor system or rather to Assistant Business Manager one wm probably kick an tne chair e0" atj 6 w execute punishment on all offenders or rockers and butt into all the table corn- mure slICUSlu ul'UB oiuiujr tuu the honor system, and then wedeliber- . J A M1 J I ately get up a petition every time a man is expelled and try to change the verdict of the council. If a man is guilty it is not being merciful to let him stay in college. To show mercy to that one man is to be unmerciful to eight hundred others. Expelling men is the council's business. When you elect a man to that council you ought to believe that he is capable of exercis ing- lustice. Alter you have elected a council to handle this expelling busi ness for you then you are out of it. one s shins where the skin used to be will smart for awhile. The second night there will not be a chair or a table to escape injury. Those skin less places, too, don't appreciate being reminded of their barren condition. well as play a good game. Davidson, no doubt, got a lot of satisfaction from out-playing Virginia but Vir ginia gets credit for that game. We want to out-play Tennessee and to win too, but if we have to take our Subscription Price, $1.50 per Year Payable in advance or during first term. Singlk Copies, 5 Cents. Thp nrnrss of frnino- to hod owrv choice let's win that ffame. We have t 0 a -'J I . ... mVht in the riarV snnti Unso itsrWm never yet chosen to win unfairly and of romance and excitement. Even tho one feels like kicking someone the rocking-chairs make noor substitutes. CttttMi t T n frAMMr 1 oIaIit 4-lt e kin i vwKailCiuWuaiaij mCuMC- d st ckinp- thp sharn rornpr nf bail enthusiasts, who do their light heavy tables -to th f e nractisinp- bark of trip frvmnasmm. . . . r .0 -- ---- ' macn gets monotonous alter a season. have given evidence ot a spirit ot reck- We do t know enot. about . 1 1 1. At. t 11 1 J. I O icssness in KnocKing tne uaii auoui we never will but what we want to do is to win fairly regardless of who plays the best game. that is absolutely murderous. The batter has some one to pitch the ball to him and then proceeds to drive the ball in the general direction of the outfielders. Unfortunately there are Unless the lord of the frozen realm North Pole becomes tired of the Cook- Peary squabble and comes down to put a stop to it immediately, the students of the University are not to suffer from coid. - ine installation ot the new heating plant is to be completed on or before the fifteenth of October. October The University OF North Carolina. ject to be called an authority but it seems to us tnat we might be given that same wink that was given last year. A little wink like that requir r only a second for its execution would save manv minutes when the the hiteenth by the way, is to be a bier- quite a lew tennis players in this gen- onlj Ught we hav -s the luridness of ger day than University Day this year, eral field of actions tennis players, ,i On that dav wp arp tint ntil-c r orica ' - I UUi WUlUb. I J " - ""V many of whom possess a physique to the pleasant glow of radiator but which could not bear up under a good, The game Saturday last with Wake also on that dav for the first timP a rp I HEAD OF sound whack from a baseball. Conse- r orest was a most creditable affair all the academic classes to hold a si quentiy the baseball players at times any way you look at it. It was a multaneous meeting in Chapel. The succeed in making- certain of the credit to Coach Brides; it was a credit heat this vear wp arp nrnmie-mi tennis courts so tull ot danger that to the men, and to the University it we sincerely hope that this no one cares to play on them. Now was a credit. Although we always will be held sacred will not be an emp- and all that is best in education and the the tennis players have done a great looked upon the game as a practice af- ty name but a warm reality. Last . amg 01 cnaracter. it is equipped deal to secure themselves a place to fair, in spite of the remarks of some vear it was necessarv fnr mpn tn sit wlt.n. A pumungs, new water works, cen play and they do not deserve any such of the Wake Forest . men concerning THE STATE SYSTEM EDUCATION. OF ...1909... promise liie University stands for thoroughness treatment as this. It is up to the their expectations, still it is no easy to study. This year the new triple cir uadv-uau lutu iu itvau iu men mmjLj i mauci lu i uu a oijic ui cig n iceii i cm t anil ine new turbine engines are that they are not the only feature on points in twenty-five minutes on any going to make even the glacial region mv, jnugiaiu. x xitjr vauuw lutu uexv- l avwiuiug lu IUC ajfStCU-l WC Ol liie iL. I. O. J3UllQing aS Warm aS ting down nearer the class athletic play under it is hardly possible for the ever was the reading room of the libra 4 A nr. 4lt no M lif T-i fMirAM4Atn rt c 4lr I Iai 4y .. n rm r A7 1 i. 1 - I 1 i C . jxiiu uu a. j iuuvu ao i icaui iu i uu mc ov-uic vci) uigu. vviiu i ry iasi year, oome one remarked in J. A . 1. Il, J f m I - t.rfi I hoatino clDntnn imKn , 1?1 C!; their radiators to get enough warmth Utific Laboratories, eauinned for trood work, ihe Faculty numbers 98. Stu dents 800. Library of 50,000 volumes. One librarian and four assistants. Fine Literary Societies. There is an active Y. M. C. A. conducted by the students. Scholarships and loans for the needy and deserving. can near the tennis courts. If they the exception of the forward passes the Y. M. C. A. Monday morning that insist that they must play near the and very few end runs Carolina con- the heating plant of that building courts, why then, they are doing noth- lined her energies entirely to line buck- would not start ahead of the Universi- mg anyway except batting flies to ing. It is true that when those backs ty under any circumstances even if some outneioers, it would suit the or ours nit tne line something gener- the ink froze on the pen from which fielders better if the batsman would ally gave way but it takes time to go flows this pleasant stream. Thisstate- Thp ?f)Wll k RfflVlrMI Fill fin toss the ball up and hit it. The ten- from one end of the field to the other ment, however, was not official and we U UUI UCII I Ul . UU. For information, address F. P. VENULE, President, Chapel Hill, N. C. xiio wuioco aic iwtxAiniiLig ixii c auiu&c- vj iinc uutniug. x nc tudtu rcrnarKeu i nope tnat tne x . jvi. J A. managers ment tor more men than the baseball m the mass meeting that he would be will not hesitate to start ahead of the is. 1 he only thing-for the baseball satisfied with a score of 5 to 0 against Univprsitv in this mur nr dni. I O I - - ... b 11 xjfi.o w io iu ljjuvc uu, xx icw nttftc ruiwi uuu. uiai a uctit was cti x lie men at tne power nouse promise are standing in the advance path ot beat regardless ot the score. The team that they will catch up even though tne many, isot only standing as an certainly measured up to his require- they started a little behind. May all 1 J A. - - A . A A . J ft I TTT . . TT I . - . ousiruciion 10 enjoyment out actually menxs tnen. we agree that wake the heating power here get together endangering the limbs ot the unoltend- Jb orest was as well beaten as if the ing. Mighty few men can keep their score had been 72 to 0 and we are en- mind on a game of tennis when they tirely satisfied with results. The most No college in the South can boast are expecting to be laid out every admirable thing about the game Sat- of such a scene as mav bp witn minute by a lick trom a baseball. The urday is that not even yet has anyone back of the gymnasium each evening iiu nix- ixgui. w a. jf a.uu iia u.uxs iu oclj vuai ciiajr viie mail in tuC WeCK. Jljlg" ll t teimiS COUftS should not have to put up with such played the best game. You think, bordering one another and each court treatment. well, this man here played what might with fnnr tp nUn. t, 4.- - " fL"-J 1 11C lllliC nave oeen tne best game but then from two till six. The tennis assoria- about 12:01 A. M. here's another and y another that did tion has so manv members that th.P mere are a large majority oi tne stu- tne same tmng. ine wnoie team courts will not accommodate thpm all that The DURHAM. N. C. Dealers in HIGH GRADE FURNITURE. GIVE US A TRIAL soon and make things warmer, hot. The QfniA Correct Clothes We announce our readiness to serve you with the best outfitting for young men that the country produces. dents in the dormitories sitting or played together as one man and that and at least four new courts are im- THE FALL STYLES ARE READY reclining over their books in thought, one man played a star game. The perative. We hone that thPSP rm,rtJ A,i : Those who have deeply studied the back field went throug-h the line as a will bp fnrrt; .t "a J" . ?,TV 1 d Piea-slEgT one. I I ' : - w w wuvv&aaa ac; 111 niiiii L III 1 1 r" I Z-I 1 1 f I I VV TI71 1 I r4 rAnnnAU A ese matter of course. However, they tell that the new courts will bP . mil Z r XT? "!Pei thoughts have their origin in religfious us that Wake Forest had no cotton thpiP npc , n-u x ceremonies, that in the age of sacrifice thread there to hold them, but a good the courts is reserved fnr a Wciw- Snftfid. Markham Tmlnr and thp bpfrinninirs of nraver thpsp stout line. And thnsp "Watp Fnrptst . u..:i.i: 1 ..... ' Ul W. r-- : new uunuiuy we unaerstanci but tmir earnest prayers irom the very bottom linesmen meant business as was wit- or six new courts might easil b wi iuc ucai u wcic vcijr iuulu luuuigcu i ncoacu. uj 111c iati iiiai cvciy xjuw anu DUllt toward the Cast in. Ut course tending over a book is then one would get knocked out for not generally considered an orthodox a while. The offensive part of our The recent action of the University aiuiuuc i ajr ti uuk lul aituuuc hue auu vvcui luiuugu does not effect the earnestness of the occasion. The prayers, whereof we now make discourse, are not for the back field. The defensive betterment of the student race direct Durham, N. C, BOYS ! See "Long" Bill Jones the opposing Council has been the center of a trrpat for Pressing and Cleaning-. Wnrt, men ano tney DroKe up many a good deal of criticism, pro and con. While aoae sasfactorily. $1.00 per month intention on the part of Wake Forest's some have believed that the council RePairin and Earning neatly done at' sections of might have been more lenipnt anri c;. small extra cost. Shoo in rear nfvi.,. Carolina's line, with thp pvrpntion nflnJfi'orl i,:. t.-u. ... mtii1di'ii , 1 ." uenei py signing a peti-