HA , H Li ifJ 11 VOL. 18 ' ' :. - UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA, CHAPEL HILL NV C, SATflRDAY, OCT. 16, 1909 . NO. 6 -: , ' " OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE; UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION BOYS! "The Old Reliable Adam" is still at the old stand, ready to. serve you as usual. - Everything for the student, from a shoe string to , a dress suit. Anything not in stock will be ordered promptly, Books at cash. Bargains in college stationery, pennants and sou venirs. Up-to-date Hats, Shoes and Furnishings. Be sure to trade with the "Old Reliable" and save money. The University Book Store, next to Bank of Chapel Hill. Respectfully, THE TENNIS TOURNAMEN VENABLE WINS ' FROM BAILEY IN THE FINALS Fountain to play winner to decide the team's personnel. Hard, schedule expected A. A. KLUTTZ. CALL AT . H. H. PATTERSON'S OPPOSITE THE CAMPUS, where you will find Men's Furnishings, Trunks, Dress Suit Cases, Carpets, Bugs, ready-made Sheets, Pillow Cases,- Towels, Bowls and Pitchers, Kerosene Oils Heaters, Hardware of all kinds and everything that 1 good to eat. v - ' All goods delivered promptly. CHAPEL HILL. - . NOKTH CAROLINA Jolly & Wynne Jewelry Co Watchmakers and Jewelers No. 128 Fayetteville Street " RALEIGH, N. C. Fine Repairing a Specialty Special Attention to Mailorders Eat All You Want UNIVERSITY INN $15 WE EARNESTLY SOLICIT a share of your patron ag-e COLUMBIA LAUNDRY COMPANY High class launderers, cleaners, dyers 114-116 Fayetteville Street Greensboro, N. C. SEVENTEEN PENNIES A DAY GIVES YOU AN Oliver. Typewriter OF YOUR OWN THE BESTi MACHINE ON THE BEST PLAN ASK Robert W. Foster Southern Express Office. RIBBONS AND SUPPLIES . FOR x ALL TYPEWRITERS The Royal & Borden Fur. Co. DURHAM. N. C. Dealers in HIGH GRADE FURNITURE. GIVE US A TRIAL ; TV 1 r i i i.ne process or cnoosine- two men out of sixteen by means of tennis tour nament has gone on apace this week and last. At the end nf th fire round the following- men were left: K. D. Battle and M. B. Wyatt, K. B. Bailey and C. W. Tillett, J. P. Mor g-an and J. W. Lasley, C. S. Venable aud L. Lamb. Of these Battle won over Wyatt, Bailey won from Tillet, Morg-an won over Lasley, and Venable won from Lamb. All of the winners have been members of a class team and two of them, Venable and Battle, of a championship team. The semi-finals of the tennis tour nament came around with the follow mg- lour men still having- a chance to make the team: K. D. Battle, K. B. Bailey, C. S. Venable, and J. P. Mor gan. Bailey succeeded' in winning from Battle after a close shave'in the second set. Venable won from Morgan with out a great deal of trouble, Morgan playing a defensive game all the way through. The two men who were now left in. the running were the scrub team last year and their success argues 11 for the custom of having a scrub team being established in . tennis as well as in other athletics. The finals of the tennis tournament were played off yesterday afternoon. C. S. Venable won trom K. B. BaiW by a close score in three sets. All the games were close but Venable won on acccount of Bailey's not being able to pass him at the net. . Bailev nlaved a fine steady game but his style of play was not equal to the strain. Venable will now play Fountain, winner of last year's tournament. Should Fountain beat Venahlp ttiet, will make up the team. Should Vena ble win, Fountain must play Bailey. It is extremely fortunate that we are to have a erood team this vear. Tf j , ooks at present as if the schedule for the coming season is to be the hardest that any university team has ever been,- up against. Among the North Caroli na colleges we will play our old rivals. Guilford, Wake Forest and Davids. and have the possibility of a meet wiCh. nnity. ut these Wake EVpi- w Guilford will be olavert uti:ii Other colleges with rhom the tennis association author-ties are in commun ication are Virginia, Washington and Lee, the Navy, and Richmond College,1 Of these Washington and Lee will be played on the Hill. if meets cam be secured with all of these colleges it will mean by far the most difficult schedule we have ever had. VICTOR'S VENETIAN BAND FIRST NUMBER OF STAR COURSE A SUCCESS Instrumental soloists especially good. Vocal soloist also pleases . the audience In Memorial Hall at 2:15 o'clock on Friday evening Victor and his Vene tian Royal Band under the auspices of the Star Course rendered the delightful program given below. ' I The company consisted of the band of 25 pieces and Mr. Howard ' Duane Bryant, barytone. The Band was organized by Victor in 1899 and has been under almost continuous engagement since that time. Press and public alike have given it high praise. , The players are Venetians nearly all of whpm are excellent soloists on their respective instruments. The program rendered here gave several an opportunity to demonstrate their ability in this re spect. The vocal soloist was , Mr. Howard Duane Bryant, whose barytone voice has been commended for its rare combi nation of power and sweetness. It is said that the manag-er of the Band was in the West on entirely different business when he "discovered" Mr. Bryant. He recognized his ability at once, realized that he , had made a find, and engaged him then and there. Since that time he has moved steadily upward" in the musical world. The program: 1. March "American Spirit" Victor 2. Overture "William Tell" Rossini 3, Schubert's Serenade 4. Sextet from Lucia 5. Vocal Solo, Barytone Mr, Howard. LuatKi Brvant 6. Grand Selection fron "Jl Trova- tore" Vordi Intermission 7. Scene Picturesovie Massanet 8. Toreador . Sonsr from Carmen 9. Saxophone Q uartet 10. Vocal S,io Selected 11. Amri'can Fantasie Herbert i I ac tion to this greatly pleasing cograTji they gave us such addition al Sections as: ' "Way Down upon "Sewanee River" and a number of ier popular airs. The large Hall was comfortably filled. The attention of the audience never flagged but was completely ab sorbed by the beautiful music during the entire hour and a half. The Bohemian Fete was especially enjoyed. The soloists were uniformly good, and. the Band so well balanced that the ensemble presented a complemen tary whole that was not only interest ing but delightfully refreshing. ODEIX HARDWARE CO. General ; hardware and mill . ' , supplies guns and ammuni- ' tion, pipe,' valves, fittings, lime and cement, hardwood , mantels, grates and tiles. ! Greensboro, North Carolina The McAdoo M. W. Sterne, . . . - Proprietor. i GREENSBORO, N. C. The Past Three Years the Most Successful in Its History. Dave W. Levy, The Tailor, DURHAM. NORTH CAROLINA - A. C. Pickard & L. DeK. Belden, j College Agents. ' The University OF North Carolina. t..t7 89, Rev. Francis M. Osborne, ai'i alumnus of the University, rector b:"f the Episcopal church at Dil worth. a suburb of Charlotte, will preacj i the University Sermon for Octobe r in Lerrard Hall Sunday night, "at 7:30. Mr. Osborne will preacb. at the Episcopal church Sunday raorti V- Mr. Y. Minakuchi, of Japan, will address the Y. M. C. A. Tuesday niffht. His subiect will be 'Chris tianity and Christian Missions.' Mr. Minakuchi is a graduate of i great university in Japan, an alum nus of the University of Kentucky and the Christian Theological Sem- inarv. He studied Philosooh v at j . - A , Yale and is now a graduate studeni in the Uuiversitv. Mr. Minakuchi is an interesting speaker and no one in Chapel Hill is more fitted to dis cuss this subject than he is. HEAD OF THE STATE SYSTEM OF EDUCATION. j ..J909... The University stands for thoroughness and all that is best in education and the moulding of character. It is equipped with 16 buildings, new water works, cen tral "heating, electric lights. Eleven Sci entific Laboratories, equipped for good work. The Faculty numbers" 98. Stu dents 800. Library of 50,000 volumes. One librarian and four assistants. Fine Literary Societies. There is an active Y. M. C. A. conducted by tb.3 students. Scholarships and loans for the needy and ; deserving. For information, address , F. P. VENABLE, President, Chapel Hill, N. C. UNIVERSITY DRUG GO : Carries a full line of the best Cigars, Cigarettes, and Tobacco. Agent for Two-in-One Safety Razor. Count on us to fill your prescriptions promptly. Sunday Hours: 8 to 9:30 A.' M., 12 to 2:00 P. M. E. S. MERRITT, Manager ! "ON THE SQUARE" WE SELL BELL'S PORKDEPT CHOCOLATES THE DISTINCTIVE CANDY ? WltliE UK PHONE U YOUK ORVKH WE DELIVER ' PROMPTLY. GREENSBORO DRUO CO. Max T. Payne, Mgr. , White and Pink Good Stock $1.50 to 2.00 according to . ' Grade ...3 J. Van Litidley Nursery Co. Greensboro and Pomona