AH UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA- BOARD OF EDITORS 0. V. Hyman, Editor-in-Chief ASSOCIATE EDITORS J. W. Lasley Jr. L. NTaylor N. S. ri.i;.v.MKU W . T. JOYNEK II. T. Webu L. A. IJhown F. T. Barker. deal to us and everyone concerned knows it. ' If the team doesn't make the mightiest effort of their lives to win they may expect to be held accoun table for the defeat. A. IL W01.FK, CY. TlIOMl'SON - - - Business Manager Assistant Business Manage l'ublislied twice a week by the General Ath etic Association. Entered in the Postodice ., as second class matter. at Chapel Hill, N, Printed by The University Press, Chapel Hill, Subscription Price, $1.50 per Year Payable in advance or during first term. Single Copies. 5 Cents. In football we have a scrub team, in baseball we have a scrub team, in de bate we have a scrub team, in tennis we have only a varsity. If we are to develop our tennis team to the highest degree of efficiency -and that is the only kind of team that Carolina ever wants to send over we need a scrub team or even several scrub teams. Several teams in doubles might be picked tip in college that could give the varsity plenty of work to do. Some teams are strong in one place, some in another. The varsity ought to be ac customed to play , against any kind of game. The faculty have possibly the strongest team outside the varsity but they only play one kind of game. If we should happen to play some college team that did not play the game the faculty does our men would be all at sea, for a time at least. It is necessary to have them play as many teams here in college, as is possible. The Davidson County Club met Mondav night and initiated three new men. The club now has ten members. The following officers were elected for the following year: H. O. C raver, president; S. E. Leonard, vice-president,' H. C. Craver, secretary and treasurer. BOARD AT COMMONS HALL $10.00 PER MONTH: Eat All You lant That V. M. I. should have beaten Carolina is a source of keen regret to all of us here at the University. We expected to win the game with compa rative ease but the cadets were unex. pectedly strong and our team failed to turn the trick. The result was a great disappointement to the Universi ty and her friends but to none so much as to the men on the team. We can not give any reasons for our defeat and we shall not give any excuses. The V. M. I. game is now a matter of his tory. We all regret the outcome but regret will prove powerless in the Georgetown game next Saturday. That game is soon to be a matter of history also. It is up to see that Caro Una doesn't get a cross-mark beside her name again on the twenty-third. We had hoped that we might ero througfh the season without being scored on. .That hope has just been blasted, but to win the remainder of our games will be an enviable record still. "How ever we don t want to lose another game. It's hard for a student body to stand behind a loosing team. For the past four days not a single instance of "knocking" the team has come to our notice. The students still have confi in the team and they expect great things of Saturday's game. One of the men, who are best acquainted with the football standing of the vari ous teams of the South, was heard to remark the other day, that he consider ed the V. M. I. and Georgetown games as pivotal in the success of our football team this fall. We have already lost one of these games. The other is to be played on the home grounds of our opponents. It is necessary for us to have that e-ame and it will be well for the team to remember that fact. ! est display of live stock; complete ex Every ounce of energy in every man on ' hibits in agriculture, and horticulture the team must be expected before we anu ,arm Pemenis. wore iree ai- allow Georgetown to either beat us or tractions, than ever before. The Fair to hold us to a score. The defeat of ths ?ear wil1 be the largest in its last Saturday undoubtedly showed to nistor"' the team and-to the coach some weak Jos. E. Pogtie, Sec. points in the team's work. In this . ' n present week those weaknesses are to U1"r,e' es be strengthened. The game lost' '. ' UNIVERSITY INN $15 Th State Examining Board Statistics for Graduates of 1908, Published by American Medical Association, .how the University College of Medicine Iea4 all medical schools in Virginia, and Virginia leads all adjoining States North, South, and West. HIGH CLASS SCHOOL OF MEDICINE, DEN TISTRY AND PHARMACY. Expenses Low. Students! lmlted o 501 n each clan. Send for Catalogue and Bulletin K Bhwfmitt CfltHK or Mroiemt, Richmond, . Great State Fair RALEIGH N. C. OCT. 18-23, 1909 Greater Midway than ever. Larg- The Hollad Stud GALLERIES a o ay SUCCESSORS TO "COLE AND HOLLADAY" Gallery will be open every Wednesday ' of eachweek, beginning Wednesday, October 28th. i HIGH GRADE WORK ONLY. Prices reasonable. A fine set of views of the campus and buildings on sale at all times ' . w vta'wv.tr. sr mm r nv HT BOTH DURHAM aw u whaitdi , 10 HILL 1765 University of Pennsylvania DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE 1909 Udergraduatc Department. The One Hundred and Forty-third Session will begin September, 27, 1909. The course; which covers a period of four years,; of eight and one-half months each, is eminently practical, and prqierly graded, beginning with lalwratory Introduction in the fundamental subjects, and concluding with a comprehensive system of clinical instruction, terminating in the Fourth Year with the assignment of students as clinical clerks in the Hospital. . ' ' 7 I ) H A large proportion (at least 80 per cent. ) of the graduating classes secure positions as Resident riiysicians in Hospitals. ,. .' v. Summer School for Graduates. The clinics and laboratories of this Department are open through out the year for the benefit of those who wish to engage in graduate work. For those whose time is more limited, a comprehensive course is given, beginning this year, May 13, and continuing for a period of six weeks. This course is designed to meet the needs of the practitioner. .v- , -" v ,i? : ! -h For Further information, apply to the :- , ; ' Dean of trie Medical Department, University af Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. FAT Mm CI&AJRE.TTEG O 20 for 15 CtO. AFTER the rush. Coat inside out, sans collar, tie, etc. Happy at least the possession of a good smoke- in Fatima Cigarette. Their mild, mellow fragrance will always cheer. The pleasing taste that comes from the blended Turkish tobacco will satisfy. And the economy in packing gives you ten extra cigarettes. THE AMERICAN TOBACCO CO. ought, in this way, to be as valuable to FURNITURE FURNITURE us as a victory would have been, tho, if we could choose we should take the'. You wil1 find what you want at victory and let the value go. Since ' ! ' ' S T R O U D S we can't get the victory now, it is up Bowls, pitchers, rugs, druggets, etc to us to take whatever lessons may be Clothing, both ready-made and tailored learned and profit by them next Satur-j 1 GIVE US A CALL day, . These remarks we have been making have doubtless been the theme of thought for the members of the team since Saturdav niirht at ten o' clock. We don't believe any one to' : AT "sic" them on . in the a Georgetown" ganie. That game means a great Hertldotl's Hardware Store Eubanks Drug Company, Prescription Specialists, CHAPEL HILL. NORTH CAROLINA Doctor William Lynch, DENTIST, Qfjuu: In KluUz liUwk - - UIIM'EL II ILL I I Pictures Framed D r. Isaac N. G arr SURGEON DENTIST OFFICR OVEK KRONIIRIMER STORK DURHAM Are You Insured in the Southern Life and Trust Co. with a view of protecting your friend who has loan ' " ed you money to complete our education or of Protecting Those of Your Family who are advancing money for that purpose Chape! Hill Insurance and Realty Company