LOCALS Miss Susan Bynum of Charlotte is visiting1 her sister Mrs. Archi bald Henderson. Joe Walker is spending a few days at his home in Graham. J. W. McGhee and C. B. Stock ton spent Thursday in Raleigh. W. T. McLean was in Durham Thursday. R. B. Cox has gone to Selma for a short visit. J. B. Colvard spent Thursday in Goldsboro. The Tuesday and Thursday night meeting's of the Y. M. C. A. were in the form of song services. A. S. Oliver is on a visit to Selma. 'V, ;. Typewriters for rent, Robert W. Foister. R. Thompson Webb left Wednes day afternoon for Lexington, Va. Karl Bailey is spending a few; days at home in Elm City. The tennis game between Caro lina and -Washington and Lee, which was to be played Wednes day afternoon -was cancelled. If for any reason' the suits you have ordered this' fall, do not fit, call and see me. W. H. Boger of Varsity Tailoring Co. Fits here guaranteed. A large crowd of the students took in the great Thanksgiving game of football at West End be tween the negro teams of Chapel Hill and Durham. L. N. Morgan is spending a few days in Goldsboro. Mr. Buchanan, of Concord, spent Thanksgiving on the Hill with his two sons. Henry Smith, representing the J. Van Lindley Co., of Greensboro, will take your order for all kinds of cut flowers at very reasonable prices. Marvin Snider is at his home iu Salisbury suffering from an attack of appendicitis. S. F. and Claud Teague spent Thanksgiving iu Raleigh. A. W.' Graham, Jr., left Wednes day afternoou for Oxford. Rev. J. W. Wildman left last week for Florida. He is expected home today. Dr. A. H. Patterson will deliver the second of the series of free lec tures given under the auspices of the Moravian Brotherhood in the Memorial hall of the Salem Aca demy and College, November 29tb. His subject will be "Starlaud" and colored lantern slides will be used. Next week will be a gay one. On Thursday night the University Dramatic Club will present "The Indian". Immediately after this a dance will be held in the gymna sium. Friday night Governor Bob Taylor will speak and a dance will follow this. The Pickwick Theatre is run ning in full blast.. George Wood and Fred Drane spent Thursday in Hillboro. I. R. Williams returned Thurs day from a several days stay at home. Jim Joy ner attended the A.aud M. and V. P. I. game. D. B. Bryan returned yesterday from a visit to . Klon i College. Magazine and Yackety Yack Under the capable editor-in-chief-ship of the senior class the university magazine in its first issue gives indi cation of being a publication of great credit to the university. Several times the university magazine has been classed by other college maga zines as "one of the best ten college magazines in America." This is a standard of attainment that all the college magazines strive to reach and if the first issue of the North Carolina magazine be an average of the issues this year it will again be in the class of the ten best. The university annual, "Yackety Yack", has been classed by one re viewer of American college annuals as one of the three best in America. The Navy annual was given first place and the University of North Corolina was rated third. The J. B. Bell Printing Company, of Lynchburg, printed the "Yackety Yack" and count it as their best advertisement. It was shown by the company at the summer school of the University of Virginia as the best annual yet -issued from a Southern printing house. 7 Broke, Broke, Broke. By I. B. BuhUmI. Broke, broke, broke, On thy friendless shoals O debt, And my creditors cluster around me To know if my "dough" has come yet. Oh well for the rafflers of hundreds, That they jingle their dollars all day! Oh well lor the banquet committees " That they flash Out their coin so And the fizzing drinks go down To the haven under belt But oh for the "chink" of a vanished coin, And a purse that is fat to be felt. Broke, broke, broke, The Pickwick is here but not free And I have not a dime nor a penny To pay the small entrance fee. University Directory ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION1. F. P. Graham, President O. A. Hamilton, Vice-P resident L. C. Kerr, Secretary D. M. Wiluams, Treasurer Y.M. C.A. VV. H. Ramsaur, President J. H. Boushau., Vice-President L. N. Taylor, Secretary R. T. Webb, Treasurer E E. Barnett, Gen. Secretary TAB HEEL. O. W. Hyman, Editor associate editors j. w. lasley , L. N. Morgan N. S. Plummkr W. T. Joyner L. A. Brown F. P. Barker L. N. Taylor A. H. Wolfe, Bus. Manager C. Thompson, Jr., As. Bus. Mgr. . MAGAZINE. T. P. Nash, Editor N. S. Plummer, Assistant Editor associate editors S. R. Carrington F. E. Winslow L. N. Taylor J. M. Reeves A. E. C. MacRae C. B. Spicer, Bus. Manager P. Dickson, As. Bus. Manager YACKETY YACK. T. J. McManis, Editor C. B. Ruffin, Business Manager L. D. Belden, Business Managers f ":: football. - C! C. Garrett, Captain J. N Joyner, Manager R. G. Stockton, As. Manager C. L. Williams, As. Manager A. E. Brides, Coach BASEBALL. B. C Stewart, Captain R. Drane, Manager E. P, McCulloch, Jr., As, Mgr. W. TV Joyner, As. Mgr. TRACK TEAM. D. M. Williams. Captain Geo. Rutzler, Manager . TENNIS ASSOCIATION J. W. Lasley Jr., President S. R. Carrington, Skc. & Treas. ' SENIOR CLASS. A. H. Wolfe, President W. R. Edmonds, VrCdj-PttEi: r J. A. Highsmith, Secretary S. P. Teague, Treasurer T. P. Nash, Poet D. R. Kramer, Statistician J. R. Nixon, Historian W. H. Ramsaur, Reader Last Will and Testament J. M. Reeves, Prophet J. W. Lasley, Mgr. Tennis Team JUNIOR CLASS. B. C. Stewart, President John Tillett, Vice-president R. L. Deal, Secretary Cy. Thompson, Jr., Treasurer G. W. Thompson, Historian R. T, Webb, Glass Represkntaw:vk M. B. Wyatt, Mgr. Tennis Team FIRST YEAR MED. CLASS. H. Hedgepeth, President R. Drane, Vice-President E. C. Cocke, Sec. and Treas. J. A. Speight, Historian C. E. Henderson, Surgeon SOCIETIES. DIALECTIC (Literary, secret) Es tablished 1795, meets every Saturday night in the Di Hall,New West Build ing. PHILANTHROPIC (Literary, se cret) Established 1795, meets every Saturday night in the Phi Hall, New East Building. ORDER OF THE GOLDEN FLEECE, (Senior). ORDER OF GIMGHOULS, (Se rcet, Junior). ORDER OF THE GORGON'S HEAD, (Secret, Junior). FRATERNITIES, Secret. Delta Kappa Epsilon Zeta Psi Sigma Nu Sigma Alpha Epsilon Alpha Tau Omega Phi Delta Theta Kappa Sigma Kappa Alpha Pi Kappa Alpha Beta Theta Pi ELISHA MITCHELL SOCIETY. A. II. Patterson, Pres. J. E. Mills, Vice-Pres. F. P. Venable, Cor. Sec. A. S. Wheeler, Rec. Sec. UNIVERSITY COUNCIL. A. H.Wolfe, chairman B. C. Stewart F. P. Barker J. F. Spruill PHILOLOGICAL CLUB. J. F. Royster, President W. S. Bernard, Vice-Presidfnt L. R. Wilson, Perm. Secretary C. Howard, Sect, and Treas. PHI BETA KAPPA. T. P. Nash, President A." H. Wolfe Secretary TV J. Wilson, Jr., Treasurer. Are You Insured in the " Southern Life and Trust Co. with a view of protecting ; your friend who has loan- , ed you money to complete your education or of Protecting: Those of Your Family who are advancing" mone' for that purpose U Chapel Hill Insurance and Realty Company. Whiting Brothers UALEKJII, X. C. Clothiers and (tints' Furnishiors SLOAN, KEKU AM) MeltAE College Agents The University OF North Carolina. .,,1789.,, HEAD of the state system of EDUCATION ...1909... The University stands for thoroughness and all that is best in education and tli moulding of character. It is equipped with 16 buildings, new water works, cen tral heating, electric lights. Eleven Sci entific Laboratories, equipped for good work. The Faculty numbers 98. Stu dents 800. Library of 50,000 volumes. One librarian and four assistants. Fine Literary Societies. There is an active Y. M. C.A. conducted by the students. Scholarships and loans for the needy and deserving. For information, address F. P. VENABLE, President, I Chapel Hill, N.C The Athletic Store Invites the students to give itthesam liberal support in the future as they have in the past. We carry a complete line of GYMNASIUM GOODS Give our manag-er your order for a pair of Regal Shoes. J. M. Neville, Manager 1 he Store for Correct Clothes We announce our readiness to serve you with the best outfitting for young- men that the country produces. THE FALL STYLES ARE READY And every price is a pleasing one. We will be represented in Chapel Hill by LARKIN & REEVES Sneed, Markham, Taylor Co. Durham, N. C,