'-..'' " y 4 : ' n V."? Mi m ' n. il it. ijm VOL. 18 UNIVERSITY UP NOirril CAROLINA, CHAPEL HILL, N. C, SATURDAY, MAR. 12, 1910 NO. 87 OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE-UNIVERSITY OF. NORTH CAROLINA ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION SOCIETY MEETINGS ELISHA MITCHELL AND HIS TORICAL SOCIETIES MEET Dr. K. P. Battle makes address before the Historical Society Y. M. C. A. ADDRESSES MESSRS. MERCER AND WEATH ERFORD SPEAK TO STUDENTS Avery interesting, meeting1 of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society was held in Chemistry Hall Tuesday night Major Wm. Cain presented a paper en titled, "The Influence of Cohesion in Pressure of Earth Against Wells," Another paper was presented by Dr Joseph Hyde Pratt on, "The Conser vation and Utilization of Our Natura Resources." Dr. Kemp P, Battle, addressed the Historical Society Monday .night. His subject was, "George E, Badger,'' and other great North Carolinians connect ed with Badger, were mentioned. Dr. Battle was personally, acquainted with Badger, and with many prominent statesmen of his time. The address was of a reminiscent, nature, inter spersed with incidents and pleasant anecdotes. Dr. Battle gave an interesting dis cussion of .-.Badger's careo. (Badger was a brilliant lawyer and talented man.) He went to the legislature at the early age of 21 years.. Mangum and such men were also in legislature with him. Badger was later a super ior court judge. He helped Chief Jus tice Kuffin to save the state bank es- Gerrard Hall filled with men rapt attention to speakers' words - ' ' in Wednesday night,' Mr. "Eddie" C. Mercer addressed a large crowd i of students in Gerrard Hal!. Mr. Mercer spoke in part as follows: . " PROGRESS IN 6ASEBA1I. EXCELLENT WEEK'S CHAPEL PR. LAWSON REVIEWS THE I.M Y. M C. A spfakpdc r. nnnvcuciiT u l m . I . Big fight for catcher's and short- Messrs. Mercer, Weatherford, and stop's positions. Also right Willis, make strong field stands open addresses Alter the past. week's hard practice, v enable spoke in the chapel Dr. Lawson is becoming more and un(lay about the help students can more acquainted with the al)ilit of his !ve 111 building up the universitv candidate:;!. At present he believes winff to the lack of funds, he said. Every man is a tempted man and be- that the squad is steadily iuit.rovino MracticaIly all newspaper advertising ing tempted is in no wise a sin, but day by day, but that a few of the men wm "ave to be discontinued this year. rather the opportunity God gives for are still loafing a little. ' ; Wow it. is necessary that the universitv Mi ' . i 1 a. o I : : . . h 1 -. 1 ' . ' man io duiiu up nis cnaracier. ooine A:. brief, survey of the material from " uown ami olle ot te worthiest wit has wisely said there are two kinds which this year's team is to be chosen means l)v which this can be accomnlish- of people that are not tempted: "those Was made by Coach Lawsou this morn- 0(1 ' through the help of the universi- that are dead out in the . cemetery and irtg. In speaking of his candidates he tv s" Vwho have learned what she of- imbeciles and idiots.' You men may Uye the following- ooinions: fers, and have felt the irreat work u. not be tempted just as I was tempted, "All the pitchers are as yet entirely ,s tr3'.,n l 'lo- Dr.' Venable urged all but tempted you will be, Doth while at too slow in fielding their positions, the university and far more keenly tho aside ; from this they are making ... t-w.. ..-y.- ..nt . t r 1 r xtrvfll T r AM - I .. . 1 1 . i , . i-A . . ' wucii gti um in nn- iw an excei.jeu i; snowing. oiewart is gage in your ife work. "My personal rapidly' regaining-' the form with which temptations at college were along the 1C wound up last season's schedule, tne students to get in poronal touch with men they know who are intend ing to go to college next fall. Two things he, warned them against: that the students see that' the men are pre- with Hedgrpetli and ' Sloan are both very I?arel to enter' the university; and thaf be made as t conditions an1 lines of drink, gambling, going the wrong crowd, selfishness, and be- slow in .beginning to show any form. no linsrenresenfa tinn the ease with which , On Tuesday Dr. Ve liable made a very interesting talk about the founda tion of the Elisha. Mitchell Scientific ...... t,-. n.c.,Mn1 -ii. in. l:ini r4 fKt I t .. 1 l' i l! 1 cumiiig no lyuppcu mwiiei was ueen nanuicappeu oy a nou essential things of life. I did not ,SOre arm which he rot bv usintr a hard liave time to consider God. If a man curve ball too early in the season. yields to this class of tempation he . "For the position of catcher, With will eventually lose respect for himself erington i is at present' the most prom the confidence of the , best people, isintr candidate. Tho he has not had Society, and about the influent if hoc iealth, and finally heaven in the end J the experience of the other candidates experienced upon the! university life To conquer these temptations means hjs throwing to bases is first class and 'and spirit. Twenty-seven years a-o . ..... i i ir ... . . It ' ' . o t the highest type 01 mannoou, ben re- lls luttirg up to the average. Swmk troiessor Graves, , Professor IL lmes, spect, the cMtecm of the best business has- bee4iUt;5 r-'' nicel v .but' . he seems aild himself formed this social v. wiVh launsu siaic wuuwuic m au.v. me0 an(1 tne exercise 01 me mosi neip- not to peg quite so well. Poole is ever since tliat day, has lnsinred and 1825. Badger was made secretary of navy under Harrison. The Harris Woollen Co- Is your headquarters for Books, Sta tionery, Soda Water, Fruits, Candks, Cigars, etc. GENTS' FURNISHINGS A SPECIALTY See Us. We Treat You The McAdoo M. W. -..Sterne, - - - - Pkovhiktor. GREENSBORO, N. 0. The Past Three Years the Most Successful in Its History. ((Joiitiniutd on fourth j)ae) ODELL HARDWARE CO., and TUL ANE UNIVERSITY OF LOUISIANA , ' ' : MEDICAL DFPARTMENT 77th Annuaf Stslon opon Octolier 1, 1W0. BVmr yHftrH'ciourH"! uiixc-llwl Inboratory wid oliiiicnl fn cilititw DornilK.ry for midlo.il stndwits in first two years. " . Opportunities for Clinical Instruction Un surpassed by Any Medical College in the United States Fees Avernsro About I50 per ttesioH DEPARTMENT OV PHARMACY EHUUIalied lu 1888. Tm grudwl courses of Sejweekn for deor of PU C. Fod and di ng analysis for Htu down p. parl. Womn dn.lttl on fame term aa ' men. . ; . ; - . Kor Catalogs, add rf-KO ' ' . Dr. Isadore Dyer, Dean, P. 0. Drawer 261 New Orleans, La. The Yarborough RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA ful influence. A great many stuaents throwing exceedingly well. All the try to conquer their own temptations catchers are excellent fielders and the in their own strength. My experience race for the position will dedend upon is that a great majority make an ab- their stick work and arm. solute failure. I will admit that many "For first and second bases; there students do conquer some particular h,as been a noticeable lack of compe- temptation, but I have not yet in all tition. It seems pretty well settled Greensboro, North Carolina tnv experience with college men found chat Hamilton and Duncan will cover one who was complete master of his this part of the field. However. xfc- " j?orcin- ard domestic .'Hardware, temptation, leading the right sort of Uans, E. C. and W, T.. are doing Mill Supplies, Mantels, Grates, lite and jlieiping mamunu iu uignci orood work at the initial bag tor the levels, who did so within himself. Ap- scrubs and Sumner plays well at sec- propriation of Jesus Christ and the 0nd. ; : applying of his teaching in our own Tne fight about short is the fiercest life and leaning upon Him for divine 0n the field. Out for this position are: strength, is in my judgment, the only Bailey, Harris, Tillett. Lyon, andBuie; sure way that we can get complete At present Bailey shows up as the mastery of ourselves, most promising man. His hitting is That I might make very plain to improving, and his hard steady work you in a concrete way the evolution of is making him sure in fielding. Harris sin and the power ot Jesus Christ to is doing well except in batting, lie release a man from sin. I will give seems unable to vary his hits, sending you in brief my story, but before 1 do every ball to the same spot. Iillett or lft mp. pmtmasize two thinsrs. First, has been doin; y-ood fielding but is la- I would have been far a better man mentably weak in hitting. Lyon and had I never gone down into sin. Sec- Buie have not been out '."long enngh ond, I don't want any student here to to show up yet. art'ue that because I had what is call- "At third Armstrong is daily ma cd a good , time at college and was king his hold secure. He fields clean mastered and overcome by this so call- ly and speedily every ball, and his ed good time, when live years ago I throwing is superb. In hitting alone found myself a poor homeless drunk- he is not ab ve the average. Battle and ard in the streets of New Yoak City, I Blythe still keep it doubtful who will ; found ray way out of a sinful life sole- play third base for the scrubs. ly through' Jesus; Christ that yot can "in the outheid, the compeium is all ' for one position, right uoiu. it seems ; quite certain that Bivens will covi r left field, and Hackney center, for the coming season. Both are fielding every chance and hitting well. The most noticeable candidates for right field are: Rose, Johnson, Nixon, Tern pie, and Page. All these men are fine fielders, but weak batters. Dr. Lawson feels quite satisfied with THERE'S SATISFACTION IN OWNING AN . - Oliver Typewriter SEVENTEEN CENTS A DAY GIVES YOU AN Oliver of Y Our Own , CAU. ON Robert W. roister ' Soutl-u'ru".. Express Office. ItllilsoNS AND SUI'l'LlES FOIt TYPEWRITERS A LI j invp vour fliny at colletre and it mast- 11 u. w j , 0 ered by it you can get out of your sin. The percent of drunkards who ever re cover themselves as I have done is one out of five hundred. Then Mr. Mercer followed with Ins story, telling how. he took his first drink at college, rather to be popular than from any taste for alcohol. The annetite trew and led to gambling rnd other vices. He said that he did not the improvement shown by most of the 'expect to let these things become mast- men, but growing impatient with a ',ntin'd on Fourth I'rk) lew ior KMiuig on unu. CUT FLOWERS Just at this time we are cutting some sjperb stock of Carnations, white, pink, and red. Also have nice - Roses, Violets, Valley, Sweet Peas, Jonquils, etc. Let us send "her" a box of same J, Van Lindley Nursery Co. Greensboro - N. C HENRY SMITH. COLLEGE ACT lit 1-3 it i

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