THE TAR HEEL THE TAR HEEL UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA BOARD OF EDIIORS W. II. Jones. - Editor-in-Chief ASSOCIATE EDI10R8 F. Hough B. D. Stephenson A. L. M. Wiggins I. II. Hughes A. W. Graham L. N; XilCRGAN Cy. Thompson, Jr., - - Business Manager C. "W. E. PnTMAN' Assistant Business Manager Published twice a week by the General Ath letic Association. "Entered as second-class matter October 26, 15)09, at the post office at Chapel Hill, N. C, under the Act of March 3, 1879." Printed by The University Press, Chapel Hill .. Subscription Price, 91.50 per Year Payable in advance or during first term. Sinolr Consa 5 Cents. The true Carolina spirit was present in that meeting which the seniors held Saturday with the new men as their guests. We say the "true" college spirit because the meeting in its pur pose and in what it accomplished ex pressed, as we believe, the thought and the feeling of the student body. It was the expression of the Honor System, or ; rather of the honor spirit as it has worked itself out in the con scionsness of men who have lived here for the ' greater part of four years. What should be the attitude of men coming from , homes and schools that have kept a watchful eye on their conduct into an atmosphere of liberal freedom; where in fact, they are com pel led to do nothing but to choose for themselves? What should be the re lation of the new men to those who have been here one, two and ... three years? These questions were discuss ed with an earnestness which their importance deserved. The honor system has proved its claim to our loyalty and enthusiastic support. It creates conditions under which men develop their best. The University takes a man on his honor and trusts him while here to do the honorably and manly thing. It has no system of surveillance by which the students are made to feel continually that they are under restraint of some higher authority. It regards the men who come here as men rather than children and as gentlemen rather than otherwise. Who, that has the least bit of manhood, could "fail to respond to such treatment by striving to 'be worthy of the confidence imposed in him? It is this opportunity for the development of manhood under the best conditions, this incentive to the choice of the right without compulsion that makes the honor system the best influence in our college life. What should be the attitude ot the man who finds himself for the first time in such an environment as we have tried to describe? It may take him some time to adjust himself to the new conditions. He may fail to realize the true meaning and signifi cance of the freedom into which he is suddenly brought. He needs the help of men who have been here longer than he in finding out 'where he is at' It was for this purpose that the sen ior class held a meeting and invited the freshmen to it Saturday. That the results of the meeting were good, no one who was present could doubt. Would it 'dot be a good custom for the Seniors and freshmen to hold a simi lar meeting at the beginning of each year? Subscribe to The Tar Heel for the folks at home, The success of the , Honor System is based on ; inherent manhood and self respect. It is futile where these qualities are not found. The men that composed the blacking crowd that was out Saturday night in malignant opposition to the sentiment of the student body cannot be appealed to on grounds of honor. This happened just after the freshmen class had pledged itself to use its influence against hazing while in college. It was an attempt on the part of a few men to undo what the student body had been striving to do. Such a cow ardly and diabolical act could only have been done by men who have not the least sense of fairness to say nothing of a regard for decency and for the welfare of the University. We wish to call attention to the notice of the $100 prize offered for the best essay by an ungraduate student on "Internation Arbitration.' Doubtless there are a good many men in college who will have time to prepare an essay for this contest, and it would be a good idea to begin early. The study of this question would be worth the while whether one won the prize or not; The University library has a particularly good collection of books on the subject of arbitration. Two letters have recently been re ceived from the University of Ten nessee asking that arrangements be made for some games of basket ball between the two universities. We have some good material in college, and it is to be hoped that the neces sary arrangements can be made. ditions; and, on the whole, the present showing is very satisfactory. . The Virginia team will average about 160 pounds, which, though light er than last year's" team, , may be bet ter able to work than under the rules of 1909 team would have been. The rules favor light, fast teams, as the Carlisle Indians have so far demon strated, and today's game will show tne University whether" they will also favor Virginia's men. S. B. Houaker, All-South-Atlantic quarterback, of the Varsity, 1907 .and '08. and caotain elect, 1908, has de- cided not to enter college during the cominer season. Although urged re peatedly by his friends Honaker de cided that it would not be advisable for him to re-enter the University owing to the promising position he holds at the oresent time with the X Santa-Fe Railroad. H A 7 5 T O R We always carry the Largest and Best aeiectea ime or of any store in this part of the country. Sneed-Markham-TaylorCo Durham, N. C. Allisson & Cowles, - Chapel Hill. Take a Drink BETWEEN TIMES AT O. F. CRAIG'S Soda Fountain at University Station. TOBACCO, CANDIES, FKUITS What Others Are Doing From the Idea, (Kentucky): With the new change of rules in football this year, every man that knew the game thoroughly, was, per haps, a scintillating star last year, ex celled in every department of the pig skin game, has had to unlearn all he ever knew and , learn the game over again. While this worked a hardship on the old men, it created a more open game, lessened the chances for injuries and gave the new material a better chance than ever to ''make good." Un der Coach Sweetland's coaching the squad has been drilled into as good form as is possible this early in the season and every one of the forty-five men in the squad, to say nothing of the whole school, are looking forward to a glorious victory with Ohio next Saturday. The following old men are back and will help build up this years's South ern Champions: Hendrickson, Shank ing Webb, Campbell, Babb, Gaiser, Threlkeld, Dunlap and Meadors. The new material are showing up well and his in connection with the class game promises to- develop some good men. The following changes are some that have been made this year: A man when making a tackle must have one foot on the ground. A forward pass cannot be made over twenty feet.' The quarter-back can either play his regular position or occupy a posi tion in the backfield. i ' ; These changes, with a few otners, eliminate the most dangerous plays and make the game more open and consequently more enjoyed by the spec tators. ' - Frnm Cnttpo-e Tonics "Va1: 1 - - A According to the statistics in .the of the Registrar, atter tne close of re more ted at the University of Virginia for j Q Q ff r ft ft V the oresent session. This is some-1 New from Cover to Cover WEBSTER'S NEW INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY JUST ISSUED. EI to Chief, Dr. W. T. Harris, former U. S. Com. of Edu cation. General Information Practically Doubled. tf'videdPage: Important Words Above, Lt iportant Below. ) Cottains More ' Infu oition of Interest to More People Tbau Any Other Dictionary. 2700 PAGES. 6000 ILLUSTRATIONS. 400,000 WORDS AND PHRASES. GET THE BEST In Scholarship, Convenience, Authority, Utility. ONI IIS&WWJ " - IllllllllllUllH.IWIlllli i IllWrfl Write lor Specimen Sages to C 4 C. MERRIAM CO., Publhfcen. SprfawfaU.Mait. Yea w!U f o k tvret to memtioii this publication. f" "ON THE. SQUARE" -CAN- WE ACCOMODATE YOU IN ANY WAY OREENSKORO DRUU CO. Mux T Pnvne, Hi r Gkkenhboko, iroRTii Carolina. J ;gistration on Thursday evening; . Jff 1Mnr Ifw1rv e th an 600 students had matricula- OvnilJinanjCWei Ty the present session. This is some what lower .than the figures of the corresponding time last year, but this is only natural, considering the con- Leading Jewelers Greensboro, - North Carolina cannot promise the court to any one for the second period. The college bell will tap twice at 4 p. m. to mark the beginning of the second period. The foregoing rules do not apply to tournaments and special reservation for the Varsity. v NCORP0RATEO) BUSINESS. When tou think of (folnff to school, writs for a new Catalogue and spoeial offers of the lofldininir Bu1nw and Shorthand SoIiooIh. Address King's Business College, Paleifcli, X. C, or Charlotte, Jf. . We also teaoh Bookkeepintr, (Short hand, Henmannhip, etc, (b; mail. SneedMarkham Taylor Co. Durham. - North Carolina Will Show Their Line of FALL SAMPLES . AT CENTRAL HOTEL September 2 1st 22d 23d fall suitings haberdashery and hats Allison & Cowles : Agents CHAPEL HILL. - N. CAROLINA JONES & FRAZIER (Incorporated) ; Watchmakers, Opticians and Manufacturing : : Jewelers Durham, :: North Carolina SPECIAL BIDS ON CLASS-PINS F. P. BARKER, College Representative The J. Van Nursery Co. FLO RI STS Greensboro and Pomona; N;G' ANNOUNCE That they will be represented again on the "Hill" this season by Mr. Henry C. Smith, who will always be glad to Medical College of Virginia Established 1838 WKTJj EQUIPPED for teanliintf Medicine, Ien. " tintrv and IMiariiiuov. CHRISTOPHER TOMPKINS, M. D., Dean, Richmond, Va. CLIFTONX CLIFTON tftln.hlgti BEDFORD WcARROW $Ctch COLLARS lH-tfoMM. Clnett, Fwbody ft Co., WUcen Eubanks Drug Company Prescription ': Specialists . , .. Chapel Hi;i, North Carolina