yrjH Er T AR. HEEL Local and Personal Mr. J. W. Hughes paid a flying- vis it to Raleigh Friday. ' Dr. vI. -HJ Manning" " went, over to HillsWo Saturday on business. nMr.vMike Ramsaur left Friday foiva short visit home. Miss Nell Battle is visiting- at Dr. Battle's. , , . Mr. Andrew Joyner wen t - to Greens- bortTFnday to Visit his parents. Alrg"e crowd of University students went to Durham Saturday to see "The Sins of the Father." - Messrs. R. G. v Stockton rand Boh Hanes made a flying trip to Haletgli . Saturday. ' . Mr:' Spencer Nichols was initiated into the Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity; last Friday night. - i Miss"Caro Gray of Raleigh,? and Miss Barton of St. Marys, are visitin at' the home of Dr. J. H. Pratt. Mr J. W. McGee-went to Raleigh Fridav to see the f 'Sins . of the Father? 1 t . which was played there. (Mrr W.'M. -Parsley returned Mon- 'i day night from a short visit to Win ston-Salem. 1 'Messrs. A. A. and J. P. ZollitofiV , . went to Henderson Saturday to spend a few days with their parents.. Mrs." Palmer Cobb - entertained some ,. Of. the ladies of the ? town Wednesday i afternoon. I The freshman 'class team put up p stiff game of foot-ball against the "scrubs Monday afternoon. Mr: IV L. Parrish spent the- first three days of the week at his home in Hillsboro. A series of religious services is b- ing conducted atttheT Baptist church. Students are invited to attend. j M r., Clyde pouglas of the law clas returned from 'his home in Raleigh Sunday bringing his horse andJ buggjy with him. 1 Mr. I? Harding 1 Hughes went to Greensboro Saturday in the interest of the Y. M. C. A, directory which is ex ... pected to be out in a few days." jj Mr. Srieath of the? English Depart ment delivered a very interesting and instructive talk at the Presby terian Church Sunday morning. j The Kinston Daily Free r Press ' an nounces that G.-O. Rogers, who is now principal of the Grammar school there is coaching the foot ball team for the boys. ' J Mai. John Watlington, an old Con federate, is on the Hill, having begun f his annual round of visits ' to Carolina colleges.' ' His businesf is expert jrazor sharpening. "- j ( Mr. George Elliott, ex '13 of Linden is visitin pv, friends on the "Hill, li Mr, tElltott is now in the insurance business and it is said that he is " making qu te a success of it. ; - Id the1 Dialectic Society Saturday (night he ' qUery Resolved, ! That an f athletic fee of ' $1.00 should i be added i; to the registration fee, was debated . 11 The committee decided thats Mr. D.jL. ' Rights made the best speech abd that i; Mr'Busby deserved honorably mpn ition.' v 'V-.' : W v :,V.V.V . - The -query debated in the Philati- ' thropicsociety on saturqay nigni was - Resolved That Theodore Roosevelt has reachedthe vltrnit of his .. popularity. W. C'Guess niade' the ijest-speecb'; jW. R. Parker was. iniated into the socijety The same query was debated on Fri day night and G.? S. Carrington was credited with having made the best peecHf- ' I v; h: : I IheKev. Mr. Hogue has returned from Nasheville Tennessee, where h attended a meeting of the Brotherhood of St, Andrew during the, past week While in ' Nasheville T Mr. t Hogue h ad the misfortune to Remixed up in' an automobile accident, but he was not seriously hurt. ':''', vl - TO PLAY DAVIDSON AT CHARLOTTE Carolina will meet Davidson a Charlotte Saturday. Considerable in terest is being manifested in Charlotte according to the papers, this being the first game of the season to be played there. Davidson's team,' while lighter1 than ' Carolina's is said to be fast. , Several of her best . men are re ported to have been in j urea in the V P, li game to such an extent that thzy will not be able to take - part in the clash Saturday. A Carolina man said yesterday VI hope they, can have their best men in the game." f It is the gen eral impression ' here i that Davidson's team is stronger than usual 'this 'year and that they will make a strong figh at Charlotte. ; - ALAMANCE CLUB MEETS 'In the Tar Heel 1 Room of the Y; Si C. A., Friday night ' at 7:45 the boys trom Alamance met and drew closer the bonds of their organization. I, C, Mo ser was chosen president; J. G. Walk er, vice presidentVE. V. Patterson, sec retary and treasurer; and J. ' Wi Lasley. corresponding, secretary., . Nineteen boys hail from that county whose lead in state at fairs is not .solely alpha betical. : Each section has its represen tatiye. The Alamance club is histor ical, and its members are inspecting the past of 'their couuty with a view to mutual benefit. ';' i 'Meeting of 'German Club. 1 The German Club met' 'Mondays a ternoon ' for the 'purpose 1 of ' electing new members and of electing,'1 also, managers for the Thanksgiving dance Over thirty new members t were taken in. The following men, were elected as managers: K. VV- Winston, ;chit and D. R. Murchison and Ed Bond as sistants, 'i The Tar Heel Gives the News OF THE University TWICE A WEEK Subscribe Now: $1.50 A YEAR Tim. " It: ' With tach package of Fatima you get a popu lar actress photograph i-also a -pennant cou- port, 25 of which secure a handsome felt college ' pennant J 2x32)-te lection of 100. TURKISH BLEND CIGARETTES fjf electricity: , Like bbdies repel, l f "while 1 the unlike at- i tract. Which accounts foir the magnetic quali- r "ties of Fatima Ciga rettes they are totally Z unlike any others. ;Theyv generate a" current . ..ofifavori powerful in its at- 1 traction of college students. Some day, some word, will , , .. be coined to describe them. THE AMERICAN TOBACCO CO. .'17 nC7r AD A TIAMfii 4 full line1 of Tablets, Envel- DAAM College Posters in'Colors . Fisher and Christy Girls Artistic U. ' N. C. 'Cards ' New Pennants and Pillow-Tops Let "Dock" help you to make that room attractive. See hi display of Col ored Posters, Beautiful Girls, and full Assortment of new. Post Cards. You will want one of his hew designs iij Carolina Pennants, arid Pillows, too, for ' your cozy corner. J. C A lSlHTF new lot of Royster's Dolly Varden, and rSCn llNlirO . Huyler's. Take a chance at the 'Lucky Girl," Candy Card. ',7JV "" ,1 DIE-STAMPED STATIONERY. opes,'and all sorts of Writing Supplies. Spjj; - A. A. KLUTTZ, IZX.&K P A I N L E S S j HE NiT I S T R Y They Never DrOD (Tim Your aching teeth quickly restored to comforf r VUr ! heaiity and soundneHg. Our pricep are the low est of any Exjert Dentist in North Carolina. Our Modern Scientific Methods are absolutely PAINLESS. ' Loose teeth tightened. Decayed teeth repaired. Toet teeth replaced without platen Work guar anteed 10 years. Every form of Dental Surgery," and all Extractions made Painless by our Freez ing Process. , , Gold Fillings, $1.00 up. Silver Filling, 50c. up. White Fillings, 5(c. Gold Crowns and Bridgework; $3.00, $4.00 and $5.00.' Extrac tions, 25c. up. Anchor Suction Teeth ! uaranteed 20 Yrs $5 Set Iridepdrideittr Dental Parlors Off ice Over Sneed-Markham-Taylor Company, DURHAM. I Nr C. C. LAF. HUTCHISON, B Sc!, D. D. LI (Licensed) Hours i 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. Phe 699 '44. ET THE COLLEGE CATERER, cMarse Jesse" He KNOWS repare that Banquet, ' HOW. Hotel Giersch European Plan. : : Cafe in Connection : RALEIGH, N C. New Y ork; Quick Lunch and Restaurant FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN Best in the South. 13 E.: Martin St., RALEIGH, N. C. ' When in Raleghy Go to ' Tucker Building Pharmacy J'" FOR YOUR DRINKS AND, SMOKES,- Etc. ON THS COWTO