THE TAR HEEL Work of Missions Among toe Students Continued from first page. mission fields Among the number is one we all know, our beloved Barnett For two years he was with us as sec retary of the Young Men's Christian Association and showed himself an admirable fellow. Although coming from Florida by way ot Vanderbil University, he became a full-fledged University man. He helped to win' from Pennsylvania in debate and was interested in everything that stood for the highest development in the Uni versity. Volunteer Mission Band OPPOSITE THE OAMPUS, ...1. . ak.jil a .1 hk t ni i..;.; m I. .. .. ... uuiu I viwio juu niu iiuu aivu a x ui ujmiiium, ximiftBnm The chat ter members Snlt Case8' Carpets, Bugs, ready-made Sheets, Pillow I Cases. Towels. Bowls and Pitchers. Kerosene Oil Heaters, Hardware of all kinds and everything that Is food to eat All goods delivered promptly. North Carolina During the visit of Dr. H. F. La- flamnie to the University in 1908, a Volunteer Band was organized among the students. were, iu. .Harnett, who is now en gaged in missionary work in China, and A. R. Morgan, who is studvinsr theology in New York. Though small Chapel Hill, ....... .... i ,. at nrst the band did not continue so. Before the end of the year its member ship had more than doubled. ) Besides the two members mentioned, J. W. Freeman, C. E. Norman and W. L. Cooper, Jr. were recognized as volun teers and initiated into the band. In the fall of 1909 the little organization began work with all of its members back in college. By commencement of 1910 two more boys had become vol unteers and allied themselves with the volunteer organization, viz, L. F. Turlington and H. R. Totten. The addition of these made seven men 1 in the University preparing themselves tor foreign missionary service at the CALL AT H. H. PATTERSON'S CLIFTON BEDFORD gin.htgh Whiting & Horton Raleigh, N, C. are coming in February with a complete line of SPRING SUITINGS AND HABERDASHERY They can fit you in SHOES too VENABLE and SLOAN Agents Bastizn Bros. Co. jewelers, Engravers and Stationers. EnarrfhrA T -J- . vitations and Programs Class and Frater nity Pins ROCHESTER, N. Y. Dep't. 586 end of the second years growth of the things of interest from foreign lands, band. Of these, five are now back in amoner which are some heathen cods. CD A T Tm ir m r- college, and in the theological semi- several Chinese mottoes, and a part of 1 "Wi-V JjUo. nary and the other on the mission the historic Nestorian tablet. The field. The work of the band, from room is the meeting- place for the Tee the time of its organization until now, ular Thursday night prayer-meetings, nas Deen to am tne x . M. C. A. in de- the Y. M. C. A. cab net. and otbpr velopmg a strong Christian spirit at relifrious meetings 4 a tj o the University; and also to lay before Within the past few years the Audi- luc otuuems me ciaim oi ioreigrrmis- torium has been furnished with heat- sionary service as a life work. The iner apparatus, electric lio-hts and nn. effort put forth by the band as a whole era chairs. It will seat about two to carry out these ends has been seen J hundred people and is used for tbJ in the work of each member of the or- regular Tuesday nie-ht meetings of th a . . ?. " 9 ?tato school, vuscw Arrow JAfofcA COLLARS 1U I for . ' Clnett. reabody Co., Mate Y. M. C A. House Is Used by Students Continued from first page. Druggists SUCCESSORS TO UNIVERSITY DRUG COMP'Y. E. E. BARNETT, Missionary When he made known the fact that he was ready to enter a larger sphere of service m the foreign field, if we would send him, we pledged $500 for wn Association. To complete its fur- gS ZtXX his support this year. It is our inten- Iteer shown any unwillingness to nishings we are greatly in need of a SVTSS&IStt ! . .. : . UO lnriSTian worir. In banr I . I hnnri. PnmSr.oin j""B.. IlOll tO nntlttntio h e cimtrf V,I ' " v-.v,, ulolt u,auu, - vw, Vuj mnu,j University and its friends alone His v CanvaSS' Mlssl0n Study canvass, Besides the office and rooms of the totally unselfish life here among- us C A canvass' u of the volun General Secretary there are three dor- stimulates us to larger frivinjr f0r we , "ave Deen acuve ut tlleir mitorY rooms in the association build know what a snlondid h:A m. worK nas n01 sl0P re. The band mg whieh are rented to students. as, a wnoie nas Drought the Claims of As a social center, though, the Y the foreign missionary, service as a M. Cv A. life work to the students, by promot- In the various rooms ar helA nra,ti ing and encouraging mission study, callv all of the meetino-s of th t.nt K-r. . 1 1 r I . uy luiasnjiiary auaresses irom toreiP-n cotnmittfps TtiP vo , . - I ---w. 'uvav. XVVAJUO aiV CAICU" missionaries and by making it possible sively used by the various high school iui Muuenis 10 nave personal talks and county clubs of the University for with experienced foreign missionaries, their meecings. The building is the l he band is considered an integral official meeting nlarp tu ct,i0f part of the University Y. M. C. A. Council, the Deha finer TTninti I ' " .. . w .. , fcilV Members of A. Fk Mamf i L IZT ""X "rs rre" Assoauon ana many other or J .' j to. v uiumccr i jpr ararinn . aM .mhfh mn.iA.n t it. tt . . o- . r gauuauuus ui me university, in the oince our separation for the holidavslreads as follows: "Tt is mv x . , " i y ftov, . n,BUiuc luuiu udiiuuets are given everv two spentiempri of -nr mittr i. tn j v vfc a uvui & v udvr uuu uci ui l. hi ufi.iimp a tot-fit nrn 10-1 tran t- j l 1 1 brouh hart hr?c .Jn:,, L; mj. "6. T.Kvai luc nr-coiiegiate deoaters namelv. Dr. Willie AT .;k .u.. ." 7 T . " . . ""Qlcl ailcr ine "xer-conegiate r ,, ' i . . . - " " ui. m.uaica uciu iu vnapei riiu. OI tne JJenarrmprit nt . Pnmo. r leal i v ivvmauue A-idii- I ouiJi-uci uCLUdLliiy. H rill I n H i l r TTl a xr ha I ' 'ha v . r3T.ffSHa"J "fe ".of the association. This aiuucuiuuwu. mc universuy until tne evangelization room is provided with tables for cuero know what a splendid whole-souled fel low we are supporting. We were sorry to lose him, yet found that we could send him into a greater field of Christian work among Chinese stu' uc just recently landed an China and is now preparing for work. Our hearts turn to God prayer for Barnett and his cause, D. B. Bryan. his in I The Jefferson i Richmond, Va. The most magnificent Hotel in the ' South, ! '- : European plan, 400 Rooms, 300 Baths, Rooms single and en suite, with and without private baths, Turkish and Roman Baths, Spacious Sample Rooms, Large Convention Hall, Rates $1.50 per day and up. Norfolk Southern Railroad cation. December 28 in Norfolk Dr. Dey married Miss Ellen Alice Old of that city. Norfolk is the old home of both Dr. Dey and his bride, both being memoers ot line old Virginia families. ur, and Mrs. Dey arrived in Chane Hill the evening of Monday, January Just two days before, December 26, in l,ogansport, Indiana, Professor Chase had celebrated his marriage to xviiss ivucetta Crum. of that ritv Professor Chase and his bride proceed ed almost immediately to Chaoel Hill. where they are now at home to their hosts of friends. I of the world is accomplished. W. h. Cooper, Jr., Leader of Band. Travel via Raleigh (Union Station) and Norfolk SomVif. PmM quet, chess, checkers, carrom and L.m a11 Polnts in Eastern North Caro- ATM n . J 1 " t . I u",tl ijiuics wnicn provide recreation The Eighth Annual Interstate Con vention of the Carolina Young- Men's vnnstian Associations will be held at Raleigh January 26-29. The features of the Convention will be inspirational addresses, practical discussions of re ligious life and service, section confer ences for students, railroad men, in dustrial delegates, physical directosr and city delegates, convention ban quet and men's meeting. A large number of delegates are expected to attend the convention. The first two debates of the pentan- gular argument entered into by Van- derbilt, Tulane, Georgia, Virginia, and Carolina will be held this spring. In the last of April or first of May Caro line is to debate Georgia in Chanel tv... . ... . . r mil, and Virginia at Charlottsville. The question in both debates will be: "Resolved that a Federal Income tax Jor many students. The tables are well.occupied from early morning un til late at night, especially since the cold weather forbids any out-of-door sports. As a social center, then, thp Schedule in effect, December 18th. N. B. The following schedule fig ures published as information Only and are not guaranteed. TRAINS LEAVE RALEIGH. 9:15 P. M. Dailv "NiVht Exnrfss." . . I iraTiti A 1 1 " . (constitutionality granted would . a "u we ueiIcve that more stu desirable narf nf ,-Mi.. dents have utilized it i - vi av.uciuc ui tax ation. " Y. M. C. A. building has come to ip Pullman Slppnino- Par rr TMr.rfR- " "w I -t'"t vi indispensable to the Universitv stu- 6:15 A. M. Dailv fnr Wi dents. bern. WashinLrttm :Ind Ni.rfolt. The purpose of the Y. M. C. A. i ' 6:15 A.M. Daily, except Sunday, to provide in its TToe , u.. r Newbern via Chocowinitv. TT n r . , . . s l-rtfl P ' M n:i ixumc iur every student in the Uni- 1 he home team in each rase has the affirmative. This same oup .... tion win be debated by the other col leges in the argument. Each collet :ii i i t . ... . . wui noid two debates this year and two next. J as such this n .. . . J man in any other year in its history. Sam E. Leonard, Chairman House Com. 3:00 P. M. Dailv. excent Sunday .it . . j ' ior vvasnington. TRAINS ARRIVE RALEIGH. 7:20 A. M. Daily 11:20 A. M., Daily, except Sunday and 8:00 P. M., Daily. TRAINS LEAVE GOLDSBORO. 8:45 P. M. Dailv . "NiVlitF.vnross" I J , At the meetinp- of th am.,;.i;... Pullman Sleeping Car for Norfolk, via V A A i.l II 4 I Win 'm-v , A I ? t a . . jNew Hp. i i mun ran uri. n mu. . . i . When the preliminarv ia to h Viii I Havo ir; t. t.-i.-j ... :15A. v . v x tj.iu -w vii u i. ill?' lilt rin lrin-no iir U. . . -. jro, Ui. VV. v Vw uiaujr uicu are to enter cannot aetj MaciNider of the De said with certainty as yet. ft!. TTT mb a h. - xio oeiui-weejuy IAH HEEL will h - " w sent to any address, Peb. 1 to June 1. for eovouiy-iive cents. The TAR HEEL twice . June 1, seventy-five cents. ' . i . " 1 to M. Dailv for Tloaiifort arid Norfolt-. P-jrl. r - i a pnartmont I Ha 1 "NT r.n Pharmacology and Bacteriology was "3:20 P. M. Daily for New Bern, elected a member of the National Oriental and Beaufort. Council. An edi tonal rnmmot . 1 I Tnr f n rf Vi .'r. i.; ,1 -,.iro. - ......v-u i. j.u iixc mii.m. mi iiiiiiiurj anu icavi Raleigh News and Observer speaks of tlon of Puman Sleeping Car space, Dr. MacNider's election as a PPy to D. V. Conn, S. P. A. or J. honor worthily bestowed." ; Kenworthy, U.T.A. Raleigh, N.C. Varsity Barber Shop-next to Patterson's. W. R. Hudson W W nrnvton General Supt. General Pass. Agt. Norfolk, Va.,