THE TAR HEEL THE TAR HEEL UNIVERSITYTOF NORTH'CAROLINA BOARD OF EDITORS Frank Hough ... L. N. Morgan B. D. Stkpiienson w - Editor-in-Chief A&sistant-Editor-in-Chie; Assistant-lSditor-in-Chie; ASSOCIATE EDiTORS IJH.rilUGHES G. L. Carrington G. 0. Mann Oy. TnoMPSON, Jr., A. L. M. Wiggin J. II. Ran Miss Louise Wilson Business Manage: 0. W. E. Fittman' ssistantiBusiness Manage Published twice week by the general Ath letic Association. " "Entered aa second-class matter October 26, W09, at tlie post office at Chapel Hill,. N. 0 under the?Act of March'3, 1879." frinted by The University Press, Chapel Hill SAbscrlptlott Price, fl.SO-Jpcr Year Payablejn advanceor during first term. 'Single Coi-ibs 5 Cents. Dr. 'Henry Van Dyke will deliver the McNair lectures on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights. Sunday morning he will preach the University sermon for March. Dr. Van Dyke has an m ternational reputation as writer, lec turer and preacher. His attractive- ness as a speaker rests not on mere or atory but on the beauty and grace of the diction in which his thoughts are clothed. Dr. Van Dyke is the most prominent literary man the University has entertained in several years. Ev ery student owes it to himself to hear these lectures, even if it necessitates the slighting of textbook work. The Glee Club and Orchestra made an exceedingly favorable impression in Western North Carolina. They were greeted by enthusiastic audiences ev erywhere they performed. The keys of the various cities were theirs for the asking. The success of. this sea son's Glee Club and Orchestra has been due to efficient work by the directors and the hearty support and co-opera tion by those of our students having musical talent. Here we pause to say that no University activity can hope for success without hearty support and co-operation on the part of the stu dents. The lack of such support and co-operation coupled with an unfortunate choice of a play were responsible for the not overly great success ofthis season's Dramatic Club. A number of men in college posessing considerable dra matic talent would have nothing to do with the play. Ergo but let dead dogs lie. However, there'll be a meeting of the Dramatic Club at 2:15 Thursday afternoon. Officers for next year will be elected and plans for the same pe Tiod will be discussed. We would sug gest particularly that they beinn seek ing a play for the coming season. Surely there is some play in existence better suited to college dramatic com panies than the last one produced. This brings up a pointwhy in the workl'don't the other large preparato ry institutions of the State get out bet ter and more numerous papers? A number of them publish monthlies but why not more weeklies? Surely they can find plenty of news if they'll use some energy and initiative. The query for the commencement debate concerns the election of U. S. Senators by direct vote of thepeople. Most of the available material onlthis question is contained in the current magazines. Naturally and necessarily tbedebatersjiseek the library maga zines. Here they have met an irritating difficulty. Some personal as been kind enough to cut out the desired articles, whether through spite or friendliness we don't know. At any rate we wish to assure the guilty one or more that such a thing is childish and thorough ly contemptible. We have just finished a perusal of the University's new catalogue. This entertaining volume shows the Univer sity to be in a very fair condition de spite the financial needs of the last few years. Three courses are off ered lead ing to , the A. B. degree. In the School of Science courses are offered in chemical, electrical, civil, road and mining engineering ana soil investi gation. The Graduate School offers instruction in sixty-five advanced studies. There are special courses for those preparing to teach. In addition there are professional schools of law, medicine and pharmacy. Further in the last two years the teaching force in certain departments has been considerably strengthened until now we can say without boast ing that there is no stronger arid bet ter balanced college faculty in the South. There are 84 members of the; faculty and 787 students in attendance. The University is certainly making every effort to supply all the needs of the State and the recent appropria tion by the Legislature will make its work still more effective. New and uecessary buildings will soon be erected. Then there will be practi cally no reason at all for any students eaving the State to secure University SAFE AND SATISFACTORY Buying from us By Plione is safe and satisfactory. Do'nt do without DRUG STORE SUPPLIES because you can't come for them. Don't hesitate to call us because you are not a regular customer. THis aervieo is for everybody. Patterson Biroes. This school stands for your progression. The training you receive through the les sons, text-books and personal instruction, combined with consciectious endeavor on your part gives you the necessary equipment to be highly successful in the business world. The instructors devote their entire time to the students. The courses in short hand and bookkeeping are well known for their thoroughness; reliability, practicabil ity, and efficiency. Our school is first class and the courses we give are equal to the best business college. A social discount of ten per cent will be given all who enroll for the spring term. Write for full information. E. McClung Greensboro, N. C. CLIFTON t In. high BEDFORD Ktn.falRb N--(lNCORPORATEO) BUSINESS. When you think of goinpr to school, write for a new Catalogue and special offers of the leadlning Business and Shorthand Schools. Address King' liiiNineHH College, Palelefa, BT. l!., or Charlotte, N. C. We also teach BookkeepingHhort hand, Penman Hhip, etc, (by mall. 'cu k Arrow - SVfofcS COLLARS , lMntforSfe Clnett. PeaTwdy & Co., Mritert The University of North Carolina 189 raining. Among the lamentably few prep school journals of . the State there is one deserving" of considerable praise. This is Gluck Auf issued by the stu IamIa svl 4-1 a fin A c?rrr TTl rrVi It is the only'weeklyihigh school paper "in; the State, 4and Mirabile didu it is a very entertaining little sheet breezy and gossipy. Very likely however, this is because the editor is a young lady. At any rate the Goldsboro gchool should feel proud of Gluck Auf, Space Fillers Prof. Fairchild of the University of Missouri says that in England one man in five takes part in athletics, and in America only one man in fifty i "At Wellesley anyone who hands in a paper in which three words are mis spelled must join one of the classes in spelling. A gold medal will be given at Vir ginia next season for the best kicker on the football team. , . ' . The University Poets' Club at Kan sas will issue a book containing only poems written by students of the University. The Woman's Athletic Board of Control of Stanford has authorized the construction of a baseball diamond or the women of the University. The baseball coach at Oregon has been released because he permitted the members of the team in training to indulge in an occasional cigarette, or little "scuttle of suds." , ; "Darling he whispered, I never loved but thee." , Said the maid, "We must part. No amateur for me."; The President of France has con ferred the Cross of the Legion of Honor upon Dr. Henry Van Dyke, a member of the Princeton faculty. ( Head of the State System of Education The University stands for thorough ness and all that is best in education arid the mouldinc of character. It is equipped with 24 buildings, new water works, central heating, electric lights. Eleven Scientific Laboratories, equip ped for good work. The Faculty num bers 80. Students, 800- Library of 60,000 volumes. One librarian and four assistants. Fine Literary Socie ties. There is an active Y. M. C. A. conducted by the students. Scholar ships and loans for the needy andde serving. For information, address F. P. VENABLE, President, Chapel. Hill, N. C. What Time is It? m!Mmm rrrf Selection SNEED-MARKHAM- TAYLOR COMPANY of Durham , ALLISON Agfts. COWLES ' Time to have your watch repaired, liepair-work of all kinds quickly done by Skilled Workmen. Hand it to me, F. P. BARKER, College Representative JONES & FRAZflER (Incorporated) Durham, :: :: North Carolina The Jefferson Richmond, Va. The mostmagnificent Hotel in the South, European plan, 400 Rooms, 300 Baths, Rooms single and en suite, with and without private baths, Turkish and Roman Baths, Spacious Sample Rooms, Large Convention Hall, Rates $1.50 per day and up. Norfolk Southern Railroad Travel via'Raleigh (Union Station) and Norfolk Southern Railroad, to and from all points in Eastern North Caro lina. Schedule in effect, December 18th. N. B. The following schedule fig ures published as information Only and are not guaranteed. ' TRAINS LEAVE RALEIGH. 9:15 P. M. Daily "Night Express," PullmanjSleeping Car for Norfolk. 6:15 A. M. Daily for Wilson, New bern, Washington and Norfolk. 6:15 A. M. Daily, except Sunday, orJNewbernvia Chocowinity, 3:00 P. M. Daily, except Sunday for Washington. TRAINS ARRIVE RALEIGH. 7:20 A. M. Daily 11:20 A. M,. Daily, except Sunday and 8:00 P. M., Daily, ;;V.r--vJ,:.;:.:;;;r:-! -!$:;:: TRAINS LEAVE GOLDSBORO. 10:15:P. M. Daily, "Night Express' Pullman Sleeping Car for Norfolk, via New Bern. i. ' 7:15 A. M. Daily for Beaufort and Norfolk Parlor Car : between New Bern and Norfolk. C 3:20 P. M. Daily for New Bern, OrientaKand Beaufort. For further information and reserva tion of Pullihan Sleeping Car space, Aoolv to D. V. Conn. S. P. A. or J. E. Kenworthy, U.T.A. Raleigh, N.C. W. R. Hudson W; W. Croxton General Siipt. General Pass. Agt. Nortolk, Va.,