THE TAR. HEEL' THE TAR HEEL Official Organ of the Athletic Asso ciation of the University of North Carolina. Published Weekly. BOARD OF EDITORS L. N, Morgan, - - - Edftor-in-Chief ASSOCIATE EDITORS B. D. Stephenson A. L. MY Wiggins B. II. Mebane A. A. McKay J. II. Rand M. R. Dcxnigan .,; R. W. Scott, Axdbew Joyner, Jr MANAGERS C. W. E. Pittman, - Business Manager F. L. Euless, - - Circulation Manager M. T. Spears, -publication Manager To be entered as second class matter at the postoffice at Chapel Hill, N. C. 'Printed by The University Press, Chapel Hill, N. C. Subscription Price, $1.50 Per Tear, Payable in advance or during the first term. Single Copies', 5 Cents. was established. For this pur pose the Press Association was established--not as: an instru ment by which.ta gain mere cheap advertising, but as, a means to finer end. It is the earnest hope of the manager of the association that a weekly letter may be sent this year to every county in the State. The letters together with stamped envelopes may be found on Saturday afternoons in the Tar Heel room at the Y. M. C. A. All old members of the Asso ciation are asked to avail them selves of those letters. A meeting will be held during the week at which the Association will be thoroughly organized new men added, and the work for the year systematically begun. The Edwin R. Weeks Company will give an entertainment . in Gerrard Hall Saturday night at 8 o'clock. This is the1 same Weeks, only several weeks older and better, who made the hit of the season last year. The pro- open door to the nearners of God. "To him that knocketh it J shall be opened."., y y "s Y WECOME MEETING AT METHODIST CHURCH For the usual and proper ex pression of hesitancy and fearful Sm U be entirely different feeling of reluctance with which irom tnat or last year. the present board takes charge of the Tar Heel the reader is re spectfully referred to any initial rrt4n -v-T 4- La A r1 4- Vt O 4- Vl 1C q ft. V - T m Greetings Extended to the Students by ths copies of which may be found on Towa and CtnrcI,es file at the Library. A meeting welcoming the stu- The board was elected to per- dents of the University to the form the work necessary for the town of Chapel Hill and the existence of the paper; and this churches of the community was work it will strive to do fully, held tff"the Metbodrst'-chutTeh honestly, and independently. The Sunday morning. ? 'heg'feetfbg paper this year will be issued to the students on fiehaf fof 1toe nncfl a wpolr triiAw li?c an. trtwn wasSirtvpn hv t)r. Ahpr- uouncement will cause criticism, nathy who with earnestness and and that many will rise up in sincerity expressed the pleasure wise ignorance and calLus shirk- of, the - people of Chapel -Hill at : j '''''- f 1 ' ' "1 - ' A ':' j. A. 3 A 1 'L . . ers. uut tacts are lacts ana dihs seeing xne siuaenis oacK again. are not paid ina day. And it is He said that the community was a simple fact and truth that the most anxious to help in every way amountof advertising secured by the students,and he expressed the toil .and labor, finite,, a.nd .,tbefhope that the students while here . number 61 subscriters secured, by might become rpar f of iW life df CARNATIONS Long Stiff Stems, 7 Good Blooms, WHITE, RED, PINK. i ;; -; ;-: v-f -;'-f :,yyYv' Superior Quality is What You Get . Here. J. Van Lindley Nur sery 'Co.. GREENSBORO, N. C. PATTERSON BROS., DRUGGISTS. MEET ME AT THE CIGAR STORE.; " There is Only One. ' ' Durham Cigar Store Co , Opposite Postoffice, DURHAM, N.C. Open after every show. f ALL SORTS OF FURNI TURE filoquence. more, persuasive, than , the, silver-tongued, orators of in- surgent democracy doiiot bring in enough money to pay the bills of this paper when issned;twice a week.' A . better1 business man the town. - Drj Edwin Mims ; extended" the welcome to the students on behalf of the churches. He spoke of the church bells that had been ring ing put through the pleasant never managed the Tar Heel Sunday morning, read the old than he who was at the head of hymn beginning 'I love , thy the business department last year, church. Oh Lord," and then in yet he failed to meet the obliga- words of tenderness and beauty tions of the paper. The prospect told of the bells of some other is no brierhter this year. The church that he knew must be AT I PictFifihingpialty TAILORING OPENING. You are cordially inviied to come 1 to the FALL OPENING, to be i held at the !; CENTRAL HOTEL, SEPT. 28. 29 and 30; When MR. JOHN KRAUSE, an expert cutter and fitter, representing '' ISAAC HAMBURGER SONS, America's Premier Custom Tailors, of Baltimore, will be here with their Magnificent Display of Merchant Tailoring Goods for the coming , season. Fit guar anteed. J ALLISON & BLACKSTOCK, i Agents. ! H. H.' Patterson's : (OPPOSITE THE CAMPUS) " Where you will find Men's Furnifalnii--, Trunks, Dress" Sui Case?, 'Carpet--, Eugs, ; ready-made", Sheets Pilluw Cases, Towels, Bowls syid .pitiers .klrdfeWe oil lifcaterg flardft-ne ' 6l Mil iW, ailtf e vlrjthin a - ythi oods JJelivered rromnt v 'An-'di President has stated his unwill ingness to carry the debts of the paper any longer. The only way out of the embarrassing situation is for the present management to curtail expenses. This has been done by making the paper weekly instead of semi-weekly. The time formerly spent in getting out two issues a week will be given now in publishing one issue.' We hope the paper ' may gain a . little in quality what it has lost in quantity. Time and again it is said that "the University is out of touch with the people of the State." What this rather indefinite state ment really means need not be discussed. If such a dire condi tion of affairs exists, it is because the people of the State do not kno' what r the University is, what it stands for, and what it is doing, and not because the Uni versity seeks in any way to stand aloof. The University is a State institution, maintained and con trolled by the people of the State. It is of the State, and for the State. And it is doine- its best work when it Is giving to the State the highest type of citizen. The people have a right to know then, what the University is do ing, how well it is performing the high function for which it ringing in the memory ; ot every student present. Never become too intelligent, or too taken up with cares, he said, to forget the sentiment they bring; Let them ring forever. Students have come to a place where churches are be lieved in and are bulwarks of righteousness.' Regard these churches, he said, know that here is a Sunday School; that member ship gives weight and dignity to your life. Put yourself in touch with that which finds you at your best. The church, a body mili tant, needs the help of students. Let the University life be a train ing ground in your 1 life for the church-militant. J To these two welcomes from the town and from the churches Prof. E. K. Graham responded on behalf of the University and the students. A student came to the University, he said, not to get a aipioma, put Decause deep in his heart each one feels the; need of.a larger., ireedom in which lo live, of a more abundant, f ulfill, The thirstis spir itual and the answer must be spij itual; and, for that thirst only one teacher has given the answer, on ly one teacher has with divine audacity said "I am the Spirit; I am the way; I have come that ye might have' life." ,1 There is no Truth but God. It is God whom we seek. Thi church stands an Take a DRINK Between Trains at 0. F. Craig's Soda Fountai: , At Uuiversity Station. t TOBiCCO CANDIES FBUITS UNIVERSITY , .?r vr" -IJ- IS Headquarters fqff thstudes. and TENNISOS iSEjpeci.1. J. Ma- NBVILLE, ATHLETIC STOR Uqr CHOCOLATE at our fountain. GY A (Jomploto line of GOLV GOODS, : : : . - :: :: Proprietor. BOYS! SEE Dill I a ii r r I LUHU UU, JUIUC Forf Pressing and Cleauing. Work done' satisfactorily. $1.00 per.month. Repairing and darning neatly done at small ? iJU fi. -! , j ,I.V , ,4,' , . ' extra cost. French dry cleauing a specialty; - ' . Shop in Uoht of Athletic Store; f.f;. . .. flifrl IS' - a t f ir m iLEARQ.UARJERS FOR1 STUDENTS Ye wish to thaudc all of our custouiorj for ilic substantial trade that has bee given us, and will appreciate inorc. AVc will serve ju tlie best we can. I I UNIVERSITY SUPPLY COMPANY. Norfolk Southern Railroad Travel via Raleigh (Union , Station) and Norfolk Southern Railaoad to and from all points in Eastern North. Caro lina. ' . Schedule in effect December 18, - i N. B. The following schedule figures are published only as information and are not guaranteed.- Train Leaves Raleigh ,: 9:15 p,m. Daily , 'Night, Express", Pullman Sleeping Car for Norfolk. . 6:15 a.m. Daily for Wilson, ,' New bern, Washington,, and Norfolk 6:15 a.m. Daily, except Sundaj', for Newbern via Chocowinity.' i ; 3:00 p.m. Daily,' except Sunday, for Washington. - ; ; , Trains Arrive Raleigh 7:20 a.m. Daily li:20'. Daily except Sunday and 8.:00 p.m. Daily. Trains Leave Goldsboro 10:15 p.m. Daily "Night Express" Pullman . Sleepiug Car for Norfolk, via New Bern . t - ,. 7:15 a.m. . Daily for Beaufort and Nor folk Parlor Car between New Bern and Norfolk. ' 3:20 p.m. Daily for New Bern, Orien tal and Beaufort. ' ' " For further information and reserva tion ot Pullman Sleeping Car ppace, ap ply to D. V. Conn, S. P. A., or J. U. Kenwortby, U. T, A., Ilaleigli, N. C. W. It. HiidHon , W. W. Croxton, General Supt. Gen. rass.:Agt. Norfolk, Va. I r " t ' ; . V' l-V B-o' i i, i ' IF ITHACA OUN sm2om ib. The lig'eil Am ricen shot punl In'rty C.gaiiC shells weigh lets thati jJ twelve-bore shell . . I ou can cct into action quicker! n it won't lite you. Penetration better than a bis bJ ils 3hontinc will surprise you. Beautiful Catalog in colors FRO. 18 (trades. 20, 16, 12 and 10 lise $17.75 net to $4W list. COMPANY. BOX 123, ITHACA, N.Y. FRED M ERRITT Does ; the best pressing 7 and the cleanest cleaning done on the Hill. Give him a trial. Opposite University Inn. G. C. Pickard & Co. LIVERY STABLE ; - Located on Rosemary St. near telephone Exchange. Stylish . turnouts always on land. WANT A TEAM? CALL 30 Royal Borden Furniture Co. Durham - - North Carolina ' Dealers In ' Hih-Grade Furniture! Furnishings for Students. Every ' thing for the Home. Eubantts Drug Co. Prescription Specialists Chapel Hill - North Carolina "When in Raleigh, Co To Tucker Building Pharmacy For your Drinks and SmoKes G. C Pickard,, Manager On the Corner

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