T ft jS TAR ti EiEl L nPpJ pi T A ft FT F PI We ' must fcase talking' nbout 1 off-tackle split, got twenty yards. X nil; V.X niX; nilX beatinff Virginia and go ahead Venable -substituted for AppTe- 'O'fficJaVOrgau of the Athletic Asso ciation of the University of North Carolina. ! and do it. Published Weekly - BOARD OF EDITORS L. N. Morgan. - - Edftor-in-Chief ASSISTANT EDITORH-IN-CHIEP B. H. Mebanr ASSOCIATE EDITORS B. D. STEM1ENSON A. L. M. Wiggins J. II. RVNIV M. R DCNXAGAN Lknoir Chambers A. A. McKay R. W. Soott, Andrew J oyner, Jh G. L. Carrington Virginia Knows How to Win. "After all, it isn't the touch down 'and it lsnt the winning that counts in a contest like this. The finest thing- about it is the spirit of loyalty, livery jNorth Carolinian is glad that he is one D. L. !iGHT9j and every Virginia is lad that he is a son of the Old Dominion on this great red-letter, day in Southern nth letio.s , And ' every mother's son of them is glad that white. ' Todd; got-twenty-yards. Goodhue kicked viciously awav. from Carolina's backfield, and the ball rolled outside, Coffin kicked thirty-five yards; Todd fumbled, &ad Strange recovered the hall for Carolira on Carolina's tliirtv- five yard. A forward pass failed Coffin kicked twentv-live yauis to Gooch for a fair catch, TJ''' ' Walters trot a w.-.y on a split, it" t r ference play ar. und tight end lor a touchdown, gom .'fifty yards, Punt-out for goal Tailed. Scon.: PATTERSON MOS., DRUGGISTS. rry COLLEGE OF RICHMOND, "VA.. Siaart McGuire, M.R,ftesiden he went or goes to Chapel Hill, or Virginia, as the case may be. State pride and pride in one's al- managers ; : I , . . f n W V. Pittwak. . Bus na-s Manaarer I : . rt, F. L. Euless, - - Circulation Manager noble sentiment and generous feel M. T. Spears, - Publication Manner I ings. Both state and college are ! in a sense intangible but thev Entered as eecond class matter at the j seem hying and breathing and postoffice at Chapel Hill, N. 0. September 11, 1911. Priute-1 by The Unuersi y i'n-ss, Chapel Hill, N. C. (Virginia, 17; Carolina, Chambers kicked to Walters on his lifteen-yard line, and he got pack twenty yards. Todd failed to gain. ; Go dime punted sixty yards to Winston, who ran back ten yards.' Coffin punted thirty five" yards, arid Todd came back twelve yards.5 Told got six yards, and Walters added fourteen, tro- ing to Carolina's ten yard line. Goodhue got four. Walters then went around right and for anoth er touchdown Davidson missed NEW BWLDUVG JVFIVFQWPA EIGHTY EXPERIENCED TEACHERS . EXCELLENT CLINICAL, FACILITIES . MODERN LABORATORY METHODS. FOR DESCRIPTIVE CATALO GUE ADDRESS TVrnfE ' D.AATDERSON, Procon striving on such a day as yester- lay.'.Tbe Tarheel, with his arm let in colors comes tramping down the way, shouting 'Cms North. Carolina sum V while right abreast of him is the ' personification of jg0aK Score: Virginia, 22; Caro- Old-Virgima-never-ure, asserting jjnaj 0 . I am a citizen ot Virginia,'no Chambers kicked to Todd on mean state.' . .. . . I he point ot , hjs five-yard line and he came the matter is that carloads of back twenty yards. On fake kick North Carolinians came over the q0 gain resulted. Goodhue kicked line yesterday and shook hands ; tn winr whn fnmhlpH and When a pedestrian is hit in the w-th the Virginians; who were thrown on his be ven-vard line. glad to see them and wish they - - would come a little of tener." The 1 ;.. , Continued on third page foregoing, from .he Richm nd ; : .. ;; ,. . . Times Dispatch on the morning : ; The.Dramatic Club of the Uni after the' Thanksgiving battle versity of California will present has: taken J the words out of our a comic opera: ','When Johnny Subscription Price, $1.50 Per Tear, Payable in advance or daring thej first term. Sinl Copies. 5 Cents. head by a sand bag he will dt one of two things. Either he will pass away gently to where he may rest with his fathers, or he will pull himself together and do some tall thinking. It's hard ly necessary to add that the time has come for Carolina to do some thinking, for Carolina doesn't die, doesn't give up. And ., the thinking consists of this. Carolina must cease to re gard the Virginia game as the center of the universe. The student body must cease to judge the success or failure of the sea son bv one arame. And Carolina teams must begin to go into the Virginia game not with the idea that it is the Virginia game, but that it is a game which the bet ter team will win. To consider that Virginia is a worthy oppo nent is all rierht. To make the winning of the Virginia game a crowning glory is all right. But to consider the game to be the' only game on the schedule is per fectly asinine. To play a one game schedule is absolutely ab surd. Too much wrong emphasis is placed on the game. We talk about it too much. . We. get -too much excited about it. From the time a ifootball player5 gets here JFi ll'l'li' h- J V !il i One Piece Hammer In The New Model MUU(UL W It yon sue more than one hole in a liHimiier you know tlint extra parts lire fasten wl to the hammer whether shown or no. Our hammer la all one only one hole, no togglig or stirrups attached. We have cut nut all cocking lever, bars, u-h rod--, nml hanmier-stirrups and i oi l. li e prn direet from toe of hammer. Our hammer travels less than half an inch, taking only 1-625 of a econd to ope-ate; , Stoclcj are not ont awnv for hammers orlo kpiii es a d are dovetaih'd into frmne to iprevont splitting and HpreadliiK. Catalopue Free; 18 praden, $17.75 net to $J00 list. Ithaca Gun Co. Box 123, Ithaca, N. Y. mouth, so to speak. "We were glad Comes Marching Home." . very glad, to see again tur friend j The University of Alabama from North Xarbliha and to re- dramatic cub ihas. recently Vive" the spirit -of friendly rivahy d,Ci(1 ,Zangwiirs paj ,T h e that exists over the annual inter- jejtitlg p0t." state gridiron struggle.' It was a- ; io., o n ' tv,m Nick Fetzer 'What makes again on; the field, clean sports- razor so dull, anyhow?" men that they are, 1 and though i ' "Go W. "I don't know, they went down before us, thev' V was a11 nffht' when 1 opened died hard, as 'Carolinians know fhat box of sardines yesterday." how to die,' and our success was Cau Rac. thereby rend ered "! the greater i n ,; . ' . . 1 ; 1 , :, winning from such worthy foes'. The Royal Cafe and Restaurant The; Tarheel, uevegive-up-the- , ... , - - -v , . . , . , , (Under iew Management) : ship spirit is proverbial, and nev- . er was it better exemplified than " Metropolian. OU Place in Richmond. Thursday! 'when, , ' Open. Day and Niht " aritl, anothpr Hcfpat inPthlp Tables Resvcd ior Udies. :: :: :: :: and ' dis'ati their hearts, Chapel 1 Hill men L ..' J . II. I'i.."ft ' ? 1 T" 1 .1 Htmeni ,,-ouing at 2- , Vp ,,nj,rflnh, tn fin Uilf,u .order ; in five minutes. Give tis a trial and be convinced. 6.(K) Meal; Ticket ,$5.00 t $3.5o ticket for $3.00. give an exhibition of team-loyal J ty from vhich'Virginiamen would dowell to' take a lesson. Caroli na, old friendy' we .wish'" you bet-' ter luck . another timc--Cdueoc I Topics. 1 ' '' ;.. : : ' CAROLINA FALLS BEFORE VIRGINIA. ' Continued from "First Pae. ' till he leaves th is one game is dangled before his eyes. He Carolina's six-yard line.,' Delav el ) comes to feel that unless he wins ipass, failed Third down goal to 1 the game all that he has done is gain,; and Carolina held. Strange useless. The season this ' year j substituted! for Manning; .Coffin i has been the best in many a day, kicked to Todd, who came back" yet there is hardly a man on the ; five yards, Chambers making tho ; Varsity squad but feels that the tackle. Period., Up, firt alown. whole business has been a huge Bali on CaroUna's tbirt3fiveyard; 119 East Main Street. Next to Model Furmiurn House. Phone 487 DURHAM. N. C. MEET ME AT THE CIGAR STORE. ; 1 There is Onlr One. Durham Cigar Store Co , Opposite Postoffice, DURHAM, N. C. 0en after every show. SOUTHERN RAILWAY MOST DIRECT LINK TO : : ; ALL POINTS North, South, East, TFest convenient schedules first-class equipment . . COMPLETE DINING CAR SERVICE Through FuIIman SIccpingCars to all Principal Cities Peincipal Cities and Resokts of Texas, California and Florida . CAN BEST BE REACHED VIA The SOUTHERN RAILWAY If. 'oU are.contenipliiting a trip," it would Iks. wire to first con sult a .representative 'of tie SOUTHERN RAILWAY, who will gladly aixl courteously furnish jou with any and all information as. r. tea, Peliedulw, Pullman shepin, car uccommodationH, etc. ' ' 0. JONES. T. P. A., K. II. UkBLTTS, T. P. A.. Raleigh. N. C. Citablottk, N. C II. IIARDW1CK, P. T. M., . II. F., CARY, G. P." A,, Washington, N. C. failure. This is very foolish', very much like a prep, school. We must Change our attitude. We must look upon it as a gamea very ALL -SORTS -OF FURNIf TURE atT A. BROWN'S, Next to Pickwick. Picture Framing a Specialty. PRETTY ROSES (UT FLOWERS OR PLANTS i E. line, in Virginia's possession. , SKCONb PBHIOD.' Goal changed. Walters got e'ght yards through line, anrl; . Goodhue riiadit first down with t. . big game it is true, but still a teri yafdsr ' TiMgot:two yards.; a H H FatterSOIl S mere game into which we must; Walters trot five yards through? , put our whole strength, fight bur; the line, i and ? Todd carried the; , If MlirCPrV 0111 111 best for the honor of our college,! oval to the three yard line. AK Where you will find Men's Furnishings, ' $ MUloCI V IJUIIIUGlly , Tell us your flower troubles J. Van Lindley Royal Borden Furniture Co. Durham - - North Carolina Dealers In High-Grade Furniture Furnishings for Students. Every thing for the Home. and let the better team win. ; iiQe piay failed. Carolina, .again To win the game Carolina has! took the', ba"l I ; away on d 6v n s. got to have the better team, hasl Coffin kickecl twenty yar 's to got to have a team that will gol Gooch," who fumbled," but recov- . into the game to play tts bestilered. Todd then g6t five yards not to play Virginia And td get this team we must begin to build it up right away. If the Varsity J now that the season has closed ceases every particle of training every bit of practice, until colleii opens . again next fall; it wiljf never beat Virginia. Work;musr rjffct now a4C Pt up., back ten yards, Trunks, Dress Suit Caes, Carpets, Kugs, ready-made -'Slufts, l'illow Cases, Towels, Bowls and pitchers, Kerosene oil heaters, Hardware of sill kinds, and everything - that is good to eat. around ertd A forward i,as,! M : Goods Delivered Promptly with the hall on the twenty yard . ) r J line, ' 'from Ggoch to , Wool folk, i. ... gave the second touchdown. Davidson kicked gVtal S ore: Virginia, 12; ''afoiin'a, 0. Ch:imbe s kicked to Goodhue on his ten-yard line. He came Take a DRINK Between Trains at , 0. F. Craig's Soda Fountain At TJuiversity Station. GREEN SCO 110, N. C. I Geo. V. Strong, Culltre Acni, Walters on an BAS1IAN BEOS'. CO., Manufacturirg Jewelers, Engravers ar d Stationers. Engraved Invitations and Proflrams. Class and Society Pins. twwauuu oajie3 rUlT9 0x778, EubanRs Drug Co. Prescription Specialists Chapel Hill - North Carolina "When in Raleigh, Go To Tucker Building Pharmacy For your Drinhs and Smokes On the Corner KUCIU'STER, 1$. Y, N. C R. Blaclinall Son, DRUGGISTS, UUKMAM, - - . Agents for Huyler's and ParK Q Ttlford's Candies, . . , , . .. . .'.

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