THE TAR 11 BET. - WCAIS 'it & V ' feHMJ1 u 1 W , George Holton, '14, and George CAROLINA FALLS BEFORE VIRGINIA. Continued from Second Page.. I Columbia is planning a -yem by which a scholarship standard is necessary for entrance inio'fra- Whitaker, '15, have returned from Coffin punted twenty; yards to ternities 4 . . TTT i S O 1 a visit to winsion-oaiera. J. M. Labberton, '13, spent a lew days of the past week at Greensboro. . F. N. Cox, '10. who is practic ing law at Spray, spent Saturday and Sunday on the Hill. lodd, who stumbhd and failed to return. Gooch. on delayed pass, went through centre for six yards. Walters went through lint lor fourteen yards. Goodhue failed to gain. Todd then took ball to Carolina's one-yard line. A tackle try failed, and Carolina CHRIST WAS twelve-yard line in their Score: Virginia, 22; 1 " SECOND HALF. Messrs. Walton, Ervin and took bal1 on downs. Coffin kicked Whitfield stopped over at Oxford outsiae on tiis htteen-yard line, after the game to visit their al- A litie shift failed. A fumble ma mater. gave Carolina the ball, but the , . half ended with the ball on Caro- Mr. J. A. MCLrOugan, 11, linas . 11 oorin-fpn ft pnt of schools of pOSSession. Hoke i county, is spending a fe i ... - ... v saijiiiia. v davs on tne txm wixn menus. r . ..... I . MT. i . iU. iiowara, ex- wno rarrtl. stlW;t m,; is teaching school at Abbotsburg for Venable Vi ink substituted this year, is' on the Hill visiting We1f, .r w . friends. kicked to Chambers on his five- 4- PnK VV jMctrirl urnc -A 1 .A 1 l . -1- c Vd.pLaiu xjjvj " 'w'vu j am imc, auu uc tdulc UatK UVc carried to his home last Monday yards. Chambers tore off fifteen suffering with appendicitis. He yards around end. Winston ; got was attacked immediately after twenty more. Tillett went the Virginia game. An opera- through centre for five yards, tion was performed Tuesday. Chambers got around left end for Coach Bocock received a tele- three. Virginia was penalized IS CO M I N G ! Engraved CardH make' a c r. g and aeeepatblc pu -. t. ' c; j:. llOKI . 2t0 V . Ik University of North Carolina 1789 Head of the State Sysrem of Education '; The University stands for thor oughness and all that is best in edu cation and the moulding of charac ter. It' is epuipped with 24 build- in Cta -nam nrflfnw hiabUh AA4.Mf gram which said that the o per- five yards, offside. Chambers got C 6?. , " . u7 ' ,of.,i j a i. 1 1 m-n ..heating, electric lights. Eleven ation was very successful. two yards off tackle. Tillett got a . ,7 T , . . . , ' j r j 1 i j tt? , bcientinc Laboratories, equipped for Themanagersot lacKety xacK ; . good work. The Faculty numbers announce tti at itie nnai canvass - 80. Students, 800. Library of for subscriptions will be made this yard line- Winston got three On fnlff 1in nlav. P.a . ttr . ,'.,:. , tour assistants tnrougn ana linett lost .. j week. Be ready, lest they come jaras nrnri vnn unnreoared. It is im- rVe portant that every student back three yards. Winstcn failed to up the managers in this . work. in. and Virginia held for How many will you want? lowns on her fifteen yard line. Woodhue kicked, andTillett came T il T"2 Ci Afvr Vnt 1 1 fA 1 XT in me ii "tll"1"1J' back twenty yards to his forty- night the query, Resolved: That , Une N,oofe wa substi)uled the U. S. government should in- forStranffe; stitute a parcel post system in Coffin kicked forty yards tQ connection with our regular mails, ToMf who came back two yards, was discussed. The affirmative , a , . outside on Caro. side won the question, G. A. lina,g thirty.Yard line Forward Martin made the best speech and pags was incomplete. Coffin J. W. Moser deserved honorable punted to Todd who fumbiet, mention. recovered and failed to gain. iVLr. j, vr. rlOUllMlcii, vvcllicis wcui iiii"ugn imc live Student Volunteer Movement, yards. Onsidekick by Virginia gave a stirring address in Gerrard recovered by Chambers Coffin Hall Monday night on the kicked forty-five yards to'Todd, awslrptiinp- of China, touching- on who eluded alltacklers for fifteen the recent revolution there and yards. Gooch get four yards its probable outcome. After his around end. Onside kick and ': J . tt- i e address a Canvass was mauc m Virginia rewjveieu. utn uu iui .y- the interest of the Barnett pledge yard line. Walters nipped one of $500.00, resulting in 312 stu- yard from line. Finlay substi- dents subscribing $367. tuted for Hewitt. A forward The fall dances will take place Pass from Walters to Todd netted in the Bynum Gymnasium next fifteen yards. Split play through Thursday and Friday night. The Goodhue .carrying ball, Junior Order of the Gimghoul slashed of two yards Carolina will give the first dance, and the t ball on downs. Coffin punted nn x nh the second. John to Todd' who advanced five yards. trii M,M;W;11 lead the Gim- fl delayed Pass Walters got four A1.U.IX .. " ghoul dance. Jm Patterson and Jrda Robert Strange. Jr.. will be his 60,000 volumes. One librarian and Fine Literary Socie ties. There is an active Y. M. C. A., conducted: by the students. Scholarships and loans for the needy and deserving. For information, address F. P. VENABLE, President, Chapel Hill," N. C. Do your Shoes Need Mending TRY TRICE Opposite University Inn CAROLINA STUDENTS Are Invited to Make the Store of Whiting &. Horton Their HEADQUARTERS when in Raleigh, N. C. He added two more. substituted for Manning. ! What Time Is It? Time to have yonr watch repaired. Repair work of all kinds quickly done by Skilled Workmen. Hand it to me. assistants. L. P. McLendon will lead the .German Club dance. His assistants will be J. D. Boushall, Jr., and.Will Tillett. JONES & FRASIER, Checker Championship The venerable fascinating. A for ward nass failed. Kedus susti- soul inspiring game of checkers tuted for Jttt .Another forward is proving a season's sensation in failed) an(J thg ba,j weflt tQ the Y. M.C. A, game parlor. In Carf)lina 00 her fifleen.yard line, fact, it bids fair to equal in pop- Coffin kkked for y.five vards to ularity that charming, harmless made r beautlul pick. sport called Y.-M-'C. A. pool. afld fan the bal, back thirt. We.would suggestthat the check- p d Quarter uo: ballon - . , A. ' Huske On line shift for forward pass Steve Pember, College Representative. ball went to Carolina on her twenty-yard line. Virginia thei. caught an at-1 (Incoporated) tempted forward pass, Walters DURHAM. - - NORTH CAROLINA, making play. Goodhue landed LI"1Z, JfZ? Ap,f? If You Want to Feel Good Red us as Well as Look 6ood, GO TO hold a tourna- Carolina's twenty-five-yard line er .enthusiasts a. ; i.t.A ment.,o vas .to aetermine, uic Virginia's possession. First championship of the college. We dQwn Score. Virginia, 22; are, ,sure tnat mere are m uui midst those skilled in the noble art of checker playing, whether thev have been trained in a stately drawing room or corner grocery. Why not put this talent into ser vice? We may want to send a checker team against Virginia some day. : Carolina, 0. FOURTH PERIOD. , Jett substituted for Red us. Walters lost three yards. Ritch making a beautiful tackle. A forward pas from Walters to Finlay netted twelve yards. Walters-got eight yards. Gqoch made no gain. Ball on Caaolina's MOSER'S BARBER SHOP All styles of Hair Cuts on h'and at all times: Opposite campus; BOARD. Home butchered Meats. Bt Country Butter. Plenty of Milk. Steam Cooked Meats, etc. DessertB no two days the same. None better prepared or nicer see our kitchen for cleanliness. Nearest the college, nearest postoillce, nearest business section 1 . : CENTRAL HOTEU See "Dick" Allison, Manager. Arrow Notch COLLAR for 95c. quett. Peabody & Co.. Maken A 6. SPALDING .4 BROS , The Spalding TRADE-MARK is Known throughout the world as a Guarantee of Quality are the largest manufacturers in the world of OFFICIAL EQUIPMEN1 FOR ALL ATH LETIC SPORTS AND PASTIMES. . If YOU are hilrv ested in Athletic fyni you xftmild hair n copy of the Hpallini Catalog . ll ' a m pletc encyclopedia of Wliat's New in Sport and is sent free, on re quest, i A. G, Spalding & Bros J 208 E. Baltimore S., Baltimore, 51 d. FRED MERRITT Does the best pressing ; and the deanest cleaning j done on the Hill. Give j him a trial. ' Opposite University nn. ! Ferry Noble, HOT AND COLD BATHS. , We are operating the only up-to-date and fashionable tonsorial parlor in the City. Prompt attention to all. , General Merchant J. D. WEBB Gent's Furnishings a Specialty Clothing' and Shoes K , Xext Door to l'ostoffice. W. B. S0RRELL, JEWELER OPTICIAN CHAPEL HILL. - - - N. C. Dr. Wni. Lyjnch, dh l ist,, Now offun over (,'att"' .ltAvt-lry Store, CIIAIT.T. X. C. L. G. UTLEY Next loor to Post Office v nice lino of Meu'w Furiii.-Oiiny, ( injurs, t onfectionerifs, iiinl stationary, t.ive u a part of yonr trade. j Merrit k Sparrow s Livery Stable. The Swellest, The Most Up-to-I)ate, V The Most Convenient Livery Stable in tow (f. Rear of Post Office. ; E. P. GATE, JEWELER. Fine Repairing a Specialty.' WATCHES AND .CLOCKS. CUT GLASS AND SILVERWARE. CI I A PKL HILL, - - - - - N. ('. "TANK" HUNTER. New quarters below Pickard's Hotel. Bought out entire stock of W.W.Pickard. Let the College Caterer, "MARSE JESSE," Prepare that banquet He Knows how. More Than Your Money's Worth. COMMONS HALL. $10.00 PER MONTH. $15.00. UNIVERSITY INN. Meet Your Friends REXALL PHARMACY When in Durham. MR. E. S. MERRITT Is with them. Opposite Postcfh'ce. THE STAR CAFE, 1 he Cleanest and Most Up-to-Date Dining Room in Town. Quiek aul Polite Service. University ;' ineii are invited to (rive us a call. JMeasant room to rent alw. The Main St. Pharmacy Co, V Handle GUTH'S CANDIES. Send tliein jour ran! and munV; tliey do the rest, 201 E. M ux St., - - DURHAM, X. C. Vfc ( INCORPORATED) Vf I Whwi you tliinh i.f oinK to ! I, rite for b nw Catalonnc and pwial off.-rnof til. ifHdnitf BiiHliif-s and Ki.oi tl.and S. .. 1m Addrw-w KinK'H HiinIiiomh 'ol- le.e, KaliKh. N. 4).,r Charlotte, M. '. W.mum) tt-McU iookkeeplnK, Hhortliand, Pen maahi, etc., by mail. tOTO-varrl linp. finnrlhue went The yanderbilt dramatic club, through cente for touchdown. will oresent A Gentleman from Ooatlantd en fourth COTTRELL & LEONARD, . . ALBANY, NEW YORK, Makers of the Caps, Gowns and Hoods to the University of. North Carolina, University of the South, Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford, and the others. Class Contracts h. Specialty, Reliable Ma terials. Reasopnh'e ijnren. liMflhiH and Sumplts on fUitr. ... ,,,t u : I''' ' T j ROGER'S, Fruits and Confectioneries. , CENTRAL II OTE L : J5ASEMENT. SOUTHERN RAILWAY Operating Over 7,000 Miles Railway -i; Quick Rout to All Principal Points I " 1 :. North South East West Through Trains Between Principal I ' ' ' Cities and Resorts ' FnrnichinK First-Class Aeepmjiioddtityi. .Elegant. Fullniati .Sleej)ing ; ar oji all Through trains. Dining, (JJu'b, and Observation Cars. For Ffn-wl," comfort and cour , 'teotis employers - j t ravel . via .;. . . .. , the .SOUTHKUX 'KAILM'AY. . IJateP, wheihiioH an.l otlier inforniatii.n furni.-lieil by addressing tin- iifxleiHined. '. it. 1- Vkknox, I). i, a., Charlotte, . C. ' II. IIahdwh k, F. T. M - WaBhington, D. C. ii. f.'cary, a. v. a., ; ; ' Washington I), 0, W. II. lWtLi., T. J', A., Ualeigb, N; C, J. IL W I. V. A., AslieviUe, N, C, If. If. Dv lit ns, T. JV'A.