THE TAR HEEL Just the Gifts "He" Will Ap preciate: Mufflers, Gloves, Collar Bags, Ties, Handkerchiefs, Bath' Robe, Smoking Jacket. SNEED-MARKHAM TAYLOR COMPANY, DURHAM, N. C. ! UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA. VVHUl UUVUl V11UVU1VUIVI , A four year course is gi ven. Dispensary and hosmtal with over 100 beds, both i owned by the University. aeiia lor catalogue. HOWARD WtNSTON, Registrar, University, va. Start . After Exams izing the ZINZENDORF LAUNDRY, '; -IN WINSTON-SALEM. Sati8faction, or money refunded. Work collected Monday nights and delivered Friday nights. HARTLEY & TOTTEN, AGENTS. .. G. C. Pickard & Co. UVERY STABLE Located on Rosemary St. near telephone Exchange. Stylish turnouts always on hand. WANT A TEAM? CALL 30 G. C. Pickard, Manage" ARCADE BARBER SHOP, DURHAM, N. C, HOW HAS 4 First-Class Barbers. Th Bert of Everything in the Most Approved Sanitary Manner. ALBERT CRESS, Prop. T.C.BLAND. . W. L. BOWLING. R. H, WILMOtH ( CKATING in the keen air the companionship of a pipe thepleasure of a tobacco such as Velvet 1 Velvet Is the best leaf aged over two year ia the warehouse a slow, silent transformation from harsh leaf to a mellow smoking tobacco. Time gradually evicts the bite matures the good qualities of the leaf a flavor unusual good wonderfully good I Such a tobacco takes time to pro duceextreme care withal, but this is the smoke we all want so why not? At all dealers. SPAULDING & MERRICK Chicago WW VP i Full Two Ounce Tins WITH OUR ADVERTISERS Below is a list of the men who make possible THE TAR HEEL. Without them there would be no TAB, HEEL; without your trade they can't afford to advertise. If you care for your col lege publication give these men your trade. CHAPEL HILL A. A. Kluttz. "W. M.-Moser. E. A. Brown. E. P Gates . Merritt fc Sparrow Marse Jesse Jones Q. C. Pickard W, M. Thompson 1 Eubanks Drug Co L. G.TJtley Patterson Bros. J. D. "Webb Dr. Wm. Lynch. Andrews' Cash Store "W. B. Sorrell Long Bill Jones Fred Merritt University Inn Commons Hall Tank Hunter I. M, Bailey . H. H. Patterson University Supply Co Boger , DURHAM Pritchard, Bright & Company Sneed Markham Star Cafe Arcade Barber Shop Royal Cafe Durham Cigar Store Yearby Drug Co Blacknall & Son Main St. Pharmacy Royal & Borden H. A. Gaskins RALEIGH Tucker Building Pharmacy Ferry Noble Whiting & Horton King's Business College GREENSBORO J. Van Lindleyi T. F. Hanes , i' MISCELLANEOUS Southern Railway Norfolk & Southern Ithaca Gun Co., Ithaca, N. Y. Zinzendorf Laundry, Winston-Salem University of Virginia, Charlottes ville, Va. American Tobacco Co. O. F. Craig, University Station Bastian Bros, Rochester, N. Y. Jefferson Hotel, Richmond, Va. Medical College of Virginia, Rich- mond, Va. All subscriptions are HueiIorTg Sy r , Evening, daily. The Tar Heel needs jours. bee httman, bpears or toless. THE SMOOTHEST TOBACCO EUSHA MITCHELL SOCIETY MEETS Continued from First Page. Dr. Hall and Dr. Herty each commented on this paper. Dr Archibald Henderson then gave a report of his work on "Cubic Surfaces." The geometri cal treatment of cubic surfaces really begins in 1870. Attention began to be concentrated upon the surface with four conical points, and everything was found which could be derived from this. At last Kaley became interested i l. lie WUUUU uiaiiuu vi u c mv.i seven lines, and specialized upon this, but the results were not quite satisfactory from a geo metrical standpoint. It occurred to Dr. Henderson to take the gen eral method and use it through out the group of cubic surfaces. He carried out this research two years ago, but since he lacked proper literature, he went to Cambridge University, England, to complete his investigations. The study is divided into three j parts: notational, since the twenty seven lines are so complex , it is necessary to get an adequate . i notation; analytic, it is necessary j to study each separately; t geo metrical, it is necessar' to have some adequate representation, either by a model or on paper in perspective form. ! Prof. Cain commented, paying a high tribute to Dr, Henderson that he should have 5been so honored in the home -of great mathema ticians, Cambridge University. The historic English university published at its own expense, this treatise of Dr. Henderson's, an honor accorded but to one other American, the prof essor of mathematics at Harvard some years ago. t NeYspapers of the State The Commissioner of Labor and Printing of North Carolina has just completed a summary of the newspaders of -the' State,' and ad- vance sheets from his forthcoming report that there are 303. The list is as follows: io. wrcniauon. 8 21 176 13 47 13 4 7 4 ; 53,706 61,599 477,281 66,016 164,590 onth!y Semi-monthly .... 314,900 113,000 Annually. . . ...... Quarterly ... . . . ; iBi'inonthly. Total ., . , 7,025 1,000 303 ; ,1,218,117 Circulation not given: Evening daily, 1; weekly,3; monthly, 2; quarterly, 1; annually, 2: semi- weekly, 2; semi-monthly, 1. I In politics, denomination, cts., the list is: Democrat, 131; Independent Democratic, 19; Republican, 21; Independent-Republican, 1; Inde pendent, 24; Baptist, 6; Methodist 5; Christian, 4;Protestant-Fpisco- pal, 1; Presbyterian, 5; Primitive Baptist, 3; Freewill Baptist, 2; Catholic, i .-Religious, 5; Fraternal 2; Textile,!; W. C. T. U. 1; Good Roads, 1; Poultry, 1; Industrial, 1; Trade, 2; Educational, 14; Literary, 12; Medical, 2; Agriculture; Athletic, 1; Al manac, .2; , Lutheran, 4; Pythian, 1 ; ' M asonic, 1 : 1 Hoi i ness, '1 ; Union Labor, 1; A. Jvf. E. Zion, 1; Local 11; Health, 1; Quaker, 1; Historical,; Directory, 1; Total 303. ; 1 "Ethel," said Mr. Brown, "I want you to give that young man of yours a little message from me." "Yes. Father," said Ethel,' blushing. i "Tell him that your mother and father don't object to gas bills, but tlioy do object to him carrying away the morning paper with him when he leaves."-- Wan Gun Rac, sif.',! '.I J ...r"- V.-. . Vj. .:" , 1 '..IK .'lii il PHk,t . V S .1 U.V W- ft M- U I MO MB M l L 1 111 ,Jf gathering in By's room "When pood fellows cet geuicr mere a always a for Fatima Ggarettes. With each package of Fatima Jwu gel a pennant coupon, is at ftcA secure a handsome ft I college- pennant (U a 32) election at 100, lypewnting I. M. BAILEY, No. 7 South GUARANTEED SATISFACTION REASONABLE RATES L F. HANES, OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHER, UNIVERSITY OF NO R T II C A ROLINA Season 1911-1912. GR E EN S BORO , N . C . Andrews' Cash Dealers in WALK-OVER SHOES, STETSON HATS ARROW BRAND COLLARS, CLUETT S SHIRTS Notion Novelties of all kinds. Invite the Student and Faculty trade to give us a trial. We are here to please YOIL j Boys, they've come before your size AT BOYS! SEE "LONG" 6ILL JONES hor Pressing and Cleaning. Work done satisfactorily. $1.00 per month. Repairing and darning neatly done at small extra cost. French dry cleaning a specialty. Shop in front of Athletic S,ore. wmm 20 lor W 10 cents if Mimeographing Store Company, Get them now has been sold. KLUTTZ'S