tjh e Tarheel LOCALS Bishop Robert Strange on Mission Study Bishop Robert Strange ad dressed a meeting held in the Chapel Monday nig-ht March 3 for the purpose of inaugurating the Mission Study Movement which is to be conducted by the Y. M. C. A. this spring. Bishop Strange considered the Mission ary Movement from the view point of what we get out of it. Ine following is a summary of his address: 'The Missionary Movement is now world-wide. It is beneficial both to those who send out mis sionaries and to those who re ceive them. We. the givers, get uacK in proportion as we give just as those to whom we send missionaries receive in proportion as we send. And since it is more Diesseo to give tnan to receive we it we give in good spirit are more benefited f'an those to whom we give. "In a material way our country derives great advantages from our part in the Missionary Move ment. The missionary opens up the country to trade and com merce. He creates demands for material things which the home country supplies. Also the mis sionary in opening up a new country contributes vastly to science and to the general knowl edge of the world for which his country receives credit with him The English missionaries who opened up Africa gained honor for themselves and trade and glory for their country. Lastly each one who even gives a smal piece of money has a conscious ness of having done a good deed a service for humanity. . Such little thing enables us to partici pate in the great work of bring ing Christianity to the poor, un enlightened and unchristian peo ples. It gives us the happiness which is the basis of the expres sion, "It is more blessed to give than to receive." After the conclusion of Bishop Strange's address Mr. Hall an nounced that the following courses in mission study would be offered by the Y. M. C. A. 1. Problems of the American city. A course of lectures on this subejct by Prof A. H. Patterson. 2. Decisive Hour of Christian Missions. The above text book by John R. Mott will be studied in groups. 3. Negro Life in the South. This text book will be studied in groups also. Dr. and Mrs. W. R. Smith are visiting" in Richmond. Alex Field, '11, was a visitor from Raleigh on the 9th. Gus Zollicoffer spent Sunday, the 10th, on the Hill with friends. A Stag German was held in Webb's skating rink Saturday night. J. C Lassiter has been spen ding" a few days at his home in I obaccoville. Mr. and Mrs. S. II. Wiley have arrived in Chapel Hill and arc at Mrs. MacRae's DonMacKae has been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. MacRae, for a few days. Mr. Bernard Prilchett, a stu dent at Washington and Lee, was a visitor here on the 8th. Dr. Foy Robertson, '(W, a for mer football star, has been visi ting friends on the Hill for a few days. On account of a slight indispo sition Dr. Manning was unable to meet his classes for several days last week. Fred Drane has handed in his resignation as captain of the Class Track Team on account of liis Gym. work In the absence of Dr. Smith, C. O. Armstrong preached at the Baptist Church Sunday morning and L. N. Johnson at night. TheN. C. Club has awarded basketball sweaters toCarrington, Chambers, and Erwin. Stars were given to Tillett and Smith. The Tar Hkki. was in error in stating last week that Dr. and Mrs. W. M. Dey attended a din ner given by Spencer Nichols at the D. K. E. Hall. A State Tennis Meet is being planned for the latter part of April. Letters have been writ ten to all the North Carolina col leges and it is hoped that many of them will reply favorably. Dr. F. W. Bancroft, of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, New York City, has been in Chapel Hill for .a week engaged in making experiments on the artificial parthogenetical (level apment of frog eggs in the biological laboratory of the Uni versity. Dr. Bancroft will also make other experiments connected with this work. On last Saturday night he lectured before the Medical So ciety on 4,Heredity". The Sigma Alpha Epsilon fra ternity celebrated the 56th anni versary of the founding of the fraternity with a banquet at the hall Saturday night. Aside from the active members there were present Messrs. Francis Cox, Albert Cox, R. D. W. Conner, Eddie Greene, and Dr. Clarence Shore from Raleigh; Paul Schenck, T. S. Beall, and A. M. Burt from Greensboro, H. M. London of Pittsboro, T. S. Linn, of Salisbury, A. H. James of Laurinburg, George Thomas and Hamilton C. Jones, Charlotte, and Alex M. Worth of Durham. Members of the faculty present were Messrs. A. H. Patterson, Vernon Howell, and E. K. Gra ham. The Political Club held its first reeular meeting last Saturday night. Lee Wie-gins led in a dis- Walker,C.E. Teague.F.P.Barker, ; , cusion of the National political W.Stokes,R.W. Scctt.W.R.Pette question. 'wav R A. Freeman, H.B.Doub,P This afternoon at 2.30, Dr. H.GwynnJ.T. IIoover.L.N.John C L. Raper spoketo the members stno.J. H.Manning,M. T. Spears' of the clubonthenationalpolitical A.L.Hamilton.C.R. Wharton, and " University of Virginia Summer School, JUNE 19 AUGUST 2, 1912. For College Students, High School and College Teachers. Forty courses with University credit. , Au excellent oppor tunity to shorten the time for a degree, secure advanced standing or make up back work. Also seventy-five courses preparing for college entrance or for absolving condi tions. Most of instructors College Professors of distinction. Fees low'. Board reasonable. Modui ed railroad rates. For information and oflicial announce ment write to DIRECTOR SUMMER SCHOOL, U NI V EE S I T Y , V I IUJ I N I A . Fritcnaru, Dngm company Fashionable Clothiers and Furnishers DURHAM, 122 West Main Street NORTH CAROLINA MEDICAL COLLEGE OF VIRGINIA EstobliHhed;i838 : Excellent Facilities for Teaching Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy For Catalogue address Chbistopheb Tompkins, M. D., Dean, Richmond,!, Virginia The University of North 179 BAD WEATHER INTERFERES WITH BASEBALL Continued from First Page, hard season. Lanier has shown great improvement. Clancy ex pects him to win games. Nichol son has room for improvement, but is getting better all the time. Friday's game will decide some interesting things concerning the team. The attendance at Louisiana State University has doubled since 1900. at the same hour Dr. Wagstaff will discuss the same questiou. An effort will be made to have Mr.Josephus Daniels of Raleigh address the club within the next two weeks. The members of the club are: A.L.M. Wiggins,H.G. Harry. D.J. Head of the State Sysrem of Education The University stands for thor oughness'and all that is best in edu cation and the moulding of charac ter. It is epuipped with 24 build ings, new water works, central heating, electric lights. Eleven Scientific Laboratories, equipped for good work. The Faculty numbers 80. Students, 800. Library of 60 ,000 volumes . One 1 ibrarian and four assistants. Fine Literary Socie ties. There is an active Y. M. C. A., conducted by the students. Scholarships and loans for the needy and deserving. For information, address F. P. VENABLE, President, Chapel, Hill, N. C. wwpflHBHHnfl A A New Arrow Notch COLLAR J 5c 9 for tSc. Cluett, Peabody & Co.. Makera University Suppy Co, (INCORPORATED) A thletic Supplies for High Schools and Colleges A. G SPALDING & BROS , The Spalding TRADE-MARK TMDI CAROLINA STUDENTS Are Invited to Make the Store of Whiting &. Horton Their HEADQUARTERS when in Raleigh, N. C. What Time Is It? 8Time to have your watch repaired. Repair work of all kinds quickly done by Skilled Workmen. Hand it to me. Steve Pember, College Representative. JONES & FR ASIER, (lncoporated) DURHAM. - - NORTH CAROLINA. If You Want to Feel Good as Well as Look Good, GO TO MOSER'S BARBER SHOP All styles of Hair Cuts on hand at all times. Opposite campus. is Known throughout the world as a Guarantee of Quality are the largest manufacturers in the world of OFFICIAL EQUIPMENT FOR ALL ATH LETIC SPORTS AND PASTIMES. If YOU are inter ested in Athletic Sport you should have a copy of the Spalding Catalog. It's a com plete encyclopedia of What's New in Sport and is sent free on re quest. 1 A. G. Spalding & Bros,, 208 E. Baltimore S., Baltimore, Md. FREDMERRITT Does the best pressing and the cleanest cleaning done on the Hill. Give him a trial. Opposite University Inn. Meet Your Friends REXALL PHARMACY When in Durham. MR. E. S. MERRITT Is with them. Opposite Postoffice. THE STAR CAFE, The Cleanest and Most Up-to-Date Dining Room in Town. Quick and Polite Service. University men are invited to give us a call. Pleasant room to rent also. The Main St. Pharmacy Co, Handle GUTH'S CANDIES. Send them your card and name; they do the rest. 201 E. Main St., - - DURHAM, N. C. Do your Shoes Need Mending TRY TRICE Opposite University Inn incorporated ) BUSINESS. When you think of going to school, rite for a new Catalogue and specla offera of the leading Business and Shorthan Schools. Address King' BualneNH Co lege, Kaleigb, N. ., or Charlotte, I. C We also teach Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Pen manship, etc., by mail. COTTRELL & LEONARD, ALBANY, NEW YORK, Makers of the Caps, Gowns and Hoods lo the University of North Carolina, University of the South, Harvaid, Yale, Princeton, Stanford, and tha others. Clas. Contracts a Specialty. Reliable Ma tcrials. Rewnable prices. Bulletins and Samples on Dr. Wm. Lynch, DENTIST, New office over Cates' Jewelry Store, CHAPEL HILL.EN. 0. L. G. UTLEY Next Door to Post Office A nice line of Men's Furnishings, Cigars, Confectioneries, and Stationary. Give os a part of your trade. Merrit & Sparrows Livery Stable. The Swellest, The Most Up-to-Date, The Most Convenient , Livery Stable in town. Rear of Post Office. E. P. GATE, Fine Engraving and Repairing a Specialty. WATCHES AND CLOCKS. CUT GLASS AND SILVERWARE. CHAPEL HILL, "... - - - - N. C. "TANK" HUNTER. New quarters below Pickard's Hotel. Bought out entire stock of W.W.Pickard. Let the College Caterer, "MARSE JESSE," Prepare that banquet. He Knows how. More Than Your Money's Worth. COMMONS HALL. $10.00 PER MONTH. $15.00. UNIVERSITY INN. BOGER'S. Fruits and Confectioneries. CENTRAL HOTEL BASEMENT. General Merchant J.D.WEBB Gent's Furnishings a Specialty ClotHing and Shoe t i Next Door to Postoffice. W. B. S0PJ2ELL, JEWELER OPTICIAN CHAPEL HILL, " . .C,