Tllfl 1AR tl'EJEJL LETS GET TOGETHER j Official Organ of the Athletic Asso ciation of the University of North Carolina. "" Pubushed Weekly. BOARD OF EDITORS G. L. Carrington - Lenoib Chambers, Jr. :. ), ASSOCIATE EDITORS E. R. Rankin F. W. Morrison Tt', lMisff.lVATSON Kaset B. D. Applewhite SV ,W Fuller ' . Phillip Woollcott THE TAR HEEL Ths University is crippled, mangled. The eyes of the state are upon her and she stands con founded in those eyes. A storm of protest and of anger has swept down upon her.If she is to weath er that stormand comt outsafethe faculty and the students must . - mm mm . 1 . Editor-in-Chief I stand shoulder to shoulder in tnat I m n . m Managing Editor gale. There can De no distrust, the one of. the other. Else the fight is lost. A house divided against itself must fall. At present there is misunder standing and distrust existing between the faculty and the Business Manager studentSt Unless the causes of Assistant Manager this demoralized state of affairs J. WfMClMTOSH - i Assistant Mantser I a r rlMrpH nn at nnrp and in the full satisfacion of both sides the "The committe will investigate To beentered as second class matter at the elf lcient running of the Umver- . "J vaoca " - MANAGERS F. L. Ectless - -L. R. Johnston, postoffice at Chapel Hill, N. C. j ' - - j i Printed by The. University Press, j Chapel Hill, N. C. ! Subscription Price, $1.50 Per Year, Payable in advance or during the I r first term. ' -; " Single Coplet, 5 Canto. . We thesons of a .Fair Mother . whom,wi love j and revere as we .. do our yery lives, whose honor ; we rwould - guard more jealously . than our, own,, bow our heads in : sorrow and humiliation at, the ..unspeakable spectacle of her own fair, name, dragged in the mire ; and herhoner desecrated, before . the people of the state. Firstat ,., her .door is ; laid the charge of ti murders through ; hazing. ,., And second comes the i charge of . in svjustice in , the , carrying , out of ..those laws after .the. murder of offering up to the. aroused public ...sentiment of therstate a sacrifice ..and a, bribe of unjustly condemn ed victims. We.who love, this Fair ..Motherof whom, we. .have : ,,. often boosted so . ,. proudly. , we , .who. revere her as , one., can -only revere something great and holy, ,v whoi would guard, her as one does -.the,t ideals of a i yearning soul, must remain snent, oeiore . , our questioners when, we return to r. our,, homes - knowing, that we . cannot satisfy them. Athletics here are the creature of - the students. ' The students ' started them and have the run ning' of1 them in' their charge subjects, of course, to the approval of the faculty. Student manag- ers look after; the manageing of ' the teams.'" These managers are elected by the student body. ' The students have organized an - association that they may effi ' ciently promote athletics here. All-the students- rejoice when -their teams are successful, and deplore -when their teams are unsuccessful. 1 Whether t or not the teams here this year are to be successful . depends entirely upon the student body. ! If the members of the student body indiuudially support athletics the teams will be success . ful. If they do not the teams will not. You have an opportu nity to show whether or not you desire for the University to put -out winning teams by buying one of the Athletic Association tick- - ets for $5.00. This ticket admits the holder to membership in the Association and also admits him to' all the athletic contests held on the Hill under the auspices of the -Association. About $12.00 worth for $5.00. W. G. Harry has been elcctcd cd member of the Council by those already chosen. sitv will be impossible. Rumor must be repulsed justified. In the first place, the students believe that the faculty have questioned their ability to carry out the functions of selfgover- ment delegated to them, and in the second place they believe that the faculty have gravely questioned their honor. The student council of last year under stand from what the faculty told them that if they, the student council, would investigate the Pickard cottage affair, that the faculty would not. The council investigated the affair thoroughly and did not see fit to discipline anyone. This fall the faculty took the matter up and shipped several of the men ("whom the council had tried. This certainly questions the ability of the student council to pass upon the evidence brought before them. But the worst part of the mis understanding lies in the fact that members of the faculty are'repor ted to have said that the - reason they took the case up again was that they understood that there was some kind of an"understand ing" between the members of the council and some of the men who were being tried by it. This "understanding" it was alleged was tne cause or the council's failure to suspend anyone, A member of last year's council, who is in college, has, however, stated postively that if there was any such "understanding" he never heard of it or knew anything about it. If there was such an understanding it should be inves tigated and made known to the student body. If there was not it too should be known. Coming as the disciplining of the students does at a time when the people of the state are crying out against hazing, and condemn ing the authorities here for laxity in the applidacion of the laws it was inevitable that many of the people of the state and many of the students should think that it was all done to appease the public. If the students could be "shown" that this is a mistake there would have been accom plished enough good to recom pense the demonstrutors for the trouble that it would have re quired of them. The students want to know whether any additiogal informa tion was obtained during the summer about the Pikerd cottage episode.' They .want to know whether there will be any further investigation of past hazing. And they, want to know whether ; one of the suspended sophomores was told on Thursday afternoon before the death of young Rand on Friday morning that the hazing charges against him would be dropped altogether if he wonld participate in no more hazing, and whether after - J - A . 4. A- m , . Dame uu e 01 ProPuse lu euici upuu tho Vinnoloco taclr nf lirKnrtll1tlor ..vr,w. t all the offenses of the past," said Dr. Venable in Chapel. It would seem from this that the interviewer was something of a novice at the game of tak ing down statements. There is certainly a misfit. All of which goes to show that newspaper men stionld first have the facts, then be accurate - in their state ments. The clipping below illustrates well one of the texts that we have otten heard the esptusers of religious timeliness discourse upon: " To every thing there is a season, and a time to every! ouroose under the heaven. " If I the expulsion had occured under ordinary circumstances there would have " appeared no such I dissertation in the "Herald". One promninent citizen was pretty caustic in his criticism, characterizing the action as nothing less than the result of a case of hys teria. To him it looked as if the president had gone a little too far in going back ; and raking up old scores ' against men who went un punished at the time. He thought the juniors who were suspended were being made the goat to appease the public ' ' who have been very svere in their criticism of the faculty for allowing hazing, this criticism being the outgrown of the death of a freshmon a few weeks i. ago, for which four men will 1 be tried on a charge of man- j slaughter at the Orange supe-' rior court, which convenes next month. The Morning Herald. Kotdi COLLARS THE BELMONT STYLE IN FOUR HEIGHTS GLASGOW ZH In. DELMONT 2 In. A1EDORA ZlA In. CHESTER 2 In. gfofgBcM. CI UETT, PE A!WV A TO., Jolly & Wynn Jewelry Co. Jewelers and Optometrists 128 Fayetteville Street, RALEIGH, N. C, Durham Floral Nursery ' Durham. N. C. Flowers ' For All Occasions HAP Pendorgraph, College Itepreaentati ve CAROLINA STUDENTS Are Invited to Make the Store of Whiting & Norton Their HEADQUARTERS when in Raleigh, N. C. Representatives: Williams, Lw, Uardoa. the death of Rand he was sus pended on the same charges on which he was had up before the tragic accident. If these questions can be clear ed up a great deal of dissatisfac tion and distrust will be done away with. When interviewed yesterday President Venable made it unmistakably clear that investigation of hazing would be unflinchinerly pursuea as loner as a single clue could be obtained. In the light of this statement, it is ex pected that the examination will be carried on and further expulsions from the Univer sity are expected. The Durham Sun. PATTERS ON . BROS., DRUGGISTS. 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