THE TAR KEEL THE TAR HEEL Official Organ of the Athletic Asso ciation of the University of North Carolina. Published "Weekly, BOARD OF EDITORS FIFTEEN DIAMOND KINUTES. There is a terrible waste of the best sort of time, it seems to us, in the way that Uhapel is con ducted. For the most part it is the same old thing week for four -a song", a re a Bible, a prayer, a few ments, ana then an five limes a The Magazine and the Tackety Tack depend practically entirely upon the students in college who are not on the boards of editors for contributions. How success ful a Magazine and how success ful an Annual we have is deter- wppIts par.h month ding from the mlned the extent t0 whlc? e i siuaems cpmriDuie 10 inese ipuo-announce-; . . , " p-ytrPTticiv lications. In the case of ine G. L. Cabrtngton - - Editor-in-Chief uninteresting spiel on nothing 1 Magazine of course, some ability LsNont Chambers, Jr. Managing Editor particular Henry, to - E.R. (Rankin 3 F. W. Morrison Miss Watson Kaseit B. D. Applewhite W. P.' Puller Phillip Woollcott in grenerai. 1 hen the relief of every 4 . a At - a uoay, pulls the bell cord ana we nil go on our Jways rejoicing un till the next time. MANAGERS F. L.Edless -L. R. Johnston, "J. W,McIntosh - - Business Manager Assistant Manager Instead of this, why can' chapel be made the best part o: Assistant Manager ths daJ? 14 has a to that xt is no less than a crime to alio-- such an , opportunity for doing things to go to waste. There thetudentsshouldrprac tice the college songs and yells not spasmodically, but regularly. New students could be urged at opportune times during the year to go out and work for the various athletic teams, for dra matics, forthe Musical Associa tion, to contribute to the publi cations and do other such things. Advice could 'be given 0 them about books to read, f about the care of their bodies, and about a hundred and one other things. Lectures by the members of the medical faculty could be given To be entered as second class matter at the postoffice at Chapel Hill, N. 0. Printed by The University Press, Chapel Hill, N. C. Subscription Price, $1.50 Per Tear, Payable in advance or during the first term. . SlnUm CapUs. 5 Cento. 'BOOKWORMS AND BASKETBALL If we want to have a winning team this year there is only one method Ty which we can realize Our "watlts. That method is summed up in the one word- dealin wit sexual hygiene and "work.' ' Last year we did not begin practice until after Christ mas; -and" as a result we did not win altogether as many games as we Should have liked. The teams thatt won from us last year had beeir Practicing all through the fall. This year we have an op po'rtunity to profit by their exam ples and our failures. Why can't the manager issue a call for candidates and then let the' captain of the team take charge of those who report? The Captairi could ' begin practice on the out-door court, and get a line otf the new material by the end of the football season. Then as soon as: football ; is over - he would be ready fo pick his squad for indoor practice. ' Thus, by the first of Decettlber . the first and second sqads could be ' working in the gymnasium, while the class men continued on the out-door court. There are, of course, some baske'tbaH men playing football. Those wlio are playing on the Varsity field could not come out until the end of the season; but theli it would not take long to size them up after the great massif the tryers-out had been sifted. " Those who are on the class field playingelass ball would probably be glad to come off the class fgridiron and begin practice for Varsity basketball, since the latter $s rather - more important than the former. There are now a number of en thtisiastic basketball men new meriout on the open court every afternoon practicing. If these men' are eager to be practicing then those in charge of the game this " year should certainly be willing to take advantage of this eagethess and go out and work with them and get a line on their goods." Of course this means a little work for some one. But as we have said before, there is only one way that we know for accom plishing things, and that is work. Seniors, Juniors, and Sopho mores are asked to put their sta tistics for the Yackety Yack In boxes 'provided for that purpose in the Alumni Building. Georgetown beat us; but way it was iuteresting. any its allied problems. Authorita tive information about these things would be appreciated by the students and would be benefi cial to them.V6 The finances of the University, the problems the administrators have to face, ths plans for Greater University, which they are workingjon, could all be dis cussed mchapel to the, good of the institution. It is a place where we could all get together. . At the game next Saturday with the University of South Carolina team, let's see if we can't show ourselves a college of gen tlemen, iet's keep behind the ropes and in addition to this see that no misguided individuals hurt the reputation of the Uni versity by hissing, engaging in cat-calls, and slinging unseemly epithets at the members of the other team as some few did at the other two games which have been played here this season. Now that the County Clubs have organized to a large extent, and have organized to 1 advance the interests of the University, a slight stimulus might be given to their endeavors, and a recogni tion be made of their good work if some one should offer a cup to that club which . should do the most efficient work during the year. This would create a little friendly rivalry which might do some good. PATTfcKSON BROS, DRUGGISTS. COTTRELL &. LEONARD ALISANY, NEW YORK Makers of the Caps, Gowns and Hoods to the University is reouired in the writer before his contributions are published. But anybody can contribute to the Tackety Tack. There are funny thing's haooeninsrs around here all the time about the fellows we know. Thesethings written up are the very things that the Tack- civ Tack wants. It also wants the eccentricities of the men in college both students and pro fessors, in order that as many students as possible may hand in drags and humorous sketches the Tackety Tack management has had placed a box in the hall of the Alumni building. Those who have stuff to contribute will oblige tVip pditnrs and hf1n tVipm tn trpt out a good publication if they will "J- put their thoughts in this box. Since the Annual goes to press immediately after the Christmas lolidays this year, it is necessary that the material for publication be turned in at once. of North Carolina, University of the South, Harvard, Yale, Princeton, btanforu and the others. Class contracts a specialty. Reliable materials. Reasonable prices. Bulletins and Sam ples on request. It doesn't cost much to go to the PICKWICK and it costs but little more to ride in a CADILLAC MACHINE S. J. BROCHWELL, Proprietor. The New England Mutual Life Insurance Co. Of Boston, Massachusetts Commenced Business 1843 OFFERS ABSOLUTELY The Best Contract With the Greatest Possibilities. Secure Our Figures CYRUS THOMPSON, JR. Special Agent - N. C. Incorporated 1835 The first meetiug of the Great er University Council was held Monday night. In addition to the regular Council there were present five members from each of the classes. The officers of the regular Council were retained: Walter Stokes, Chairman, and D. H. Carleton Secretary. A com mittee was appointed to draw up plans for organization. The Greater Council will meet at reg ular intervals to discuss Universi ty problems of any sort. If any student has a complaint to make, he will be afforded an opportunity to do so. It is hoped that through this medium conditions at the University may be improved, IVE MONTHS' RULE CHANGED TO 1 YEAR. The Faculty, upon the recom mendation of the Faculty Committee on Athletics has pas.kJ ed a resolution changing what is known as "the live months rule" and substituting for it a one year rule. Heretofore members of football and baseball teams of other colleges have not been eli gible for University teams until they have been a student for five months at the Universitv. Now they must attend the University o tor a year before they can play The resolution passed by the Faculty was as follows: Resolved that the words" for five months" in section 4 of the rules of eligi bility governing members of Uni versity athletic teams be stricken out and instead the following words substituted: "for one colle giate year", provided that this rule shall not apply to any stu dent of the University registered on or Detore uctober 12. 1912. Section 4 of the eligible rules reads now as follows: No student of the University who has been a member or substitute member of baseball or football team at other college or University during the preceding year shall be permitted to become a member of either baseball or football team at this University until he shall have been a student in resi dence at this University for one collegiate year. I his change is not so radical as it seems. Only three men dur ing the last six years have been members of the baseball or foot ball teams who would be barred by the new ruling. All other institutions which make any pre tence of pure athletics have al ready adooted this rule. The university is simply following its plan of strict eligibility rules. Make men happier and you make them better. But how can you make men happier if they already smoke lM 5c 7 ih'yv-jww . rfvV time .:r THft SMOOTHEST TOBACCO on pound glau fan trith humidor top The pound glass humidor jar is the only chance. Some men haven't seen that big Velvet humidor. Handy for the den. Keeps Velvet fresh and flavorsome. Southern Kailway. Premier Carrier of the South Most Direct Line to All Points North, South, East West ACADEMY OF MUSIC Durham Matinee and Night SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9. Baby Mine." GREAT CAST AND PRODUCTION. Prices: - - - - 50c. to $150. ACADEMY OF MUSIC Durham WEDNESDAY, NOV. 6. 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Work done satisfactorily. $1.00 per i:ioiii!.. Repairing and darning neatly done at small 15 1IORSKS. REAL HAND OF GYPSIKS. COMPANY OF 0. TUOU1 OF Alt AI1S. Pl-lcw ..... 7jc, to 12,00 extra cost. French drv cle Shop iu front of Athletic Store. n