TMe-VaR HE fit,. SFORTOGRAMS The dope artist of "Sportograms ' .is once more on the job. Some time back his typewriter refused al of a sudden to beat out any more sporting pot-hooks; and, instead, cot to hitting off stuff about "dreamy eyes" , '"moonlight," and "wisps of brown hair'!. You know that line of tootsie-wootsie dope that the gink named Romeo used to whiff 'across the plate in the Shakespeare League. Its this dim-lichts-and soft-music kind of dope that suddenly gave my type writer the itch, the tans? t write", as Browning called it or inayle it was just the nieasrls tht o'd geezer was talking alnmt. Any way, you'll pardon a short month's literary relaxpe; for ym .know, "in the spring a young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of book beer. Well, gentlemen and also Miss Easter Week Girl, for apprnpinte politeness, the team's Losing-Jinx was broken up Wednesday with a vim. The team gave'us a little in side base-ball Wednesday. The new men seem to be grasping the idea that Coach Bowers has been trying to drill into thorn "team-work". In most of the previons games that all essential thing, "team work", has been woefully lack ing. In some of the games the tin-d'med plays pulled off would have put shame in the artistic souls of a bunch of jaytown boobs on a hay tossing nine. However, any team composed al most wholly of raw material must travel the rough road a bit hefore they strike their stride. We've got confidence in our players. We've got confidence in our coach. We are right there with the glad hand, Coach Bowers., You've got a togh proposition in whipping a raw team into shape; but we believe you can put the finishing touches on with a few more games. Take it from this dope dealer right now, there is no use to worry about a team as long as it hits the pill. The men we have -this year, though new, clout the pill on the snout with a vim. In every game so far, with the exception of the Guilford contest, we've outhit our opponents. We have a bunch of left-handed stickers thi year; and they raise a little havoc with the opposing right-handed pitchers. As we intimated before, when the men get their "team-work" down pat, and with the hitting ability that lhy show, we are going to reap somp big scalps before the reason is over. "Govnor" Aycock did some real classytwirling Wednesday. Thefirst no-hit game of the season g"cs to his credit. The little "Govnor" is making a rapid rise from the 'class team. He showing his tme form in every game. Julian Hart was right there with the clouts Wednesday . He ga rnered three with his willow. His peg to the keystone bag shows some im-prevtnent. - BATH IMPROVEMENTS MADE To those who are interested in the progress of the University, who have thf welfare of the eight hun dred students at heart, the recent additions to the hathing facilities at the Gym cannot hut be hailed with delight as the dawning of a new era. For years the essential hot water could he obtained from only five shower-. Now the facilities have been doubled. From the hot- j torn of thankful hearts praise mounts up to the Faculty and Trustees who j have thus seen fit to answer the ap-1 peals of countless generations of Tar Heel editors , THE AllIKNI ARE BEHIND TRENCHARD Immediately after the Carolina" Guilford ball game Monday after noon, a meeting of therCumberland County Association of the University of North Carolina Alumni was held in the offices of James B. MacRae, ex-mayor of Chapel Hill, sou of the former dean of the University Low School, which was very largely at tended and most enthusiastic in its unanimous endorsement of the pol icy and Fad ministration of Head CoachTrencha rd , Fayetteville cor respondence (?im7flte Daily Observer. Mr . Lewis Sutten of Raleigh spent last week in Chapel Hill with j her parents. Or. and Mrs. Venable- Kotcli COLLARS THB BELMONT STYLB IN FOUR HEIGHTS GLASGOW 2H in. BELMONT in. MEDORA 2 Kin.. CHESTER 2 In. JfrrPSctd. C OETT.PEAQOnV&CO., Mnker WMYIMMIfflaNE 1 leiOftMOiMD, vv. NEWBUZLDJWG UNEXCELLED LABORATORY EQUPMENT .... A vinT 1" nr yyt a t m mot FO? LW5r?ArD BULLETAf AND CATALOGUES A?tfSS WY77ZE D.ANDERSON PfOCTOff. I i . f - What Are You Going to I Do Durinq Vacation? j THE SOUTHWESTERN PUBLISHING COMPANY Wants a few more good men to travel in 1 Virginia and North Carolina during the summer months. . See their representative, J. F. JARRELL, NO. 4, CENTRAL HOTEl.J -at - 1 COTRELL & LEONARD, ALBANY, NEW YORK, Makers of the Caps, Gowns and H jods to tlw Tniwrsity of iNorin(.;aroiina, university of the outh, Harvard, lale, I'nnce ton, Stanford and the others. Class contracts a sjieeialty.' Re liable materials.' Reasonable prices." Bulletins and Samples on request. i . . r We Koow for particular men the FlorsheimShoe is the only REAL custom made $5.00 shoe. Our Store A $5.00 Style Displayed in Our Windows Servi ce HELPS Why Not Try Us? A. A. KLUTTZ, CHAPEL HILL, N. C. ' mi I .31.?: THE UNIVERSITY TAILORING CO. Jailor-made Suits, Sanitary Pressing, Cleaning, and Scorning 8 suits a month for a dollar. Located over Patterson's Store DAVE. W LEVY. Owner C. J. FRIED. Maiiafi The Chapel Hill Insurance & Realty Company MercMnt Tailors TAILORING CLOTHING FURNISHINGS KATS AND REGAL SHOES Sneed, IWarkham, Taylor Co, EULESS AND LORD, Agents Phone fifty -eight or twenty-three And get the Old Reliable CSP For Good Automobile Service Prompt attention to all orders. Two machines at your service day anil night C. S. PENDERGRAFT ANDREWS CASH STORE CO. A Royal Toilored suit, a Cluett or Monarch shirt, with an Arrow Notched collar, and a Levy tie, would adorn a Prince, and a pair of , Walk-Over shoes makes life's walk easy. We are sole agents. Call and see our stock. BOGEirS Delicatessen Everything to eat, in season. Students' midntght lunches. Open until the lights wink H0LLA0AY IS THE OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHER mmW!mM4W "mm fJb III . txmt I I i J 1R From Her Of course, she's the best in the world just like Fatimas. 60 Fellma roupona wltl n-run a f 'i r pillow loo, 24 In. imarc, decorated ui..k h.'.r.i!. lamely puinU.Jj.aux.r3 I J icj(nj to tttccljru ;. i "Distinctively Individual"