THE TAR HEEL Orti-.ial ()rgan 01 the Athletic Asso ciation of the University of North Carolina. Plbi.isiieo Wkkki.y. KOAKD OF KWTOUS Lesoiii Chambkiw, .Ik. - Editor-in-Chief Wamkk Kei.i.K.u - Manasriu! K.lilor AHHOt'lATK KIHTOIW S. W. Vn in Mi J s Ca G. A. Mkimnh, Jk. I. Kii.i.kfkkr T. C. Linn i. M. f,oxo M ANAOKHS L. K. JoiivsroN - - I'.tisiness Manager C. K. Kuviv, - - Assistant Manager B. L. Fiki o - Assistant Manager To be entered as second class mat ter at the postoflice. at Chapel Hill, X. C. Printed ly The. University Press, Chapel Hill, X. C. Subscription rrice, $1.50 Per Year, Puyaltle in advance or during the i'iit t.-nn. Slnrflt CUi, 5 CU. GODSPEED. To those twenty odd men who this week face the crisis of the year we cry Godspeed.- You are yoing- over the forder into a land of heroes to stand breast to breast to a team that in victory or defeat is superb. Carolina players everywhere will tell ,you that whatever Virginia may do on other fields, in Richmond on Thanksgiving Day she will fight like a wounded, tigress. Entrenched behind a long list of victories and confident in the knowledge that she is represented now by one of the very best teams' that ever wore those hajw pilv-hated Orange and lilue jerseys, she awaits your on slaught. And you, you men, of Carolina, you men of us, we send you forth gladly because we know your worth. You have been tested in the fires of eight conflicts and have come forth, not spotless, but stronger and wiser and fiercer for the scars that have been burnt, into your shields. We like your come-back spirit that does not know what it is to blench before odds or to break when all else seems to be slipping. We love you because you are North Carolina, in weak ness or in strength, in defeat or in victory, always North Caroli na, always us. May the great God of the Game give you the power to fight better than you know. "One more time a team from -Carolina goes forth to meet a team from Virginia. One more time a team from the Old North State, filled with love and loyalty for its college, driven on by the spirit and enthusiasm of young lives, goes forth to do battle with an ancient rival and a worthy foe. Virginia, we have lost to you before and lost like sportsmen. Please the gods we may win this time and win like gentlemen." THE ALIEN! COACHES. The return of the Alumni due ing the last week of practice was a source of inspiration to the team auJ satisfaction to the ath letic authorities here at the Uni versity We wish more of the old players could have come, but those here did a world of good. Talking of pep! Hilly Reynolds and lcky Garret made that scrub line rise above itself in the effort to throw back the shift. As far as actual playing ability right now is concerned, Jim Wiggins looked like he could give any of them pointers on tackling. And our own Vernon Howell simply had to jump into the line once in a while, citizen clothes and all, to show the rising generation that quickness and clean tackling are not new things. All of them know the Cardinal point of football-fight. All of them have the spirit. AH of them have an un dying interest in this team and every other Carolina team. We thank them all and invite them back any time they can come. HERE'S YOUR CHANCE. Two contests with Virginia will take place in Richmond. Out on the field Captain Aber nathy will lead his warriors against ' the cream of the Old Dominion. Up in the stands cheer leader Pritchett and his as sistants will lead the Thunder ing Thousands in their assort ment of "Split Carolinas", "Boom erays",and "Fight for Carolinas" How about winning both contest? You, irrespective of who you are, can do your part by bunching to gether with all the other Caro lina men, by following the direc tions of the leaders, and by lit t ing up your voice to high heaven Vow are going to yell anyway Who ever sat through a football game without splitting his throat and you might as well do it in a scientific fashion. The guy who first declared that "United we stand, divided we fall," must have been thinking of cheering; nowhere is the saying- better illustrated. If everybody follows the leaders, we'll raise the roof off the sky, If not - but there's no such possibility. Community Clean-up Days, The Health Committee of the Community Club takes this op portunity to thank the students of the University for their gen erous help in connection with the Clean-up Days of the Community Club, November 5th and (th. While not a great deal was ac complished i in connection with the streets of the t"wu, yet a very good beginning was made in cleaning up Dattle's Park, or woods adjoining the soutnern part of the campus. They began to clear away the debris which has been accumulating for gen eration1. This debris has been j a menace to health and lias marred the beauty of the woods for those who enjoy a walk in these delightful suburbs. The Club is also deeply indebted to ! Mr. Moss and Mr. Starr for their active intercut in helping with ( this work, i We understand that the Uni versity will continue this work from time to time. The Club also bespeaks the co operation of the '.'Students in helping to keep the streets of the town clear of papers, ch penally around the Post Office. If each student will remember to throw his papers in the cans, this can be done. Hoys, help us to iimke and keep Chapel Hid the Town IJeaulilnl, a model for the balance of the Sta'e 'AY can do il with your help. (I. M. I Jerry, Chairman, llculiii Committee of the Com munity Club, yright Hart Schifftaer & Mars Pritchard, Bright & Co, Fashionable Clothiers and Furnishers . , . AGENTS FOR STETSON AND KNOX JUTS. MANHATTAN SHI 11 TS, A1UIOW COM, A US, HART, SCHAFFNEU & MAUX CLOTHES. Dress Suits for Sale or Rent 122 W. Main St. Durham, N, C, r. i). AWbii, PriwMeut (?, B. (iritbit, (Vhier The Peoples Bank E, V. Howell, 1st Viee-l'reH. K, II. Wiird. 2nd View Pres. Carolina Students are invited to make the store- of WHITING h HOKTON their headquarters when in KAl.KKill, N. 0. DARDEN A CONROY. Agents. G. C. Pickard & Son LIVERY STABLE LOCATED ON ROSEMARY 'ST. 'NEAR TELEPHONE EX CHANGE. STYLISH TURN OUTS AT YOUR SERVICE ALL THE PIME: : WANT A TEAM? CALL 30 G. C. Pickaid, Managr For 25 Cents I WILL SEND YOU ONE HCNDltED USEFUL ,'. , Necessary Household Article Wrap your money in a pieee of paper and mail as ordinary letter to C. B. ROPER Post Olliee Box 681, - Baltimore, Ma (Mention this Paiim-) CHQCPLATES C9NrECTI9N5 ORANGE DRUG CO. THE BanU of Chapel Hill M C M NI,U II. II . I'.ihnon J. CT.vU Vwa-PleeitlrAl 'liter OlJett and Wrongest SUnK in Ufng County PATTERSON , DRUGGISTS. Murphy's Hotel and Annex Richmond, Va. I The largest house South of New York, now open to the public, with a rooming e;ii:icil.v of 12(H).". This is the largest , .and ; -.most, modern hotel South and is on directum line to all railroad depots ' ' .U i Kitropcfiu Plan $1.00 Up Ticket olliee in lohhy and in luhhy and hagjsige cheeked i JAS. T. DISNEY, hiiuiKer. THE UNIVERSITY TAILORING CO. Every Garment cfthde Strictly to Individual Measure 8 suits a month for a dollar. : Located over Patterson's Store OSBOURNE L. GOFORTH. Owner and Manager Cyrus Thompson, Jr. LIFE INSURANGE The College Man 's Contract. OFFICE OVEIi KLUTTZ'S IIAIiKRDASIlKUV "V 1 itu Holladav 'Studios High Class Photography DURHAM, N;V Studio in Chnpel Hill ojhmi on' Wednesdays Studios in Inith t'hapd Hill ;ud Durli.-iro OI'POSlTK POST OFFICE PIIOVK477 Sneed, Markham, Taylor Co. Tailoring, Clothing, Furnishings, Hats, Caps and Regal Shoes DURHAM, N. C. Lord and Mcintosh - - - College Aentt CO TO II. C. Wills' Hard ware Store For all kinds of t'alsoniines, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Floor Stains, Wax Etc. . . . . . . r . . IM10NE IU COlAJiMHIA STUEET b r mm' r s jf jr j jar hh .a V' .,.,.! hagjjage cheeked to destination' i . i )5 COTRKLL & LEONARD, AI.P.ANY, NKW Yoh'K, Makers of (lie ('tips, ( lowns imd ll-ntds to the lTniverFly of North CiiniSinn, I'niversity of the South. Harvard, Ytde, Prinee ton. Sttinl'ord and the others. (!lass eontrtietsa seeialty. Ke lialilc Hiatal ials. KeasonaMe prin's. l.allfliiis aiul Samples on ivitlrs! . . ' THE SMOOTHEST TOBACCO A CHECKMATE to vour smote, that bites and burns! Velvet the selected tender middle leaf aged in the leaf over two years producing a mellownes thai only the measured pace of time can encompaa. A flavor and smoothness tremendously good! Pipe smoking with Velvet is a revelation proving that Urns only can make tobacco what we would all have it smooth. "Your Movel" '