THE TAR HEEL FELT GOODS 30 Different Styles of Pillows and Pennants. Our Prices are Right Let Us Show You FOISTER'S A KODAK Art Store ! Solves the Christmas Problem See Our Line Raleigh Wins from Wilmington Continued from first paK. ed goal making- it 13 to 0. Wil mington again received and after advancing the ball to the middle of the field they again lost it on downs. Raleigh advanced the ball to Wilmington's thirty yard line where Bowen placed a drop kick between the uprights. after touchdowns, Bowen 2. Referee Klutts (Davidson); umpire, Trenchard; head lines man, Oates. Time of quarters, fifteen minutes. Championship Game Saturday. By defeating Wilmington here the Raleigh High School team The I "uull"-"5ul topiay vvastniigton first quarter ended 1(, to 0 in ;; v.ndinpionsn.p oi Raleigh's favor. hools at Chapel Hill next Wilmington came hack strong f,. ",jm,nfflonleatc(l . , . .j Washington, while on Thanl- in ttie second quarter ami neiui . . T ' . the Capital city team without a Waslnngton Seated . J ... Raleigh 13 to 12. The final o-ame here Sa hir-rlii v will lw -nt tua The third quarter saw Raleigh .... add thirteen more points to their lrp . . . seen by their previous score. score. Raleia-h received and after a return of punts carried the ball down the field for a touch down, Johnson making the touch down on the prettiest fake play t the game. rni-oivod nnrl aftor thp hall luid rnUd'liVnds twice the Caoital atll1eles t,,at the' k' ow of to ...... L..;,. u ..., Uether with their addresses. tw.n ' oroHWt with the last 1 IeKSC tf t!,ls ;it nce ;i . , , f id i t, uu u important for us to know about touchdown for Raleitrh. while hel . 1 u tnese men at once. also auueu unuuiei puun uy rick- NOTICE. All students are requested to Wilmington then Uflim ..J" any nigu (.liuui ui lrep scnooi ing goa Wilmington's only score came in the last quarter. Wilmington kicked while on their ten yard line. Johnson of Raleigh touch ed it when Thompson came by like a shot and before anyone knew what had happened he had "one the entire lengh of the field for the Sailor's only touchdown. It was a great run. Viiminrton also came near making another touchdown earli er in the game. It happened in the same way but Bowen managed to pull Silverman dowu after the latter had run fifty yards and had gained within ten yards of the coveted goal line. The work of the entire Raleigh team was the outstanding feature at at all times. The playing of Bowen, Mills. Johnson, and Champion was great. The de iense ot the Kaieien line was good. The best players on the Dec. 1914 Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Basketball Begins Continued from first page. 1 Durham Y. M. C. A. Durham. at ii inited ctates moolen United utylish Wearing Mills ir VUATERIALS HJU. $15.00 v. ct. opeciai $18.00 U. S. Regerlar .a MADE TO CORRECTLY FIT YOUR . INDIVIDUAL Sr U. S. Special MEASURE BY EXPERT WORKMANSHIP. ALL THE. W "fc NEW STYLISH PATTERNS TO SELECT FROM. : : : Pir OUR WAY IS THE CORRECT WAY LET US TAILOR FOR YOU THE HOUSE OF QUALITY AN I ) PRICE 122 E. MainSt. $ WOOlOil IVHIlS CO. M. E. L. TILLEY, College Representative RILL T. MARSHALL, Manager The Holidays Will Be More Pleasant if You Purchase Some of the Latest : : Victor or Edison Records : : Victor-Victrolas $15.00 to $200. IT IS A PLEASURE TO DEMONSTIiAJ.E THE VICTOR-VICTROLA AND A (!AUD IS ATX THAT IS NECESSARY. A DDI! ESS MM! 814 West Main Street H. A. GAS KINS DURHAM, N. C. Five Points ') Universitv of (leonrn: at Raleigh. 30 Guilford at Guilford. 31 Eloti at Klon. U Wake Forest at Chape Hill. ') Virginia at Ealeig-h. 14 'Wake. Forest at Wake Forest. V) Guilford at Chapel Hill. 27 Woodberry Forest at Orange, Va. Feb. 28 V. M. I. at Lexington, Mar. 2 V. P. I. at Lynchburg. Mar. 4 Viryuua at Charlottes ville, Va. Authorities Consider Rules. font-hided from first pujjo between us and our ancient rival, Sailor Crew were Thompson and the Universitv of Virginia. The the two Silvermans. advocates of the proposed system TTui take the view that Virginia is JH) l lllllll' iviiuvi viii w versity student, has had complete our chief rival the one to be de chanre of the Raleigh team the feared as often as possible. "Grant iwstwasAti whil TT Shaw inir that the rules governing ath- been coaching Wilmington. It letics at the two Universities was Wilmington's first defeat of should be as nearly alike as poss- the season. The lineup of the two teams follows. Position Wilmington Rhodes Center Johnson Right guard T. Left guard Thanes Right tackle Raleigh Tyree Parron Crinkley, Whitaker Weathers Left tackle Crinkley, S Silverman, I Right end McDonald Silvermrn, N Left End Johnson Quarter Champion Right half Mills (Capt) Left Half Howen . Thompson Eull back Substitutions: Koontz for S. Crinkley; Grant for Wagner; Monroe for N. Silverman. Touchdowns, liowen 2, John son, Champion, and Thompson. ible. the ideal standard govern ing athletics is that the institu tions most similar should have as nearas possible the same ath letic regulations. It has been a noticeable fact that we in formu lating athletic rules have consid ered, to a certain extent, the rnlfis crn v f ni ir n tlilpfir.s not at ""y Virginia, our chief rival, but at smaller institutions throughout our O'vri State. It is also noticeable .that the proposed rules will serve to allay any bad feeling that might arise from any of the smaller institu tions of the state, which might, at the same time, lose some mem ber of its athletic teams by rea son of one of its players having come to Carolina. 1 nus we can see that in that respect the pro posed rules will not only do jus tice to ourselves but will also prevent any possible criticism from any source whatsoever. (Capt) Hicks bility be either Earl Mack of Raleigh or Jim Kelly of Durham. Both are well known professionals of the Carolina league. Dances a Success. Coiicliuk'd from first pavje with Miss Kate Northrop. The following alumni were on the Hill for the dances: Gaston Dortch, Bob King, John II. Man ning, Russel Robinson, Liudly Warren, and Fred Sutton. GREENSBORO GREENSBORO. N Bookkeeping, Sliortnancl, ToucK Type writing, Penmanship. Write for catalog C (i()OI) HOARD COMMONS HALL. $11.00 PER MONTH. W. B. SORRELL, JEWELER AND OPTOMETRIST Chapel Hill, N. C. Dr. Wm. Lynch, DENTIST, New oHU-e over Cates' Jewelry Store, CIIAI'Wj HILL, N. C. SOUTHERN RAILWAY MOST DIRECT LINE TO ALL POINTS North, South, East, West CONVENIENT SCHEDULES, FIRST CLASS EQUIPMENT," COMPLETE I VINING CAR SERVICE Through Pullman Sleeping Cars to AH Principal Cities PPvlNCIPAL CITIES AND RESORTS OF Txes, California and Florida Can best be reached JVia' The Southern Railway If you are contemplating a trip, it would be Avise to first consult a representative of the ' SOUTHERN RAILWAY, who will gladlv and courteous' fuJnish you with any and all information as to rates, sched ules, Pullman sleeping car accommodations, etc. J. O. JONES, T. P. A., Raleigh R. II. DeBUTTS, T. P. A., Charlotte S. II. HARD WICK, P. T. M., Wash. II. F. CARY, (VP. A., Wash. Students Pressing Club OVER KLUTTZ'S BOOK STORE Efficient Service in Repairing, Cleaning and Pressing i t ? For Your Sorority Girl Kappa Delta and Alpha Delta Phi Monogram Stationery in Beautiful Holiday (iift Boxes. Hundreds of other Monograms to Select from, at any price you want to pay. THE SEEMAN PRINTERV, Durham, N. C. It's Getting Late... ...Don't Wait. 4 ? Hall Warner Hashaien chosen. Graduate Manager Mc- Goals from field. Bowen. Goals ' Lendon saj s it will in all proba- Baesball Coach. In a few days the coach for our 1914 baseball team will be UNIVERSITY INN. $15.00. DR. T. H. OLIVE DENTIST Over Bank of Chapel Hill BARKER WORK ON CAMPUS J. A. C APPS A REAL BARBER Honrs 2 to 5 p. m. Xo. 20 Smith BMg. Subscribe for The Tar Heel $1.50 Per College Year THE Bank of Chapel Hill M C S. NoUe H. H Palterion J. C Talor President Vice-President Catliier Oldest and strongest Bank in Orange County E. P. C ATE Jeweler When Yon Think of Life Inxvrmtce Think of the Pilot Fine engraving and specialty . Wntr'hps, ( J laps and Silverware. CHAPEL HILL, - - - repairing a (locks, Cut - - N.C. EubanRs Drug Co. Prescription Specialists Chapel Hill - North Carolina MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT REXALL PHARMACY When in Durham. MR. E. S. MERRITT . I with them. Opposite Southern LIFE & TRUST Co. Greensboro, N. C Chapel Hill Insurance & Realty Co. Agents CALL OF US FOR Walk Over Shoes, Arrow j Collars Gents Eurnishing's OF ALL KINDS ANDREWS CASH STORE CO, r. n