THE TAR Weather Report: SNOW Weather Report: SNOW OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA VOL. 22 UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA, CHAPEL HILL, N. C, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 26,, 1914 NO. 19 CAROLINA IS OUT OF THE RUNNING Wake Forest Wins Deciding Game of Series By 3 Point Lead EACH TEAM MADE ELEVEN FIELD GOALS Before 800 people Carolina lost to Wake Forest by three points in Raleigh Auditorium .Tuesday- night and is apparently out of the 'championship contest. Car olina played its best game in the last hall", when she came within three points of overcoming- a seven point lead. I here was an unusually large numbar of fouls called and two men should have, been disqualified for having" too nianv personal fouls chalked up against them. There were 27 fouls in alb The closest Hoiue-wiu-ul ever f ot to the yame was cot 3, infirmary, Chapel Hill, nrth (Carolina. Rov's cheeks ure trying-to imitate a person having mumps. lrmn beyiuniuu- to end the - J3 trr score was close. Wake Forest sprang-into the lend a little at first because of a favorably plac ed basket.' In the second , half Carolina pulled up to within two points "oT their "o'ppouents but before more could be done, first a foul yoal by the Baptists and then the t erees whistle closed the contest. The work on both sides was characterized be 'good team work. Holding, the Wake Forest star, dul liot shine as brightly as usual the cause being the guarding of Chambers who put up a tine class of work. He, however had a shade on Long--.on foul tossing-. Capt. Long- and Uowd, as usual, were there with the cage work. Some of their passing- was splen did. Johnson is developing" into a first rater at center and gives any man a lot of trouble. Ten nent marred his usual line Work by numerous fouls and it was foul g-oals that lost the game. Akhounh the game was an-; nounced as the championship de-, cider that is by no means correct as Trinity with difficulty de-' feated Wake Forest Monday ' night. The latter two teams; must play off their tie and even after that Elon will have a claim as she has won at least one game from every Carolina team she has played this season. Guilford is entirely out of the contest and of course A & M. has never been in except the papers, Captaiu Long- : and his team "Selfishness is the biggest sin left Wednesday afternoon on the against God but the most far Virginia trip. The first game reaching are drink and sexual un scheduled is in LvnchburgV purity." The line-up: Carolina Position Wake Forest Right Forward. Long- Holding Left Forward.' DowU Johnson Hall Tyler Davis Billings Center. Right Guard. Tennent Left Guard. Davis! Chambers Summary: Continued on Third I'ape MR. MERCER PUTS OYER THE GOODS Tonight "Down and Out and Up Again' His Own Life Story WEATHERFORD AND HURREY TO BE HERE "... The largest gathering of stu dent., that has been in Gerrard Hall this year gave added power to the stirring- message of E. C Mercer last night. His subject was: "The Fight of Every Red Blooded College : Man Purity" Before the bell had finished ring ing there was little standing room down stairs and in a few moments the g-allery was almost full. Mr. Mercer caught the at teution of the men as he jumped right into the midst of his mes sage and held their rapt interest to an impressive end. Plain facts collected in the laboratory ol college hie all over America and the personal appeal of his own life found response'' in the mind and heart of his audience. i urou!Uui ine address ins heart went out to college men of vigor and energy as .'they fight the hardest light of their lives, lie based his appeal lor clean manhood on practical grounds of business efficiency and on the higher grounds of the glory of victorious Christian character. Experiences with college men in Sing Sing, in the New York mis sions, in the Jiowerv breadline, letters and personal interviews remunerated.' fact upon fact, en. forced his development of the evolution ol sin in the lives ol college men everywhere. With this background of facts and experience he gave as ways to victory oyer social and secret impurity practical suggestions which included the physiolog-y of cold water and vig-orous exercise and the psycholog-y of turning to an interesting- chapter in a book, the picture of a fine girl, and the substitution of the brain for thought. Finally he appealed to the students to get the power of. God in their lives and . follow Christ. Some of the sentences picked at random follow: ;; ;i wish i were as iron , inat i might; burn one text inb your hearts. 'Whatsoever a man sow- eth that shall he someday reap."' "A pretty face has sent many a man to hell." .t " What the use of learning truth unless you follow it?" "Sin has an evolution. "Drink precedes nincty-nve per cent of all crimes which land men behind prison bars. "More men go to hell through Carolina .will "thus have April 1 ignorance than throug-h wilful- open, to play the Athletics. This ness.'' . ' ' will not be an additional but a "Drink is a moral anesthetic." substitute game, and the number "It is better to be green than of Carolina's games will conse to be rotten." qucntly not be increased. ''Prayer has helped more men ; than anything I know." .. I On March 17--I9th State Asso- After his talk Mr. Mercer met 'eiation of Road t Engineers and a lartre number of the men per- " a Continued on thhird Page. CAROLINA PLAYS A Guilford No Match For Re juvenated Team. Score Almost Tripled. JOHNSON PLAYS RINGS AROUND "BIG ED" From a spectators view point the game with Guiltord on last Thursday nignt was one of the best of the season, fast and inter esting from start to finish. For four minutes after the game open ed neither side scored. Then Guilford shot two field goals Here the enthusiasm of the ex postulating crowd in the balcony seemed to descend upon the play ers, for the game picked up re markably in pep. When Carolina finally started to score, her goals kept getting more and more fre quent, until at the end of the first half the score stood 17-7. In the second half Guilford seemed to feel considerable hesi tancy in throwing- her , first goal. Carolina's score, however, con tinued to mount up. ' Guilford fought hard, but none of her players could throw g-oals. When the. final whistle blew Carolina was ahead 38-13. Among- the op posing team was recognized the face of our own former player, "Big Ed", looming up at center. Long's and Dowd's goal shoot ing distinguished tliegame, while t h e t e n ac i t y o f Te n n e n t a u d Horn e wood always kept things lively Johnson, as usual, played an ex- ellent game. The lineup follows: Carolina Position r. f. 1. f. c. Guilford Long Benbow Dowd Moorfield Johnson Edwards '! i. Stuart Home wood McBaine NEW SOHRAB AND RUSTUM Earle Mack and Connie to .; -f : ;'lHcct in-DiieL:J :; A According- to a recent and au thentic rej)ort, the Washington and Lee g-ame of April 15th has been called off on account of con flicting eligibility rules, and Car olina will play a substitute game with the Philadelphia Athletics in Durham on April 1. The present schedule calls for g-ames with Amherst on botn March M ami April 1. By playing Amherst a double header on March 31, ouniy..M.u .wuuv,, its meeting: in Pcabody Building. CORRECT STATEMENT OF OUR FINANCES The following- statement from Treasurer Woollen gives the exact condition of the Athletic Association up to, date, excluding basketball. It is ah improvement over the .statement recently pub lished in the Tar Heel in that it concerns only matters handled by the Student Athletic Association, not by the Alumni Committee. Several items in the first statement, notably part of the salaries and expenses of the football coaches and of the high school contests, be longed rig-htly to the Alumni. Further, a mistake ; was found in Cartmell's salary the Athletic Association paying- only $750. This present statement shows that the condition of the Association is much better than first reported, the fatal deficit being less than $4,000. In justice to the Tar Heel it is only fair to say that the former statement came directly from ex-Graduate Manager McLcn don. . Outstanding- notes, Sept. 1, 1913 Cash in Bank Deficit Expended: Supplies and upkeep . Grounds and help Printing-, postag-e, and telephone Travelling-expense Training table Salary Graduate Manager Salary Treasurer Salary extra coaches Expenses extra coaches High School contests Interest Due Carttnell on salary Received: Fees for fall term $ Net proceeds from games Deficit fall term Fees . for spring- term . '.: $ 3 632 27 There is a balance due from the Virginia Graduate Manager on settlement Thanksgiving game, probably $200. No report is made on the Association store as its finances and management have been entirely separate from the Treasurer's books. OUR FUTURE PHI BETTA KAPPA MEN The record of the eleven best grade standings of the Fresh man Class for the fall term follows: E. S. Booth, East Durham H. S. 1.2 E. L. Mackie, Yadkin villc.II. S. 1.4 W. T. Polk, Warrentou H. S. 1.6 W. J. Adams, Buie's Crreek Academy 1.6 C. C. Miller, Christ School 1.6 J. H. Hardison, Donaldson M. S. 1.7 R. S. Toxey, Elizabeth City II. S. ; 1.7 A. M. Lindau, Greenboro II. S. 1.8 H. G. Baity, Harmony II. S. 1.9 N Reasoner, Manatee II. S., Fla. 2.0 E. L. Travis, Jr. Halifax II. S. 2.0 The highest averag-e for this year is a little better than the best of last year, R; B. House, of Warrentou H. S.leading-with 1.4. However, the present . Freshman Class has only eleven men in the premier class. 1916 furnished sixteen. 1914 TRACK March 28 Class track meet at Chapel Hill. 7 &" April 4 Meet with Wake Forest College, at Chapel Hill. . April 11 Track meet with V. P. I. at Blacksburg. o & Annl 18 Meet with University of April 25 Track meet (pending). 1 . May 2 and 3 S. I. A. A. meet, at Phi Betta Kappa Address. Acting President Graham has , accepted the invitation to make j . Cl , , 1, i t' .1 jProt. Stacy explained to the the Phi Beta Kappa address at ! , . the University of Virginia on : June 17. He will also deliver the 1 Founders Day address at the State Normal Colleg-e. i e r v ,i 4t , ony those who take regular ex Prof. McKie will attend the i , N:.tionnl r.nuncil of Emr! sh Teachers in Richmond Friday, j Prof. McKic will return Satur- day noon. ! 4 700 00 L20 50 $ 4 179 50 $ I 505 68 107 70 133 46 282 05 697 40 150 00 100 00 036 20 295 55 290 30 132 36 8 4 330 79 750 0C 080 79 960 00 923 02 $3 883 02 $ I 197 77 $ 5 377 27 1 745 00 SCHEDULE $ ' , 7f South Carolina, at Columbia. 2 Baltimore. Daily Gym Drill for Freshmen. In char)el jast Fri(lav morninir reshmcn the new gymnasium system requiring an v resnmen 10 participate in the gym drills three times a week, excepting- c,v' u" " squads. For excuses from the drills the hrst year meu must see the authorities at the gym. I ?0 Z