iiiiE tar fi,,Ei:fi h THE TAR HEEL Official Organ of the Athletic Asso ciation of the University of Horth Carolina. Published Weekly. BOARD OF EDITORS! Lknoir Chambers, Jr. - Editor-in-Chie Walter Fuller - Managing Editor ASSOCIATE EDITORS S. W. Wiiitino Jons Cansler McDani el Lewis, D. Kii.i.kffkr T.C.Linn G. M.Long manauekm L. R. Johnston - Business Manager C E. Ervin, - - Assistant Manager B. L. Fielo - - Assistant Manager To he entered as second class matter at the postoflice at Chapel Hill, X. C. Printed by The University Press, Chapel Hill, N. C. Subscription Price, $1.50 Per Year, Payable in advance or during the first t 'in. Single Copiet. 5 Cents. WELCOME, THRICE WELCOME. High School debaters, teachers, superintendents, camp followers, and chaperons, the University welcomes j?ou with open arms. Chapel Hill is yours, to have, to hold, and to love from this day forth for evermore. As one part of the educational system of an awakening- commonwealth you are visiting- the head of that sys tem, just as much yours as it is ours. May you find here the in spiration that has thrilled thous ands of other North Carolinians and moved them to deeds of ser vice; majr you catch a breath of the new atmosphere of social and economic helpfulness, the full sig-nificauce of which has not yet been realized; may you see the University as the great Mother she is, ever growing-, ever helping ever loving-; and through all ! RINGSIDE COURTESY AGAIN. things may you have in Chapel Nothing so shows the Univer Hill that royal good time you so sity gentleman or the University richly deserve. cad as his attitude toward visi- The University of North Caro- tors. The Tar ILeki, has no wish and that such far-reaching cir cumstances should have attended it, is from the University's point of view, the irony of fate and a seeming continuation (to be per fectly frank) of the hard luck that accomplished the death of William Rand. Eighteen months ago the University's fair name was drag ged in the dirt because the State and the nation were misinformed by distorted and sensational news paper reports. To-day the Uni versity stands once more disgrace in the eyes of the State and for the same reason! Kecausc of one man's disregard of facts, of his lurid imagination, of his absolute selfishness, the University isgiveu a reputation out of all keeping with its character. We in Chape Hill can see the situation in its true light and know that an im portant but comparatively trivial iffair has been magnified a hun Ired times and handed over as ; sweet morsel to the University'! enemies to be mouthed and chew ?d for weeks, and to be treasured up as a hidden weapon always. We know, for all the. reports of 'gambling dens", "mob law", 'thugs", and "student violence", that Chapel Hill is as healthy a community asthere is in the State, and that the University is a great, noble institution, cruelly hurt by ler enemies, but never richer in he devotion of those who know ind lovelier. We know the truth; the State has been deliberately leceived. Two months remain of thisyear. Our task lies clear before us. Let every man who loves the Univer sity of North Carolina rise up this day, determined to do everything in his power to clean the Univer sity's name of the filth that has been fastened to it, and to show things in their true light. Mrs. J. H. Pratt, Mr. and Mrs. J A. C. Mcintosh, Mr. and Mr-. T. J. Wilson, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Sueath. lina is yours; take it. CLEAN HER NAME. to set itself up as the arbiter of good manners, but within the past week the manager of the baseball The inevitable has happened, j tcam and tw0 graduate students Whenever this student body wants . have complained of the increasing anything, it will get it, and the number of personal remarks di ony question is of time and man- recte(1 toward visiting players, ner. When the recent agitation ' A god Part of i is coming from againstgambling began and then the coaching lines and a good when it became apparent that ' Part from Freshmen; all of it is the great heart of the student ! entirely unnecessary, of no earth body had risen in revolt, old men lv benefit to any one, and a bad in the University knew that soon- 'breach of manners. Yell all you er or later the feeling would break ' Please and Pul1 1or Captain Hai out in action. It has alwavs han- !lcj's men,., but leave the visitors pened that way in the past and it will always happen that way in the future. Say what you will, the composite intellect of these nine hundred men is wholesome sane and forward-looking; and alone. This is a University, not a second-rate prep school. Don't be a kid. , Academy of Music DURHAM. N. C. Rose Maid Apr. 8th Biggest Musical Comedy of the Year. the kind that Carolina men like to see. See O. Le It. Goforth eiulv for reservations. Be sure you come. J. W. BURROUG IIS, - Manner DRUGGISTS. W ft -WSJ 1 CHOCOLATES fit ! oC9HrECT59NS- ORANGE DRUG CO. MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT REXALL PHARMACY1 When in Durham.. Opposite Postoflic.. 2,21.") 'ACKAGES HANDLED LAST YEAR ONLY ONE OK THESIS PACKAGES MISPLACED YOU ARE WELCOME AT THe Royal Cafe THE BEST IN TOVN; FOR BOTH LADIES AND GENTLEMAN The Chapel Hill-Durham Auto Station GREGORY S. WALLINS it. CO., Proprietors. THE UNIVERSITY PRESSING CO. KLUTTZ BUILDING - . - - ; BUEL B. HYATT, Proprietor Cleaning, Pressing,. Altering Satisfactory Service - . - . . Prompt Delivery Cyrus Thompson , Jr. L. I F E i N S U R A N G E The College Mars Contract. 99 OFFICE OYER KLUTTZ'S HABERDASHERY Still Represented on the "Hill" Zinzendorf Laundry of Winston-Salem, - N. ,C. Collars 2c, ShirtS.lOc J. G.FEEZOR, - Agent No. 4. Old West STROWD & TILLEY Have just received a full line of MEN'S SHOES, COLLARS and NECKWEAR. Don't forcef us. loys! Clmpol Hill, X. 0. The Pi ol leade SBtiiclio High Class Photography DURHAM, N. C. Studio in Chapel Hill open on Wednesdays Studios in both Chapel Hill and Durham OlM'OSJTK I'OST OFFICE ' '1I0NK 477- UNIVERSITY INN. $15.00. Dr. Wm. Lynch, DENTIST, New office over Gates' Jewelry Store, CHAPEL HILL, N. C. GOOD BOARD OMMONS HALL. $11.00 PER MONTH. V. B. S0RRELL, JEWELER AND OPTOMETRIST Chapel Hill. N. C. Sneed, Markham, Taylor Co. Tailoring, Clothing, Furnishings, Hats, Caps and Regal Shoes DURHAM, N. C. Lord and Mcintosh ... College AgenU Strength and Security With a Capital of 100,000.00, a - Surplus of $100,000.00 and Total Resources of $2,700,000.00 this strong bank eordinllv invites your patronage either us h commercial bank hank, or, as an institution for savings. Four per cent interest paid on savings accounts and Time Certificates of Deposit. The Fideilty Bank, Durham, N. C. Dance at A. T. 0. House. There was a delightful inform- when they throw themselves into l tlancc at the Alpha Tau Omcgo , , I Fraternity House Saturday nirlit a proposition, we stake our every-: ' 1 J '",M- ' , . , , , , ! Anions those dancing were Miss thing-that they will come out on . , , , r , " , Barton, Miss Tabor, Miss Weath- top. Gambling is not entirely erhead, Miss Waterman, and eradicated at the University, but Mrs. Risley, guests of Mrs. J. H. the student life is more heal t'hy Pratt; Miss Scott, guest of Mrs. and more encouraging for all the lierceness that has broken loose T. J.Wilson, Jr.; Miss Fowler, guestof Mrs. G M. Sneath;Miss Daniels. Miss Nolde. Miss F.I Untl That this forward step should Misa McIntoshf. and . Miss Bain, have been accomplished in such j The chaperones were Mr. and a crude, blind, hacking fashion Mrs. P. II. Winston, Mr. and G. C. Pickard & Son LIVERY STABLE LOCATED ON ROSEMAIiY ST. NEAR TELEPHONE EX CHANGE. STYLISH TURN OUTS AT YOUR SERVICE ALL THE TIME: : : : WANT A TEAM? CALL 30 G. C Pickard, Managf " When -You Think of Life, Inmraiwc Think of the Pilot Southern LIFE TRUST Co. Greensboro, N. C. Chapel Hill Insurance 6c Realty Co, Agents THE SMOOTHEST TOBACCO -it' 3 , Full two ounce tint LJIT up the stroke, man! It takes class to show speed I Velvet hits it up mighty fine in the pipe! Selected middle leaf the choicest two years of aging in the warehouse t the nature process of seasoning , mellowing - takes two years to let the bite out, put the flavor right -make the whole smoke smooth. Velvet hits it up in a slow but sure manner and when Velvet hit your pipe well that's the time we win-" a friend I Don't forget, two years of aging "Velvet." At all dealers.