HE TAR "Weather Report Heigh, Ho! away we go I Weather Report Heigh, Ho! '; away we go ! OFFICIAL ORGAN OF, THE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA VOL. 23 UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA; CHAPEL HILL, N. C., THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 26, 1914 NO. 11 TEAM BIDS ADIEU INTERESTING STATISTICS OF THE SQUAD 1 mmr7roT s. PLAYERS TO BE NUMBERED Members of Both Teams Will Wear Numbers in Thanks giving Game The players on both sides will be numbered in the Carolina-Vir ginia game. This will be for the benefit of the spectators. The numbers;. ten inches square, will be sewed on the hacks of the pla y ers' jerseys. Each leant will be gin with number one and run up consecutively as far as necessary. The only difference in the num bers will be that each set will be in the colors of the college. While other colleges have had their pi a vers numbered in the big games, this is the first time Car olina has tried the experiment. The Sporting Editor of the AVws 'Leader -of Richmond started the moveinement that led to the ad option of the plan. regulars No. 1, Captain Dave. Tayloe, Left Half. Mo. 2, George Tandy, Center. No. 3, Graham Ramsay, Left Tackle. No. 4, Horace Cowell, Left Guard. No. 5, Frank Jones, R. Guard. ' No. f, Archie Gay, R. Tackle. No. 7, Bob Winston, L. End. No. 8, Roy Homewood,R. End. No. 9, Roy Bridges, Quarter. No. 10, Walter Fuller, R. Half. No. 11, Ed Reid, Fullback. substitutes no. 12, Allen, Quarterback. No. 13, Long, Quarter. No. 14, Hines, Half. No. IS, Bob Burnett, Half. No. 16, Grimsley, End.; No, 17, Wright End. No. 18, Love. End; No. 19, . Williamson, End. No. 20, J; Tayloe, Guard. No , 21, J. Jones, Center. No. ,22, Tennent, .Tackle. No. 23, Ervin, Fullback. No. 24, Foust, Tackle. No. 25, Parker, Fullback-. Carolina's Fighting Ma chine Leaves To-day PLAYERS READY FOR GAME Carolina's Prize Team is De termined to Win Big Game The all-powerful team winch is destined to vanquish the long victorious Virginia eleven left Chapel Hill this afternoon at five o'clock ior the big clash on Thanksgiving. These thirty strong representatives of Caro lina will go by way of Durham and Raleigh and will arrive in Richmond Wednesday morning, making the Jefferson Hotel their headquarters. Sometime during the day they will practice on the Broad Street Field where the game is to be played, on Thurs day. The general condition of the men has improved very much in the last week and the team work has shown marked improvement. This is partially due to the pres ence of Coaches Pendleton and Emmons, who arrived on the Hill last week. Pendleton, who has been assisting Cunningham with the Halves and Full, hasex pliiiend many of the plays used by Virginia this year and coach ed them in breaking these up. Emmons has been devoting his time to Quarter. Tom Wilson will meet the team in Richmond, and will accompany them to the game. Cowell has been out of the game a couple of days this week with a slight attack of tonsilitis but was in the scrimmmage Thursday for a short time and ' ready for hard practice Saturday. Ramsay was not in action Wed- nesday since Bluetenthal thought he needed a rest. Foust and Gay have had a hard fight for Right Tackle. The chances are that the former will start the game on Thanksgiving. Winston was suffering from minor injuries Thursday but Will be in good condition for the contest with Virginia.. Bridges and Allen have had it nip and tuck for Quarter. The chances are that the former will begin the game but rboth will probably have a chance beore the last quarter is up. Captain Tayloe is in prime condition and is playing a fine game. Fuller has nearly recover ed from injuries received in the Vanderbilt game and is ready to Continued on Third l'age owiiMiiisfflp f V v v V . a t A h S I h - rl 4s7 ffmi I i Li THE STATE SENTIMENT What the Leading State Pa pers Think ot Carolina's Prospects. The following clippings were taken from State papers of the last week's issue and will give some idea concerning the senti ment of the people over the State about the big game in Richmond Thursday. The Greensboro News says: "There is more in terest in North Carolina over the game there ever was before.. .. Governor Craig and President Graham will both be there. The team is getting back the pep and fighting spirit that it had earlier in the season." The following sentences were taken from an article in the Char lotte Daily Observer which was written by a student at Virginia. "For the first time since 1905 the University of North Carolina has placed in the field a football team which Virginia truly fears." "It (the N. C; team) is prob ably the most versatile aggrega tion that has represented the Chapel Hill institution since 1892. It is well-conditioned, well-bal-lanced, well-trained." The Charlotte Observer again says, "North Carolina is being given a close run by Tennessee for the honor of scoring the most points in football this season." Carolina has scored 356 to her opponents 32, while Tennessee has scored 350 to her opponents 31. Coach; Simmons of Charlotte, who is something of an expert on football, picked six Carolina men and five A. & M. men for an all Carolina team. The Carolina men are Tayloe, Tandy, Home wood, Winston, Jones F., and Ramsay. Quoting again, "Car- How the Boys Stand as to Weight, Heighth, Age, and Position. NAME Roy Homewood Robert Winston Archie Gay Graham Ramsay Frank Jones Horace Cowell George Tandy Roy Bridges Dave Tayloe Waltef Fuller Merrell Parker H. Grimsley Robt. Wright Henry Foust Wm. Hambley J. Tayloe Andrew Nelson J. Jones Reynold Allen Robt. Burnett Phillip Hines Ed. Reid A. Williamson Bobo Tanner George Tennent T. Higgins Carl Crawford W. Denning George Royall Mebane Long Frank Love Carl Ervin PItBP. HCHOOL POSITION"! AGE. j WT. HT. Y.O.I H : i Elon College 1 End 21 1605 9 3 Homers r End 22 1666 4 Warrenton Tackle 20 I 1906 2 1 Randolph-Mac. tackle 18 ! 1696 ! 1 Warrenton Guard 21 i 2226 2 I k Randolph-Mac. .Guard j 20 ! 195:5 4 I Jacksonville" Center 20 1866 1 S ! Castle Heights Q. B. I 19 1555 9 : Bingham H. B. i 20 1746 2 J t M. C. H. S. H. B. 20 1565 lO1 2 M. C. H. S. F. B. 21 i 157 5 8 2 Greensboro End 23 1505 8 2 Webb School End 20 1405 7 2 Greensboro Tackle ! 21 180 6 1 3 Asheville Tackle; 20 1505 11 1 Washington Guard 17 : 1755 H 1 Fishburn ! Guard i 20 .;, 173:5 10 1 Fishburn Center! 19 1655 H 1 Kinston Q. B. 20 ., 1475 8 2 Wilmington H. B. ; 21 1555 10 2 Kinston H. B. ! 18 155 5 9 1 Fishburn F. B. .20 1 1625 10 2 Patton School End ! 18 I 1485 8 1 Woodberry H. B. 19 1456 1 Asheville Tackle 21 ; 1705 9 2 Asheville Center 21 1605 10 3 Mars Hill Tackle 24 ! 165 5 10 2 Mars Hill H. B. 19 1585 11 1 Episcopal Tackle! 18 ! 1615 11 1 Charlotte Q. B. 19 ! 159 6 1 Lincolnton JEnd ,20 1495 9 V Homers F. B. j 23 ,1555 7 ; olina's backfield is heavier by several pounds than the Old Do minion bacKfield. . . Taking every, thing into consideration it would seem that the odds for Winning should be Carolina's .... It looks as if it is entirely up to the coaching staff to produce the or ganized machine, and the players to produce the fight in order to bring home the bacon." "It is expected that 5,000 North Caro linians will witness the game. Mass Meeting Tuesday Night .There will be a big mass meet ing Tuesday night in Chapel to celebrate duly the coming game with Virginia. Every man in college will be there with the old college spirit, the spirit that wins the determination not to be defeated. Members of the Faculty will make appropriate speeches, and there will be lively renditions of college songs and yells. As before said, everybody will be there. GO TO IT, CAROLINA The Order of Gimghouls will beat home to the Faculty and students at an informal dance at their lodge Friday December 3, at four o'clock. Subscribe to the Tar Heel. A Note is Received from a Tar Heel Enthusiast in ' Virginia. Football Team, Chapel Hill, N. C. Dear boys, I am a Tar Heel girl, but have been living in Richmond for several years. Nevertheless, the tar is still thick on my heels. You have disap pointed me so many times by not winning the game for my dear "Old State." I go out on Broad Street with my colors, blue and white, flying high, only to have them torn down in tlfe end. Now, boys, I am counting on yen this time. Please donot fail me I just want you to give the tin' versity of Virginia a good fl ging. I was so delighted wU you beat the Medical College, just screamed for joy. One -the hoys didn't show his face 1 two weeks. I am a High School girl, av hope to be among the rooters i North Carolina on Thanksgivi Day. I would like to meet ev one of the boys, but if .you a appoint me, I shall run hoi., and perhaps, smile on the V. boys hereafter. Sincerely, M. C. ' Blfiliib Goncertslhuryav Nigh t Dec. 3 Gerrard Hall 8 o'cloclt - - Seats on Sale at Eubantts Drug Store ivtitff'? Aliiil 'Jli'Jil