. . s C. S. PENDERGRAFT Dp ycu linov of cur friend, C. S. P? On hb careful prompt service all agree. Hb autcs are sure, Your person secure Take one trip to Durham and see. At Our Stand 7RUITS OF ALL KINDS For All Occasions Agency for all State Papers and Le-dLna Periodicals G.S Pew ECiGRAFT Univercity Directory CALENDAR 1018 October 12 Thnraday University Dny November 30 ThuradayXbanksglving Day December 22 Friday . Christmas Kecess begins OFFICERS Of ADMINISTRATION OF ' THE UNIVERSITY Edward Kidder Graham, AM., D.C.L., LI,.D. . President Walter Dallam Tov. M. A Sec. of Facultu Charles-Thomas Woollen..iJtt8inea Manager Julius Algernon Warren Treus. and Bursar Thomas .lames Wilson, Jr., Ph. D.-Registiar fcugene r rea rarKer, a. m.- ueooruer COLLEGES -AND SCHOOLS Marvin Hendrix Stnrv. A . M. Dean of the Colleae of Liberal Art anarew uenry ratterson, A. M. D'ctin of the. Schaal at Anrtlied Science muries i-.ee itopcr, fa. I). Dean of the Graduate School liucius rom Aieuenee, A. u. - Dean of the School of Law Isaac Hall Manning. M. D. Dean of Via School of Medicine uawara vernon .Howell,' A. u.. Ph. . Dean of the School of Pharmanu Marcus Cicero Stephens Noble, vean of the School of Education THE LIBRARY Louis Round Wilson, Ph. D. -Librarian THE GYMNASIUM Robert Baker Lawson, M. D -Director THE STUDENT COUNCIL" Senior Oliver Rand, President. - Junior Albert Coates - " SoDhomore E. O. Flfzsinimnnii Medical Pharmacy- Representatives at Large C. C. Miller, Vic tor o. uryanr (Other members to be elected soon.) THE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION Prtutititmt n t,. Bell Vice-President- Secretary..... uneer Leader.. U. i, Uaity C. K. Hughes ss. I. Parker Assistant Cheer Leader ''Buck' Wimberiey Captain-. ,.. L.Q. W. Tandy -J. M. Coleman Manager Assistant Manager- Assistant Manager- Jt&y Armstrong Bruce Webb Thomas Wood Donald Cobb Sub-Assistnnt Manager. Sub-Assistant Manager, Sitb-AsstSiant Afananer - 3ar.lt Powell Sub-Assistant Manager Walter C. Feimster manager f irst rear Keserve-M. H. Perry Assistant Manaaer J. E. Patterson Assistant Manager .F. C. Sheppard 'v ;r;'--;'V'.: coAcnES "v'-: Head Coach Thomas J. Oamnhell Assistant Coach Rawson R. Co wen LtUaisfcrot Coach,, ...a..,--I-Roy Homewood FIRST YEAR RESERVE Head fJmtnh Assistant finanh . ,n reacock .Charles R. Daniel BASEBALL TEAM - ...I ', , r A. C. Zolllcoffer W. R Allen Assistant Manaijr , T c. Black Assistant Manage?. J, C. Tayloe Captain- Manager- Sub-Assistant Manager. duo-assistant Manager. Sub-Assistant Manager. David Townsend -Hargrove Bellamy .Erasmus Taylor Captain- Managvr- BASKETBALL TEAM - . Q. It. Tennent S. B. Tanner ,F. R. Farthing . EAT AT Trifci ROYAL, CAFES $ ' fit TTfll 11TT1 .. -w . . f . . . , v-napei ixui as ueu as in uurnam ! Where Sanitation Prevails and Your Patronage is Appreciated 4 4h444444444 Assistant M onager Assistant Manuuer Sub-Assistant Manaaer. Sub-Assistant Manaaer. auo-Assisiant Manuker t! ub-Agslstant Manager- W. B. Klniaw . M. Hodges, Jr. ..Ralph Williams Uriah Hawkins Webb Durham Captain Munuger- TRACK TEAM Assistant Manager- Absisiani Manager- -Fred Farthing U. B. dwell -Hamilton Horton -William York ., Robert Foster -C. S. Roddick ..S. J. Calvert -W. R. Cuthbertson We tip !our tile To Colbnel Huppy; Whose Sivver slew Our neighbor's puppy. 'Macon Telegraph. Our chapeau's off To Ezra Pratt, Whose twin six mashed Our neighbor's cat. CQlumhia.j3tat&. BEIIISH. RIGHTFULNESS The. Host- "I thought of. send ing some, of these, cigars out to the front" The Victim "Good. idea! But how can vou make certain that, the it Germans will get them ?" Tit-Bit. . .TIIE.IIUJSTGEY,JilO.TII. A certain.father,;who is fond of putting his, boys through, natural history., examinations, is often, sur prised by their mental-agility. He asked them to tell him Y. ta&nimal is satisfied with the least .nourishment ?" "The;;mQty" shouted, one' lad confidently, "It eats., nothing but holes." Country Gent. SubtA38i8tant Manager-Sub-Assistant Manager Sub-Assistant Manager Sub-Assistant Manager STUDENT PUBLICATIONS THE UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE -E ditor-itp-Chiet.:....;...L..;- J. A. Canns Associate Editor . M. Coatea M. B. Fowler , .Albert Oettlneer At.M. Lindau Frank Ciarvoe Manager W. T. Steele N. F. Williams THE YACKETY YACK Editor-in-Chief J. R. Fatton Business if anuger. Business Manager. W. B. Austin President- Vice-Presidcnt- hecretury.. G. M. Norwood THE TAR HEEL THE Y, M. C. A. a . T-k ' .1 l m At mnceton tney teu 01 a freshman who,, as be blithely went his way whistling on the streets one day, was accosted, by a class mate: "Whither away?" "Fin going up to Doctor Smiths- to be examined for appendicitis," said the -other. ' "Great Caesar I" exclaimed the' classmate. "You don't seem to be very much worried about it." "Oh, no,"' said' the freshman, I Bob Cook says there is nothing mere won t be anytning doing. U0 ove except nature ar0Und Chap- I've never oe ncabie to pass an ex- ej Hill. amination the first time, in all my fair young life." Everybody's; Treasurer General Secretary- ..E. L. Mackie ..D. E. Enirle M. B. Fowler R. M. Stockton Francis F. Bradshaw .Dr. Greenlaw-Shakespeare'?"' Ignite "N"o, sir."' "Have you. read Tennyson ?" "2fo, sir."' "What have. you read ?" "I. have red'.hair, sir."' "What a relief," said, one stu dent, as he came off his last exam, "Have you read "no more studying : until next Tay."- Senior "I' am- indebted to you 1 for all I know." Prof. "Don't mention it, it's a trifle, I assure you." Ex. AT THE HOP Worry causes wrinkles, say the men; wrinkles cause worry, say She, looking ruefully at her gilt the women. Wichita (KanA Bea- sliDDer "John. T wish vnn wnnld 1 i .. '" . I a. j ,! con. I learn to d I Exchange. Wimberiey "Say Chap., how do you spell- receive ?" Chapman "R-o-c-eivre." Wimberiey "Thanks that's the Vvay I had it." (A.moment later. ) "Lend me your ink you, please ?" Ex. eraser,., will Soph "Freshman,, have you. a minute, to. spare.?" .Fresh "Yes,, why?" ,' Soph "Tell me all you . know." -E xcaange. Dr. Gulley (on Law I, after several had failed to answer hia Mac "Hera it is two weeks and question) "Mow . gentlemen, here 1 1. haven't heard from her vet. 1 am m the wilderness with no one E. P. "Why worry, you know to neip me out. Jilr, JMoses, will she doesn't love you." you lead me. ' VV. ii . i We cannot' endure the. anxiety Ko.w that the "straw vote" is no much longer Dr. Tommio please longer needed, the straw may be tell us something, even if it is sad used ior. the ousted relephant and news- bull moose (as a consolation). By the time. Billy Sunday gets The Chicago Herald complains, through with Boston -perhaps Bca- that a. Chicago bookseller is adver- con Hill will have learned how to tising the "Life of. Daniel Web ster (President U. S.")- , pronounce American English. Cleveland Plain Dealer.. We HavevAU This for You Latest Periodicals Drugs Always . Sodas and Cigars Toilet Articles An Automobile to Give You Reservations for Seats at Durham Acad emy of Music Van Lindley Flowers Service CAROLINA DRUG CO. A CONVENIENT SPOT IB A Sensible CiOarette TheOtinalXy ludcishulend f 2r- ( kmtfQ- ) Yes, SENSIBLE because it's comfortable There are other good tasting c'garettes. Fatima isn't the only good one. But .when it conies to comfort -there is probahly no other cigarette in the world quite the equal of Fatimas. Fa timas are a blend of such pure tobac cos, so delicately balanced, that they' leave a man , feeling keen and fit even after a long -smoking day. You could prove this for yourself. , QUALITY TELLS All your life you have heard that it's easy to tell in FOLKS, in MERCHANDISE, in EVERYTHING How about in the CIGAR? Regular Smokers Will Tell Yoa THE EL-REES-SO CIGAR CO. t Jlpa Yoo Got Uiat Oil loafer Ycl? v CHAPEC HILL HARDWARE CO., Inc. ' The "High Standard" Store i $