f y y y y y t t f I r During 1919 Our stock of Haberdashery is always com plete and new. Our line of Sincerity clothes for the young men has proven that no other is better. If you're going to have a suit tailor-made Ed V. Price's line has no equal. MARKHAM-ROGERS COMPANY Tailors, Furnishers and Hatters 104 W. Main Street DURHAM, N. C. Telephone 590 T t I I T I X V t t t W Jl. Slater 6o. Fellows, that's the place where you can get all those nobby lit tle "things-a-ma-do's" in -dress attire, and believe me, son, they have the jam-up stuff in college men's clothing and furnishings. They're such a cordial bunch, too always seem so darned glad to see you. Oh, sure; they're right on Main street in Durham. Character Work WE strive at all times to portray the character of your business whenever an order for printing is placed with us. We are always glad to furnish ideas and estimates to out-of-town customers, and mail orders receive prompt attention. THE SEEMAN PRINTERY, Inc. DURHAM. N. C. W. M. Newton .& Company De Luxe Clothes HATTERS AND FURNISHERS l Too Young for Old Ideas" 212 W. Main St. Durham, N. C. PICKWICK THEATRE Hey, Fellow, Look Who is Coming! Charlie Chaplin and Mary Pickford '.'.' The Pickwick schedule will include Goldwyn, Paramount, Artcraft, Metro, Fox, and Seled pidures, and extra features from time to time. Try . ANDREWS CASH STORE Agents for M. Moses & Sons, Tailors White Arrow Shirts with Collars Attached STOP RIGHT HERE AND GET A MILITARY HAIRCUT A. W. HARTON'S Th Sanitary Shop Next to Main Street Pharmacy Durham, N. C MAIN STREET PHARMACY TELEPHONE 541 THE REXALL STORE DURHAM, N. C. DURHAM SHOE SHINE PARLOR OLD HATS MADE NEW ALL SHINES H)c Opposite Paris Theatre Durham, N, C. PERSONALS Dan Bell, of '16, spent last Monday nere. Bennet Hooks, of '18, was here Sun day. .. :;: Phil Wolcott, of '16, is on the Hill for a few days. : " . I Dr. Greenlaw was off the Hill for a few days this week. 'Gordon Crowell, who has been in the service, is now in college. Holmes Herty, class of '18, is spend ing some time here with his friends. IMr. C. T. Woolen and Dr. Chase spent several days in Raleigh last week. Prof. F. E. Koch was off the Hill during the first of the week on a lec ture tour. Cy" Thompson, recently engaged in Y. M. C. A. work, has returned to Chapel Hill. "Raby" Tennent, a member of the class of '17, visited friends on the Hill recently. The University News Bureau will handle subscriptions for anyone de siring to subscribe to daily papers. A. M. Coates returned from Raleigh last Friday where he presented the Graham Memorial plan to the, Wake alumni. W. F. Austin, of the '16 class, and who was manager of the Yackety Yack that year, was on the Hill the first of this week. f "Bob" Devereaux, of the class of '18, was in Chapel Hill a few days greeting old friends after leaving the army at Camp Lee. Lingoh Wang, of the class of 1912, who is second secretary of the Chin ese Legation in Washington, has re cently been highly honored. This member of '12 has " been appointed head of the Chinese Educational Com mission to the United States. The complete cast for the three plays to be produced here March 14 and 15 by the Carolina Playmakers Association will be published in the next issue of the Tar Heel. Work on these plays is well under way and rehearsals have been going on for some time. DI SOCIETY Many tales are told of the brilliant exploits of Carolina men in the his toric halls of the Di Society in days gone by. Within those walls young statesmen have practiced their art of oratory upon their innocent fellow members. There have been many im portant matters decided in these fa mous walls by men who astonished and bewildered their audiences with the force arid power of their oratori cal abilities. However, one meeting of the society will always stand out clearly in the minds of loyal Di men as a landmark of live and critical days of our life on the Hill during the spring of 1919, for at this time there was a question of great import to be decided. That matter was in regard to the granting of an associate editor ship on the Yackety Yack board to the co-eds. Before the forum on the Yackety Yack was opened, the program of the eveninsr was rendered. A debate on the question of the city manager plan of government for .North Carolina towns of over four thousand popu lation was held. The affirmative team was successful in proving that such a plan would be best. The men making the best speeches were, Per son, of the affirmative, and Craw ford, of the negative. At the conclusion ot this program, discussion on the matter of granting an associate editorship on the Yack ety Yack board to the co-eds was opened. . This debate lasted for two or three hours, and would in all proba bility have continued longer had not action been taken to close it. All of those present showed great interest in the argument advanced by the sup porters and opponents of the measure. It was very evident that every man had been thinking about the proposi tion before he came to the hail. Many technicalities and rules of parliamen tary law came into play during the evening. Speakers showed their cool headedness by standin up under the attacks of opponents who strove to shake their argument. Alter a long and heated discussion, a vote was tak en. By a careful count, it was found that the proposed measure giving the co-eds this editorship naa iaiiea to secure its required support. . Jnlnn Smith invented the mntinn niVt.nre drama in 1607. There were no camera men to shoot the ac- tnrm in those davs but that was not Smith's fault nor theirs. First Fresh: "And how is Jones this morning?" ( Second Fresh: "Sure, ne s recuper ating." First Fresh: "liooa L,ora, ao you think he will get over it?" SoDh: "And is that prof, a pretty good scate?" Ditto: Uan l say, l never saw nun HOTEL HUFFINE WHEN YOU ARE IN GREENSBORO EAT AT andasr HENNESSEE CAFE At the Putntw Station 342-344 South Elm Street J. R. DONNELL, Manager and Proprietor HOME OF GOOD COOKING IN GREENSBORO COLLEGE CLOTHES Suits for young collegians-swell in every partic ular. We are now showing some advanced spring styles. SNEEED-MARKHAM-TAYLOR CO. DURHAM, N.C. A. A HZIaittiz Company Listen, Fellows See Our Line of Embossed U N. Cm Rings New Line Has Just Arrived All Kinds WASHBURN & TOPPING Student Clothiers - : have their display rooms at No. 8 Vance. They represent Hopkins and Schloss Bros., fashionable and moderate priced tailors of Baltimore. They solicit your trade for spring suitings ' SEE ' Chapel Hill Hardware Co. FOR Pocket Knives Razors, Scissors Electric Bulbs, Plugs, Sockets, Shades Extension Cords, etcm WE ARE ALWAYS GLAD TO SEE YOU FOLKS from CHAPEL HILL MAKE OUR STORE YOUR HEADQUARTERS WH N YOU ARE IN DURHAM THE ROYALL & BORDEN CO. D. T. SASSER, Manager Look at tbi3 one. A cork inir piece of tenuine French Briar, sterling rin;r. vulcanite bit, the sroootbestworkmanship a shepe that makes it mighty convenient to bava in your room. TRADE MARK YOU will see W D C Pipes on every campus in the country American pipes for American men, and not bettered anywhere. You can get any shape, size and grade you want in a W D C. The best shops carry them at $6 down to 75 cents. ' WM. DEMUTH & CO., New York World's Largest Pipe Manufacturer outside of a class room except when he was with his wife." The coed tells what a man must have or not have to win her heart: "He must not drink, smoke, chew, gamble or stay out late at nights. He must take an interest in his home; he must have a good position and be well liked by all those with whom he comes in touch (men of course) and he "just must" possess a winning personality. It is to be understood that he must be tall, handsome, have bue eyes and black curley hair. Ed. Note: And she marries the chauffeur. Isn't it always1 so? "And now," queried the patriotic speaker fervently, "now, I say what motives are taking our young men to the fighting line?" "Locomotives," drawled the fresh man in the rear. Those newspapers in the library, they are put there for you as well as the other fellow to read. OUR DAILY POEM Napoleon chared at Waterloo The Allies charged at Will, The judge, he charged the jury i And the druggist charged the pill "This can't be hell there are no Germans here." ."'..- ' " ' ' "Yes, your honor, it is. But the regular people put up such a kick, we built this annex for them." Life.