TAR BABY FOUR ENTERTAINS STUDENTS IN CHAPEL FRIDAY SNAPPY SONGS AND LOTS OF PEP MAKE PROGRAM A SUCCESS ' L ; Friday morning in Chapel, the Tar Baby Quartet, composed of Messrs. Nichols, Thompson, Ogburn, and Ev erett, entertained the ..students who were assembled there; This is .the sec ond number of the musical series which has been scheduled for Chapel exer cises this year. ; The quartet took its hearers by storm and from the very beginning sang snappy songs with a lot of pep. Their first number was "FloathV Down," and at the end there was such an outburst of applause that they soon reappeared with "You Don't Need the Wine to Have a Wonderful Time." The second number was "Shine On, Oh, Silvery Moon," and the encore was "Roll Dem Bones." Then the applause was greater than ever and a third number, "I'm Going Right Back" was given with encore, "I'm Tired of Livin in the Country." Applause again burst forth, but as it was thejr last number the quartet did not reappear and the audience dis persed but a hope of hearing them again in the near future. ANNOUNCEMENTS The senior class will hold a meet ing Wednesday night at 9:00 in Zeta Psi Hall. Tickets thirty-five cents, senior co-eds free. All members of the German Club who have invited girls to attend the ; Fall dances will hand or mail name and addresses to Ike Thorpe, secre tary of the Club, immediately. ' No announcements, student forum articles for publication in the "Tar Heel" will be accepted unless type written (with at least two spaces be tween each line). k DR. W. S. BERNARD SPEAKS IN CHAPEL THURSDAY NIGHT (Continued from page one) sented. So far it has lived up to that intention and the program for the fu ture holds just as much in store. You are missing much if you fail to take advantage of the forty-five-minute meetings orr Thursday nights. GOOCH'S CAFE EQUIPMENT SANITATION SERVICE. i '.? We offer the best that the most modern and sanitary equip ment, good cooks, and sixteen years' experience can give. Regular Dinners every day. Chicken Dinners Sunday. Get Your Sunday Dinner at GOOCH'S Big Reduction Sale Now On S. Berman Manuel's Cafe Cordially Invites the Carolina Man GREENSBORO, N. C. O'Kelly Tailoring Company Sanitary Steam Pressing and Cleaning See Us for Special Rates Broadway Cafe Student! Headquarter Greensboro. N. C. NUCLEUS DEPOSITED FOR A PLAYMAKER THEATER FUND IN THE FUTURE ALL PROFITS WILL GO TO THIS f" ; - ; fund-.- -j - Sometime in the near future when you return to Carolina as a proud alumnus some student friend of yours will ask you to go withhira to the evening performance -at- the "Play makers Theatre." Then he will lead out through the maze of new buildings to a grassy lit tle knoll capped by a beautiful little building resembling an old Grecian temple. You will know from the very looks of the building itself that it fosters the beautiful in life and the good in art. This is the Playmakers Theatre. This is the goal towards which the Playmakers were aiming when they started the Playmakers Theatre fund at a meeting of the Exe cutive Board recently when each mem ber present jcontributed, a dime and a penny as the nucleus of this fund. The bank account has been opened and the "fund has begun with a depos it of a dollar and a penny. In the fu ture all profits from Playmaker pro ductions will be deposited to the credit of this fund. It will require about $200,000 to build and equip a theatre sucli as the Playmakers are planning. " ! Posters urging college voters to cast their ballots for dry men only are fceirig mailed to all colleges and uni versities of the country this week by the Intercollegiate Prohibition Association. ARMY AND NAVY STORES 108 CHURCH STREET One Door North of Main Street Pharmacy DURHAM, N. C. Goodyear Guaranteed Army Officer Style Raincoats, made of Gas Mask Ma terial; worth $22.50; Our Price -. 12.50 Best all-Wool Blankets v $7.50 y :y:"'- Naval Officers High-Grade Tailor-Made Overcoats to your measure, Dressy and Durable 60.00 Gillett and Ever Ready Shaving Outfits, Fountain Pens, and Megaphones; Superior Government Quality, at Reduced Prices ' Raleigh's Young Mans Store KING & HOLDING CLOTHIERS HABERDASHERS HATTERS Just a Little 'Different Just a Little Better YARBOROUGH HOTEL BUILDING LUNCH, DINNER OR SUPPER served at all hours of the day. The good liver always comet here when he want hia chop, teak, oytteri, or any of the appetizing dishes that we make a specialty of cooking to please the fastidious. If you wish to enjoy a well cooked meal, that can be prepared only by an artist, visit ROYAL CAFE 119 E. MAIN ST. DURHAM, N. t CALL ON THE Chapel Hill Hardware Co. FOR Guaranteed cutlery. Also paints and other necessary articles of the quality kind WE STRIVE TO PLEASE Covn&l Vfi tfWyU.S.VtiOUvfa tOtteU 3 qo yywuM AAnxw open QfUjmftiMaK wmpuv, jtttvw aim . U...'L. 'A- J. !.- . 'II AA aw a& day MCjyt or Mm dmuj aW oj tkO- daMX,J w, omsMas MM,,umjLV& qtfr tfw pet, u4 ktlt aamX Am (kip iUt Jeaqa a& mjA oxk CVUU too AwUMridlU 1htf XkM CUAJ fiffiv MoAh Aw p&pidcitiCrV Wwjv&j Qjftvidj am (XdcCprlu& fxotzt SOU rfvQX U&wfilC0Ynu ' eft AjfbtfanitLq V&Sm (W frvnt (hpz CAaiOm QJb &wu aawxz owl aft tRct& fomxb TeJkvvl 'OomsuAAApXb aaaju. "Wow ojw lgw, &wMuvri qjlys "aaaa ijpM CoJll fxLCAK WiaXdciij- aX famf) foitii aa&simj 3- hnwfy0Jt vvzn; afincft ti. '$u baaXlt Ccv GwviL& 4oaams TtlaM tlx& TnvOt VrraatiV (of li-HS VrVOJtVlAJ YMPMXl MJUWAUinV sMUU VW O WTUMT WWA J TV y tycuvMv frc ftuz, tyuvw (tfort Listen f peter!) 3 -ft $AJUOr QmA AATUtodvJ AMJCJaJ W fe&MUfAto BMjd ! (b (hEtwztw awjj QMd, 3' 1 1 Vz ammo ctfJoM dulldumi) (am OMmX Ibastoiv (fbaK 6an'. WmM, ajujl xk iiw Mm& Mwnd t ft TtU it turn lamU