Page Two THE TAR HEEL, APRIL 15, 1921. THE TAR HEEL "The Leading Southern College Semi-Weekly Newspaper." Member of North Carolina Collegiate Prei Association Published twice every week of the college year, and is the Official Organ of the Athletic Association of the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. C. Subscrip tion price $2.00 local, and $2.50 Out of Town, for the College Year. Entered at the Postoffice, Chapei Hill, N. C, as second class matter. Editorial and Business Office, Room Number One Y. M. C. A. Building. DANIEL L. GRANT . . Editor-in-Chief H. C. HEFFNER ) " . . . , VAin WILLIAM E. HORNERf AwwUnt Editors JONATHAN DANIELS Managing Editor WILBUR W. STOUT Assignment Editor ASSOCIATE EDITORS C. L. MOORE J. G. BARDEN L. D. SUMMEY HUME BARDIN R. L. GRAY, Jr. W. H. ATKINSON GEO. W. McCOY J. Y. KERR M. C. GORHAM J. G. GULLICK J. J. WADE ELLEN LAY C. J. PARKER THOMAS TURNER, Jr. PHILLIP HETTLEMAN Business Manager M. Y. COOPER I .Assistant Managers H. L. BRUNSON i SUB-ASSISTANTS W. S. HESTER G. E. KIRKMAN S. H. YOUNGBLOOD J. V. M'CALL S. E. HOBBIE You can purchase any article advertised in The Tar Heel with perfect safety because everything it advertises is guaranteed to be as represented. We will make good immediately if the ad Tertiser does not. Vol. XXIX Chapel Hill, N. C, Friday, April 15, 1921. No. 52 We congratulate Davidson in winning over us in our own home town. We feel confident that they can justifiably take great pride in such a vic tory over our Club. EARLIER ELECTIONS Those students who have expressed themselves on the question have, with one exception, agreed that the adoption of such a policy would be wise. The only one dissenting fails to recognize that we have already agreed with him, for we said sometime since "In the case of class elections, we realize, it would not be possible for the incoming presidents to take over the work of the Student Council for the last month of the year. But they can use the benefit of this last month in getting ready for the work of next year, forming their cabinets, etc." And so, we take it, that we are all practically agreed on this proposi tion. The next thing that confronts us is getting such a policy actually in operation. This means that every group conducting elections will have to pass upon this question; and so we propose that some one in each group sees to it that the matter is acted on there. For the general athletic asso ciation, this matter will be brought before the Athletic Council for its con sideration. As a means of fiavTngsomething definite to wort upon,' we would sug gest that the nominations be made during the first week in May, and that the elections come during the following week. This would give adequate time, we believe, to realize the ends we are seeking in urging this change. If this time is not propitious, we hope that someone will come forth with a definite suggestion immediately so that thks matter can be disposed of at least ten days before the time for making the nominations. RALEIGH JAMES HUGHES ARCHITECT 510-11 American Bank Building GREENSBORO, N. C. W. B. SORRELL, Ref . D. OPTOMETRIST AND JEWELER Chapel Hill N. C. U.N. C. Representa tive Wanted By Established Con cern With Good Sell ing Line. Address: "Opportunity" care Tar Heel Engraved Cards and Fine Stationery Everything for the Office Printing and Bookbinding. JOS. J. STONE & CO., GREENSBORO, N. C. Weidemeyers Saxophone Orchestra Huntington, W. Va. At the Carolina Dances and wherever the Best music is appreciated Weidemeyer's will be found. " It's a safe tip Get Weidemeyer and your Dance or So cial must be a success. RUSH! SPEAK ON Dean Civei New Interpretation of Immigration in the University; Camput Increased Yearly. Talking in Chapel before the freahman Class Wednesday morning, April 6, Dean Bradshaw gave a new interpretation of immigration in the J.i verity. The population of the jniver-jity is each year increased by 10 ter cent by immigration, in the i'orm of Freshmen. . The question na :urally "arises as what is the policy to oe pursued in the Americanization of these immigrants. "Shall we ex tend to them a welcome, association, hospitality, good feeling, and tell them of the grandure and greatness of this place, or shall we extend to them the kind of welcome that has recently been manifested in some of the other colleges of the State?" The former is the policy of the Univer sity of North Carolina. This university has a trade mark in the form of the things for which it stands and these things the immi grant must learn before he can be come fully Americanized. The Unl versity of North Carolina does not stand for the jeering of an opposing pitcher in a baseball game. "You can have the advantages of this trade mark, but there are things which you cannot do, because in doing them you are destroying the brand." In these words Dean Bradshaw showed how each one is a vital part of the whole, and that each one must play the game and live up to the brand or get off the field. "It is your task to uphold the things for which men of this Univer sity have fought for one hundred and twenty-five years. He who yells at an opposing pitcher is an immigrant." The brand of the University of North Carolina stands for hard work, clean sportsmanship, quiet self-re spect for others, and the doggedness that doesn't give in. "Realize the prize of the tradition of the name that you bear. Remember that you are a member of a team and no one can play that position but you." BROADWAY CAFE Student Headquarters Greensboro, N. C. An old custom, that of placing several benches during the Spring quarter under Davis Poplar reserv ed for seniors only, where a senior could always find a fellow classman to bull with, has been revived. Any one passing these benches will no -?oubt be attracted by a glaring red ,'gn bearing an inscription warning! jther classmen to adopt a "laissez faire" policy in regard to them. i GOOCH'S CAFE Has your stomach sent a wireless to your brain or nourishment? Then get a Chicken Supper Sunday at Gooch's and it will be satisfied. PICKWICK FRIDA Y: A Fox Production. "BLIND WIVES" MONDAY: SATURDAY: Frank Lloyd's Production. "A VOICE IN THE DARK" A Goldwyn Picture. William DeMille's Production "MIDSUMMER MADNESS" A Paramount Picture. TUESDA Y: ft "Fatty" Arbuckle In BREWSTER 'S MILLIONS A Paramount Picture. ft First Show - 7:10 Second Show - 8:20 all Check up Camels offer you TDimsH & domestic ik0 BLEND . eta a r iTtn 2fyi ANY one of Camels many points of absolute superiority makes them a delight to the most fastidious ciga rette smoker!4 But, consider all that Camels pass you: Unequalled quality the wonderful Camel blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos a flavor as distinctive and refreshing as it is appetizing smooth mellow mildness never before attained in a cigarette freedom from any unpleasant cigaretty odor! And, when you compare Camels with any cigarette in the world at any price, you will note that Camels never tire your taste, no matter how liberally you smoke! Camel are sold everywhere in scien tifically tested pack ages of 30 cigarette for 30 cents. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. Winston-Salem, N. C. tniiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiittttmmimiimnwn