THE TAR HEEL, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1921. 8 H S H S H 8 H S H 8 H Brockwell-Jordan Auto Line Between Durham and Chapel Hill. COMFORTABLE CARS SAFE DRIVERS Leave Chapel Hill: Leave Durham: 8:30 A.M. 10:20 A. M. 2:30 P. M. 4:00 P. M. 9:55 A.M. 12:40 P. M. 5:08 P. M. 8:00 P. M. Leave Orders at Gooch's Cafe. We make a specialty of trips to Raleigh, Greensboro, and Winston-Salem. V IF YOU WOULD RIDE BEST RIDE WITH "BROCK" We Strive to Please. Expert School Architects LINTHICUM & LINTHICUM 117 Martin St., Raleigh, N. C. The type buildings we design are 35 Percent less in cost. Constructed in one-half usual time 100 Percent safety. Permanent materials, Brick, Concrete, Stone and Steel. "Long BUI" Jones' PRESSING CLUB Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing a Specialty. !ii!iiiii!ii:i;;iminiiiiiiii;i;;iiiiiii:ini;iii;iiiiiiii;mmmtt CALL ON THE Chapel Hill Hardware Co. FOR Guaranteed cutlery. Also paints and other necessary articles of the quality kind WE STRIVE TO PLEASE. a - . w Eubanks Drug Co. 1 Twenty-Nine Years Experience Three Registered Men In Charge. NUNNALLY'S CANDIES. H ' g .-ISMZHXNXHZHSHSailZMSMSBXHSKXHSlSXHSaXHSMZMSHSHXHXeSZHXHii """" Illllllliinmimimiiiii Mlllllllllllllllli ELON GETS THE SERIES RESULTS BY WIRELESS Famous Baritone Give Concert; Y. M. C. A. to Be Newly Euipped Throughout. ! 17.U STATE COLLEGE DEFEATS CAROLINA IN ANNUAL INTRA-STATE CLASSIC (Continued from Page 1) Elon College, N. C, Oct. Results of the world baseball series between the Giants and Yankees, play by play, was received here last week by the Elon College wireless station. The radio station was installed a year ago by students of the physics de partment under the direction of Prof. A. L. Hook. It is the largest wire less station in the state except one owned by the government down on the coast. The department has also installed a wireless telephone and several concerts in Pittsburgh, Pa., have been heard by wireless .tele phony by students of the department. concert L.ast 1 nurmay. i - .. Walter Greene, famous baritone, yards- Lowe Pund back to State's j i7i . . J 30 vard lino. Off fnnl-ln nlotr nar- the Blue and White 9 yards. Lowe tore off six again around end. Car olina is going strong, registering three successive first downs. Lowe passes to Red Johnson for 20 yards, and the latter carried the ball to State's 5 yard line on a pretty criss cross play. Second Quarter: A forward pass, Lowe to Morris. failed to connect, and Carolina's coucndown went aglimmering. Park punted from behind goal to John son on State's 25 yard line. Caro Una dushed the ball to State's 60 yard line, again on line plunges but the State's defense stiffened, held, and warded off the invaders, prevent ing another touchdown. Lowe miss ed a drop kick. Park got away with a sensational punt from behind his own goal posts for a distance of 70 assisted by Francis Moore, pianist, gave a concert here last Thursday evening. This was the first of number of lyceum entertainments that will be given at Elon this ses sion. The first croeram was larere Iy attended, people coming from sur rounding cities to enjoy the excellent music furnished by Mr. Greene and Mr. Moore. The Music Lovers' club here has been fortunate in securing some of the most famous artists in America for this season's entertain ments. Newly Equipped "Y" The students of Elon College are proud to know that Elon will soon have one of the best furnished and equipped Y. M. C. A. halls in the state. Expensive draperies and fur nishings have been purchased by the Y. M. C. A. and the work of fur nishing and equipping the hall is well unaer way, HONORARY DEGREE GIVEN TO PRESIDENT President Declares That America and England Mutt Always Be Friends. We welcome each and every student in Carolina to make our store your store when in Durham. We Sell The Very Best To Be Had Schloss Bros. & Co.'s Clothing Manhattan Shirts Arrow Collars Stetson and Schoble Hats Auerbach Neckwear Wilson Bros. Furnishings The DURHAM MEN'S SHOP, Inc. Ill West Main Street Durham, N. C. t'tmimiiinmiiiiiiinmimi iiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiii iiiiiiiuiug Williamsburg. Va Oct. 19. President Harding was given the hon orary degree of doctor of laws by the college of William and Mary to day at exercises of installation for Dr. J. A. O. Chandler as president of the institution. In can and eown Mr. Harding in an address appealed for increased patriotic attention to the national educational system and praised the part played in American history by the institution, which is the second oldest college of the coun try and among whose graduates are numbered three presidents of the United States. Before coming here the president delivered an addres from the spot in Yorktown where Lord Cornwallis surrendered the British forces of the revolution to General Washington in 1781 and announced to the world a policy of Anglo-American friendship for all future time. The United States and Great Bri tain, the president asserted, had con secrated a long time friendship by association in .the common sacrifir- nf the World War and found themselves arrayed together" in a trusteeship ior me pre3ervatom of civilization. He spoke also a word of gratitude ior the aid given by France in the revolution and declared the time had come for world-wide co-operation and amity among nations. 30 yard line. Off tackle play car ries ball to Carolina's 45 yard line. State failed to gain on line plays. Homewood gets tackles so hard that he is forced to change his trousers, the crowd however, ignorant of necessity. State pasess failed and ball goes over to Carolina in mid field. Lowe gained 8 yards on criss cross play. Gilliam gained 5 yards for a first down. Hill intercepts pass on Suite's 35 yard line. Third Quarter: Carolina kicked to State's 35 yard line. Faucette and Homewood plunge for first down. Carolina's line holds and Park punts to 30 yard line. Lowe kicks to State's 40 yard line. Park returns punt over Car olina's goal line. Ball in play on 20 yard line. Carolina gained 8 yards off tackle. Lowe Tumbles ball on Carolina's 28 yard line, Faucette recovers and carried ball for touch down. Goal kicked by Faucette. State kicked and Lowe immediately punted back to State's 20 yard line, without a single play, running a single play Hill gains 8 yards and Fau cette comes throue-h for, a first down. Park punted and Johnson let ball eo to Carolina's 35 yard line. Johnson tore off 20 on criss cross. Forward passes fail and ball goes over to State. State makes first down on line plays. Pierson breaks through for 25 yards. Fourth Quarter: State gains 5 through line. Pen alized 5 for off sides. Park punted outside on Carolina's 15 yard line. Johnson gained 5 yards. Morris car ries ball 5 yards around right end for first down. Line plavs fail. Lowe punts to State's 40 yard line Park punts to Carolina's 45 yard line Pass, Lowe to Johnson, netted fifteen yards. Pass, Lowe to Cochran, fail ed. Lowe punts outside mid field Lowe passes to Johnson for fifteen yards. Lowe loses fifteen on at tempted pass. Johnson gains fifteen yard3 on pass from Lowe. Pass fail ed, Lowe to Johnson. Lowe punts to State's 30 yard line. State's line plays failed. Park punts to Caro lina's 40 yard line. Passes, Carolina, fail. Game over. Score : 7 to 0 Our Shines Are The Best. Old Hats Made New. DURHAM SHOE SHINE PARLOR 120 East Main St. Durham, N. C. rr-r "Blue Ribbon Brand" ICE CREAM Fancy Ices, Sherbets, Punch. Durham Ice Cream Co. Phone 1 1 99 Durham, N. C. immwiuuiimiicmammactt When in Durham EAT At The GOODY SHOP Fraternity Banquets a Specialty Unquestionably Feeds You Better. SHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXMXKXHXHXHXKXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXMXI 5 M MAY GET MORE MILLIONS FOR HARD-SURFACED ROADS Raleigh, Oct. 19. Hard road enthusiasts at the capital at tending the state fair are greatly in terested in the Word from Herhnrt Hoover, secretary of commerce, that. there is a possibility of an additional ieaerai appropriation of manv mil lions for road work. Governor Morrison has replied to Secretary Hoover's query whether North Carolina could use some of ithis Federal aid and in the event congress authorizes the appropria tion tnis state will in all nrnhh;i;v .... ,. jr get its proportionate part. Members of the North Carolina delegation in congress will be ureed to sunnnrt bill and to do so will work for its passage. North Carolina -could "nut unrW contract five million dollars worth af roads in excess of what our state otherwise can do." was the b-ovpt-. nor's reply to Secretary Hoover. The telegram in full follows: 'North Carolina has a stron? en gineering organization, equipped and ready. After conference with tha chairman of the State highway com mission I think we could increase our road work at once very heavily. Plans are ready and without delav our en gineering department could nut un. der contract five million dollars worth of roads in excess of what our atata otherwise can do." Carolina Position State Cochran re Homewood Jacobi rt Flovd Poindexter rg Whitaker Blount c Bostian Pickard lg Parsons Kernodle It Weathers R. Morris le Haynes Lowe, Capt. qb Faucette, Capt, F.Morris rh Pierson Johnson lh Hill Gillon fb Park Substitutions: Carolina, McDon aid ior F.JMorris; Miller, for Ker nodle; McGee, for Gillon: F. Morris for McDonald; Shepard, for R. Moa ns: Edwards, for F. Morris. State Ellerbee, for Whitaker; Baum, for Haynes. First downs: Carolina, 10 State, 6. Referee, Magoffin (Mich.) Umpire, Gass (Lehigh). Headlines- man, Major Auburn. THREE MILLION LOANED TO NORTH CAROLINIANS Raleigh, Oct. 19. A. W. McLean, meeting with the agricultural agency of the war finance corporation, of which he is a member, Tuesdav pre sented the whole plan to North Car- olma committee and saw it round out its million dollar loan to bankers of the State who had made these ad vances to farmers. Mr. McLean said as he left on the midnight train for Washington that from Washington and through the North Carolina agency three millions have been loaned to North Carolina. Requests for an additional million and a half came in today. Even the four and a half million will, be an under allowance for North Carolina. Mr. McLean says North Carolina is best fixed against disaster of all the south Atlantic group. ! Psychologically and sentimentally, he declared, the loans have had won derful effect and given great relief to bankers who now know what to hope for in another pinch. i 53 3 K) An W' ! mil H ; Durham, - The "Feel" of The Suit! Once inside of one of our Fall Suits you'll feel good all over, Sir. Not altogether because we insure you of a perfect fit; but because our clothes were designed and tailor ed in The World's Best Tailor Shops You feel certain that the materials are right, that the style and the tailoring are perfect, and that there is nothing wanting that goes to make a handsome Suit of Clothes. Fall Suits and Over Coats $25 to $50. Sneed-Markham-Taylor Co. - North Carolina HXHZHXHXHXHXHXHXMXMXHXHXHlHXHXHXMXHXHXHXH8HZHXHKHXwi UMANC Vhe Verfict Mouthpiece Men who know pipe satisfaction will tell you that they prefer REBmJnoL to any Jth mouthpiece because it has just the right feel on the teeth. REDMANOLh as transparent and beau-' 'J. : aV""ucr out stronger. Modern jf - "cnu:nasmacle it tasteless and odorless. ft J :. i XV Whether you are buvin a holder, a cigar holder, or a "jimmy" piptr, All Shapes-All Prices 1l2TlTiluakr doesWt carry REDMANOL plp and holders send us his name and address. Redmanol Chemical Products Co. ftbll West 22nd Street Chicago IH4 . ps '3 4 H M X H X 3 a s s H X H S H S H X H X H X N X H S H X H S K S H X M X H X H X H X N X H S H X N X H X H X N S X H X M S M H H X M S H X