Page Pour THE TAR HEEL May 29, 1923 m m m m m m m an 1 m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m XX.X.X.XX.X.X.X.XXX&XXX...X.XX.X.X.X.XX ........... .. x x x x x :: ' x x. :; : :: : :: :: :: x X x : :: : : :: x x x : : x : x :: : x x x x X X X X x x x X X X X. X X X X X X : :: Sh-aufDJal of 13 fcX XiOUiWi' )owrsetd- WHEREVER cr'tlcal crowds appraise the styles of men, there you will find the Townsend Grace Straw Hat the first selection. Wear one and be comfortable PRITCHARD-PATTERSON, Inc. UNIVERSITY OUTFITTERS CHAPEL HILL, N. C. :: :: x x X X X X. X 'X X X X X X X x X. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X. X X X X. X X X X x X X X X X. X X X X X X X X X X X. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X. X X X. X one mm Years i 1 ami &s lOfilh m j i m m m 5 the curtain falls on the close of our twentieth college year of service to Carolina, accept our sincere thanks for your splendid patronage. If you will take our motto and apply it to your dealings with the affairs of your home. State and Nation, yours will also be a success. m m m E m m QUALITY- Skce 3LD3 SERVICE m FACULTY SANCTIONS NEW FRATERNITY REGULATIONS BY A UNANIMOUS VOTE (Continued from Page One) six'ciul regulations sot down below. Fra ternity men are not allowed to pledge a student to join a fraternity until lie has been in the University a sufficient length of time, as follows : If he matriculates for the first time iu the University in the fall quarter he may not be pledged More January 10 ; if in the winter quart er, before April 10; if 111 the spring quarter, before October 1st. No stu dent may be pledged during the summer school, though if student remain in the summer school for the full twelve weeks it may be counted for him as a regular quarter towards meeting the residence requirements. Special Regulations fUiijibilitu. 1. A Freshman becomes eligible to join a Fraternity after regis tration for his third quarter in the Uui versify, only if he has passed upon five whole courses or their equivalent, with a grade of C or better iu at least two ,vhole courses, or their equivalent. -. Any academic student becomes eli gible for a Fraternity after registration for his fourth or later quarter in the Uni versity, if he .has passed upon seven whole courses or their equivalent. A student who enters an academic course with advanced standing from au approved college or University, becomes iigible for a Fraternity after his regis- ratiou for his second or later quarter in the University, if he has ou the Uni- ersity records a total credit of seven hole courses or their equivalent, of The MAN Store EVERYTHING THAT'S GOOD IN GOOD CLOTHES ASHEVILLE, N. C. i:i : : : x x X X X X X X X X. X X X X X X X X X X X X, X X ' ATHLETES MAKE GOOD AS SALESMEN Because They have the natural training They know how to think and act quickly They understand what it is to "fight through." Some of this Company's moat successful representatives learned their Srst lessons on the Gridiron and Diamond Our Agents' Training School did the rest. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X. X X. X X LIBERAL CONTRACTS CHOICE TERRITORY SOUTHERN LIFE & TRUST CO. The Multiple Line Company j 3REENSBORO, N. C. CAPITAL $1,000,000 J A. W. McALTSTER, Pres. H. B. GUNTER, Agency Mgr. ! hich at least two whole courses or their j :"":S- equivalent must have been passed with a I , , . , , . 1 xxxxxxx.xxxxx:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:xxxxxxx:xxxxvvvxxxxxvxvv grade not lower than C in this institu ion. 4. A student in a professional- school, he enters with advauced academic credits, becomes eligible for a Fraternity after his registration for his second or later quarter (or term iu the case of Law students) in the University, under the same conditions as other students who ?nter with advanced standing. 5. Any other student in a professional school becomes eligible for a Fraternity after his registration for his third quart er in the University only if he has pass ed upon the equivalent of five whole courses with a grade of C or better on two whole courses or their equivalent, or after registration for his fourth or later term, if he has passed upon the equiva lent of seven whole courses. 0. ' A student who changes from the academic to a professional school becomes eligible for a Fraternity under the same conditions as would have oota inert naa he remained an academic student. 7. A special student in any course becomes eligible under the same condi tions as a regular student in the same course. Each Fraternity must hand in to the Registrar beforehand a list of such men as it wishes to initiate, and must receive from him a written statement as to their eligibility. Initiation. An eligible student may be initiated into a fraternity at any time after 6:30 P. M. on the fourth day after the day on which lectures begin in any regular quarter. Interpretation. In case of doubt as .o the interpretation of any of the fore going regulations, the fraternity or fra ternities must appeal to the President, r through him to the Faculty, and both ippeal and interpretation must be in writing. Is guaranteed to relieve Head ache, Neuralgia, LaGrippe, Ear ache, almost instantly. If it fails to relieve, your money will be refunded. x X X X X X X X X. X E. v. HOWELL. President T.Tnvn vinm-vrm . THE PEOPLES BANK C. B. GRIFFIN, Cashier R. P. ANDREWS, Ass't Cashier BAPTISTS BOW IN DEFEAT AS TAR HEEL SLUGGERS HIT THE OLD AGATE HARD AND OFTEN Senior Class To Give Dan ceCommen cement Lo and Ilehold ! The passing class of '23 has started another precedent which is hoped will be followed by every other Senior Class in time to come. Aside from the fact that they initiated the fad of using walking canes, they are now engineering a Class Dance, to which every one is invited Freshmen included. This dance will be given on June 13, be ing the opening dance of the Commence ment Finals. The music will be furnished by the well-known Carolina Club Orchestra, which no doubt will be iu top form. Fortunately or unfortunately, accord ing to one's personal feelings, the rules of the Germau Club will be strictly en forced, as at the other Fiual Dances. The committee which was appointed to manage this dance is composed of the following men : P. A. Reavis, chairman ; "Icy" Little, "Chick" Holderness, "John nie" Bonuer, "Tommy" Turner, and E. C. Jernigan. i.00 DEPOSIT FEE According to Treasirt-er Warren, the system for payment of room rent which was used this year will be used again next year. It requires a $5.00 deposit by June 5 if the student expects to hold the same room next year. The remainder of the rent until January 5 has to be paid by September 15. It pays to advertise in the Tar Heel our readers know a good thing when they see it. (Continued from Page One) Ferebee wasn't at all agreeable and put and end to all such ideas in quick fashion. As the result of this victory Carolina needs only a win against Trinity to place her on a par with that Institution. If the Methodists can be made to taste of the bitter waters of defeat the state re cords of the two institutions will stand (irmly tied. The box score follows : Wake Forest AB R H PO A E Small, rf 2 1 0 1) 0 0 Roylen. c 3 1 1 3 3 0 Johnston, If 4 1 12 0 0 Poole, cf .....4 0 0 4 0 0 Johnson, p, rf ....... 4 22101 Arnette, 3b, ss 41 3 3 41 Jones, lb, 3b 4 0 0.5 2 2 Oreason, 2b ..4 0 0 5 2 1 Stamey, p 4 0 1 0 2 0 Richardson, lb 2 0 0 4 0 0 TOTALS 35 (i 8 2T 13 5 Carolina AB R H PO A E McDonald, ss 4 2 2 0 0 0 McLean, 2b . . . .4 1 1 2 4 0 Itonner, If 5 4 1 0 0 0 Shirley, lb 4 2 2 12 0 0 Morris, c 2 0 1 0 0 0 Curmicliael. rf 3 1 1 2 0 0 Starling. 31) 5 0 3 1 0 0 Sweetman, cf 5 1 1 2 0 0 Rryson. p 3 1 1 0 0 0 Ferebee. p 2 0 0 0 3 0 M' Oee. c 2 1 1 4 0 0 TOTALS 39 13 14 27 7 0 Summary Two base hits: McDonald, Mcfjee. Home run : Shirley. Base ou balls: off Johnson 1, Stamey, 3. Struck out : by Stamey 2, by Bryson 4, by Fere bee 3. Hits: off Johnson 0 iu 1 1-2 innings, off Stamey 8 in 7 1-2 innings, off Bryson 1 in 5 innings, off Ferebee 7 iu 4 innings. We Welcome the Faculty and Stu- ilcula uf XJm Tfa O, TO MAKE OUR STORE HEADQUARTERS WHEN IN DURHAM Should you need Furni ture and Rugs it would give us pleasure to serve you. We have sold the fraternities and the Uni versity at Chapel Hill and have given them satisfaction. We can please you also. Royall & Borden Chapel Hill Street Opposite Grand Central Garage DURHAM, N. C. TOMB TO BE ERECTED With the consent of the Trustees, the class of 1801 has decided to renovate Ilie old sandstone monument, formerly erected over the grave of President Cald well, and re-erect it to the memory of Wilkes Caldwell, one of the best-loved of the old servants of the University. This old monument, which is now lying in a rather dilapidated condition in the cemetery, is to have a white marble tab let inserted in it, on which the name of "Old Wilkes" will be placed, along with the names of his father, November Cald well, and two other old University bell ringers, Dnvid Barham and Henry Smith. The large stone was overturned when the remains of President Caldwell were placed under the present monument erected to his memory in the center of the campus. rt "xr me Jew MAY Victor Records are in Hear them here THE CORLEY COMPANY Durham, N. O. READ THE ADS IT PAYS!