Page Two i Thv. ..-it HEEL Tuesday, Oct. 23, "The Leading Southern College Semi Weekly Newspaper" i Member - of N. C. Collegiate Press Association ' Published twice every week of the col lege year, and is the official news paper of the Publications Union of the University of North Caro lina, Chapel Hill, N. C. Subscrip tion price, $2.00 local and $3.00 out. of town, for the college year. Offices on first floor of New West Building -Entered as second class mail mat ter at the Post Office, Chapel Hill, - N. C. - EDITORIAL STAFF - C. B. Cotton '. Editor W. M. Saunders Assistant Editor F. M. Davis, Jr. Assistant Editor J. M. Saunders... Managing Editor J. M. Saunders Managing' Editor . E. D. Apple Assignment Editor REPORTERS H. R. Fuller C. L. Haney , J. E. Hawkins S. E. Vest H. N. Parker W. B. Pipkin J. M. Roberts W. S. Mclver M. U. Young . M. P. Wilson W. T. Rowland W.'D. Maddry' G. A. Cardwell, Jr A. R. Poston J. 0. Bailey E. S. Barr Geo. Stephens, Jr. L. A. Crowell BUSINESS STAFF Augustus Bradley, Jr. Bus. Mgr. Appointments not yet made apply to Business Manager You can purchase any article adver tised in The. Tar Heel with perfect safety because everything it adver tises is guaranteed to be as repre sented. We will make good imme diately fi the advertiser -does not. "It"s a long time between Sunday aCte. n, on concerts," said Professor Weaver to his first lieutenant as he stroked a Camel. It still remains a mystery why the sororities insist on being called fra ternities. Perhaps they apply the same in thtir meetings: Brother Mary, read the minutes. honor pledge the jokesters have their laugh, and the freshman joins the immortal ranks of the Cedar Birds and Barnum's 'One Every Minute Collection.' -.f . , , The whole thing is uproarously funny and at the same time pathetic. Pathetic for the reason that boys of immature minds find an easy en trance into an instution where im maturity is a severe handicap. The gap between a country high school and the University is a wide one, and is too easily bridged. What hope is there for a freshman who thinks that Pocahontas founded the University or when asked his preference of fraternities, states quite modestly that the Dicks and the Fi Beta Kappies are the idols of his dreams? If he is so easily duped by thin sophomorie gnUe, if he hasn't seventh grade knowledge of History, Spelling and Grammar, how will he ever .obtain his degree? He is far better off in the corn field following a mule. This same freshman showed one gleam of intelligence, however, that gives him a faint chance. In answering the puzzling question i What ., is the process of securing a book from the Library ?-i-he stated; "Write the name of the auther and book on a slip of paper and give it to the Liberarian and maybe she will get you the book." This reveals a sense of humor and power of observation that almost makes up for his gullibility and ig norance. At least twenty "five freshmen of his type have been catalogued in the same fashion and have shown a like unfitness for college. The fault lies perhaps with their training training or possibly with the entrance equirements of the University which jpens the gates to them; but they soon depart with a confused idea of educational value and college life. Perhaps the University should re quire a standard catalogue examin ation to function with the Psychology tests and thus relieve the sophomores of their self assumed duties. Per haps we are dealing with a foolish subject. At any rate we deemed it worthy of editorial comment, and are passing it on to critical readers New yells are in order also. ' A substitute should be found at least for the inane shriek: Hey, George! If nothing better can be devised let's Kudolph. . We dislike to pick on the "Pic" but its ventilation system piques us. Furthermore, it is operated by picar oons, and is hardly worth a picay une. Pick the logic out of that Peek-a-boo! . The ten dollar prize offered by file Grail for a new college song still holds good, but contributions are coming in slowly, very slowlv. Per- haps ten dollars isn't enough of lure to arouse poetic and musical im pulses on this indifferent campus. It's bad enough to be forced to use gold as a bait for an outburst of Alma Mater sentiment, but when that fails, hope vanishes. They say monev talks, but in this case it is tongue tied. Wilderness Fy J. ( ,Uf 'Bal y Sport&iuphs EVANGELIST HAM SPOKE IN CHAPEL Keynote of Talk Was on Neg lecting One's Soul : With the Thanksgiving Game only five weeks off, the University of Vir ginia continues to display poor pros pects of putting out a winning team this year. Her season has been no .iceably disastrous thus far, having ost to Furman in what was to have been a practice game and losing to V. M. I. last Saturday, 35-0. Coach "Greasy" Neale insists that his team will change its spots before Nov. 29, and will win the game on Emerson Field. The annual clash: between Carolina and Virginia is the biggest game for both institutions md a final victory by Virginia would do much to offset her early season losses. i A direct comparison of Carolina'!) and Virginia's strength will be af forded Saturday when Virginia and Trinity play in Charlottesville. Trin ity was beaten rather badly by Wil- iam and Mary in Rocky Mount last i , "VT "J week. Frequent fumbles by Trnity j f fery, llne of ac ,j t . . ... Uvity. He did not advance am mm me iu.-a vi nsr siar naii-Dacs. . . , ., . , Shinn whn w. r i. ' ! theorr S,v,nS the reason for this, but snipp, wno was put out of the game . . ... . . , . . V cic,;n inferred that the kind of moral and spiritual training which is received in- the homes of preachers is the very thing needed to give men cou Rev. M. F. Ham, a native of Ken tucky, rpoke in Chapel Monday morn ing. The keyenote of his talk was the neglecting of the soul. He says that if the soul of a man and his character are not developed during his growth. all is lost. A man s mind may be won derfully developed and he may have a letter in every branch of athletics 'In which one is given, but unless his soul is developed so as to dir ect his powers in the right direction, his life will do himself or no one else any good. During one's youth, the thing to do is to lay a firm foun dation.. Build character. A man does not make a failure or a kingdom does not fall because of external forces, but because of internal weakness. He quoted statistics, to show that preacher's sons have always led by mty. tie ' aia not advance ' anv The telephone "hello boys" are 11. Dr- C" y will preach here next Sun D. Raper and F. S. Griffin, in Grimes; day night, October 28, at 7:30 V. R. Sink and R. C. Sink, Manly; ! o'clock in Gerrard Hall. He is de A. D. Milstead and Jack Milstead, j clared to be a pleasing speaker, and Mangum; L. V. Huggins and R. J. it is believed that the students will Tuttle, Ruff in; E. M. McDaniel and 1 hear him with profit and pleasure. McDaniel, Vance; A. P. Routh I H. E and W. F. Veasey, Carr; J. H. Burk and Rex Ballard, Old West; W. R. York and T. E. Maness, Smith; J. B. Houser and Kendall Beam, South; R. H. Leggett and R. H. Sebum, Steele. DR. TRABUE WILL DIRECT PERSON SCHOOL SURVEY The School of Education at the request of the State department of IT, 1 . . .w ; .1 i.U 1 1 or i j uuuvauun aim tne OCI1UU1 umClalS Of NlCK NOW BOaStS I Person county has agreed to make Of a Radio Lunch LZJf JhT Person county I schools and to outline a construc- tive policy for the consolidation and A new kind of music has made its j development of the schools of the ippearance on the Hi'i. It comes j county. Dr. Trabue will ba diree 'n the shape of a wireless out-fit, ; tor of the survey. He will be asskr ."or slugging, had much to do with the completeness of the Virginia team's victory , The University, by virtue of Da vidson' defeat at the hand of Wake Forest, is practically assured of the tage and make them go forward in the world. He stressed the necessity of getting a well rounded education before at- btate cnampionship. bhe has already j tempting to go into any kind of defeated Wake Forest, Trinity and ! Winps H sii t,i, f a State and has only Davidson to play. : things before they are prepared to do in case oi a victory Dy tne rresDy- them. Students quit college too soon terians, Carolina would still be sure j and take abbreviated courses in order 3f a tie for State honors as every j to get out into life, whether they are team vm nave lost at least one prepared or not. game. On the other hand Carolina should , !iave little trouble in defeating Da- .idson. bhe has deiaated Wake For- 1 st 22 0, and they in turn defeated :he Charlotte team 6-0. With the ; ' game scheduled to be played on Em- "Hello Bovs" Will Now Be In 'PHONE MONITORS ARE APPOINTED Order Instead of Girls" 'Hello soon displace A few students are making the most of the dormitory telephones. I he other night in South building, a oatnroDed sophomore with tousled hair and with eyes blearv from studying, strode to the mouth piece ant spoke the following: "Hello Prof! How about a little help on this problem? Now if x equals 16 etc." If others follow this boy's lead, the faculty will soon " disconnect their phones. ; From now on the Tar Heels will be distributed through the post of fice to those having boxes. The stu dents who obtain mail through the general delivery will receive their Tar Heels at the Y. M. C. A.'s un til the carrier system goes into ef fect next month. The business man ager has been unable to distribute Mie Tar Heels through the post of fice because of the crowded conditions. j One. of. toe Romance, language Profs, was recently heard to re-1 arpund with 'theu- hands in their pock ets as if they thought someone was going to take , their breeches off." 6.' Prof, it's to hold them no. since the decline and fall of the suspender regime.- Tar Heel headline: "Lunatic Thinks Co-ed His Wife." That's the. biggest slam we've heard vet on our friends, the ladies. Someone wanted to be mean, so he remarked when he read the head: "And still lurther'n that, it's a reflection on ;he hinaic!" tsomeone else put in: "It would take a lunatic to do it." We don't luite agree with him. but it in nnr business as newspaper men to rec ord facts. We are either too busv or ton 'azy you may choose your own ad jective to write a rime this week, SO We're 2oinc tr mmu . ' o " -....vv ji win UUI friend, Omar the Tentmaker: A book of verses underneath the bough, A loaf of bread, a jug of wine, and 1 hou Besides me singing in the Wilder ness, And Wilderness were Paradise enow." In Britain it costs two Dsncp tn to a "nickel" movie; and when a fel low .wants to take his girl, he asks her to take a "tu-pence o' dark" ,;t. him. It's a ease of Art, not for Arts's dear sake, but for the sake of mush! Messed be the movies. arson Field there is every reason to ixpcct a victory, unless Old Man- Confidence or some unforseen acci dent make its appearance. "Shorty" Griffin, men, bar of last ears freshman team and for awhile x candidate for the Carolina Varsity, eems to ba going good over at Wake fr v k ri . T.-, , . . .... . I " " " bwwc.ijr uvm.c u, 1U'"U ariesjunt is suu running , chewing gum members of the weak as first string fullback, while Grif- i er sex. fin is considered the most promising! The " University has had a tele auunuie. . phone installed in every one of its . -J : . : - ii i ii . j ( ri Jack Merntt, member of lastii.'ast i. .... .i t . , ,, ... c lusiaucu uiere ,1 louna tne lan weather after Christmas. For Ph 'W which the Carolina Cafeteria install ed Monday. The Durham Public Service Co. made the sale and installation at a lost of $275. And last night, while testing it out they picked up Zion City, 111., Atlanta, Columbus, etc. The Pittsburg Broadcastinir dinner concert "Little Symphony" was heard ;-ery clearly, as was "Yankee Doodle" and "Onward Christian Soldiers," Nick Claims to have the fir'st Radio Set that has ever been installed in a Cafeteria in America. It will be tuned up every nia-ht. nH li ,. -Jents are cordially invited to drop in ' ana listen to the music. ed by several members of the staff of the School of Education. V. A. Hoyle will speak on the sub ject, "Nine Proofs o fthe Pythagor ean Theorem," at a meeting of the Mathematics club, to be held in room 200, Phillips Hall, at 7:30 o'clock Tuesday night. DR. A. E. COREY TO PREACH i Y Dr. A. E. Cory, of the Gordon Street Church of Christ, Kinston, will delivfr the first monthly University sermon this year, according to recent announcement. 8 W ViiZitf g; i : I 25 and 50 cent tubes 1 i PATTERSON BR01 f :: i it Smith VI if f f clfHS ;' "Hello boys" may 'hello girls." : Carolina is paving the way for this axpanment of masculine substitu conductive of football and also went over to Wake Forest. He found that he would be unable to play on ac count of the Baptist's rule against migratory athletes, and did not reg ister. two self-help students have been ap pointed as rnone Monitors. It is their duty to answer and to deliver messages curing hours when they are on duty, and at other times when they happen to be present, ."iiiii Our Representative Will Display JOHNSTON MURPHEY, WALK-OVER AND J. P. SMITH SHOES At ; Sutton & Alderman On Friday, October 26 E. E. BRAGG CO. Durham, N. C. Furniture Complete House Furniskins Cash and Credit Fraternity Men, See Us Before Equipping Your House 109 W. Chapel Hill St. FIVE POINTS Durham, N. C. Phone 423. I 1 E. V. HOWELL, President C. B. GRIFFIN. Caxhiw FRESHMAN SHOW STUFF We understand the Frenrh rw partment recently dropped a laro-o majority of its students. Doc. Nath an, it is averred, missed classes to be allowed to continue. As result, the French Prnf u,u I much lighter load under which to labor! Now the women have organized a self-help association! Ray, Ray Let's have a football team f A n4 cheer leader from Russell Inn! Poor, deluded freshmen have been catalogued and re-catalogued and will be catalogued some more. It is an old hoax, but like wine, it, seems to work better with age. A group of upper classmen with wily intent se lect a choice freshman of gullible cast of countenence, and warn him on official stationery to be prepared for his catalogue examination to take place whenever the examining board sees fit. The freshman, true to form, labors over the catalogue statistics, steeps his mind with heterogeneous information, armpn nn tv,, How pointed, and wrestles with his nnnrlpr. lhe DroerHtr, ; ,hij. - j " Villi I.JCU . ous questions. After he signs the 1 World Champion Farmer. LUECO LLOYD, Vice-Pres. THE R. P. ANDREWS, Asst. Cashier PEOPLES BANK Chapel Hill, N. C. You folks think we inko 0-mn.. ... vuijum. enap out of it part of this is as serious as the sit uation. Read that business about a cheer leader again! Motion Dietures will K .,v .... - 6i un der the auspices of the School of Commerce, in Gerrard Hall at 7-15 o'clock Tuesday evening, October 23 "U. S. jEiawsniaimra GOLF STOCKING IRONERS I ARE HERE I Send all your golf hose to the laundry " them with your regular laundry. -we will return 11 BO'NESS Nv NoTwtin Grain c'f Distinguisht on all counts but not the type of shoe that "everybody's" wear ing. Designed and bilt for the collej man of dis criminating taste who leads but rarely follows. Imported Norwegian Calf, skin carefully &. pridefully fashioned into a shoe of surpassing merit. Con servativly correct, yet with life &. youth in every line. J?. Addr"5 lor Mail Orden m Duane trect-JcwYutkcS5 PARIS Theatre Durham, N, C. Notice Students When in Durham drop into the fparis; you are assured of the cream of motion pictures. YOU ARE ALWAYS WELCOME LAUNDkY DEPT., U. N. C. P. S Don't forget your Registration Number. NEW ORPHEUM Your Theatre FOR Musical Comedy and Vaudeville 3 Shows Daily - . . c , PRICES Matinea 35 cts. i&Kt 40 ctsj iriiHiHmiiHtuiiKmiriHiiiNi,ijilllirrMIIIIIIIIJirnmjlU0fHIfrmrifIJj.

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