Saturday, March. 28, 192ft Page t THE TAR HEEL Sty Sar i The '- ' ' Leading Southern College Semi-Weekly Newspaper Member of North Carolina Collegiate Press Association Published twice every week of the col lege year, and Is the official newspaper of the Publications Union of the Uni versity of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. C. Subscription price, $2.00 local . and $3.00 out of town, for the college year. Offices on first Building. floor of New West Entered as second-class mail matter at ' the Post Office, Chapel Hill, N. C. J. Saunders J. H. Lineberger. : .S.JSdltor business Manager Editorial Department H. N. Parker Managing Editor W. S. Mclver Attittant Editor W. BL. Pipkin Attittant Editor Reporters M. M. Young O. E. Wilkerson E. S. Barr J. M. Sartin W. T. Peacock Lucy Lay - F. P. Eller J. T. Madry ; R. B. Raney Julian Busby C W. Bawmore J. E. Farrior B. C. Wilson L. A. Crowell Spencer Murphey W. T. Rightsell C. R, Jonas ' Business Department Harold Sebum Advertising Managtr G. L. Hunter Ats't Butinen Managtr H. P. Brandis Circulation Department W. D. Toy, Jr. Circulation Managtr ( Staff . Sebury Thorpe Marvin Fowler Ellis Farber ' T. E. Clemmons Anyone desfrlng to try out for the Busl ' ness Staff apply to Business Manager. You can purchase any article adver tised in The Tar Heel with perfect safety because everything it adver tises is guaranteed to be as repre sented. The Tar Heel solicits adver tising from reputable concerns only. Saturday, March 28, 1925 PARAGRAPHICS Cheerup! Easter holidays aint so fur off. HIGH SCHOOL WEEK It is not long now before high school debaters and high school athletes will be flocking the campus for the annual high "school debating contests and track tennis meets conducted by the University. This is a time when many of the high school pupils get their first impressions of the University and of college. In consideration of this fact it is important that we, as University students, show them the bright side of college life and the important or ganization of a higher educational in' stitution. '.. The mass of students who assemble here are representing the State and the high schools of the State. If the University makes a good impression upon them then perhaps they will be influenced to come to school here. If not that they will be given an idea of the University that will be favorable to carry back to their homes. So the University student body is asked to be as considerate and enter' taining to the high school visitors and their friends and coaches as is possi ble to be. The assistance of many stu dents will be needed in the entertain ment of the visitors and this can best be done through the county club or ganizations. If the clubs will get in touch with the secretary of the Exten sion Division in Alumni building they can be of very 'much service to the committee in charge of arrangements for the week. But the biggest thing' is the general attitude of the campus. No matter how much some individuals may work to make the week 'a success it will fail in many respects if the campus does not enter into the spirit of the week and extend a hearty welcome to the visitors. '- PHI BETA KAPPA ELECTS APRIL 6 Ceremony in Gerrard Hall for v Fraternity. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Dr. Archibald Henderson Will Principle Address. Make Besides politics will serve to keep up interest between now and then. In the springtime the young politi cians' minds turn to thoughts of elec tions. . And if politics are signs of spring then spring is-iera, The political ma chine lis beginning to spin. The new tennis courts look good these days. It is a glorious sight to see all the., courts filled with young tennis sleuths. Over at N. C. Sta"te they have been having a big rucus about Percy Mark's Plastic Age being removed from circula tion in the college library. Latest de velopments disprove the fact. ' " On the' campus of Leland Stanford University there is a flock of sheep that not only keep the grass mowed but also yield $700 in wool annually. Perhaps Ramases is the beginning of a movement to have a flock of sheep a la Leland Stanford here. The idea above is a good one for some lazy self help student at this institution. Probably some such student could get a concession from Dr. Coker to keep a flock of sheep here. The catalogue says that $500 is needed to-carry a student through school a year, so a flock of sheep would give $200 clear profit. Presenting the sheep lawn mower idea reminds us of what a friend of ours did several days ago. It happened that he had received a letter' from some pub lishing company offering to send him a set of five lessons in writing the English language that would absolutely make a master of him all for $2.68. Seeing sev eral glaring grammatical and punctua tion errors in the letter our friend sat down and, wrote to the publishers sug' gesting that they also take the course. i All the fraternity pledges that meas ured up to the registrar's conditions will be given the mystics of the several fra ternities the first of the week. It will be a great time for the freshmen when they are ushered into the lodge rooms and made acquainted with the grip, the sig nification of the colors, the symbols, the secret code and all the other stuff that go to make up fraternities. Then in cuuiue oi weens tne iresnmen will go home for the Easter holidays to strut their newly acquired jewelry.V It will be only a short time until the honorary organizations will be initiating. - I he spring term is always a busy one for the town's ribbon venders. And, too, the initiations or rather some of them are public and are looked forward to by the campus very much, for it is horse play and foolish pranks that dcligluthe average student and the campus in gen eral. The Fleece has tt its tapping date on May.6th-and It is expected tha the Gilded Fuzz will announce its "rapping" ere soon. There is undoubtedly some ex cellent prospects on the campus for the latter organization. We forget to men tion the Booloo club. Th annual Phi Beta Kappa election and address will be held on Monday, April 6, in Gerrard ball at 8:30. The chief speaker of the evening will be Dr. Archibald Henderson. The general public is invited to attend the address and the ceremony. After the address the names of those elected to membership this year will be read and the initiation will follow immediately. Those eligible for this organization are the men who have a standing of 92 or better on their scholastic work during their freshman, sophomore, and first two quarters of their junior years; and have passed off all their required work. One failure on any course automatically re moves a man from consideration for membership. The speaker, Dr. Henderson, is one of the most prominent men in the state and is famous both as a scholar and as a man of letters. As a Phi Beta Kappa him self, he is well fitted to speak on such an occasion Dr. Henderson recently re ceived an offer to leave the University and take the presidency of the University of Oklahoma. In the field of mathemat ics Dr. Henderson stands out as one of the most prominent in the United States. It wits recently made his privilege to have his name in the English Who's Who, which lists only the most notable men in the United States. As an author he is equally well known and is one of the authorities on Bernard Shaw, whom he recently interviewed. DEAN GREENLAW SPEAKS WISDOM Meeting Held in Memory of Dr. Graves. SCHOLARSHIP Why IS TOPIC Do Men Devote Their Lives Research? to At a meeting of the Graduate club held Tuesday evening In memory of Pro fessor Thornton Shirley Graves," the idealism which leads men to devote their lives to scholarship was presented by Dr. Greenlaw. Following a sketch of Dr. Graves' life by Mr. Hibbard, the paper of Dr. Greenlaw" was an interpre tation of the work of Shornton Shirley Graves as a distinguished scholar in the field of English' drama. Dr. Greenlaw pointed out that people sometimes confuse the scholarship of a man1 with the work that he- is doing, the apparently tedious collecting of curious facts that have little practical value and no general interest. Graduate students themselves frequently do not understand the real nature and purpose of scholar ship. They attain merely a general fa miliarity with their subject; they do much labor that passes for discipline and finally they may receive a graduate degree that is needed in locating a job. Into such research students go on faith, regarding it as a sort of martyrdom. But the true scholar has no such nar row View. While he realizes that the greater his scholarship the greater will be his service to others, he looks upon utility as a by-product and not the pri mary function of scholarship. Research is done by such a scholar at the prompt ing of his own inner spirit. The intel lectual passion which he has for truth elevates the' monotonous collecting of facts into a voyage of discovery that con stantly stimulates the mind. , Only by research does a man achieve that intellectual progress which is com parable to the urge of a plant to bear its natural fruit. The influences which would check such progress are immoral. And when a man has once stood on the vantage ground Of truth long enough to make it his- own whether his projected work is all done or not he is able to die satisfild, because he has become im mortal aleady. DEBATING TEAM GOES ON LONG TRIP NORTH Will Meet West Virginia Team In Mor- gantown Monday Three v Men on Trip. The Carolina debating team has gone to Morgantown, West Virginia, to meet a team of the West Virginia University there on Monday night. The Carolina team, composed of S. G. Chappel, C R. Jonas and E. L. Justus, will debate the Mountaineers on the negative side of the query, Resolved That Congress should be given power to override Supreme court decisions that declare Congression al acts unconstitutional. This will be the third debate between the two institutions. Carolina has come out loser on the two former debates, but the LTniversity debaters have undergone an .extensive period of preparation hop ing to secure revenge for former -defeats 11 The West Virginias have recently com pleted an extended chain debating trip that carried them through 20 states. Ten schools were delfuted on this trip and the Supreme court query was used in all of them. It is expected Vhat the Tar Heels will find their opponents well up on the query. SECURITY LIFE AND TRUST CO. ' HOME OFFICE WINSTON-SALEM, N C. Every sensible man believes in insurance, but not every sensi ble man has insurance. So many people are likely to postpone doing the things they know they ought to do, till "next' week, next month, next year". Think! Next month? may never come' for you. ... ' ' " i " ' ' Buy a Policy novo in your Home Company Geo. A. Giunn .Prttidtni C C Tanoa Vict-Prssidsnt and Qtrmal Mgr. ' - Abreast of Times and Ever Onward ;:'-' y:y- X:-. s : : -: ' 1 1903 . . . 350 students registered for work in the University of North Caro lina . i: Chapel Hill almost as Davie left it ... A seven seated cafe opened and it was none other than Gooch's. . 1920 . . . Harding elected President of the United States . . . Dr. II. W. Chase elected President of the University of North Carolina ... Chapel Hill's new . Post Office . . 7 Gooch's reputation continually growing. ' 1022 ... Carolina Wonder Team in football . . .v Southern Basketball Cham pions . . . Southern Baseball Champions . . . Old Inn burned . . . Laundry De xpartment . . . 2,000 students . . gaining in reputation. Gooch's with a seating capacity of 50 still 1923 . .. . Southern Doubles Tennis Champions . . . Goocti opens the College Inn . .. . Carolina Southern Checker Champions .. . First exclusive banquet hall in State opened by Gooch . . . Quality and' Service meant GoocU's. 1925 . . . 2,250 students . '. . Carolina head of American Association of Univer sities . . . Carolina Buccaneer replaces the Boll Weevil . . . Southern Basket ball Champions . Russell. Inn bums ... 40 new tennis courts completed . . . Pickwick rebuilt V.". Gooch's open every night until 2:00 A.M. ... Seating capacity of 180 . . . Quality and Service is what hundreds now get at Gooch's. OPEN FORUM Only Signed Communications Will Be Published. Sherbets Punch "ICE CREAM SPECIALISTS" DUflHAM ICE CREAM Co.,iNG Phones 58 and 59 Fancy ices ' ' Block Ice Cream . TYRANNY ' Editor of the Ta Heel: . 4. Please allow me space in your Open Forum column to say a few words about the University ruling concerning illness and probation. Students who were so unfortunate as to be in the infirmary on Monday, March 23, the first day of the. spring quarter, have been put on probation for missing classes on that day. In spite of the fact that some students were ill and were not able to -register before Monday, when they recover and start to register they t informed that an extra charge of 00 will be made for late registration and that they will be on probation for the remainder of the quarter. A writ ten certificate from the University Phy sician will not be accepted as an excuse for late registration or for failing to at tend classes on the first day of the quar ter. V - ' s Now it seems to me that "It is- unfair to penalize a student for something that he cannot help. ' No student would spend a week or 10 days in the infirmary if he could possibly avoid it. It is a very unpleasant experience. Yet we have among us here in this great institution men who are so narrow-minded, so in considerate, so unreasonable, and so un generous as to deem sickness a sufficient offense for probation. It seems hard for an intelligent being to conceive of such men being among us, but they are here. It. is not the severity of the penalty that am calling- to your attention, but the principle that underlies it. ' The most of us go to classes whether we are com pelled to or not. The thing that I can not understand is how men who are sup posed to 6e of ordinary intelligence can refuse to insert stipulations in their rules to cover cases of illness. If there is any freshman at the University of ' North Carolina who would not exercise sounder judgment in formulating rules than those men who passed the above ruling, it is my opinion that he made'the greatest mistake of his life when he decided to come to this institution rather than to go to the one,at "Dix Hill" In Raleigh. Such ruling as I have mentioned is a re flection upon the University that ought to be wiped out. .". .;-. C. W. H. Shepherd Improved The condition of Jimmy Shepherd, who has been suffering from the results of his fall out of Steele last week, is re ported as much Improved. His hip and the fractured bones in both wrists have been set, and news, from the Infirmary indicates that he is much better. G. W. Dill, J. C. Hord, E. H. Tate and W. LWest spent the week-end in tlichmond, where they assisted In the Installation of the Alpha Delta chapter of Phi Delta Chi, at the Medical College of Virginia. " ' iKJE fEVUE TJErJOEMAlL HMMLL " 7 Big Acts 7 Changes of Scenery and Costume : . i - ,.. . f,. 8 Man Buck Dancing Team 6 Man Mouth Harp Team 2'Big Professional Acts Dazzling Radium Scene 66 in company 45 jokes 25 songs 25 lighting effects 28 black-faces 90 costumes 14-piece orchestra 3 "high brown mamas" SEATS on Sale MONDAY at PATTERSON'S PllICES: Rush, 75c; Reserved, $1.25; School Children 50c. ' v - "Carolina's Biggest Show" About this time of the year no one's reputation is safe at the Ohio State uni versity, for the Yellow Spyder, the scan dal sheet published by the members of SigqjA Delta Chi, the national honorary journalistic fraternity, makes its appear ance. It is needless to say that no one is snared, not even the professors. The faculty of Johns Hopkins In Bal timore, are planning to eliminate the undergraduate department and to make the university simply a graduate school and scientific research department. The Delta Pi fraternity announces the pledging of Allen Edens Bond,' of Row land, on March 80, 1925.

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